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Ubi - "Wii U owners don't buy AC", Watch_Dogs their last M-rated WiiU release.


Exactly. Can't blame them for trying. Yes, we'll have the naysayers that say Watchdogs should have been day and date, but really, we all know it would have still sold like shit anyway. Financially, if I was running Ubisoft, I would have scrapped Watchdogs by now. Most likely gonna be a loss.
Well, if you say so, it must be true lol.

With your post, we actually can blame them. If they released WD day and date with the other consoles it would have sold and recoup more, thanks to the hype and marketing. Now with all the hype gone and the game having been put in a bad light, it will certainly sell like shit.


but it was never, ever this bad on Gamecube. And GTA was coming to the 'cube

Rockstar also didn't want to release GTA on Wii (for example a GTA 3 + VC + SA collection, which would have been easy for them - the engine was already running on Wii *cough* Bully), despite Wii beating the competition to a pulp. Where is the excuse for that?

Instead they ported for example GTA 3 to IOS and Android. That totally makes sense, because selling a game for a few dollars is way better than selling a collection for $60, right? right?

Gamecube 3rd party support was surely "not as bad", but it wasn't great or good either. Plenty of games were half-assed. And don't get me started on Wii. There were quite a few great games, of course, but the major publishers didn't give a shit because [Insert Not-Publishing-On-Nintendo-Console-excuse here] and HD-HD-HD, which broke plenty of studios, but who gives a shit.

Let's look at RE4 for Wii. Sold pretty well. Did they create a proper Wii-exclusive RE4-like game with RE4 controls? Of course not, because this would have made sense. Instead they created 2 Resident Evil railshooters for Wii, because everyone knows how much everyone loves railshooters. And they also reused the RE4 engine for a Dead Rising "port". All of those were terrible ideas.


This is not a true statement, I'm still waiting for Mario 3D World to reach 1million in Japan

do we even have 5 1million sellers World Wide yet on WiiU?

Not many really understand how badly WiiU has been selling

I don't blame Ubisoft if they want to jump ship but I can't say late ports and crap ports was helping a struggling platform.

Ubisoft does not need to support WiiU Nintendo needs to step up and give the fans more Mario and Zelda don't try to make fans feel bad about buying Mario when that is the only quality shit worth the money.

This is why you should buy a WiiU your Mario your Zelda, your Bayonetta, your Smash, your Karts, and maybe something about Pokemon

there is no other reason for a gamer to purchase a WiiU beyond wanting some Mario love.

What you just described is not a healthy ecosystem, not only for 3rd parties, but even for Nintendo themselves. It's a toxic environment that hurts Nintendo both financially and creatively.


I wanted to buy AC, after it lagged like mad on my PC.

Then I read performance wasn't much better on the WII U, thus I skipped it. I think were talking about 12-18 fps here.
On forums, sure, but you need to take a reality check if you think Drive Club, Bloodborne, Sunset Overdrive, and Forza Horizon will sell nearly as well as Batman, AC Unity, Advanced Warfare, Madden, or Hardline.

I'm not bashing anything, the poster in question bought up the hypothetical Nintendo hardcore fan (with the stereotype that poor 3rd sales are simply because their taste is too good). I simply stated that the number of people who fit that profile (interested in all of Nintendo's games and only flawless 3rd party ports and/or exclusives so they aren't "insulted" by the existence of better PS/Xbox versions) is so small that it's not worth anyone's time to pursue. It's far more likely that what remains of Nintendo's core console fans simply don't care about these kinds of experiences, though both scenarios have the same end result.

dude stop you know that won't fly saying you are not bashing when you are making it all about one platform owner being this kind of person

if you said a WiiU owner will not put up with that crap because

1) Nintendo made a Weak Hardware

2) Buying 3rd Party on Xbox One or PS4 is a smarter move for a WiiU owner

I would agree 100%

stop calling out a fan base that is not posting on these forums I do not know many WiiU only gamers who sit around saying 3rd Party stuff are below their high standards or tastes

