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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

Compare that to characters like Vergil and Dante, though, who have a normal that goes 3/4s screen. Viper just can't deal with that in a footsies game. She's also kind of a slow mover, now that I think about it.

That is pretty true. Her grounded movement was actually pretty surprising to me at first given how much higher octane it usually is to see Marlin play her. At the same time, that's Marlin. :p

I should really stop being afraid of approaching with air dashes, but I'm almost conditioned to use them sparingly since I get grabbed out of them easy. I can't tech grabs for shit.
That is pretty true. Her grounded movement was actually pretty surprising to me at first given how much higher octane it usually is to see Marlin play her. At the same time, that's Marlin. :p

I should really stop being afraid of approaching with air dashes, but I'm almost conditioned to use them sparingly since I get grabbed out of them easy. I can't tech grabs for shit.
Hum? You should be air dashing with M+H and then come down with j.H. Option selects for you, not for them.
*goes back and sees sound effect of bullet catch*
Oh man I'm dying over here! I so want to run with that comment, but I can't make this anymore ridiculous than it already is!
Can't...breaaaaaaaaaaaathe...!!! XD
"What are you doing in that room Iron Fist?"
IF: "Training!"
"Uh huh."
What teams can you think of that are basically improved versions of other teams?

Any X-23 team > any Phoenix team9with the exception of deathwish)
Morrigan/Doom/Akuma > Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon
What teams can you think of that are basically improved versions of other teams?

Any X-23 team > any Phoenix team9with the exception of deathwish)
Morrigan/Doom/Akuma > Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon
This is taking the theoryfighter too far GB. This is like theoryfighter with theoretical foam swords.


What teams can you think of that are basically improved versions of other teams?

Any X-23 team > any Phoenix team9with the exception of deathwish)
Morrigan/Doom/Akuma > Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon

Hawkeye/M.O.D.O.K/Arthur > Taskmaster/Iron Fist/Arthur ?

Not certain I'm doing it right, but Iron Fist is pretty much an assist to augment my team's zoning and a character who needs corner. Balloon Bomb or Beam would probably be pretty decent tools to add to zoners to make their game even more irritating and Hawkeye is better at purist zoning than Tasky. Not certain I get what you are after, but it'd probably be a team with the same veeeeeery general idea for each character if I used it even though its options, damage, meter usage and actual play would be way different. Still it'd be an irritating as hell zoning team with a corner controller on 2nd I guess.

Really not sure what you wanted here.

Sorry, I'm trying to avoid painting right now. I really don't like oil paint.
I really don't like how LONG it takes the shit to dry. At least it blends well and is more forgiving than other wet media generally is.
So as an art major (or whatever), do you have to take classes on every kind of visual art, or what? Why oil painting?

Well we have to take basic mediums before moving on to our own stuff and advanced classes. I've had classes in oil, gouache, clay, bronze, charcoal, ink, pastels, watercolor, woodworking, welding, a variety of 2d and 3d digital programs and some other random stuff. I'm an illustration major but my scholarship was for sculpture and I competed in 3D so I have a wider background than most students, for better or worse. When I paint for myself it's encaustic paints on wax, but it's not as common a style. I like to make my own canvases and frames, it's a lot of fun but I'm still learning how to paint. Right now I'm trying to copy this Tintoretto painting but it's only about a third of the original size so it's hard to get all the detail because I don't have tiny brushes.
Well we have to take basic mediums before moving on to our own stuff and advanced classes. I've had classes in oil, gouache, clay, bronze, charcoal, ink, pastels, watercolor, woodworking, welding, a variety of 2d and 3d digital programs and some other random stuff. I'm an illustration major but my scholarship was for sculpture and I competed in 3D so I have a wider background than most students, for better or worse. When I paint for myself it's encaustic paints on wax, but it's not as common a style. I like to make my own canvases and frames, it's a lot of fun but I'm still learning how to paint. Right now I'm trying to copy this Tintoretto painting but it's only about a third of the original size so it's hard to get all the detail because I don't have tiny brushes.
Hum, that kind of sucks. I suppose I see the merit in it, though.


Well we have to take basic mediums before moving on to our own stuff and advanced classes. I've had classes in oil, gouache, clay, bronze, charcoal, ink, pastels, watercolor, woodworking, welding, a variety of 2d and 3d digital programs and some other random stuff. I'm an illustration major but my scholarship was for sculpture and I competed in 3D so I have a wider background than most students, for better or worse. When I paint for myself it's encaustic paints on wax, but it's not as common a style. I like to make my own canvases and frames, it's a lot of fun but I'm still learning how to paint. Right now I'm trying to copy this Tintoretto painting but it's only about a third of the original size so it's hard to get all the detail because I don't have tiny brushes.

