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Ubi - "Wii U owners don't buy AC", Watch_Dogs their last M-rated WiiU release.

The problem is, that the people who own a WiiU, who would be buying these kinds of games, in most cases also own a PS360, where they have been playing the previous outings, with achievements and DLC etc... or they own a PS4/XBO where superior versions can be found. I think there is a big part of the WiiU userbase that are WiiU only gamers, but these just aren't typically the people buying those types of games.

I'm a WiiU only gamer (don't even play on PC anymore) who bought AC3, AC4, Child of Light, ZombiU and Splinter Cell Blacklist. So i did my part.

Just buy Watch Dogs next whenever you have the money no rush it should still be there sometime next yeah

I commend you for still being WiiU only, I broke down and have a White PS4 on pre-order on Amazon can't be without those open world racing games and open world shooters

WiiU only is going to get much better next yeah
lol. don't take any personal offence. :)
you are completely and utterly incorrect in any word used in your sentence. that's ok though.

just because i call you out on your factual innacuray, doesn't make me a fanboy of said system.
i call out ignorance when i see it. if you don't like being called out, then don't be ignorant. :)

Did you even read the thread title.

Fucking Ubisoft, the western company with the strongest Nintendo support, says that their games don't sell on WiiU.
But yeah, Ubisoft just realized that they hate Nintendo for some reasons and stop supporting the console because of irrational reasons.
I'm not moving anything. Even after Durante's fix, DS port is still far from ideal and runs well only because gaming PCs are ridiculously more powerful than old gen consoles (and it's still locked at 30fps iirc). It's still a crappy port but PC gamers bought it anyway because they wanted it. PS3 gamers bought a ton of CoD even if it was the worst version and 360 had timed exclusive on DLCs because they wanted CoD no matter what.

Now ask yourself how many people want AC on WiiU. Sure, Ubi's strategy wasn't flawless, but let's not act like it's the main factor that prevented their games to be successful.

Its unlocked. We bought it because its the best version and its five bucks for an eternity now.

Creed and some other ports don't sell because they are late, lackluster, more expensive and lack features. The excuse "nothing sells but mario is literally older than the internet but was never true if you treat the fanbase as actual human beings with an iq over 50. There are even games that outsell its versions on ios and android. Stop giving us expensive lazy & late ports with even less features and we might buy your game.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yes, Multiplat M-rated games aren't selling on the WiiU. Does that mean the audience doesn't want mature titles, or that they're just playing those games elsewhere?
Maybe a bit of both? ZombiU was only available on Wii U yet it failed. Perhaps an issue of launching with the system? The rest, though, could very well be due to the fact that, technically speaking, the Wii U versions of these games (such as both AC titles) are worse than every other version. AC3 and 4 both run the slowest on Wii U. If I own other platforms why would I ever choose that version?

It's a tough situation. Once again people seem to prefer buying Nintendo games for Nintendo consoles. More power may not have solved it. After all, Gamecube was a very powerful machine for its time yet it didn't really help third parties there either.

It's still a crappy port but PC gamers bought it anyway because they wanted it. PS3 gamers bought a ton of CoD even if it was the worst version and 360 had timed exclusive on DLCs because they wanted CoD no matter what.
I suspect the issue is that fans of these types of games probably already own another platform in which the game is available.
I love my Wii U and I'm kind of interested in getting AC4, I've been tempted to buy it these days, since it's on a sale on the eShop (15€ right now), but I won't, I'll wait for a good sale on steam or on the PSN. I love the Wii U, but it's an underpowered platform, and multiplatform games are better on these other systems. I totally understand Ubisoft on this subject, they've tried to port their mature games on Wii U, and it sells like shit. At least they tried, but the core problem comes from the Wii U, as long as Nintendo will continue to make under powered consoles, they'll have troubles with third party devs.
Full list of Ubisoft support for the Wii U:

