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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

MarlinPie? He's kind of been taking a break from Marvel and not practicing it seriously recently. I can't really support this because we've seen quite a fair bit of Viper tech come out recently.

I think Viper will be a problem in the later years of this game for sure. People aren't taking her swiss army toolset seriously yet and it will become more emergent as the years go on.
I think theoryfighters overlook serious weaknesses C. Viper has and overemphasize how amazing her 1-bar specials are.


tagged by Blackace
I think theoryfighters overlook serious weaknesses C. Viper has and overemphasize how amazing her 1-bar specials are.
Which are the"serious" weaknesses? And I don't know, they're pretty amazing, especially when that one bar can go a damn long way and get you a character kill off of it. They're not something you throw out randomly, but it is a constant fear you enforce in your opponents eyes, no matter what character they're using. That's the anti-bullshit tech not many (if any?) characters have, even if it costs a full bar.
Do you mind matches with scrubs? :p

Add me if not: AzureJericho

Sorry Azure, 645 beat ya to the punch D: Next time. I'll send you some LIVE if I have to :p

GGs 645. Shoutouts to Xbox Live. I swear my Hawkeye isn't that bad, but one Arrow Bro vs two is tough T_T
Especially when each of them is better than mine on their own, too

Also, X-23 will never be the problem that the other girls will be, but she'll always be good. She's not good enough at SJ height, and even the conversions people have made (which are good) can be problematic and are dependent on too many things for the time being.

Unless we're talking infinite xx dirt nap trolling, then yeah I could see it. Really great character though. I'd agree that she's currently the most undervalued, mainly because of her Pops being so damn effective too.


Viper has legit weaknesses...

that are covered by having Vajra assist. The other weaknesses are covered by having her on point.

If Zero wasn't in the game she would be the best character in the game free.

Azure J

I have so much farther to go with Viper. Need to stop sticking out limbs on the ground unless I'm right there, cancel raw j.H grab attempts into a Burn Kick feint and bail out, and definitely need to learn to fake out of the unblockable setup more.

I have Seismo - Laser down though. That shit is fantastically good.
What teams does everyone have on their quick select, and what makes them so great?

  • Magneto(EMD)/Doom(Missiles)/X-23(Ankle Slicer)
My "serious business" team and the final version of my EVO 2011 team Magneto/Doom/Phoenix. Magneto backed by missiles is an awesome, safe combination with relatively few bad matchups. I can stop most teams off of one touch and a TAC to Doom which lets me kill a point character and set up 2 Dirt Naps for the remainder. I also have a large variety of meter-neutral TOD combos with this team for capitalizing on any situation in the point character is the problem. I also have lots of little unblockable resets. I'm still learning how to use X-23 and I don't have enough experience in general so this team isn't being played as well as it deserves right now. I can swap in Dante over Doom for counter-matchups.

  • Magneto(EMD)/Sentinel(Drones)/Rocket Raccoon(Log Trap)
My heavily Magneto-driven team focused on making him as strong as possible. Great at punishing assists and getting happy birthdays with quick movement and giant hitboxes, this team specializes in the 2-for-1 special. I played this team at EVO 2012.

  • Dormammu(Purification)/Spencer(Slant Shot)/Magneto(EMD)
The most fun team ever made. Everything you do has some secret potential tech with these guys. Sphere Flame to Bionic Arm is the greatest DHC of all time. Unfortunately, inflexible assists and low damage output on top of a relatively unwieldy point character keep this team from being a serious consideration. It's also the one I took to NCR 2012.
What teams does everyone have on their quick select, and what makes them so great?

  • Magneto(EMD)/Doom(Missiles)/X-23(Ankle Slicer)
My "serious business" team and the final version of my EVO 2011 team Magneto/Doom/Phoenix. Magneto backed by missiles is an awesome, safe combination with relatively few bad matchups. I can stop most teams off of one touch and a TAC to Doom which lets me kill a point character and set up 2 Dirt Naps for the remainder. I also have a large variety of meter-neutral TOD combos with this team for capitalizing on any situation in the point character is the problem. I also have lots of little unblockable resets. I'm still learning how to use X-23 and I don't have enough experience in general so this team isn't being played as well as it deserves right now. I can swap in Dante over Doom for counter-matchups.