If you own a WiiU you already know 3rd Parties are putting less effort on that platform

buy that stuff on PS4 or Xbox One

a WiiU port might not even be on the level on some PS360 ports sometimes and that has nothing to do with hardware but effort

don't bash those owners by lumping everyone of use here with a standard MO that you think Wii U owners are operating under

If you own a Wii U it means you love Nintendo First Party games nothing wrong with that
in the same light if you are that type of gamer do not expect 3rd Parties to support you platform of choice

WiiU is a fine hardware (for Nintendo) but it is not powerful enough for people to still be angry about not getting AAA 3rd party ports this is something every Nintendo fan needs to move forward on and I can agree with you on many of your points I'm with you. What I am saying is you don't need to write is as an US vs THEM type of posts it is flame bait we can leave that behind

Nintendo fans have no more pride left to be defending Nintendo from anyone lol

Xbox One is less powerful that PS4 by a level you can measure but you will not find 3rd Parties half-ass that support because the core are not buying Xbox One for MS first party they expect MS to get that 3rd Party support MS has proven to the owners it is willing to do that, they are paying and funding exclusives. EA has a nice little service launched exclusively on Xbox One

don't make this shit about the fans man this is all business If Nintendo was willing to pay for all of the Ubisoft loses or EA loses they would still be on WiiU man

don't shit on the fan base because this is business if they can't make money don't expect favors

keep your target on the real issue, MS can keep 3rd Parties on a weaker platform that is selling less than the leading platform. Nintendo has not proven they are willing to give Ubisoft or EA the same kinds of deals needed for these guys to care. This is what this topic should be about.

fans are not stupid NeoGAF has adults around here not just kids we have minds we think about the way we spend our money we buy what we like.


Maturity, bitches.
Truth is, after having a generation to observe Ubi's performance on the 360 and PS3 I learnt two major things:

  • Their games go on sale quickly.
  • They can be a glitchy mess.

So honestly the incentive to buy their products day one is minimal. It's not so much that I wouldn't buy an M-rated game, I just won't buy an UbiSoft game in blind faith.
I don't think Just Dance did so hot on the WiiU either last year. The Wii version sold a few million and I think the WiiU version only did a couple hundred thousand. IIRC, I think even the 360 version outsold the WiiU version.

The order has always been Wii>360(Kinect)>Wii U>everything else (PS3, XB1, PS4) according to NPD. See December 2012 NPD thread where the Wii U released along with the Wii U version of Just Dance 4.
Ubisoft doesn't release numbers broken down by platforms for Just Dance besides Wii.

Interestingly, Ubisoft updates in real time the number of Just Dance 2014 online players on “Xbox”, “Playstation”, “Wii U” and “Wii U” is always at the top.


Why are there still people who won't admit to the fact that there are just not enough wii u players who buy these games to keep them coming? Stop trying to throw the ball to the other court. Ubisoft gave it a honest try, don't blame it on 'shoddy' ports or lack of DLC as if wii u players won't buy a game if it isn't pitch perfect. Technical issues haven't kept from stuff like BF4 or Skyrim or countless others to sell well and so didn't DLC mess.

Heck, PC players shout night and day about Ubisoft's poor ports on the platform and how they are treated and about Uplay but Ubisoft hasn't turned its back on the platform because those games still make financial sense.


Did you even read the thread title.

Fucking Ubisoft, the western company with the strongest Nintendo support, says that their games don't sell on WiiU.
But yeah, Ubisoft just realized that they hate Nintendo for some reasons and stop supporting the console because of irrational reasons.

what the hell are you talking about?
in no way have i stated or even insinuated that ubisoft are in any way, shape, or form irrational about their decision to stop the development of mature titles on the wiiU.

in fact, i even stated the complete opposite, and agreed with ubisoft decision.

