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Ubi - "Wii U owners don't buy AC", Watch_Dogs their last M-rated WiiU release.

The hybrid/2 model of same hardware at different strengths is the only avenue left in all likelyhood, but then, what level of power is the lowest common denominator going to be? Will it be sub-Vita? Thats what then hamstrings third party support from "what other consoles get" down to "heres ports of smartphone and tablet games, ala Ouya!".

I still feel this is going to hold the Home Console back to being less powerful and competitive in the market

Nintendo is going to die by this next try unless some major game takes off for it that is

it will be the ultimate gimmick machine when we finally get that merged platform


Yeah, we know that's more wishful thinking than anything else. Otherwise games such as Xenoblade, GTA: Chinatown Wars, or Elite Beat Agents wouldn't have sold like shit.

With 3DS it certainly is a problem, as the lack of titles/announcements show. Even Japanese support is rather small despite the system selling OKish over there.

It lacks support from niche developers true. Most major Japanese publisher has a game announced for it including Square Enix, Capcom, Sega, Bandai Namco, Level 5 etc.


So the theory of Nintendo fans who wants only the best games doesn't work out.

Many well-received games didn't sale very well on Nintendo platforms while subpar Sonic games, the first Epic Mickey or stuff like Just Dance sold quite well.

Just Dance is a great game.


They missed an opportunity with Rayman Legends in any case. They shouldn't have delayed it and this September would have been the perfect timing to release a new one.


I am always sad to see people using the term "no one is buying this game" or don't buy this game. It is so disrespectful to people who where willing to invest in a game. It does not matter on what system. But i can kind of see why they stop the support but just use different words to get that point across.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I still feel this is going to hold the Home Console back to being less powerful and competitive in the market

Nintendo is going to die by this next try unless some major game takes off for it that is

it will be the ultimate gimmick machine when we finally get that merged platform

Its best to make peace with the fact Nintendo home consoles sort of die and end here, and from now on you get souped up handhelds that can also be played at home on the bigscreen with better resolution/AA.
"Sure, we treated you guys like cat poop, but at least we didn't treat you like dog shit like any other publisher!"

I don't necessarily agree with the statement I just posted, but that's what your post sounds like. haha

Eh, I genuinely think Ubisoft have done a reasonable job of supporting the Wii U.

An exclusive game that makes great use of the pad (which is very rare), ports that actually throw in some gamepad usage (even if it's only mild), Rayman with Wii U as lead platform (even though some people were bitter about the delay/multiplat), a dedication to releasing Wii U versions of multi-platform games even after other publishers have long since abandoned the machine.

There are even comparisons of Splinter Cell that recommended the Wii U version over PS3/360: http://www.lensoftruth.com/head2hea...ison-and-analysis-ps3-vs-xbox-360-vs-wii-u/2/

Conclusion: In the end we feel the overall better experience belongs to the Wii U. Although, the load times were much longer on the Wii U and the PlayStation 3 textures were slightly more detailed throughout, we still feel that due to the superior performance of the Wii U version not having any screen tearing and texture resolution almost on par with the PlayStation 3, the overall better experience was on the Wii U.

I think it's incredibly one sided to act like Ubisoft have only done wrong by Wii U owners, and this stance of "who cares because they treat us like shit anyway" seems thoroughly misguided.


Nintendo fans hate hard games



that is because you never seen the easy mode!

wait you really don't like action games? :(

No I don't TBH. I primarily play anime style jrpgs, like Tales and NISA stuff. Like many others, my WiiU is used for Nintendo games like Mario and Zelda. That's probably why my Vita library is much, much larger than my WiiU library.


After the high-profile failure of ZombiU, and the lack of support for AC IV on the platform (it's the only version of the game I can find for less than $20 at retail consistently.), this doesn't shock me. But at the same time, it's a very blunt way of looking at the problem. Yes, Multiplat M-rated games aren't selling on the WiiU. Does that mean the audience doesn't want mature titles, or that they're just playing those games elsewhere?
I'd say its simply indicative that fans of M-rated games haven't bought WiiU.