  • Magneto(EMD)/Sentinel(Drones)/Rocket Raccoon(Log Trap)
My heavily Magneto-driven team focused on making him as strong as possible. Great at punishing assists and getting happy birthdays with quick movement and giant hitboxes, this team specializes in the 2-for-1 special. I played this team at EVO 2012.

  • Dormammu(Purification)/Spencer(Slant Shot)/Magneto(EMD)
The most fun team ever made. Everything you do has some secret potential tech with these guys. Sphere Flame to Bionic Arm is the greatest DHC of all time. Unfortunately, inflexible assists and low damage output on top of a relatively unwieldy point character keep this team from being a serious consideration. It's also the one I took to NCR 2012.
I always have my main team + 2 teams that I'm experimenting with. So, currently it's Dormammu/Morrigan, and then Vergil, Frank West, or Strider.
Hello MarvelGAF,
I've been lurking here for a very long time and decided it would be a good idea to actually make an account. I love this game and have been playing it since vanilla was released last year. I can never really decide on a main team, but I guess these would be my favorite 3 teams right now:

Anyways If anyone is up for some games today(or on weekends in general) feel free to add me on PSN:(onionfrog).

welcome! i'll add you. where are you located, so we can get a feel connection-wise.

and also, all three of your teams makes me very salty, and we've never played before lol


Deadpool's teleport is 25 frames total. It has 17 frames of startup, Deadpool disappears on frame 18, and then has 7 frames of recovery.

Still has an incredibly obvious startup though.

ILL Virtue

Neo Member
Ok so I need some help. I need to know the notation for an iron fist bnb. Specifically how in the hell do u cancel his up kick thing (qcb heavy?) after the first hit and jump. I've seen j wongs if but can't get the notation right... IF does so much damage its ridiculous. If he touches u while ur on the ground ur dead. My unoptimized bnb does 1,000,000+ damage with 2 meters...
Deadpool's teleport is 25 frames total. It has 17 frames of startup, Deadpool disappears on frame 18, and then has 7 frames of recovery.

Still has an incredibly obvious startup though.
17 frames vs 8 frames of Devil Trigger is only giving you 9 frames of reaction time to break even. With Dante having 7 frames on his normals, it's not even possible for you to "punish" Deadpool's teleport via Devil Trigger unless Deadpool is foolish.


17 frames vs 8 frames of Devil Trigger is only giving you 9 frames of reaction time to break even. With Dante having 7 frames on his normals, it's not even possible for you to "punish" Deadpool's teleport via Devil Trigger unless Deadpool is foolish.

That actually means you have 17 frames to Devil Trigger and still be even. I'm going to assume that I've never had a Deadpool block after teleporting, which is why they get hit even though it isn't actually a punish.

I don't play against Deadpool often anyway.
That actually means you have 17 frames to Devil Trigger and still be even. I'm going to assume that I've never had a Deadpool block after teleporting, which is why they get hit even though it isn't actually a punish.

I don't play against Deadpool often anyway.
Oh, I saw just speaking theoretically. You made the strong claim that Deadpool's teleport was really unsafe, that you just Devil Trigger to punish it when that happens on reaction. Thanks for checking the frame data.

ILL Virtue

Neo Member
f. H is the jump cancel-able kick.

Thank you sir. where is shaowebb when u need him... need that J Wong bnb..
bolts of balthakk = Iron Fist's BFF lockown for 2 beams (usually with an overhead in b/t)


Azure J

What teams does everyone have on their quick select, and what makes them so great?

  • Viper (Burning Kick)/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajra)

The team I really should have played from Day 1 but didn't because of some unknown personal reluctance. The team can be played in nearly any configuration optimally thanks to Viper + Dante, Viper + Strider and Dante + Strider synergies, with Dante + Viper showing some cool little applications and Strider + Viper still needing some exploration. Powerful neutral control, safety and options to stop getting Mahvel'd are the aspects I look for most in characters and teams as I try to grow out of being a defensive whiff punish/mistake chaser and more of a player that can pressure into openings and capitalize off them. This team provides me with three members who specialize in that exactly. If I fuck up, it's on me entirely. With Viper, I don't feel bad getting into a groove of killing problem point characters with a Vanilla Logan X-Factor on touch strategy then running a guessing game of Jam Session - Focus Attack unblockables, or (with more time and practice) faking it with Vajra assist instead and going up for a throw on their attempt to escape. Dante/Strider is my most powerful duo and the one I'm still developing at my own pace, having fun in the process. The things I need to get over are my own lacking match up experience, fluctuating under pressure (Viper is a character that is explosive, you either blow up or get blown up when you're new to her with hardly any in between), and getting my Viper to a level of parity with my Dante and Strider.