1) Assassin's Creed III - 2012 > yay same game every year
2) ESPN Sports Connection - 2012 > wtf?!?
3) Just Dance 4 - 2012 > sure it doesn't seem like they thought Wii audience was still here
4) Marvel Avengers: Battle For Earth - 2012 > meh
5) Rabbids Land - 2012 > lol no
6) ZombiU - 2012 > bought day 1

7) Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag - 2013 > was in a PS3 bundle I bought... (launch PS3 died last november) but I may have bought it since it's a great port (reading Nintendo GAF comments)
8) Just Dance 2014 - 2013 > see previous Just Dance comment
9) Just Dance Kids 2014 - 2013
10) Rayman Legends - 2013 > bought day 1
11) The Smurfs 2 - 2013 > rofl
12) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Blacklist - 2013 > bought
13) Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 - 2013 > I'm ok running in the forest near my house

14) Cloudberry Kingdom - 2014 > had it for free on PS Vita (in 2013)
15) Child of Light - 2014 > bought
16) Just Dance 2015 - 2014 > ok so now 3 games of the same franchise...
17) Watch_Dogs - 2014 > I won't buy it since it's a bad game but if Ubi known how to make great sandbox games I would have bought it

That's 17 releases on the system...more than enough support.

That's 4 games I bought on 4 different franchises.
I'm guilty of not buying 3 Just Dance games, 2 Assassin's Creed games, 1 Smurf game, 1 Rabbids game, 1 Your Shape game.... oh it seems I miss the best of gaming the past two years :(


Now this is good news. The gamepad isn't a compelling enough differentiator and the hardware is just too far behind to justify buying it these these types of games on WiiU. Hopefully we see some nice quirky games out of it though.
those were not the real deal because I owned all of those on my WiiU so I know I did my part and tried shit I did not even like NBA2k is not even my thing but I had it

Pre-Order is where it was at and I was eShop only

So my sales did not count for shit and WiiU versions of mostly all of these games above had no Pre-Order bonuses or even offers so yeah not real deal because they already knew where to target that is were those deals went

for some of those the WiiU box did not even show up in early ads for months we had to find COD was coming to WiiU from silly online shops in Spain and shit so come on son give us some credit we were already screwed before it begun

As I've also said before, 3rd parties can't pay bills with excuses.

Typical DLC sells to like 10-20% of the game owners, and most preorder bonuses are completely superfluous.

Preorder bonuses and Target ads are not why the PS4 and Xbox One (which actually has gotten a number of bad ports relative to its rival, much like the PS3) versions were selling 10x as much last fall. People were actually buying the consoles to play those games. The shitty Vita spinoffs of CoD and AC outsold the Wii U versions of the real games.

It's great that you bought NBA 2k, but no one else did, which is why the Wii U doesn't have any simulation sports games any longer. As we've seen with the PS4/One and with the PS360, the first year of any console is drowned in ports with only a handful of standout titles. Somehow, those console owners managed to not cut off their noses to spite their faces because of a few dropped frames or underwhelming resolution choices, especially compared to PC for a number of titles.

Edit: As shinra-bansho said above, most consumers are wholly ignorant of minor differences in multiplatform titles.

Nintendo will always get relatively underwhelming versions of 3rd party software as long as their hardware is relatively underwhelming. If no one bought games because the guy down the street got an extra map pack, Destiny would bomb on everything that isn't PS4. But keep up the persecution complex, the "me against the world" schtick seems to be working out really well for Nintendo and its fans.


By now people who game on a Nintendo are just used to waiting long times to buy the really interesting games. Ubisoft repackaging the same game six times a year with a different skin might work on the other consoles, but Nintendo fans know to wait it out for a good one to arrive.


I got a bridge to sell. Wanna buy it? Where was survival horror on PS3/360? Nowhere to be found. The best survival horror that was released was Amy. A downloadable game, that was torn down.

Survival horror not being on PS360 in general is a case of devs suddenly deciding the genre is not popular enough to make money off of because.... reasons.

The moment a high quality game catches a whiff of the being in the genre like The Last Of Us it sells exceedingly well, and there was plenty of those type of games on PC, so it must be because console devs thought no explosions every 5 seconds = no sales.