They're more likely to put high value on graphical realism and online competition, neither of which, (let's be honest,) is the WiiU's strongest suit.

So it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy: Nintendo provides the WiiU with underpowered graphical power and poor online infrastructure... so the fans of M-rated games buy other consoles... and so M-rated games sell poorly on WiiU.


I 100% blame Nintendo for the position they find themselves in with third parties. A combination of corporate arrogance, internal fear over the rising cost of game development and a desire to be different at all costs have led them to their present predicament.

Internal concern over the cost of development in particular has, unfortunately, made it more expensive for third parties to develop for Nintendo.

I'll happily elaborate if anyone's interested.

The only reason why Nintendo continue to make consoles to this day is due to the fact that they're masters of game development and have customers willing to support them and them alone.



"Other companies will launch new consoles (in the overseas markets at the end of this year), but I think they focus on targeting highly skilled users. Therefore, in that sense, though the competition will heat up because new game consoles will come out and there will be a “war of the game consoles” played out in media articles, we wonder if the target user will actually be the same."

-Satoru Iwata.

It's possible I may have selectively quoted him

Buggy Loop

As i went with PC/WiiU this gen, what would possess me to ever not buy it on PC? Actually i didnt even buy AC because that series lost my interest after AC2. They get honorable mention for trying but i have a feeling that generally (outside of typical soccer mom families with very young kids) that WiiU owners dont have only 1 platform, and when a game is multiplatform, its not the best version, delayed with full price, etc. Did zombiU sell well? I bought that, enjoyed it a lot too.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
You do realise they added 30 extra levels after the delay right?

Yes, Ubisoft's treatment of Wii U owners wasn't optimal but they have been a hell of a lot better than any other publisher!

I did buy the game... its just I know many people that didn't. Ubisoft's continual B.S. statements rubbed up a lot of people the wrong way too. For example, "We have a Wii U game ready but we're not going to release it because... install base!"

This is yet another one. "Hey guys! Better enjoy Watch Dogs because its the last mature game from us you'll ever play! *manic laughter*" - indicating that Wii U owners should wait for a sale, because even if it was a success, they're never getting another game like it.


I bought Zombiu, AC3, Rayman Legends on Wii U. Rayman and zombiu was fine... But
due to Ass Creeds severe framerate issues, I didnt bother buying 4 on the Wii u. Now its £9.99 on UK eshop and I'm not sure if its worth that and 15 gb harddrive space. I was actually planning to totally support them on wiiu till I discovered all the shitty ports they've made. I didnt bother buying any ubisoft games on PS3 or PC for years. (except rayman origins)


I own a WiiU, but have no interest in W101. Guess I'm going to be banned now. :(


It's a game that had a poor demo. It's tons of fun and has deep combat and a cheesy story (in a good way). A lot of love went into it but it is a niche game. It's not for everybody.
Well, they tried

Did they?

ZombieU was the only game with a little effort behind. They don't really tried to use the Wii U hardware effectively but at least they used the Gamepad very well. ZombiU sold not as much as they hoped, but with the the low ratings ZombiU received (and it was very buggy before the patches) the sales seems appropriate.

Assassins Creed 3 on Wii U was technically only "ok" and received not much DLC. Assassins Creed 4 on Wii U was technically a mess with no DLC. In places the graphics in AC4 looked worse than in AC3. Rayman had its greatest and best incarnation on Wii U but only because they used the Gamepad well and the graphics where not challenging for the hardware. At least Rayman sold more on Wii U than on the other systems.

Ubi tried not very hard. They tried to make the ports with the lowest effort possible. It's okay that Ubisoft give up on Wii U but at least they should have tried with more effort.

I don't have hopes for Watch Dogs Wii U. First it seemed to be the greatest version of the game with Gamepad support and all but know it will probably only a quickly ported version of the PS360 version.

By the way: Just Dance was the only Ubisoft Wii game that got heavily promoted. I saw Just Dance events in some stores and all used Wii or Wii U. Perhaps some promotion for the Wii U versions of AC could have done something? The Wii U versions of AC got not even mentioned in most ads.