  • Zero (Ryuenjin)/Dante (Jam Session)/Phoenix (TK Shot/Overdrive)

I really like Phoenix. Enough so that I want to learn Zero for a strong battery to get her the meter she so desperately wants. I have always "liked" Zero in that I wanted to have a pocket Hunter for days when I just want to tear things asunder. Zero + Dante is proven stuff, Dante + Zero has a few tricks, but the biggest issue with a team like this actually comes from the dark one herself. Maybe I haven't put enough time into it and have gotten into a routine with my primary mistress in Dante/Strider, but nothing I create with Phoenix's assists leaves me satisfied enough to stick to this team, especially when Zero/Dante/Strider is another level of amazing.

Still going to go at it until something clicks though. I really enjoy playing Phoenix.

  • Dante (Jam Session)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Magneto (Distruptor)

A team that is meant mostly for me to have fun with The Dread One himself. Probably the most unoptimized in overall game plans, but the one with the most options overall. The idea is for Dante to dominate for as long as possible building meter for the Devil Trigger - Stalking Flare DHC and then from there cast spells and generally play a hybrid zoning game with Dormammu backed by Disruptor and Jam Session. There's no real tech for this team as I've just gotten to getting flight character's movements down and a few BnB's for the Dorm/Mags duo.

I should also mention that I'm exceedingly ADHD with the switching up of presets. I view the slots as a challenge to come up with something that is "me" and optimized to a point where I don't have to think about anything more than picking them and going right into matches. I also see them as a challenge to come up with multiple teams to stay flexible in this game with (not necessarily counterpicking, but just having a Plan B).


*thumbs up*

We need to play again sometime soon. On that note, I'm convinced that for as much as I love Viper's alt, the second color config here is dabess. White and royal blue is always a good combo and Breath of Fire Ryu is best Dante color.


Recently, I've been having alot of fun playing as jill. (DAT SOMERSAULT!)
Jill(Arrow Kick)/Arthur(Daggers)/Wesker(Gunshot) is pretty damn fun.

Goddess bracelet takes long enough that jill can get a mixup off a THC with arthur. Obviously having wesker anchor isn't ideal, but you can still get some BS wins with it if you need to.

welcome! i'll add you. where are you located, so we can get a feel connection-wise.

and also, all three of your teams makes me very salty, and we've never played before lol

I'm in the Detroit(MI) area, My connection is usually pretty good. Feel free to add me and hopefully we can play some time this week. Hopefully I can bring the salt. ;)

enzo_gt said:

*thumbs up*

I Agree, color synergy is the second most important aspect to consider when making a team.
lol, I said it actually had recovery. Not

Now, what a Deadpool player needs to do is cancel a teleport into another teleport so that he never actually goes anywhere. I would probably freak out.

Also, I just got 910K for one bar with Dante/Vergil/Strider off a j.H starter. Yay.
No, you said just what I claimed you said:
If as Dante I'm doing repeated Drives against a Deadpool and he decides to drop the zoning war, I can see the teleport's startup, cancel into Devil Trigger and punish the recovery.

That you, as Dante, can Devil Trigger on reaction to Deadpool's teleport and punish its recovery. Clearly, that's not possible, and it's all I've ever been arguing about with you.

I'm in the Detroit(MI) area, My connection is usually pretty good. Feel free to add me and hopefully we can play some time this week. Hopefully I can bring the salt. ;).
I'm in Chicago, so we'll likely have a good connection.
Today I discovered that playing someone that got top 16 at EVO only ends up with me getting P'd twice in a row in the same exact way...