Guys guys guys... listen..
If bayonetta 2 happens to sell over a million copy in about 6 to a year.. Then perhaps there might still be hope for other matured games...
Now that's that.
ANother thing is IF THE NEXT CALL OF DUTY - advanced warfare isn't released on the WI\ii U.. Then you bet your ass Nintendo better start worrying because this is a new low for third party support.. I mean a real real new low.

EDIT: finally came here to say that this isn't boding well for Ninty.. COD is not releasing on the WiiU ....


As a wiiu owner who has ac 1,2,3 and another one I can't remember the name of on the 360, I make him right. I never bought 4 on wiiu as I am tired of the formula and don't think the games are that great at all.


I'm a Wii U owner with zero Ubi Soft games, and zero intentions of buying any.

So I wish him the best on other systems.


Not really a surprise. After having shitty sales 2 years straight it only makes sense to pull out of the platform. There are so many poor selling Wii U versions of games that the platform really isn't a safe bet unless you're an indie developer (who can also port to PC and other platforms), making casual games (Just Dance), or games catered to kids (Skylanders, LEGO, Sonic).

Really wish Nintendo starts giving a shit about third parties by their next console, but from Iwata's comments on the matter I expect the Wii U's third party environment to carry over to future devices.

Because it is already playable on Wii U?

I got a bridge to sell. Wanna buy it? Where was survival horror on PS3/360? Nowhere to be found. The best survival horror that was released was Amy. A downloadable game, that was torn down.
To be fair you aren't the average consumer. There is 5.4 games sold to each Wii U (ltd sales of software divided by ltd hardware). As far as I know that even includes digital titles, since the data is from the latest financial report.

Most of the highest selling titles are casual games (Wii Party U/Nintendo Land), Mario games/spin offs, or Zelda. Most third party games that aren't kid games or casual games sell horribly on the platform due to the userbase built up by Nintendo. It wouldn't be too far from the truth to say Mario games are what most Wii U owners are buying.
Well, these titles actually didn't fare too well on Wii U:
Wii Fit U
Wii Sports: Club
Wonderful 101
Sing Party
Pikmin 3
Game & Wario

Maybe it's just me, but the reason I don't own a Wii U is because I knew it didn't stand a chance of playing multi-plat games past the first 2/3 years of its life. As soon as PS3/360 stopped getting multi-plats, and it all went to the PS4/One, it was obvious to me that Wii U would be dropped as well because of the (comparatively) weak hardware. I wanted to know my next console purchase would see me though the next console generation.

If the Wii U was a console that made me think "this will play the next Elder Scrolls game, the next Fallout, the next-gen Assassin's Creed games, the next Mass Effect, the next Battlefield, the next-gen Arkham, the next Witcher" etc, then I absolutely would have bought one over a PS4. I would LOVE to play Pikmin 3, Windwaker HD, Mario, Donkey Kong, pretty much any first party title from Nintendo. Such an awesome first party lineup! But without third party I went with a PS4 instead, and I can't justify buying a second console exclusively for their first party titles.

To clarify: I think a big reason those games aren't selling is because a lot of the gamers who are interested them, aren't interested in the Wii U. It's a console aimed at a casual crowd, not the core gamers, with Nintendo wondering why their core-focused games aren't selling well.


oh come on forgive them this one last time they promise to stop trolling the WiiU like this because you guys don't buy things when they just delay what you cared about

I'll make you a deal I'll buy Rayman Legends and Watch Dogs on WiiU if you just buy Watch Dogs on WiiU?

Did you buy Rayman Legends on WiiU?
I don't want to buy Watch dogs on Wii U, because the delay shows that Ubisoft don't care and has made me very sceptical on whether the quality of the game will be up to par. They probably won't prove me wrong... even with simple things like the potential gamepad features which I expect there to be none of. But, if the game does turn out well... I'll buy it later on like I did with Rayman Legends.
Those versions were promoted at the very least. The Wii U versions weren't. Mass Effect 3 was missing DLC. EA announced the trilogy around the same time. I was ready to buy that version, but opted not to. Ninja Gaiden 3 was a late port of a game people weren't happy with in the first place. I wanted to pick up Tekken Tag, but my friends were already playing other versions.