No time for tears. There are so many probably great first party (or Nintendo produced third party) games announced for this and next year (yes "mature" ones too) that I don't have time to test Watch Dogs anyway ;-)


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think Ubisoft tried as hard as could reasonably be expected of them. The problem is that Nintendo has been chasing away 3rd parties away for years and years. It started all the way back during the NES days with their ridiculous exclusivity contracts that pissed publishers off, to using cartridges for the N64, and then differentiating too much from their competitors with the Wii and Wii U.

This is a systemic problem that has reached a point of no return. I don't think Western publishers will ever desire to return to Nintendo consoles ever again, except for the occasional blue ocean stuff like Just Dance. Nintendo made the bed and now they have to sleep in it.
Interesting. I bought SC blacklist, AC III, Rayman Legends, ZombiiU on the Wii U . Actually just over half of my Wii U library is thrid party.

I'm the niche of an already niche audience.
To which I personally blame the media. The reviews for the game blatantly didn't get the game, and they shat all over it.

Nah. Zombi U is a flawed gem. There may be something really great in there, but you have to look past a lot of clunkiness. I think the Metacritic score of 77 is probably about right (though I'd hardly call such a reception 'shitting all over it').

The real tragedy is that I think it's one of those games for which a sequel would be really good, and we're not likely to see one now.


You and not enough people to continue support. I play on vita. I know the pain of no AAA support. It sucks that you buy a game and never see a sequel, but that's the market for ya.

Well, at least Nintendo is still making games for Wii U. Heyyyoooo #sadvitaowner :(

Like clockwork excuses fly fast and furious. We need a chalkboard for the excuses when Bayo 2 bombs.
Yes Wii U owners aren't buying third party games, the real question is why is that?

I think a lot of it has to do with that most people don't buy just one console anymore. How many people own just a Wii U really? When most of these third party games play better or have DLC only on Xbox or PlayStation how do these companies expect the games to sell on the Wii U when they are inferior. I think Nintendo has made a lot of mistakes with the Wii U (despite it really being a great system overall) but I don't think the blame is with them alone.

If we look back to the Wii U's launch what kind of third party support did the Wii U get? Ports, ports of older games some that had been our for more then a year and these companies wanted 60$ for them despite how long they'd been out (Mass Effect 3 was 60$ on Wii U when it was 20$ on PS3 and 360 at the time and they had just released the freaking Trilogy on 360 and PS3 for 60$ and it was also the end to the freaking trilogy only on Wii U). While there was a game like Zombie U that was exclusive (which I'll talk more about below...) for the most part all the great 'third party support' was ports which were generally more expensive and inferior to the already released 360 and PS3 versions.

How the hell did these companies expect this to succeed?

Outside of EA which backed away from Wii U quite quickly for whatever reason (not going to talk up rumors since we don't know for sure what exactly happened) all of the other companies seemed to think everyone who was buying a Wii U never owned a PS3 or 360 to play these games... Every company who thought that doomed their own sales and hurt Nintendo the moment it happened. Why the hell would any of us buy these games again, GAMERS buy systems at launch, not the casual players which were a majority of the people who only owned a Wii. We owned all of these titles and even if we didn't why would we pay full price on Wii U when they were significantly cheaper or had better versions on other systems. It was a largely bull shit effort by third parties that were then shocked that these ports didn't sell well and then everyone started dropping support for the Wii U. I think part of it was also that the 3DS wasn't doing so hot around this same time either and many of these companies expected Nintendo to fail so they didn't bother to put any real effort into what they were doing.

The lone exception was Ubisoft at launch with a new title Zombie U. Zombie U was rushed out for the launch of the system and ended up being pretty mediocre overall(I think I'm being generous with mediocre I hated the game), even despite that it was the best selling third party game for the Wii U at launch but didn't do the numbers Ubisoft wanted.