Thank you sir. where is shaowebb when u need him... need that J Wong bnb..
bolts of balthakk = Iron Fist's BFF lockown for 2 beams (usually with an overhead in b/t)


Bolts is pretty good for getting him in and I like the thought of maybe somehow DHC-ing from stalking flare into Iron Fist for setups. Just be careful about Dr. Strange. If they block the first beam or jump it then you are looking at a potentially dead Doctor against some folks. I got hit by friggin' Taskmaster jumping friggin' arrow hyper and suffered greatly for it.

As far as BNB go there are some decent ones you can use.

I tend to end up with standing M as the attack that generally lands me my first hit so a lot of my stuff starts with it. Most of it is from other users, but with the right assists (SPENCER) you can extend the hell out of these. I've never tried to extend using Strange double beam though and it might be able to extend ground portions into crumples nicely.

M, H, f.H, qcf.M, dpf.L, H, d.H, f.H, j.H, j.S, M, H, b.H, qcf.L, qcf.H, dpf.L, qcb.M, qcf.H, qcf.M, qcf.2x Atk b.H, dp.2x Atk

around 958,000 or so for 2 meters

Also an X-factor combo I use that does around 1.4 million is pretty handy in a "kill at all cost" scenario.

M, H, f.H, qcf.L, qcb.L, qcf.L, XFACTOR, M, H, f.H, qcf.L, qcb.L, qcf.M, dpf.L, H, f.H, qcf.H, qcf.L, qcf.H, qcb.M, qcf.H, qcf.M, qcf.2x Atk b.H, dp.2x Atk

I think I got those things from the same guy. Before my basic bnb was only around like 840,000 or something and I don't think it earned as much meter either. Considering almost every combo of his ends in either Fists of Fury-b.H-FIYAAAAAAAH he tends to eat about 2 meters per combo. Sometimes 3 if you think his lvl 3 will kill. Rarely will you ever be in a scenario with 4 bars to do Fists of Fury into lvl 3 though. These are pretty much your go to's though until you can figure out ways to extend off your team's assists.

Mainly you need setups though.

Focus on converting throws into damage and see if you can't use your assists somehow to extend ground portions to let you add crumple states to your combos. Also if you got the skills to do Strange's loops or Dormammu's high damage stuff then use crumple to raw tag into one of those two guys to clean a plate he can't finish cheaply.

I've never tried to link Strange beams during a combo during its grounded portion, but it'd be interesting to see how it effects scaling and damage. Also one note on Strange. If you are already inside on them on the corner and applying pressure use Strange assist to try and lock down during block strings and setup your overhead or low. Its pretty decent for ruining pushblocks and staying in.

What assist is Dormammu on BTW. Maybe we can theory fighter something off that as well to slip into combos.


tagged by Blackace
We need to play again sometime soon. On that note, I'm convinced that for as much as I love Viper's alt, the second color config here is dabess. White and royal blue is always a good combo and Breath of Fire Ryu is best Dante color.
Definitely. You have 3 months of Live, right? Perhaps later this month or next month. School is heavy and I'm currently in that Borderlands 2 vortex.

I Agree, color synergy is the second most important aspect to consider when making a team.
This man knows what's up.

By the way, welcome to MahvelGAF, hope you enjoy your stay! =)

ILL Virtue

Neo Member
I'm in the Detroit(MI) area, My connection is usually pretty good. Feel free to add me and hopefully we can play some time this week. Hopefully I can bring the salt. ;)

I Agree, color synergy is the second most important aspect to consider when making a team.

Im kinda in the same area (Ann Arbor). Do you go to any local tournaments? Been looking for a scene for awhile... interesting team u have. I'll friend you later on.

I agree color synergy is important, as silly as that sounds. Makes winning feel better when the last screen pops up and your team looks super legit... ha
Im kinda in the same area (Ann Arbor). Do you go to any local tournaments? Been looking for a scene for awhile... interesting team u have. I'll friend you later on.

I agree color synergy is important, as silly as that sounds. Makes winning feel better when the last screen pops up and your team looks super legit... ha
Two new members of Marvel-GAF? :-O

Yeah, three months and probably more later on so I'm set. I know what you mean about school man, keep at it. The offer's on the table for whenever.