PLEASE learn to read. jesus christ.
furthermore, did you even read the op?
ubisoft outright STATE that other non'mature' titles perform fairly well on the platform and they will continue to look at opportunities on that front.
however, after watch dogs, they will cease making 18+ games on wiiU… which is understandable considering those games have done terribly.

i don't mean to be condescending, but i have to ask: do you actually read what's there, or only what you want to take in?
So ac4 is a bad port now? Pretty sure I encountered lots of people defending it in several threads, even compared to the ps4 version.
what the hell are you talking about?
in no way have i stated or even insinuated that ubisoft are in any way, shape, or form irrational about their decision to stop the development of mature titles on the wiiU.

in fact, i even stated the complete opposite, and agreed with ubisoft decision.

PLEASE learn to read. jesus christ.
furthermore, did you even read the op?
ubisoft outright STATE that other non'mature' titles perform fairly well on the platform and they will continue to look at opportunities on that front.
however, after watch dogs, they will cease making 18+ games on wiiU… which is understandable considering those games have done terribly.

i don't mean to be condescending, but i have to ask: do you actually read what's there, or only what you want to take in?

Stop it.


Nintendo's hardcore fans who actually fit this MO of never playing 3rd party games are the fastest dwindling market in gaming. So much so that no one, even Nintendo's previously biggest supporters, cares to try and placate them any longer. Everyone who cares to actually play 3rd party games has moved onto other consoles or PC, "people who game on Nintendo" is barely an audience anymore.

I think there are a few million, but agree that these are not enough to be sustainable.


Rockstar also didn't want to release GTA on Wii (for example a GTA 3 + VC + SA collection, which would have been easy for them - the engine was already running on Wii *cough* Bully), despite Wii beating the competition to a pulp. Where is the excuse for that?

Instead they ported for example GTA 3 to IOS and Android. That totally makes sense, because selling a game for a few dollars is way better than selling a collection for $60, right? right?

Gamecube 3rd party support was surely "not as bad", but it wasn't great or good either. Plenty of games were half-assed. And don't get me started on Wii. There were quite a few great games, of course, but the major publishers didn't give a shit because [Insert Not-Publishing-On-Nintendo-Console-excuse here] and HD-HD-HD, which broke plenty of studios, but who gives a shit.

Let's look at RE4 for Wii. Sold pretty well. Did they create a proper Wii-exclusive RE4-like game with RE4 controls? Of course not, because this would have made sense. Instead they created 2 Resident Evil railshooters for Wii, because everyone knows how much everyone loves railshooters. And they also reused the RE4 engine for a Dead Rising "port". All of those were terrible ideas.

Really, this is a good summary of the problem. Third parties treated the Wii userbase with contempt, and I dont doubt that a good deal of the traditional core gamers amongst that userbase got used to not buying their games. I know I did.

There should have been GTA games, for instance. There should have been proper RE games. Instead, most publishers bar Activision, Ubisoft and Sega to varying degrees, ignored the core audience.

The long-term Nintendo audience are probably used to not buying third party games and the relationship between those customers and many third parties is probably irreparably harmed. And that in turn hurts the business relationships between the platform holder and the publishers as we have seen with dramatic effect on Wii U.

Nintendo's best bet now is to cultivate indies and smaller studios in order to make for a healthy support base in the future when the AAA market collapses/consolidates further as $50million+ budgets become ever more common.
What you just described is not a healthy ecosystem, not only for 3rd parties, but even for Nintendo themselves. It's a toxic environment that hurts Nintendo both financially and creatively.

ah I did not design that shit man, I just wanted my Nintendo games

Nintendo made the weakass hardware I cried about it at launch the games came now I'm fine

Ubisoft and EA should not have to support Nintendo unless they get money out of the deal

Nintendo needs to take this lose they have been pretending they don't have to compete with anyone else out here

they Pretend like Playstation and Xbox is not a thing so you don't have to tell me that is not a healthy ecosystem

I love the idea that Nintendo finally went HD

Wii should have been HD mistake #1
they did not suffer from much from mistake number one because old people loved Wii Bowling

so now we have WiiU the WiiHD we needed but Nintendo forgot that PS and Xbox had HD for a generation but they came out and put most of the focus on the gamepad as yet again a new way to play

You got to give Nintendo some credit they take risks

risks are not always healthy

I am enjoying my WiiU for as long as they are willing to support it I like Nintendo in HD have no issues but if Nintendo wants to pretend I did not order a Playstation for the first time in my gaming life for myself without it being a purchase for a nephews birthday more power to them keep pretending that old fans are not moving to PS4

not healthy, but like Reggie says. "Not my problem. Shrug"


Nintendo fans clearly have higher standards.