So Ubisoft also weakened their support of Nintendo, with a move I think drastically hurt Nintendo (and likely their own sales for the game) by changing the once exclusive Rayman Legends to multiplatform and then delaying the already finished Wii U version due to some BS about Microsoft's multiplatform release requirements. I don't think I've ever seen the sales data for that game but I doubt that move ended up helping the games sales that much (the first game sold really poorly) and I know they lost my money on it as well, I had the game paid off before they delayed it on Wii U and because of the delay I still haven't bought it.

Most recently Ubisoft has come out and said they have games COMPLETELY FINISHED for the Wii U but have not released them due to the Wii U's poor sales. One of the titles likely a part of this is Watch_Dogs which lets all be honest here was likely done for Wii U the same time as the other versions and Ubisoft simply 'delayed' it to punish Nintendo, they have said it themselves they haven't released finished games for the system due to it already would it really be surprising if Watch_Dogs was one of them?

This is what baffles me about Ubisoft, they show minimal effort for the system at launch, take away its exclusives, and hold back games that are finished for the system due to sales. (DESPITE that the Wii U has life to date sold more then Xbox One, I don't want this to become a console fight but I think its insane they bash and hurt Nintendo so badly and still give plenty of support for a system that has not even passed its sales yet and isn't exactly increasing at a very speedy rate). Then they claim some BS about Wii U owners not buying their games.

*ahem* (begin rant)
If you freaking released something without delaying it that wasn't an inferior port that also included the DLC for it and stop assuming that people who own a Wii U own nothing else some of your crap would sell better.

Perhaps if Zombie U wasn't a pile of rushed out garbage that should have been some crappy arcade game and you had not released the game at launch when it clearly wasn't ready and going against freaking Mario for sales it would have done better.

If you had actually released Rayman Legends as an exclusive since it was freaking finished it would have sold Wii Us and sold more of your own games for the system (such as the crapfest that was Zombie U).

How do you expect anyone to buy the system which clearly is struggling for support to sell more systems without software... software that you HAVE COMPLETED AND FINISHED AND REFUSE TO RELEASE.

*ahem* (end rant)

I think many of us give Ubisoft way to much credit. Did they try? Yes, they give slightly more effort then EA and the other third parties. Its not like they really tried though. If they were really committed to the system from the get go they would have released Zombie U a few months later when it wasn't going up against Mario at launch and could have been in a much better state (seriously that game would have been infinitely better if you had more then 1 option for a melee weapon).

Rayman Legends could have easily come out later on as a special edition 360/PS3 while still releasing the original game on the Wii U back in Feb 2013 like it was originally slated, but Ubisoft wanted to punish Nintendo for Zombie U selling poorly (which again could have done better if they bothered to try).

All of the ports like Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell could have had the DLC available for them increasing their value but Ubisoft said no and didn't release any of it, and AC3 came out a month after the original game did (due to the systems release date) which many people had already bought and had been on sale at several places for 20$ off by the time the Wii U version came out.

They have finished games they won't release on the system until it sells better despite that THE SYSTEM CAN'T SELL BETTER WITHOUT SOFTWARE TO SUPPORT IT.

Ubisoft may have boned Nintendo the least compared to the rest of the third parties but they have boned them none the less and they don't deserve any sympathy from us, they created their own problems with the decisions they made and have no one but themselves to blame for what happened to the sales of their games on Wii U.

(TLDR: Ubisoft is Ubisofts own worst enemy and in the process hurt Nintendo and the Wii U along the way, they also can go die in a fire for having finished games that could help the system sell that they refuse to release).


With the hardware unification, I hope that next gen will be the first one, where Nintendo can finally carry both systems by itself if they have too.

But in this case, you can't really fault UbiSoft. They tried and had more faith in the Wii U than most of the other 3rd Parties. It would have been really interesting if the Wii U would have sold more and Rayman and ZombiU would have become exclusive hits.

to be clear the whose statement about the reason TW101 did not sell is because Nintendo failed to promote the game with TV and Magazine ads

I have been watching Hulu and Youtube and even on GameTrailers

I have been seeing one repeating add about Wii Tennis for Wii Sports Club where a little girl beats an aging pro said says "He Plays Like A Little Girl"

ads I never saw for The Wonderful 101

another point is that the game is very hard to understand what is going on unless you try it for a few hours and get the EPIC feel of it

the whole games are hard easy mode thing is just my Joke on Miyamoto and Iwata views on easy modes or those things that help you beat a Mario level these days


Can't say I blame Ubisoft tbh. Ubisoft is a company if they can't sell in a console then why support it? Companies goal is to make money.
Yes, we at Ubisoft love to throw money away with not supporting Nintendo even longer.