Meanwhile, anyone want to get me salty right now? :p
I would make sweet Marvel love to you if you were on the PS3.

Azure J

Definitely. You have 3 months of Live, right? Perhaps later this month or next month. School is heavy and I'm currently in that Borderlands 2 vortex.

Yeah, three months and probably more later on so I'm set. I know what you mean about school man, keep at it. The offer's on the table for whenever.

Meanwhile, anyone want to get me salty right now? :p


What teams does everyone have on their quick select, and what makes them so great?

  • Taskmaster (H.shot)/Iron Fist (rising Dragon)/Arthur (daggers)

    Team is really good at building meter and has some ridiculous zoning. Rising Dragon puts potential wall bounces on deck to convert into combos and generally this team frustrates the ever loving shit out of people to the point that when they face Iron Fist they tend to get impatient and try to go in on him from time to time. Not always, but if I see them rush in the moment Tasky is out then I know composure is pretty frayed. Daggers are incredible for Iron Fist and let him wave dash inside of them to get in through anything and apply frame traps. Arthur generally has 3 to nearly 3 bars or more by the time he gets in which puts Dark Arthur on deck for anchor. If I DHC I have good stuff out of air tasky arrows into Spirit of the Dragon and in general rising dragon makes either Arthur or Tasky unbearable. Pretty solid way to throw people off their game sometimes versus Iron Fist and overall a really decent team in general with good assists and control.

  • Chun Li (dem kicks)/Iron Fist(Crescent Heel)/Sentinel(drones)

    Basically a team that doesn't really use coverage to get Iron Fist in. It only uses DHC, TAC, or crumple raw tag off Chun's blast. I use this team because drones into Chun Li mixups off her terrific air dashes are really fun and she can corner folks easily which generally sets up Iron Fist for his game. Her pressure is great and the main problem the team has is just zoning in general. Not the best, but its super fun and Chun kicks really do what we talked about if I dhc into Iron fist to kill folks and then summon drones to try and maintain the corner on incoming dudes. I use Iron Fist on OTG Crescent Heel combo extension to get Chun a better OTG variety than pogo stick. Kick lockdown with Iron Fist sets up frame traps, but if he can't open them up its generally over for him as he has no real way to get in and Drones become predictable leading to happy birthday deaths. When it works its awesome, when it doesn't it sucks. I keep it because its just a fun team.

  • Ryu (dem spinny feetses)/ Iron Fist (dem crescent feetses)/ Sentinel (drones until I throw him away for Arthur daggers...FEETSES)

    Has all the same problems as the last team, but Ryu backed by Iron Fist crescent heel to extend combos is awesome and overall the two have great synergy together IMO. Besides I used to main Ryu in vanilla so no way am I not keeping him around as a backup team option since he got buffed. Tatsu helps with frame traps and to some extent gets him in if you use it carefully and the DHC's are great. Sent does nothing for it though and its an old team. I'll probably just switch Sentinel for Arthur the next time I play.


ILL Virtue

Neo Member
Bolts is pretty good for getting him in and I like the thought of DHC-ing from stalking flare into Iron Fist for setups. Just be careful about Dr. Strange. If they block the first beam or jump it then you are looking at a potentially dead Doctor against some folks. I got hit by friggin' Taskmaster jumping friggin' arrow hyper and suffered greatly for it.

As far as BNB go there are some decent ones you can use.

I tend to end up with standing M as the attack that generally lands me my first hit so a lot of my stuff starts with it. Most of it is from other users, but with the right assists (SPENCER) you can extend the hell out of these. I've never tried to extend using Strange double beam though and it might be able to extend ground portions into crumples nicely.

M, H, f.H, qcf.M, dpf.L, H, d.H, f.H, j.H, j.S, M, H, b.H, qcf.L, qcf.H, dpf.L, qcb.M, qcf.H, qcf.M, qcf.2x Atk b.H, dp.2x Atk

around 958,000 or so for 2 meters

Also an X-factor combo I use that does around 1.4 million is pretty handy in a "kill at all cost" scenario.

