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"Turkey asks Germany to prosecute comedian over Erdoan poem"

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I was responding to a drive-by shit post, that implied US laws are superior. Well, tough shit, they are not- in many, many ways. Especially, if you consider this is an outdated law that hasn't been in use for many decades- just like some crazy laws in the US. I didn't say or indicate, that "insane speech restrictions are okay then", so stop putting words into my mouth.

No, this is the "adequate response to drive-by shit posts" stage.

I think you need to learn to take an L. Imagine if you were posting in an American gun violence thread and someone responded "Well, at least America has a functional currency!" That would be the actual shitpost.

I mean, if you're so salty you just have to respond with a bout of whataboutism, at least whine about why you don't like American free speech laws, rather than about something completely unrelated.


Gotta say, respect to Varoufakis for staying in for Böhmermann.
He is returning the favor, Jan did a great job with #varoufake

I think you need to learn to take an L. Imagine if you were posting in an American gun violence thread and someone responded "Well, at least America has a functional currency!" That would be the actual shitpost.

I mean, if you're so salty you just have to respond with a bout of whataboutism, at least whine about why you don't like American free speech laws, rather than about something completely unrelated.
Or americans try to not transfer american views on europe all the time. For my part, I think its insane that people are allowed to dress like they are at a Reichsparteitag and make a public event.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Talk about some thin skin. I almost wish a bigger more well known world wide comedian would start dropping some comedic bombs on Erdrogan. Get that on youtube or live broadcast TV and just dump all over him. Love to hear him ask Australia to send Jim Jeffries over for punishment or asking the US to force Louis CK to apologize.


Talk about some thin skin. I almost wish a bigger more well known world wide comedian would start dropping some comedic bombs on Erdrogan. Get that on youtube or live broadcast TV and just dump all over him. Love to hear him ask Australia to send Jim Jeffries over for punishment or asking the US to force Louis CK to apologize.

I would love for some of the bigger names getting involved.
Jan was getting ready to be on an American late night show (he never named it though). But I guess that's gonna be later.
Oh boy, gonna be fun times for Merkel now that she (basically) allowed idiots to play her like a fiddle. Fully expecting such grand guys like Seehofer, Orban, Putin, etc. to just shrug her off, even more than before.


No, it's the right thing to do. It's up to a court to decide whether or not the poem was against the law, not to the government. Seperation of power at work.

This. I love Böhmermann, but this is the right way. They will get rid of the law and I am pretty sure nothing will happen in court
No, it's the right thing to do. It's up to a court to decide whether or not the poem was against the law, not to the government. Seperation of power at work.

This is not the situation where diplomacy is the appropriate response. Deferring to the courts makes Merkel look weak and unwilling to defend her own people's freedoms from a tyrant.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
This is not the situation where diplomacy is the appropriate response. Deferring to the courts makes Merkel look weak and unwilling to defend her own people's freedoms from a tyrant.

Deferring it to the courts is probably the right thing to do. My main issue with Merkel here is not that she is leaving the tasks to the courts. She should have condemned this entire procedure and that specific law more forcefully.


but it really is not and should not be the chancellor's call. this is called seperation of powers. she is not a dictator like erdogan.


"Up to the courts to decide."

Good looking out for your citizens there Merkel.

Surprised that a person who didn't care about our laws in the refugee crisis suddenly thinks courts should handle this case where our values and freedoms are at risk.


No, it's the right thing to do. It's up to a court to decide whether or not the poem was against the law, not to the government. Seperation of power at work.

It's due to this:

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/apr/14/obscure-german-law-angela-merkel-recep-tayyip-erdogan said:
The legal oddity that allows Turkey’s president to do so is paragraph 103 of the German criminal code, concerning insults against organs or representatives of foreign states – a paragraph so rarely used that even many seasoned lawyers and politicians had never heard of it until this week.

“Paragraph 103 has been around for ever, but has rarely been used,” said Holger Heinen, a lawyer who completed his PhD on the subject.

Triggering the law requires both a notification from the offended party and an authorisation from the government. The former exists now that Erdoğan has personally registered his displeasure. The latter is Merkel’s dilemma.
Well, to be fair "Up to the courts to decide", last I checked, was indeed the usual procedure any sane politician should take.
While I know the whole story isn't updated yet but I hope she would show some kind of support for her citizen.

Like something along the lines of "I'll let this proceed but I'm honestly surprised the leader of a nation would be be so thin-skinned and be insulted by the jokes of a comedian..."


What the fuck is wrong with you germany? Or in particular Merkel in a world of democracy there is none no freedom of speech just because bending over for that shithead erdogan.


Pathetic. Just shows how little power Merkel has left. She totally fucked it up with the refugee crisis and now has to bow to that scumbag.
Feeling ashamed of this government. No surprise people are voting for AfD.
Doesn't make them more intelligent.

Stupid move by Merkel (from my personal standpoint).

But what I suspect is that she's pleasing Erdogan with this, but nothing will happen to Böhmermann, maybe not that dumb from a "Game of Thrones" standpoint. :p

But fuck it, I really dislike Erdogan.
Oh, this is gonna be a beautiful shitstorm...


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
At least we are getting rid of that silly paragraph.

We have hade some discussions here on how Europe and the US see "freedom of speech" in the context of cases like hate speech, holocaust denial, etc. It's stories like this here that make me as a German side more with free speech fundamentalists. A maximally powerful state leader should not be able to bully a comedian over a joke, no matter how offensive.


At least we are getting rid of that silly paragraph.

We have hade some discussions here on how Europe and the US see "freedom of speech" in the context of cases like hate speech, holocaust denial, etc. It's stories like this here that make me as a German side more with free speech fundamentalists.

Or in Satire is a punishment now pathetic display from merkel as whole.
Ah, the house of cards of trying to have your cake and eat it, too ...

Well, she probably knows that he'll get naught but a slap on the wrist or maybe not even that, especially since the law is set to be abolished now, which the courts, having had a low probability of conviction already, will probably interpret as a signal to, well, deal with this one accordingly.

So she gets to appease Erdogan as well as abolish that outdated law, which, too, is no doubt an attempt both to appease public opinion as well as prevent another time where she'll be put in the oh so uncomfortable position of having to choose between an autocratic child and one of her citizens.

It is a move worthy of a politician. It'll no doubt still anger a good percentage of the population, though.
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