This. There is no middle ground with Nintendo fans. Quality games (read=Nintendo games) sell millions while horrible games (read=third party games except Shovel Knight) sell 10 copies each. It's the best and the worst fan base in the world.


I played my AC4 on the Wii U, didn't think it was a bad port and enjoyed it. It's on every platforms under the Sun out there with promise of more ports (X1 and PS4) in the horizon. If I planned to buy x1 and ps4, I wouldn't buy it on the Wii U, and if I didn't play to go next gen, I could buy it right then on 360 and ps3. There's a lot of whatif until you get to the Wii U version.

There one major exclusive, that is ZombiU though, I wasn't a fan of horror game with so I didn't buy it. Outside of Resident Evil, it seems like a pretty hard exclusive new ip to sell to the crowd, never mind the Wii U.

Now what will happen to Watchdogs? Most likely I'll buy it on the PC when it comes on sales...

That said, it's a situation Nintendo helped dug themselves whatever the case.
This. There is no middle ground with Nintendo fans. Quality games (read=Nintendo games) sell millions while horrible games (read=third party games except Shovel Knight) sell 10 copies each. It's the best and the worst fan base in the world.

So you're saying games like The Wonderful 101 were bad?


This. There is no middle ground with Nintendo fans. Quality games (read=Nintendo games) sell millions while horrible games (read=third party games except Shovel Knight) sell 10 copies each. It's the best and the worst fan base in the world.

This seems to be mainly a console problem. Third party games have no issues selling well on handhelds.


This. There is no middle ground with Nintendo fans. Quality games (read=Nintendo games) sell millions while horrible games (read=third party games except Shovel Knight) sell 10 copies each. It's the best and the worst fan base in the world.

Yeah, we know that's more wishful thinking than anything else. Otherwise games such as Xenoblade, GTA: Chinatown Wars, or Elite Beat Agents wouldn't have sold like shit.

This seems to be mainly a console problem. Third party games have no issues selling well on handhelds.

With 3DS it certainly is a problem, as the lack of titles/announcements show. Even Japanese support is rather small despite the system selling OKish over there.
The Wonderful 101 is the 1st party game that died for our sins. Hope u guys are praying for it.

So the theory of Nintendo fans who wants only the best games doesn't work out.

Many well-received games didn't sale very well on Nintendo platforms while subpar Sonic games, the first Epic Mickey or stuff like Just Dance sold quite well.


Nintendo's best bet now is to cultivate indies and smaller studios in order to make for a healthy support base in the future when the AAA market collapses/consolidates further as $50million+ budgets become ever more common.

lol. Is that could be nintendo's biggest bet? I think it won't. Actually, Sony and Microsoft getting more stronger indie supports than Nintendo.
This. There is no middle ground with Nintendo fans. Quality games (read=Nintendo games) sell millions while horrible games (read=third party games except Shovel Knight) sell 10 copies each. It's the best and the worst fan base in the world.

The Wonderful 101 is the 1st party game that died for our sins. Hope u guys are praying for it.

stop fan bashing man, the self-hate needs to stop

every Nintendo fan on NeoGAF purchased The Wonderful 101
I'm sure the mods would have banned any such fools who owned a WiiU without it.

the issue is eShop sales don't make the charts :p


Yeah, we know that's more wishful thinking than anything else. Otherwise games such as Xenoblade, GTA: Chinatown Wars, or Elite Beat Agents wouldn't have sold like shit.

