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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


get some go again
Yep. I just sent you a friend request (I'll be on tonight at around 8:00 PST if you're available).
i might be on. gonna watch the entire chris g vs champ ft 15 right now. only watched the last 3 games the next day after they played.


I'm planning on going to NEC and I want to actually try to compete in marvel there, but I'm really bad. My biggest problem is I have nobody to play against, just one friend. He plays Zero May Cry, and does it pretty competently.

I'm playing X-23/Vergil/Doom. Against ZMC I went 2-50, and against his b team (dante/frank/wesker) I went 8-30.

I just don't really get a lot of things. Seems like I'm always pushing buttons at the wrong times, always getting hit by helmbreakers, destroyed by teleport mixups, etc.

Is this something that happens to everyone when they first start playing marvel? I played 90 games last night, and won 10, and I don't feel any better than I was beforehand ahaha.


get some go again
I'm planning on going to NEC and I want to actually try to compete in marvel there, but I'm really bad. My biggest problem is I have nobody to play against, just one friend. He plays Zero May Cry, and does it pretty competently.

I'm playing X-23/Vergil/Doom. Against ZMC I went 2-50, and against his b team (dante/frank/wesker) I went 8-30.

I just don't really get a lot of things. Seems like I'm always pushing buttons at the wrong times, always getting hit by helmbreakers, destroyed by teleport mixups, etc.

Is this something that happens to everyone when they first start playing marvel? I played 90 games last night, and won 10, and I don't feel any better than I was beforehand ahaha.
well the good thing is that your friend is playing a top tier team so at the very least try and work on your defense on those character and certain set ups. oh and you might want to change your team order. maybe start vergil/x23/doom? x23 has a low hitting assist right? maybe try and get some unblockables set ups on your friend.
Anyone want to play me? I'm bad!

I'm planning on going to NEC and I want to actually try to compete in marvel there, but I'm really bad. My biggest problem is I have nobody to play against, just one friend. He plays Zero May Cry, and does it pretty competently.

I'm playing X-23/Vergil/Doom. Against ZMC I went 2-50, and against his b team (dante/frank/wesker) I went 8-30.

I just don't really get a lot of things. Seems like I'm always pushing buttons at the wrong times, always getting hit by helmbreakers, destroyed by teleport mixups, etc.

Is this something that happens to everyone when they first start playing marvel? I played 90 games last night, and won 10, and I don't feel any better than I was beforehand ahaha.
Marvel is a painful mistress that makes you always want more.

New Dormammu/Vergil discovery; easy to do but really good: If you do 1D2C, you have enough time after recovering from calling the meteors to call Rapid Slash, and it will hit in the blockstring. Basically, super crazy keepaway power, since 1D2C is almost impossible to avoid for non-teleporters, and you'll always get pushed back once you block. There's enough time to fully charge 1D2C again before your opponent comes out of Rapid Slash blockstun.


Vergil has no good high hitting move so low hitting assists are useless for him. That tea order is fine, Vergil can convert x23 combos into TODs.

And that performance is fine for a starter. The more you play the more you will figure out what to do in certain situations.


get some go again
Vergil has no good high hitting move so low hitting assists are useless for him. That tea order is fine, Vergil can convert x23 combos into TODs.
does that dive kick of his count as a high? does x23 do good vs zero? who does better vergil or x23? i would assume vergil thanks to swords.


does that dive kick of his count as a high? does x23 do good vs zero? who does better vergil or x23? i would assume vergil thanks to swords.
Dive kick does not hit high. Vergil does way better than X23 in the Zero match up but that shouldn't be the main reason to change teams. X23 can use beam to get in and if Zero blocks her normals will beat his in speed.


I don't mind switching orders between X-23 and Vergil. I like the team either way. I just am so fucking bad at Vergil right now. I've only practiced the sword loop (I can do three reps, Andre tier!). That's literally all I know about the character. I need to learn like everything about him still, so I'm sure once I have him at a competent level I will be much more formidable.