M, H, f.H, qcf.L, qcb.L, qcf.L, XFACTOR, M, H, f.H, qcf.L, qcb.L, qcf.M, dpf.L, H, f.H, qcf.H, qcf.L, qcf.H, qcb.M, qcf.H, qcf.M, qcf.2x Atk b.H, dp.2x Atk

I think I got those things from the same guy. Before my basic bnb was only around like 840,000 or something and I don't think it earned as much meter either. Considering almost every combo of his ends in either Fists of Fury-b.H-FIYAAAAAAAH he tends to eat about 2 meters per combo. Sometimes 3 if you think his lvl 3 will kill. Rarely will you ever be in a scenario with 4 bars to do Fists of Fury into lvl 3 though. These are pretty much your go to's though until you can figure out ways to extend off your team's assists.

Mainly you need setups though.

Focus on converting throws into damage and see if you can't use your assists somehow to extend ground portions to let you add crumple states to your combos. Also if you got the skills to do Strange's loops or Dormammu's high damage stuff then use crumple to raw tag into one of those two guys to clean a plate he can't finish cheaply.

I've never tried to link Strange beams during a combo during its grounded portion, but it'd be interesting to see how it effects scaling and damage. Also one note on Strange. If you are already inside on them on the corner and applying pressure use Strange assist to try and lock down during block strings and setup your overhead or low. Its pretty decent for ruining pushblocks and staying in.

What assist is Dormammu on BTW. Maybe we can theory fighter something off that as well to slip into combos.

Thanks for the bnb. I'll build on that. Yeah I literally just started using him 2 days ago.. lol. I was just trying to get his basic bnb down first, then move into incorporating assists (which is difficult for IF b/c of his TERRIBLE launcher, everything has to be grounded attacks). Problem is I don't really like being in the lab that much. Most of the stuff I learn is in games. I literally learned my (super basic) IF bnb in matches.. lol I have Dormammu on Liberation to extend my Dr. Strange combos and for some cover on IF if needed. I also sometimes use Magneto (EM), which is also really good with IF.

Can anyone here consistently do Strange loops (FoF)? I can't do it, but it looks so simple on youtube... lol. I must be doing something wrong...

Two new members of Marvel-GAF? :-O

I've been accepted for awhile, just don't post much.. but i knew shaowebb was the IF master lol

Manly Picture time?
  • Taskmaster (H.shot)/Iron Fist (rising Dragon)/Arthur (daggers)

  • Chun Li (dem kicks)/Iron Fist(Crescent Heel)/Sentinel(drones)
  • Ryu (dem spinny feetses)/ Iron Fist (dem crescent feetses)/ Sentinel (drones until I throw him away for Arthur daggers...FEETSES)
No Chun/IF/Arthur?

Can anyone here consistently do Strange loops (FoF)? I can't do it, but it looks so simple on youtube... lol. I must be doing something wrong...
Nope! I've heard what can help is putting a red grace at ground level and practicing them in corners. The flame will go low and hit, which gets you used to the motion without necessarily needing perfect execution. Then you can fine tune it.

I've been accepted for awhile, just don't post much.. but i knew shaowebb was the IF master lol
Oh. PSN or XBL?


Thanks for the bnb. I'll build on that. Yeah I literally just started using him 2 days ago.. lol. I was just trying to get his basic bnb down first, then move into incorporating assists (which is difficult for IF b/c of his TERRIBLE launcher, everything has to be grounded attacks). Problem is I don't really like being in the lab that much. Most of the stuff I learn is in games. I literally learned my (super basic) IF bnb in matches.. lol I have Dormammu on Liberation to extend my Dr. Strange combos and for some cover on IF if needed. I also sometimes use Magneto (EM), which is also really good with IF.

Can anyone here consistently do Strange loops (FoF)? I can't do it, but it looks so simple on youtube... lol. I must be doing something wrong...

I've been accepted for awhile, just don't post much.. but i knew shaowebb was the IF master lol

Manly Picture time?
Apparently not. Broken image tag LOL.

I wouldn't really call me the master, just the heavily researched. Most to all of my combos are from other players and honestly I need to start following my own advice and spending time in the lab trying to learn how to extend combos based off of my team. Daggers might actually help me to do that in some cases, but just like you said with Iron Fist all his combos have to be extended BEFORE he gets them airborne due to his launcher and since most of his extra damage potential comes from using crumple states somewhere during your combos.