So the theory of Nintendo fans who wants only the best games doesn't work out.

Many well-received games didn't sale very well on Nintendo platforms while subpar Sonic games, the first Epic Mickey or stuff like Just Dance sold quite well.

Arguing is useless. I'm not going to walk you through how Nintendo fan hivemind decides what game is worth buying and what's not. That's not for outsiders to know.


Nintendo's best bet now is to cultivate indies and smaller studios in order to make for a healthy support base in the future when the AAA market collapses/consolidates further as $50million+ budgets become ever more common.

Would this even be a differentiating factor now? I don't see neither Sony nor MS not doing the same (or better).


lol. Is that could be nintendo's biggest bet? I think it won't. Actually, Sony and Microsoft getting more stronger indie supports than Nintendo.

I'm actually talking of publishers rather than platform holders. Activision, EA, Ubisoft are the main culprit in the arms race of high price projects. That is what I believe is unsustainable.

I believe Sony and MS must also be aware of this, because without indie and other generally smaller studios on their systems, the lineups look incredibly homogenous. In fact I'd say the best hope for console games going forward lies in the cultivation of these smaller studios, and its nice to see all three console platforms seem to be working with different studios each. Rime, Ori and the Blind Forest, WiLD, Shovel Knight, Scram Kitty etc are all encouraging and far more interesting than Assassins Creed Sidestory 12, Battlefield 5 Alpha Version and CoD.


Maturity, bitches.
This seems to be mainly a console problem. Third party games have no issues selling well on handhelds.

That's because they are usually Japanese games thus are of a higher quality. Console games tend to be Western and thus plagued with bugs, gore and inadequacy.


stop fan bashing man, the self-hate needs to stop

every Nintendo fan on NeoGAF purchased The Wonderful 101
I'm sure the mods would have banned any such fools who owned a WiiU without it.

the issue is eShop sales don't make the charts :p

I own a WiiU, but have no interest in W101. Guess I'm going to be banned now. :(


You can say they tried, but why would i buy any of these titles on the Wii U when they're that much better on every other device i own?


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Nintendo's hardcore fans who actually fit this MO of never playing 3rd party games are the fastest dwindling market in gaming. So much so that no one, even Nintendo's previously biggest supporters, cares to try and placate them any longer. Everyone who cares to actually play 3rd party games has moved onto other consoles or PC, "people who game on Nintendo" is barely an audience anymore.
Who says Nintendo fans never play any 3rd party games? The market of players who really only play Nintendo games probably is miniscule, but is that really important? I, for instance, (I am a former Nintendo-only player) of course have also bought consoles (and handhelds) from other console makers (everything Sega, Xbox 360, portable PlayStations), but I haven't moved on. If I were to get all third party games I want on my Nintendo systems,

I'd not buy another system; maybe an Xbox due to Rare: Since that is not the case, I've needed another console last gen (X360, though thanks to Rare I'd have gotten that anyway) and will again need another console this gen. Though for now there are only two games I really want announced for PS4 / Xbone, AC Unity and Batman, so that this purchase can still wait. But I would not call that "moving on", because I still buy all Nintendo systems and a lot of games for them. In fact, when I buy AC Rogue on 360 in about a year (waiting for price drops here though), it will be the first game I buy on a non-Nintendo console (so excluding Vita here) in almost two years.

Fake edit: Forgot about Rayman Legends, which I also bought for 360 because of not being able to play all content on just Wii U and Vita, so depending on when ACR will be of a nice price, it could just be 1.5 years.


Can't fling shit at them for it. Of all publishers, they tried the hardest. I saw it coming. I'm surprised they are even bothering with watch dogs.
So the theory of Nintendo fans who wants only the best games doesn't work out.

Many well-received games didn't sale very well on Nintendo platforms while subpar Sonic games, the first Epic Mickey or stuff like Just Dance sold quite well.

