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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


the most amazing thing to me is that dahbomb after hyping up vergil for ages doesn't even use him!
Because everyone else uses him so my hyping him up has already done its job. If I ever get super serious about Marvel, Vergil would be on the squad guaranteed.

I almost forgot to ask, what do you guys think about the synergy in a Vergil/Raccoon team? I'm only considering it to have a team with a son of Sparda in it, but still.
Don't really see much of a synergy here aside from using Spitfire assist for mix ups. It's a good assist but Vergil prefers fast assists over slower ones. Maybe RR gets some benefit out of Rapid Slash but it's not much to put RR ahead of Vergil.


Neo Member
I have a new favorite midscreen Iron Man sj height air to air combo.

j.H xx ADF, j.H xx Fly j.H, j.dH xx ADDF, j.dH xx ADDF, j.dH xx ADDF, j.dH xx Unfly j.H or j.S, j.M, j.M, j.dH, j.S, c.M, S j.M, j.M, j.H, j.dH, S, dash, H Smart Bombs OTG

Really consistent hit confirm off of a j.H in the air. I love it! I'm even landing it in real matches a lot.

Azure J

How you gonna do me like that Sigmaah? Especially when I finally got around to trying my random assortment of characters I've dabbled with/want to get better with? Nice to see Dante/Amaterasu/Strider still does some good things when necessary.

Also, that double Genmu Zero showdown was amazing.

Azure J

I'm not a fan of you guys leaving exactly when you say you will. Especially when I'm trying to juggle teams and see what works and what doesn't. lol

Also smurf, your Haggar is illegal. I just can't throw tech into anything of merit like that and then to deal with Pipe pressure with both arrow dudes supporting you? Shit's scarier than it should be. That one match with the consistent Vajra punish is really making me salty that I don't have some full screen horizontal stuff to blow it up. I mean, I could play Doom Plasma Beam but then I'd have to play doom...

Also, I swear point Dante vs point Haggar is a lopsided matchup. Near 3 meters built off an opening air grab or guaranteed with a TAC (THAT I DEFINITELY COUNTERED GODDAMNIT >_>) is absurd. Mayor of Dropkick is retarded. :p

That all being said, GGs. I'll crack you before this Live is up, count on it. :p

Someone indulge me in a long set already.
why did Dahbomb change his avatar to a cowgirl

Someone indulge me in a long set already.

IF the tourney tomorrow finishes early (lol), and IF I'm not feeling totally exhausted, then I'll do that.

Also, Shao, I forgot to mention there was an awesome Iron Fist (well he looked awesome and won at least) on what would've been the stream today. I hope the footage gets uploaded soon, I want to show you people just how badly Frutsy got blown up by one of our guys >.>


get some go again
I'm not a fan of you guys leaving exactly when you say you will. Especially when I'm trying to juggle teams and see what works and what doesn't. lol

Also smurf, your Haggar is illegal. I just can't throw tech into anything of merit like that and then to deal with Pipe pressure with both arrow dudes supporting you? Shit's scarier than it should be. That one match with the consistent Vajra punish is really making me salty that I don't have some full screen horizontal stuff to blow it up. I mean, I could play Doom Plasma Beam but then I'd have to play doom...

Also, I swear point Dante vs point Haggar is a lopsided matchup. Near 3 meters built off an opening air grab or guaranteed with a TAC (THAT I DEFINITELY COUNTERED GODDAMNIT >_>) is absurd. Mayor of Dropkick is retarded. :p

That all being said, GGs. I'll crack you before this Live is up, count on it. :p

Someone indulge me in a long set already.
i never do long sets anymore. i get bored if i go more than 10 games and lose focus.


get some go again
Heh, seven games was definitely enough to blow me up. I have a lot work to do on closing the gap against zoning oriented teams.
your tron has really good pressure. there is this other tron i fight who gives me a lot of problems. lariat definitely keeps her away. as for skrull i really hate that character. ;_;


How you gonna do me like that Sigmaah? Especially when I finally got around to trying my random assortment of characters I've dabbled with/want to get better with? Nice to see Dante/Amaterasu/Strider still does some good things when necessary.