Batman got hammered on day one. Let's not forget those pics going around laughing at how crappy that port was.

The PS3 guys at least knew they were getting support simply by it being connected to the 360. Did the PS3 miss out on online play or DLC that wasn't due to some sort of exclusivity deal?

That is true, but PS3 owners got other things such as worst framerates, worst resolution, worst performance and other noticeable issues(Bayonetta, Smackdown 2008, COD3, Tony Hawk, etc). Honestly, I do not know if things like DLC are that much of a determining factor for third party titles, so I cannot comment on that. Third parties did give WiiU a chance though and most of the companies experienced the same results despite their efforts whether they were good ports or lackluster ports. What was wrong with COD: Ghosts where to my knowledge the PS4 version outsold it on preorders alone before the PS4 was even available? Doesn't Assassin Creed 4 and WatchDogs have extra content on PS4 not found on Xbox 1? Seems like other versions of those games didn't have much problem achieving admirable numbers on other systems. I just do not think the demographic for those type of games are on the Wii U.


Its unlocked. We bought it because its the best version and its five bucks for an eternity now.

Creed and some other ports don't sell because they are late, lackluster, more expensive and lack features. The excuse "nothing sells but mario is literally older than the internet but was never true if you treat the fanbase as actual human beings with an iq over 50. There are even games that outsell its versions on ios and android. Stop giving us expensive lazy & late ports with even less features and we might buy your game.

Because the average customer gives any fuck about a game running slightly worse or missing a couple of DLC missions? Come on. I never said "only Mario sells" because it's false, I said that AC and other big AAA blockbusters didn't stand a chance on WiiU because their audience isn't there. It's on PS360 and now it's moving to X1/PS4. Having perfect or cheaper ports would've resulted in slightly better sales, maybe, but that's it.

Also, this:

As I've also said before, 3rd parties can't pay bills with excuses.

Typical DLC sells to like 10-20% of the game owners, and most preorder bonuses are completely superfluous.

Preorder bonuses and Target ads are not why the PS4 and Xbox One (which actually has gotten a number of bad ports relative to its rival, much like the PS3) versions were selling 10x as much last fall. People were actually buying the consoles to play those games. The shitty Vita spinoffs of CoD and AC outsold the Wii U versions of the real games.

It's great that you bought NBA 2k, but no one else did, which is why the Wii U doesn't have any simulation sports games any longer. As we've seen with the PS4/One and with the PS360, the first year of any console is drowned in ports with only a handful of standout titles. Somehow, those console owners managed to not cut off their noses to spite their faces because of a few dropped frames or underwhelming resolution choices, especially compared to PC for a number of titles.

Edit: As shinra-bansho said above, most consumers are wholly ignorant of minor differences in multiplatform titles.

Nintendo will always get relatively underwhelming versions of 3rd party software as long as their hardware is relatively underwhelming. If no one bought games because the guy down the street got an extra map pack, Destiny would bomb on everything that isn't PS4. But keep up the persecution complex, the "me against the world" schtick seems to be working out really well for Nintendo and its fans.

Well said.
As I've also said before, 3rd parties can't pay bills with excuses.

Typical DLC sells to like 10-20% of the game owners, and most preorder bonuses are completely superfluous.

Preorder bonuses and Target ads are not why the PS4 and Xbox One (which actually has gotten a number of bad ports relative to its rival, much like the PS3) versions were selling 10x as much last fall. People were actually buying the consoles to play those games. The shitty Vita spinoffs of CoD and AC outsold the Wii U versions of the real games.