Basically all my teams are setup with Iron Fist at second instead of on point for the reason that I just got tired of fighting my way to the corner. If I can corner someone or gain corner control using my point guy and then put Iron Fist in to clean the plate and catch their oncoming dude immediately in the corner for frame traps then I will. It just makes Iron Fist healthier that way and he's generally got some good assists. Rising Dragon is great on my point team and crescent heel is a solid extender OTG assist on teams that don't really benefit from Rising Dragon. His crumple is also an assist to, but I've yet to try and go in on a team based around crumple extending since my teams generally need one of the other two.

I honestly thought before launch that crumple assist would be thrown into teams often and Iron Fist would be a go to second pretty often in team orders lol. He's great at second, but you got to maintain that corner or you're in for an uphill battle and will have to have a horizontal assist in your team somewhere...usually at anchor to insure they are around.

No Chun/IF/Arthur?

Hadn't really thought about it since Drones and Chun are really what that team is based on. I used that setup a lot near the end of Vanilla when I had all those point problems on Ryu teams. Generally, my teams tend to put my main in at second and have the same problems. Arthur would work though. Again Sentinel is likely off all my teams at anchor in favor of Arthur lol.


Oh hell I guess I can manly picture time just once since its been so while.

Got to build up to it though.

*does a few warm ups*
* Inhaaaaaaaaaaales*



Oh hey is that a Chris/Haggar/Hawkeye team over there zoning me?


Psn: ILL-Virtue
I've ran into a few gaf members along the way. Solune and slasher namely
I'm generally on late (like now). I work afternoons so my day is midnite till whenever.
That works for me. Add me on PSN (Karsticles).

Which are the"serious" weaknesses? And I don't know, they're pretty amazing, especially when that one bar can go a damn long way and get you a character kill off of it. They're not something you throw out randomly, but it is a constant fear you enforce in your opponents eyes, no matter what character they're using. That's the anti-bullshit tech not many (if any?) characters have, even if it costs a full bar.
Sorry Enzo, I missed this until now. C. Viper's most serious weakness is that she has stubby normals. She has a lot of neat tricks, but she can't win a footsy war worth a damn. She has a tridash, but again, her aerial normals are really bad. She also has terrible assists and crappy hypers for DHCing. The big weakness is her normals, though.


Recently, I've been having alot of fun playing as jill. (DAT SOMERSAULT!)
Jill(Arrow Kick)/Arthur(Daggers)/Wesker(Gunshot) is pretty damn fun.

Goddess bracelet takes long enough that jill can get a mixup off a THC with arthur. Obviously having wesker anchor isn't ideal, but you can still get some BS wins with it if you need to.

I'm in the Detroit(MI) area, My connection is usually pretty good. Feel free to add me and hopefully we can play some time this week. Hopefully I can bring the salt. ;)

I Agree, color synergy is the second most important aspect to consider when making a team.

I know you'd lose your jill/arthur thc synergy (unless you want to spend three bars), but aside from that, I think jill/wesker/arthur would make a lot of sense. Wesker would benefit from dagger assist a lot, and lvl3 x-factor arthur can be fantastically bullshit sometimes.


I know you'd lose your jill/arthur thc synergy (unless you want to spend three bars), but aside from that, I think jill/wesker/arthur would make a lot of sense. Wesker would benefit from dagger assist a lot, and lvl3 x-factor arthur can be fantastically bullshit sometimes.

This. I'll always back anchor Arthur on Dagger assist after having it on deck in my own teams. It is awesome for everything, and if you need a BS win occassionally why settle for the lesser of two evils? Dark Arthur all the way baby!
I can vouch for (Gold Armor) Dark Arthur being fucking bullshit.

Oh hell I guess I can manly picture time just once since its been so while.

Got to build up to it though.

*does a few warm ups*
* Inhaaaaaaaaaaales*



Oh hey is that a Chris/Haggar/Hawkeye team over there zoning me?



Damn it I laughed XD


This. I'll always back anchor Arthur on Dagger assist after having it on deck in my own teams. It is awesome for everything, and if you need a BS win occassionally why settle for the lesser of two evils? Dark Arthur all the way baby!