Also, that double Genmu Zero showdown was amazing.

Haha, I left cause some buddies wanted to play some BL2. Turns out they didn't wanna get on, so we could've played more :<

That double Genmu was the shit, also the first match Akuma comeback and then the Zero comeback was hype! Didn't think that would happen, fuck cold star and strider and vajra. That shit CRAY.

Also, sometime tomorrow we can have a long ass set, I'm down for that and love long sets! just gotta find the right time for one.

Azure J

Nert, you have to tell me, how long did you play through all of that wondering if I was any good at this? I don't get how certain things keep happening and ruining my pace in these matches.

Like, let's talk about the last match. You're telling me, online decided that at long last my Strider can play and I hit 75% of my combo only to get a SJ forward when I wanted a grounded Gram L? Only for me to attempt a bird bomb and get Vajra H on point to which you reacted with an OS Goddess Bracelet?

Let's also talk about the MODOK/Hsien-Ko/Arthur stuff. I can't tell you how many times I put out a Twister/Tempest fire shield amidst the zoning only to get a s.L while calling an assist. I can't tell you how pissed off I am at not getting Volcano OTG confirms on that smug fuck MODOK. :lol

I hated not getting my entry mixups, crossing bodies up and getting the wrong super, inputting air moves for nothing to come out and me to get knifed up by Arthur, losing to a raw Hsien Ko nd worst of all feeling even now that I'm not doing anything any better.

At least I "get" Tron now.


Nert, you have to tell me, how long did you play through all of that wondering if I was any good at this? I don't get how certain things keep happening and ruining my pace in these matches.

I play some fairly bizarre teams, so I end up confusing a lot of otherwise good players that don't have any match-up experience against them. I still think that your Strider is scary and I like a lot of your Dante combos. I can also tell that you've put a lot of work into studying the neutral game with the way that you space your projectiles with Dante and how you pretty regularly go for mixups and counter moves. In general, you seem to struggle blocking me when I rushed in and you had some execution errors that led to dropped combos. I'm not really a good defensive player myself, so I try to compensate for it by applying as much pressure as I can. Your teams aren't as rushdown oriented, though, so you'll have to focus more on blocking and evading against teams like mine.

I noticed that you're currently a 7th Ranger, so I'm assuming that you haven't played too many ranked games. If nothing else, grinding out tons of games online will make your execution more consistent.

And yeah, M.O.D.O.K. is an asshole :D

Azure J

I play some fairly bizarre teams, so I end up confusing a lot of otherwise good players that don't have any match-up experience against them. I still think that your Strider is scary and I like a lot of your Dante combos. In general, you just seem to struggle blocking me when I rush in. I'm not really a good defensive player myself, so I try to compensate for it by applying as much pressure as I can. Your teams aren't as rushdown oriented, though, so you'll have to focus more on blocking and evading against teams like mine.

That's another thing, I seriously can't twitch block like this anymore. I hate sticking in one block for too long or even giving the appearance of blocking. It's one of my specialties to block as close to last second as possible so I can avoid the mixups afterward, but fuck me if that's a horrible idea in actual practice. :lol

I'm just upset that I actually could move through the zoning maze (did you see me platforming with Dante through the Senpu-Bus after I got the pattern down?) but nothing came from actual confirms.