It's great that you bought NBA 2k, but no one else did, which is why the Wii U doesn't have any simulation sports games any longer. As we've seen with the PS4/One and with the PS360, the first year of any console is drowned in ports with only a handful of standout titles. Somehow, those console owners managed to not cut off their noses to spite their faces because of a few dropped frames or underwhelming resolution choices, especially compared to PC for a number of titles.

Nintendo will always get relatively underwhelming versions of 3rd party software as long as their hardware is relatively underwhelming. If no one bought games because the guy down the street got an extra map pack, Destiny would bomb on everything that isn't PS4. But keep up the persecution complex, the "me against the world" schtick seems to be working out really well for Nintendo and its fans.

Dude I can agree with you that 3rd Parties want get paid for all I care stay away from Nintendo platforms not even a fan of 3rd Party games would buy that shit on WiiU

Gamers know the deal man you want a good port buy on Playstation or Xbox

3rd Parties don't need excuses and you don't need to make excuses for them wanting to get paid

they don't get a pass of shitty ports and they don't get a pass for poor advertising

they want WiiU sales stop hiding your WiiU version of COD you made it show it
no excuses needed you know where you would want to play your COD and if that was my cup of tea Xbox One is the better place for he next COD why not PS4 because MS always gets the best shit DLC exclusives on COD

You want Destiny get a PS4 why because Sony and Bungie are playing nice nice

Should I care about 3rd Parties on my WiiU hells no I had my meltdowns last year, I'm buying a PS4 No Excuses needed


I played the terrible port of Bayonetta on the PS3, because that's what I owned, and I wanted to play it.

Hmm, for me it was the exact opposite. I wanted to play it. Saw that the port is even worse than the typical PS3 software quality and didn't buy it. At all. Would I buy a 360 for it? Hell no. I'm now very happy that they are releasing Bayonetta 1 on Wii U as well and will buy that one.

Just play a few 1st party games and 3rd party games on Wii U. The QA difference is insane. Even when the 3rd party game received 5 patches already and the 1st party game didn't get a single patch. This shit works on other platforms, because 1st party games on those platforms have lousy QA as well. Sure, not as bad as the typical 3rd party game QA, but still bad (I'm looking at you Uncharted 3 - I played it 6 months after release and still got weird glitches even in single player, especially the horse part was extremely broken).

Splinter Cell Blacklist for example. The competitive multiplayer freezes the console after 2 or 3 rounds unless you open a port on your firewall. Yeah, you heard me right. I have no idea how they managed to do this. I remember something similar happened on PS3.

People saying they tried, lol. I am not gonna shit on Ubi, they did release some of their bigger IPs on the Wii U. But what'd you expect? They are selling games that has been building up a fanbase for what? 6-7 years on the PS3 and 360.

Right. That was idiotic as well. "Let's release the last game of our trilogy on Wii U, where one of the main features is taking over progress from the previous games. And now we should also release the full trilogy on the other 2 platforms. Wait, why did the Wii U version sell like shit? Wii U audience doesn't like "mature" games like this."

Sometimes I think that one of the requirements to be an executive is to have brain damage.


Not really a surprise. After having shitty sales 2 years straight it only makes sense to pull out of the platform. There are so many poor selling Wii U versions of games that the platform really isn't a safe bet unless you're an indie developer (who can also port to PC and other platforms), making casual games (Just Dance), or games catered to kids (Skylanders, LEGO, Sonic).

Really wish Nintendo starts giving a shit about third parties by their next console, but from Iwata's comments on the matter I expect the Wii U's third party environment to carry over to future devices.

To be fair you aren't the average consumer. There is 5.4 games sold to each Wii U (ltd sales of software divided by ltd hardware). As far as I know that even includes digital titles, since the data is from the latest financial report.

Most of the highest selling titles are casual games (Wii Party U/Nintendo Land), Mario games/spin offs, or Zelda. Most third party games that aren't kid games or casual games sell horribly on the platform due to the userbase built up by Nintendo. It wouldn't be too far from the truth to say Mario games are what most Wii U owners are buying.