Brushes am cry. Dat wax. :C


But it's so fun! Newspapers are such a nice midtone, so I press them into a board and melt pastels into them with hot wax and a torch then paint on it lol

I want to get some nice rosewood to make frames with.

Well I got to say if you're there on a sculpting scholarship then it makes sense to me that you would be all over encaustics because its more like sculpting than painting most times. Just don't force your brush if it gets glued or you'll crack the wax and start getting all these terrible freakin' streaks in your brush strokes from the wax split areas. At least the general theory of stuff like acrylics apply easily to encaustics since neither blend on canvas and both require color layering over blending.

hmmm...ya know if you prefer that sort of thing I can see why you hate oils. Completely opposite beast.


Why the hell does Viper ever need a reason to get into a footsie battle? Even in SF4 her normals aren't great and she by passes the need for real footsies. Her specials like TK and BK take care of her immediate footsies needs. Her cr.M is also really solid. No one plays a footsie game with Viper because of her anti-rushdown tech especially not Vergil.
Why the hell does Viper ever need a reason to get into a footsie battle? Even in SF4 her normals aren't great and she by passes the need for real footsies. Her specials like TK and BK take care of her immediate footsies needs. Her cr.M is also really solid. No one plays a footsie game with Viper because of her anti-rushdown tech especially not Vergil.
Because no one's reactions are perfect, and that how much space a character's normals control is a big factor in how they react to you. When I put Vergil on point, people back away from me at the start of a fight. When I put Firebrand on point, people walk toward me. Footsies exist in the air too, and the fact is that the spacing on your normals is very important in those things.
Phew, that's enough for today. Since it's break time, I thought I'd give you guys a bonus and show off my sweet-ass painting studio lol

Which brings me to my next question, what does everybody's Marvel control room look like?


yes, that is basically my entire living area lol

...I've had too much coffee today.
Maybe I'll post my setup some day.

Darksim's Deadpool frame data makes me wonder about teleport frame data in general. I generally think the guide is right about frame data, but their teleport data always seems off. I know their Dante data was off in Vanilla.

An example:
The guide lists Wesker's Phantom Move H as 11/20. It sure as hell does not feel like I have 20 whole frames to hit him after that teleport. In matches, it feels like I have to yomi it up to get a hit in. It's even more weird when they say Phantom Move H (air) as having invincibility frames from 11-22, but not all of the other teleports say that, which seems unlikely. Even weirder, Phantom Move L has frames 11-20 invincible, but Phantom Move L off of Samurai Edge apparently has no invincibility frames, which seems unlikely.

That 60 gig PS3 is a timebomb.. It's waiting on the perfect moment to YLOD on you.
I've had mine for 2 years now, and I bought it used from a smoke-filled house. Hell, there was even a fucking dead cockroach in the PS3's box when he gave it to me. I sat down and took care of my baby, though, and she hasn't ever had a problem.

Azure J

Who outzones a Wesker that does nothing but troll for gunshots?

MorriDoom, Trish, Zero... For laziness' sake (and the fact that I should get some sleep asap), I'll say anyone who can stall in the air and chuck shit at a good clip or high priority projectiles down forward.


Im kinda in the same area (Ann Arbor). Do you go to any local tournaments? Been looking for a scene for awhile... interesting team u have. I'll friend you later on.

I agree color synergy is important, as silly as that sounds. Makes winning feel better when the last screen pops up and your team looks super legit... ha
No, I don't go to any local tournaments or anything I'd get
( Although I haven't really looked to see if there is anything nearby). I get wrecked enough online as it is.

I know you'd lose your jill/arthur thc synergy (unless you want to spend three bars), but aside from that, I think jill/wesker/arthur would make a lot of sense. Wesker would benefit from dagger assist a lot, and lvl3 x-factor arthur can be fantastically bullshit sometimes.

I think I'll try out the Jill/wesker/Arthur team order tonight when I get home from work. Although I get the feeling that karst may be right about a lot of characters being able to avoid dark Arthur. I should be on between 6-8pm est tonight if anyone wants to play(psn)


get some go again
Who outzones a Wesker that does nothing but troll for gunshots?
hate fighting those kinda weskers. that stupid angle plus the giant ass hit box on it means he can't miss and its guaranteed chip and unless the player is dumb with his teleports its hard to catch him.
hate fighting those kinda weskers. that stupid angle plus the giant ass hit box on it means he can't miss and its guaranteed chip and unless the player is dumb with his teleports its hard to catch him.

Sounds like Noel Brown's , and Killer Kai's Wesker. No flash what so ever, but effective.