I have another theory which Iwata and Miyamoto seem to believe

Nintendo fans hate hard games

TW101 has and easy mode they should have Advertised that feature

not enough Nintendo fans heard about the Easy Mode in TW101 because Nintendo did not put the easy mode in the commercials some fans did not even see it Advertised

even the developer was angry how Nintendo failed to Advertise the easy mode.

no hype for that mode anywhere but NeoGAF = no sales no one knew what the game was it looked hard

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Yves not even trying to put a positive spin on it no more.

Worse than the obvious WiiU failings, what is the way back for third parties on any Nintendo home systems of the future? Things got progressively worse from the N64 on, but next time around its going to take miracle level sales and promises to get people showing up from the start again.
I like Assassin's Creed 2 a lot but I'm already tired by the formula. The truth is, they are not so wrong... I like my games polished and fun, I can't resist a Nintendo game while many third party games I buy on other consoles are something I can live without. Nintendo is that good for me... only Naughty Dogs and Valve are on par (and sometimes better).


Man I'm bummed. Zombi U ruled and I was really holding out hope for a sequel. Fuck you for operating like a business rather than making the games I want, Ubi!
So unlike other companies that didn't even make an attempt you shit on UBI for trying? Cmon son.


Yves not even trying to put a positive spin on it no more.

Worse than the obvious WiiU failings, what is the way back for third parties on any Nintendo home systems of the future? Things got progressively worse from the N64 on, but next time around its going to take miracle level sales and promises to get people showing up from the start again.

Unified platform. Every Nintendo IP making the ultimate Nintendo platform. It's a start at least. Now Nintendo's biggest sellers are divided to 3DS and Wii U. It's just not a situation that can continue. At least the install base of such platform would be a lot bigger than 4DS or Wii U 2 invidually. Mind you they can have 4DS and Wii U 2 they just need to play the same games.


When we found about specs and such of WiiU I predicted it to get more 3rd party support than Wii, even if WiiU was quite underpowered compared to Xbone/PS4. And two years later the exact opposite happened. I guess predicting future for this industry isn't that easy :(


I have another theory which Iwata and Miyamoto seem to believe

Nintendo fans hate hard games

TW101 has and easy mode they should have Advertised that feature

not enough Nintendo fans heard about the Easy Mode in TW101 because Nintendo did not put the easy mode in the commercials some fans did not even see it Advertised

even the developer was angry how Nintendo failed to Advertise the easy mode.

no hype for that mode anywhere but NeoGAF = no sales no one knew what the game was it looked hard

Unified platform. Every Nintendo IP making the ultimate Nintendo platform. It's a start at least. Now Nintendo's biggest sellers are divided to 3DS and Wii U. It's just not a situation that can continue. At least the install base of such platform would be a lot bigger than 4DS or Wii U 2 invidually. Mind you they can 4DS and Wii U 2 they just need to play the same games.

3DS is the real WiiU killer that no one has talked enough about

put a 3DS player on my WiiU and I would like 3DS more as a platform that shit gets so many games I want for my WiiU I hate my 3DS so much my eyes hates small screens


When we found about specs and such of WiiU I predicted it to get more 3rd party support than Wii, even if WiiU was quite underpowered compared to Xbone/PS4. And two years later the exact opposite happened. I guess predicting future for this industry isn't that easy :(

I completely agree with this. I didn't expect this situation when Wii U was first announced, Now It is more desperate.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Unified platform. Every Nintendo IP making the ultimate Nintendo platform. It's a start at least. Now Nintendo's biggest sellers are divided to 3DS and Wii U. It's just not a situation that can continue. At least the install base of such platform would be a lot bigger than 4DS or Wii U 2 invidually. Mind you they can 4DS and Wii U 2 they just need to play the same games.

The hybrid/2 model of same hardware at different strengths is the only avenue left in all likelyhood, but then, what level of power is the lowest common denominator going to be? Will it be sub-Vita? Thats what then hamstrings third party support from "what other consoles get" down to "heres ports of smartphone and tablet games, ala Ouya!".
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