Dark arthur is definitely a real problem. I snap him whenever I see him as anchor. Anchor arthur also means your opponent is NEVER allowed to use x-factor before you unless they want to be chipped to death.
What teams does everyone have on their quick select, and what makes them so great?


Indomitable will/"I SEE BETTER FROM A DISTANCE"/Version of Wolverine that's not in everything known to man

the CAPTAIN/Iron Guy/Hawkeye

The best co-op arcade game ever. THANK YOU...WONDERMAN.

I still kinda wish Iron Guy shot Cheetos instead of lasers in this game.

Indomitable will/"I SEE BETTER FROM A DISTANCE"/Version of Wolverine that's not in everything known to man

the CAPTAIN/Iron Guy/Hawkeye

The best co-op arcade game ever. THANK YOU...WONDERMAN.

I still kinda wish Iron Guy shot Cheetos instead of lasers in this game.

It would be so great if Cap said "I...CAN'T MOVE" when he died from chip.
Dark arthur is definitely a real problem. I snap him whenever I see him as anchor. Anchor arthur also means your opponent is NEVER allowed to use x-factor before you unless they want to be chipped to death.
Opposite here. I generally find Arthur super free. Dormammu just eats him alive, even when he's in XF3 (assuming I have X-Factor as well).

Azure J

Sorry Enzo, I missed this until now. C. Viper's most serious weakness is that she has stubby normals. She has a lot of neat tricks, but she can't win a footsy war worth a damn. She has a tridash, but again, her aerial normals are really bad. She also has terrible assists and crappy hypers for DHCing. The big weakness is her normals, though.

I actually think it's because her normals are so tiny (in comparison to like everyone else in the cast) why her hit stun scaling is so appallingly high. For the longest time I was wondering why her relaunches are soooooo long compared to everything I thought I knew about the cast and that conclusion hit me like yesterday or so.

While I do agree with you overall though, I feel like saying she can't win a footsies fight might be going a little too far. Thunder Knuckles are too big a deal not to include in this situation. I can't imagine what the game's going to look like when Vipers are throwing out Thunder Knuckle L/M so the active frame soak up a projectile in play, use them for general spacing to make up for her normal's length or do the tick throw setup with delayed feints into a grab.

Again, theory and all, but I guess I like playing Devil's advocate from time to time. :p

On a sidenote, I just learned my first Zero corner carry BnB. :D

Edit: Dark Arthur's only a problem if your character has 8+ frame normals, you have no X-Factor, or you can't chill in the sky waiting for him to go hobo mode (since everyone loves Gold Armor mode right from the jump). Shoutouts to Nert. :lol
I actually think it's because her normals are so tiny (in comparison to like everyone else in the cast) why her hit stun scaling is so appallingly high. For the longest time I was wondering why her relaunches are soooooo long compared to everything I thought I knew about the cast and that conclusion hit me like yesterday or so.

While I do agree with you overall though, I feel like saying she can't win a footsies fight might be going a little too far. Thunder Knuckles are too big a deal not to include in this situation. I can't imagine what the game's going to look like when Vipers are throwing out Thunder Knuckle L/M so the active frame soak up a projectile in play, use them for general spacing to make up for her normal's length or do the tick throw setup with delayed feints into a grab.

Again, theory and all, but I guess I like playing Devil's advocate from time to time. :p

On a sidenote, I just learned my first Zero corner carry BnB. :Dl
Compare that to characters like Vergil and Dante, though, who have a normal that goes 3/4s screen. Viper just can't deal with that in a footsies game. She's also kind of a slow mover, now that I think about it.


I can vouch for (Gold Armor) Dark Arthur being fucking bullshit.
Yes sir, he certainly is. Makes me miss Q and his McRib avatar I made him.
Damn it I laughed XD

He can take it. He's used to it by now.

Its why I like putting him in second best so I can just push guys into the corner and finish with him and then use Iron Fist on their incoming team to do this.



Course thats if it goes right. If not then its back to this.

me said:

Of course if you are God like you could always pop a chi and stuff that bullet like this.

Linked because the artist they let do that single chapter is so terrible it cannot be classified as manly enough to post directly as an Iron Fist image.
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