People saying they tried, lol. I am not gonna shit on Ubi, they did release some of their bigger IPs on the Wii U. But what'd you expect? They are selling games that has been building up a fanbase for what? 6-7 years on the PS3 and 360. You can't expect people to suddenly start playing those sequels on the Wii U. This includes games for other publishers too, like COD, Mass Effect, Batman etc. To see if the Wii U is worthwhile they needed a new big IP on the Wii U with no fanbase yet. That game was Watch_Dogs, but yeah, that game turned into their biggest excuse to never release games of that kind anymore.
By now people who game on a Nintendo are just used to waiting long times to buy the really interesting games. Ubisoft repackaging the same game six times a year with a different skin might work on the other consoles, but Nintendo fans know to wait it out for a good one to arrive.

Nintendo's hardcore fans who actually fit this MO of never playing 3rd party games are the fastest dwindling market in gaming. So much so that no one, even Nintendo's previously biggest supporters, cares to try and placate them any longer. Everyone who cares to actually play 3rd party games has moved onto other consoles or PC, "people who game on Nintendo" is barely an audience anymore.


So, there goes the only big third party left, right? Well, they're not really gone, but I honestly doubt if we ("the not so very casual") really care about those song and dance games. To each their own though.
Did you even read the thread title.

Fucking Ubisoft, the western company with the strongest Nintendo support, says that their games don't sell on WiiU.
But yeah, Ubisoft just realized that they hate Nintendo for some reasons and stop supporting the console because of irrational reasons.

And Ubi concludes that :
- guys, let's try to make games matching more Nintendo's audience like Rayman
- guys let's try to make more little games like Child of Light, Valiant Hearts and put them on Wii U instead of big AAA games which are already on PS3 / 360 systems everyone owns or games that would suffer comparison with their PS4 / Xbox One counterparts
- guys why don't keep supporting dedicated franchises like Zombi U and maybe we could ask for Nintendo support since it's exclusive
- and so on...

- Nintendo audience don't buy our games > they are the problem !

Like I said since some editors consider that I'm not their audience I just don't buy their games on ANY system. EA could close I couldn't care less. Ubi is on the fence.

So yeah PdotMichael, you seem good to work in Ubi Marketing team.


"WiiU owners dont buy AC" sure i dont, these games suck. Remember the "Ubisoft game review thread"?

The same way i wont buy watch dogs: xbone/ps4 people already played it and told me it was lame.

Every time people complain about the lack of third party support on wiiu i have to renember them: third parties are not the same anymore. Konami is dead, Capcom is dead, we wish EA were dead and the least said about Activision the better

Even xbone/ps4 owners are a lot more excited about its own exclusives than the multiplat games

The real loss here is the death of the zombiu series. Zombiu was something completely off the charts: its a broken game, that came from a disaster of a development stage, and yet its one of the best games ive played in the last 10 years


Hen, meet egg. AAA ports don't sell because there's no fanbase to support them. There's no fanbase because there's not enough (and often too low quality) AAA support.

Oh well. They tried, gotta give 'em that.


Maturity, bitches.
I tried to buy AssCreed for Wii U at launch directly from UbiSoft.

They cancelled my order.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I think it was patently obvious that Ubi treated Wii U owners like second class citizens after Rayman-delay-gate. It showed me that my money was better spent elsewhere.
Nintendo's hardcore fans who actually fit this MO of never playing 3rd party games are the fastest dwindling market in gaming. So much so that no one, even Nintendo's previously biggest supporters, cares to try and placate them any longer. Everyone who cares to actually play 3rd party games has moved onto other consoles or PC, "people who game on Nintendo" is barely an audience anymore.

I see your post as Troll tactic every time you bring up this Nintendo Fan MO thing

lumping shit together to make a point kinda takes away from the good points you are making that are worth the read dude

get off the fan bashing shit so maybe those fanboys you dislike so much will behave better yah know

You can't really down a gamer for liking something man
Chû Totoro;126079304 said:
And Ubi concludes that :
- guys, let's try to make games matching more Nintendo's audience like Rayman
- guys let's try to make more little games like Child of Light, Valiant Hearts and put them on Wii U instead of big AAA games which are already on PS3 / 360 systems everyone owns or games that would suffer comparison with their PS4 / Xbox One counterparts
- guys why don't keep supporting dedicated franchises like Zombi U and maybe we could ask for Nintendo support since it's exclusive
- and so on...