Who outzones a Wesker that does nothing but troll for gunshots?
Zero, Trish, Magneto, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Morrigan, Taskmaster, Joe, Deadpool.. Any character who can shoot projectiles straightforward air to air.

A Wesker player like that is easy kill for the fast rushdown characters or teleporters. And of course an assisted Captain America. For the heavies that gun shot zoning is a huge pain in the ass. Small characters also do really well against Wesker.

mr. puppy

i don't know wtf i'm thinking trying to force Shuma as an anchor. Mystic ray is so fucking slow I don't know why I build into the hype so much.


Too busy with work to post in OT3.

Good thread title.

Its been too long since I practiced Mahvel. Will learn some RR this weekend

Azure J

Messing around with Team Azure/AzureTech 2.0™ aka Devil's Godlike Stride (Dante/Amaterasu/Strider) and I just found out that the shot loop starter I made with Burn Kick can be emulated with Cold Star. It's a tighter link since you have to call Cold Star as late as possible otherwise they get bounced on all the shots and any followups are scaled to hell. I love how things you learn later in this game with different team compositions can come back and become highly applicable with old mainstays. :)

This team builds meter like fucking crazy btw.

Also for reference's sake:

AzureTech 1.0™ - Dante (Jam Session)/Felicia (Rolling Buckler)/Strider Hiryu (Vajra)
AzureTech 2.0™ - Dante (Jam Session)/Amaterasu (Cold Shots)/Strider Hiryu (Vajra)
AzureTech 3.0™ - Crimson Viper (Burning Kick)/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider Hiryu (Vajra)
Ever feel like your memory isn't as good as you thought? I was cleaning out my phone and apparently these were my teams at one point:
At one point in vanilla I was Karsticles lol
Haha, oh man. I tried Arthur/Dormammu/Morrigan, and Arthur just got destroyed without assist support. It's too bad that he can't refresh Gold Armor, or it might work out.

Yeah Wesker is way broken.
hate fighting those kinda weskers. that stupid angle plus the giant ass hit box on it means he can't miss and its guaranteed chip and unless the player is dumb with his teleports its hard to catch him.
MorriDoom, Trish, Zero... For laziness' sake (and the fact that I should get some sleep asap), I'll say anyone who can stall in the air and chuck shit at a good clip or high priority projectiles down forward.
Oh good, I'm glad it's so effective. I'm going to try playing runaway Wesker (nothing but gunshots) on point while building meter with Dark Harmonizer. When I have enough meter, if a gunshot hits I'll cancel it into a THC to get all 3 hypers hitting. Sometimes I'll teleport + Dark Hole for cross-ups, but I plan on being really defensive to see how well it works.

Still better than what Dahbomb will have to wear after he loses the avatar bet
Why are you wearing that?!


Too busy with work to post in OT3.

Good thread title.

Its been too long since I practiced Mahvel. Will learn some RR this weekend
Isn't that avatar bannable? Or did they change their policy on the c word?

Oh wait nvm looks like that rule is changed.
I expect it to get totally ignored in the weekly thread, so here, have about 3 hours of Mexican Marvel with some Combofiend commentary in there IIRC. Combo was using his Nova/Spencer/Strange team all day, but failed to make top 4 (as did Frutsy and Taekua).


Marvel starts at about 1 hour into the stream.
YES! Not that we can say "cunt" now - I've never been a fan of the word (my wife uses it more than I do), but this part:
Not much has changed, mainly just a more proactive look at gendered insults. But lately a PC brigade has been stringing up anyone who holds a position anywhere not completely in line with their agenda, and I've been cringing more and more reading these threads and their evangelical hostility.

Praises to EvilLore for tempering the evangelical liberals.

I expect it to get totally ignored in the weekly thread, so here, have about 3 hours of Mexican Marvel with some Combofiend commentary in there IIRC. Combo was using his Nova/Spencer/Strange team all day, but failed to make top 4 (as did Frutsy and Taekua).


Marvel starts at about 1 hour into the stream.
I watched this while it was streaming. :)

mr. puppy

Morrigan/Doom/Akuma > Viewtiful Joe/Frank West/Rocket Raccoon

you're kinda right here actually, i hadn't realized that cart/tatsu serve similar purposes on the teams outside of bullet hell.

i think kusoru has a shitton more tech and creativity than ChrisG has developed though, but ChrisG has far better fundamentals.

Azure J

YES! Not that we can say "cunt" now - I've never been a fan of the word (my wife uses it more than I do), but this part:

Praises to EvilLore for tempering the evangelical liberals.

I've never been in a position or dire need to cut loose on GAF, but seeing that line really made me smile. Now I don't have to feel bad about a random nyukka slipping out during GAF stream chats OTs during majors when something awesome goes down. :lol

GAF dabess.
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