Edit: And then I just cheered myself up with the creation of the best reset ever. Do the "Baby's First Dante Combo*" and instead of going into Beehive, call Strider and TK a Reverb Shock after the Volcano OTG to cross under them as they recover. They get clipped with Vajra almost instantly after returning to neutral. :D

(*You know, Universal Bold Cancel Starter - j.H - Air Play - j.H - s.H - s.S - Clay Pigeon 2 shots - Prop Shredder - Hammer - Cold Shower - Stinger - Hammer - Volcano ~ Beehive)


And yeah, M.O.D.O.K. is an asshole :D

Okay its time to go to bed. I read that as "And yeah, M.O.D.O.K.'s asshole" and thought you were talking about him spamming "S" from above or something and were talking about the terror of looking up to see M.O.D.O.K.'s butt decending upon your character's head. Sleepy time now. No more internets for me tonight.
Okay its time to go to bed. I read that as "And yeah, M.O.D.O.K.'s asshole" and thought you were talking about him spamming "S" from above or something and were talking about the terror of looking up to see M.O.D.O.K.'s butt decending upon your character's head. Sleepy time now. No more internets for me tonight.
Don't forget about the green goo he shoots out. You know where that comes from somewhere, and I don't mean the local 7-11.


get some go again
hey is biz done with umvc3? haven't seen him in a while and when he signs on live he is never playing marvel. does he play on psn?
I'm not a fan of you guys leaving exactly when you say you will. Especially when I'm trying to juggle teams and see what works and what doesn't. lol

Someone indulge me in a long set already.
I know what you mean. I need that 4 hour long set to really feel satisfied. Sollune can play for ages, and I love it.

hey is biz done with umvc3? haven't seen him in a while and when he signs on live he is never playing marvel. does he play on psn?
I haven't seen him.

The avatar is already queued up. Deadline for patch is evo 2013.
I'm marking the days!


Hello MarvelGAF,
I've been lurking here for a very long time and decided it would be a good idea to actually make an account. I love this game and have been playing it since vanilla was released last year. I can never really decide on a main team, but I guess these would be my favorite 3 teams right now:

Team 1:

Team 2:

Team 3:

Anyways If anyone is up for some games today(or on weekends in general) feel free to add me on PSN:(onionfrog).
Hello MarvelGAF,
I've been lurking here for a very long time and decided it would be a good idea to actually make an account. I love this game and have been playing it since vanilla was released last year. I can never really decide on a main team, but I guess these would be my favorite 3 teams right now:

Anyways If anyone is up for some games today(or on weekends in general) feel free to add me on PSN:(onionfrog).
Cool teams and welcome to GAF. If you're on PSN right now, toss me a friend request (Karsticles). I'll add you in a few days, and we'll play some matches.

Edit: Also, I decided that I might give Wesker a try. He's...growing on me in terms of personality, but I've always liked his troll-y moveset.
New BnB variants, not gonna bother listing damage because all my BnBs do ~550k-650k meterless):

corner throw unblockable setup:
A2(Ankle Slicer) + jS, 2HS, jH adf jH xx Magnetic Blast L, S, jMMH aduf jMMH xx flight, jL[H aduf]x8jS, A1(Hidden Missiles), dash back xx attraction, Hyper Grav H xx Magnetic Tempest DHC Sphere Flame

midscreen throw reset:
crossup Magnetic Blast L, 2HS, jH adf jH xx Magnetic Blast L, jH xx Magnetic Blast M, 2HS, jH addf jH, jMH xx Magnetic Blast L, H xx Hyper Grav L, iadf jHS, HS+A1(Hidden Missiles), jMHS, S iadf jS, A2(Ankle Slicer), Hyper Grav L xx Magnetic Tempest DHC Sphere Flame

easy full corner carry:
2L2LS, jH af jH xx Magnetic Blast L, jMH xx Magnetic Blast L, jHS+A2(Ankle Slicer), S, jMMHS, A1(Hidden Missiles), dash back xx attraction, Hyper Grav H xx Magnetic Tempest DHC Sphere Flame

Cornered side switch:
jL, 2L2LH(wait)SjH af jH xx Magnetic Blast L, jMH xx Magnetic Blast L, [H xx Hyper Grav L, jH]x3, HS+A1(Hidden Missiles), jMHS, S iadf jS, A2(Ankle Slicer), Hyper Grav L xx Magnetic Tempest DHC Sphere Flame

Also, I don't know if people use this, but you can do raw tag combos off of Doom Missiles.

edit: simplified 2nd combo


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Random Facebook IM:

I had a dream the other night.
That Mitt Romney was posting on the UMVC3 topic on Neogaf.
He was arguing that the East coast was stronger.