- Nintendo audience don't buy our games > they are the problem !

Like I said since some editors consider that I'm not their audience I just don't buy their games on ANY system. EA could close I couldn't care less. Ubi is on the fence.

So yeah PdotMichael, you seem good to work in Ubi Marketing team.

Yes, we at Ubisoft love to throw money away with not supporting Nintendo even longer.

Maybe you will realize someday that such decisions are made based on facts. No company with >1b revenue decides such things based on irrational hate.


Nintendo's hardcore fans who actually fit this MO of never playing 3rd party games are the fastest dwindling market in gaming. So much so that no one, even Nintendo's previously biggest supporters, cares to try and placate them any longer. Everyone who cares to actually play 3rd party games has moved onto other consoles or PC, "people who game on Nintendo" is barely an audience anymore.
It does seem that there is a certain contingent that love 'Nintendo games' as opposed to 'video games'. You don't see that with the other two. Perhaps because they don't have such a coherent brand identity for their first party titles, which is something of a double-edged sword.
"WiiU owners dont buy AC" sure i dont, these games suck. Remember the "Ubisoft game review thread"?

The same way i wont buy watch dogs: xbone/ps4 people already played it and told me it was lame.

Every time people complain about the lack of third party support on wiiu i have to renember them: third parties are not the same anymore. Konami is dead, Capcom is dead, we wish EA were dead and the least said about Activision the better

Even xbone/ps4 owners are a lot more excited about its own exclusives than the multiplat games

The real loss here is the death of the zombiu series. Zombiu was something completely off the charts: its a broken game, that came from a disaster of a development stage, and yet its one of the best games ive played in the last 10 years

On forums, sure, but you need to take a reality check if you think Drive Club, Bloodborne, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza Horizon will sell nearly as well as Batman, AC Unity, Advanced Warfare, Madden, or Hardline.

I see your post as Troll tactic every time you bring up this Nintendo Fan MO thing

lumping shit together to make a point kinda takes away from the good points you are making that are worth the read dude

get off the fan bashing shit so maybe those fanboys you dislike so much will behave better yah know

You can't really down a gamer for liking something man

I'm not bashing anything, the poster in question bought up the hypothetical Nintendo hardcore fan (with the stereotype that poor 3rd sales are simply because their taste is too good). I simply stated that the number of people who fit that profile (interested in all of Nintendo's games and only flawless 3rd party ports and/or exclusives so they aren't "insulted" by the existence of better PS/Xbox versions) is so small that it's not worth anyone's time to pursue. It's far more likely that what remains of Nintendo's core console fans simply don't care about these kinds of experiences, though both scenarios have the same end result.


I have only first party games for Wii U, but half my 3DS library is third party.

It's not about blind loyalty, it's game tastes.
Nintendo fight with third parties goes back to the 90's so it's not a new phenomenon. Even during the Gamecube years, their efforts were abysmal (there was no Grand Theft Auto at all).
But this is kind of the same thing we've seen on Nintendo platforms since the Gamecube.
I have to fight anyone that tries to say GC had no third party support, for one, publishers like EA, Activision, THQ and Ubisoft were publishing for the console to it's dying day, and people seem to forget this because there are always comparisons of Wii U's third party support compared to Gamecubes, but it was never, ever this bad on Gamecube. And GTA was coming to the 'cube, but the rumour was that low sales of Smuggler's Run: Warzone caused the game to be canned. Also, check the site that shall not be named for some of the sales of third party games, they're not great, but there were at least 3 or 4 Need for Speeds (in 2003!) that sold over 1 million as well as the Resident Evil games. Wii U is a completely different case. And back on topic, I have more Ubisoft games than Nintendo games so I've been supporting them, and this whole thing about ACIV not having DLC, who cares? It wouldn't have made a difference to sales (It didn't for Arkham Origins).
Well, they tried
Exactly. Can't blame them for trying. Yes, we'll have the naysayers that say Watchdogs should have been day and date, but really, we all know it would have still sold like shit anyway. Financially, if I was running Ubisoft, I would have scrapped Watchdogs by now. Most likely gonna be a loss.