Maybe you will realize someday that such decisions are made based on facts. No company with >1b revenue decides such things based on irrational hate.

I never said they hate Nintendo or their audience. I've said that there are other possibilities. IMO they just don't try that much.

We're just not seeing things the same way. You see Ubi making rational Business decisions while not hating Nintendo and I agree with both statements BUT I think they could make as good decisions by doing something else. It's good for them maybe they'll make even more cash but not with my money.

And seriously even if they make the best business decision here why on earth people couldn't complain about it here on NeoGAF, a Gaming forum for gamers (not for publishers and their shareholders).

I don't like a product or something a company is doing. I have the right to complain. You disagree with me, you have the right too. I think we don't see the world the same way. I see people at the center of the economy, you see companies.
No I don't TBH. I primarily play anime style jrpgs, like Tales and NISA stuff. Like many others, my WiiU is used for Nintendo games like Mario and Zelda. That's probably why my Vita library is much, much larger than my WiiU library.

I wish eShop had a gifting feature that would make it easy to gift games

The Wonderful 101 kinda reminded me of an Epic Anime

Kill La Kill is closer to how epic I think The Wonderful 101 is but yeah you should spend you monies on what you enjoy best no problem.


I'll be frank.

The number of Wii U multiplats I have purchased has been staggeringly low because the quality of many of them has been garbage. I'm all over the exclusives like a fat kid on cake, and the great multiplats/ports (NFS:MWU, Deus Ex) are in my collection, but the number of late/lacking/shoddy ports has soured me to the concept on Wii U.

Watch_Dogs might be a fantastic port w/ some great exclusive features, but I'm not buying it based on past experience (burned on a couple I bought and unsatisfied with the ones I borrowed). Some sour grapes from the Rayman thing and the fact that the port is eleven billion years late probably play into that too, but it's mostly the garbage I got burned with before.

Chicken-egg all over this thing. What incentive is there for me to buy late, full price, shoddy feature-short ports as someone who is not a single-console consumer? And if nobody is buying them, what incentive is there for the pubs to then waste time making them or putting in the time/effort when they do to make sure they are NOT late, feature-short and shoddy?
I'd cut Watch Dogs and release that WiiU game they have kept for themselves (probably ZombiU 2?). They would certainly make more money.
This is all so sad anyway. For the next console, Nintendo needs to bring the third parties back. Just one console, on par with the technology. Or, you know, continue to not give a fuck.
"We released a purposely gimped and DLC-less version of a game and it sold more poorly than full-fledged versions." Is what is being said here.


I just want to honestly congratulate Wii U owners for not buying Zombi U. Consumers should not forget easily. Never forget the way Ubi handled previous Nintendo consoles, especially Wii launch with those abysmal games.


Aβydoς;126087779 said:
I'd cut Watch Dogs and release that WiiU game they have kept for themselves (probably ZombiU 2?). They would certainly make more money.
This is all so sad anyway. For the next console, Nintendo needs to bring the third parties back. Just one console, on par with the technology. Or, you know, continue to not give a fuck.
They should be repurposing as much of Zombi U as possible and releasing a 'Directors Cut' for the platform that has just seen a phenomenally popular zombie-style title released for it (and a scary as fuck teaser). Ride those coattails. I'd double dip in a second.

I just want to honestly congratulate Wii U owners for not buying Zombi U. Consumers should not forget easily. Never forget the way Ubi handled previous Nintendo consoles, especially Wii launch with those abysmal games.
Congratulations on missing a great game, be sure to enjoy watching all the cool shit on other platforms pass you by!
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