I'll be hopping online in 10 minutes or so. Send me an invite if you want some games.
I finally beat RayRay's max damage Magneto combo(684k) ^_^

2HS, jH adf jH xx Magnetic Blast L, jH xx Magnetic Blast M, 2HS, jH adf jH xx Magnetic Blast M, jMH xx Magnetic Blast L, H xx Hyper Grav L, iadf jHS, HS+A1(Hidden Missiles), jMMHS, S iadf jS, A2(Ankle Slicer), Hyper Grav L, H xx EMD M



When do you DHC?
Hmm I was experimenting last night, it's kind of hard midscreen so let's say its optimized for the corner. Anyways, Depending on how much you want the combo to scale, it's best to DHC into Morrigan right after Chris launches the 2nd grenade or the 4th grenade. The 2nd grenade for using an assist mid combo. The 4th grenade for Morrigan solo.
I'm pretty sure that's how it is, at least for the winner anyways.
No kids yet! They cost too much money. :-(
And alot of time! hahaha.

Hello MarvelGAF,
I've been lurking here for a very long time and decided it would be a good idea to actually make an account. I love this game and have been playing it since vanilla was released last year. I can never really decide on a main team, but I guess these would be my favorite 3 teams right now:

Anyways If anyone is up for some games today(or on weekends in general) feel free to add me on PSN:(onionfrog).

Welcome to GAF and MahvelGAF will add you when I'm on later.


Just ordered a new 360 online. After months without a system, I will be back on the UMvC3 train!

To celebrate, time to learn a new character. Either Taskmaster or Sentinel (I'm too reliant on my -/Hawkeye/Doom shell).


Played a well optimized Hulk/Nemesis/Taskmaster team last night. Did you know that Hulk can combo off his ground throw by THCing with Nemesis? I certainly didn't. He also DHCed from Nemesis's rocket hyper into Task's counter hyper to allow for a followup combo. I was playing Vergil/Dante/Magneto and had a pretty tough time getting away from Hulk at the beginning of the match.

It seemed like the best option was to get ground thrown by Hulk at the beginning, but then he'd always catch me blocking the wrong way by calling Taskmaster and dashing past me unpredictably. I just couldn't quite crack his Hulk offense.

Azure J

You know what I'm beginning to hate about playing online? Why doesn't blocking work all of a sudden? I just got Happy Birthday'd by a full screen Bionic Arm that I know I was jumping back over and din't press any buttons with.

And why do I have to lose so many matches with Viper to get places with her?
I don't think C. Viper ever will be, but I can see X-23 happening.

You don't think so? Viper has so many awesome tools that she'll just get more and more matchup-specific ways to abuse them and better unblockable setups.

I really think X-23 is the most undervalued character in the game right now and I can't figure out why everybody didn't jump on her instantly when the TAC infinite came out.
You don't think so? Viper has so many awesome tools that she'll just get more and more matchup-specific ways to abuse them and better unblockable setups.

I really think X-23 is the most undervalued character in the game right now and I can't figure out why everybody didn't jump on her instantly when the TAC infinite came out.
The main C. Viper player seems to have peaked out for now.

People didn't jump on X-23 for the same reason no one has jumped on Firebrand 300%ing teams off a touch. People aren't playing just to win, they want to win with their characters.


tagged by Blackace
The main C. Viper player seems to have peaked out for now.

People didn't jump on X-23 for the same reason no one has jumped on Firebrand 300%ing teams off a touch. People aren't playing just to win, they want to win with their characters.
MarlinPie? He's kind of been taking a break from Marvel and not practicing it seriously recently. I can't really support this because we've seen quite a fair bit of Viper tech come out recently.

I think Viper will be a problem in the later years of this game for sure. People aren't taking her swiss army toolset seriously yet and it will become more emergent as the years go on.
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