...hate me...
"what?! watch_dogs is still coming, just like they always said it was? delayed actually means delayed?"

What's next, Project CARS releasing as well?
IMHO it's the only way for Ubisoft to look at the problem. Ubisoft are in the marked to sell games, nothing more nothing less.

Still, I think claiming that all mature-rated software is destined to fail on WiiU just because ZombiU and AC IV were failures is a bit of an oversight. It certainly proves that big AAA M-rated games don't move on the system, but other games can be labeled as Mature and blacklisted just the same. I wonder how something like Valiant Hearts might have fared on the eShop - it's a game where the platform differences are minimal, so it may be a clearer tell of how smaller mature games would sell.
I think it was patently obvious that Ubi treated Wii U owners like second class citizens after Rayman-delay-gate. It showed me that my money was better spent elsewhere.

You do realise they added 30 extra levels after the delay right?

Yes, Ubisoft's treatment of Wii U owners wasn't optimal but they have been a hell of a lot better than any other publisher!
"what?! watch_dogs is still coming, just like they always said it was? delayed actually means delayed?"

What's next, Project CARS releasing as well?

Not shocking at all man, just like no one should be shocked when they both boom on the platform

we can make is a blame WiiU owners thing but that is just fanboy in sheep wear talking

gamers no that shit will not sell delayed those are core games not casual things you don't want day 1 on a system that has it.

Rise of Tomb Raider timed exclusive is one thing but it will still sell better on PS4 than anything you get delayed on a platform that does not have many core gamers waiting around for things like that
Let me take a look at my collection of Wii U titles.

Ubisoft Games I Own:

(Paid $40 used. Ubisoft didn't get money from me. I didn't like the game and gave up after 5 hours. I could have saved money and bought this for $5)
Assassin's Creed 3 (Paid $10 new. Ubisoft very likely got more money from the store when they sold it in. Gave up an hour or so in because of how slow it was)
Assassin's Creed 4 (Got it for free due to crazy Best Buy/Future Shop promo in Canada. Ubisoft still sold it in and this was near the game's launch. I liked it better than AC3 but it didn't hook me. I traded it for Mario Golf for 3DS)
Rayman Legends (Bought for $40 new for Black Friday deal. I like it but have barely played it. I can now get it for less than $20 brand new on Wii U and around $25 on PS4)
Splinter Cell Blacklist (Bought for $5 brand new. Ubisoft got a lot more money from selling this in as this was around 2 months after it launched. I don't really like it)

So as you can see, I try Ubisoft products I am unsure for cheap. Even with them being cheap I don't feel satisfied. Ubisoft got their money out of me, but I am sick of the games they do release on PS4/Xbone. They won't get any more money out of me on the Wii U, unless the game they have finished that is unannounced is amazing.

What makes me mad is them not treating Wii U owners the same as PS3 owners. I don't mean with the quality of the port, but with sales. Cloudberry Kingdom got multiple sales on PS3, but just 1 on Wii U. It had the sale on Wii U, and then about a week later had a much better sale on PS3. How is that fair? Why should I buy their products on Wii U if they are worse and more expensive?

Phil S.

You do realise they added 30 extra levels after the delay right?

Yes, Ubisoft's treatment of Wii U owners wasn't optimal but they have been a hell of a lot better than any other publisher!

"Sure, we treated you guys like cat poop, but at least we didn't treat you like dog shit like any other publisher!"

I don't necessarily agree with the statement I just posted, but that's what your post sounds like. haha
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