Is Thor your main dude? I saw you led off with him. I can tell you're into grapple characters which is nice. It's really how I should have been playing when I used to play Thor/Hulk/Hawkeye.

He's alright, I have some decent setups with grapple characters but I haven't been putting a ton of effort into Marvel lately


If you can do 3 reps that's usually enough to kill a character.

Yeah, I can do it in training mode is what I meant.

I still fuck it up way before then in actual games. Haha.

edit: Also, that's literally all I can do. I still am clueless when it comes to his movement and how to create openings for myself to call assists safely so that I can teleport and do mixups. And I forget to hold L to charge his round trip. And I have no idea which of his throws I can convert off of. I don't even know what his install lets him do besides his level 3.

Yeah.. My Vergil is a mess. I just need to spend a lot more time in training and watching video more closely.


You can convert from all his air throws and from the ground throw you can get a hightime to connect which you can x factor for a combo.

You want to move around fast on the ground using wave dashes and space them with your normals. When you get them to block something, call assist and teleport M. They block that you can use Rapid slash and cancel that to spiral swords.


Anyone want to play me? I'm bad!

Marvel is a painful mistress that makes you always want more.
This is definitely bait. Because Goods not bad but bad is better.
does that dive kick of his count as a high? does x23 do good vs zero? who does better vergil or x23? i would assume vergil thanks to swords.

No, his divekick is not an overhead. And yah I would say Vergil has a better time fighting Zero because his hitboxes are so big.

Edit: this is what I get for leaving my reply window open.


Still no one has wanted to fight me. :-(

Is that so?

Haha, good one.

Sidenote: I don't like that assist hitstun was nerfed in Ultimate. I just found out that Dormammu's can't relaunch with Taskmaster Vertical Arrows anymore.
That's not what the change is. The change is that assists now follow the rules of HSD when before they ignored it.

I am in the tournament now played 3 matches, 2 wins 1 loss in the losers bracket. Waiting on my next match. More detailed info later.

Azure J

Your avatar is too angry looking and intimidating.

Haha. :p

I'll be on later for anyone playing on Xbox. I can't believe how much fun this all is in retrospect even if in the heat of the moment, the salt, jubilation and everything in between makes for wild mood swings. :lol
That's not what the change is. The change is that assists now follow the rules of HSD when before they ignored it.

I am in the tournament now played 3 matches, 2 wins 1 loss in the losers bracket. Waiting on my next match. More detailed info later.
Yeah I know, and that's a form of hitstun nerf!

Grats on your tournament wins.


Alright I finished 3-2 in the tournament. Feeling pretty good here, I did much better than I expected for my first US Marvel tournament. My strategies generally worked out well. I think I finished somewhere in top 8.

I was playing the team of Firebrand/IM/Sentinel almost exclusively throughout the tournament. I had a simple plan: Fill screen with hitboxes using assists and then get in with Firebrand, make the opponent guess and initiate the FB vortex. After every hard knockdown I called Repulsar Blast and no matter where they rolled they had to block it after which they got hit by the instant overhead. The first 2 players that I played against didn't catch on to this too quick and just kept getting opened up. They were able to get past by my Firebrand but IM cleaned up, their remaining characters couldn't get in. First 2 players were using Wolverine/Doom/Wesker and Wolverine/Ryu/Nova. I caught them mashing Swiss Cheese a lot so that pretty much tells you the level of play here. The Wesker was really random during XF in terms of his choices but I just flew around until he made a mistake. Same for the Nova anchor. Most people here still believe Wesker is god tier so it was a shocker when IM closed out the match against Wesker... felt real good there.

Next match was against a regular here and he bodied me fairly convincingly. Team was Zero/Dante/Vergil and he had the LL down pat. After not being able to play the first match I switched order to Sentinel 2nd which helped out a lot as after FB died I got to play the game even win a match thanks to derp Sentinel play. Cr.M is unblockable everywhere and people don't give Repulsar Blast the respect it deserves which allowed me to squeeze out the game. However once his Vergil got started my team was done. Surprisingly only my Sentinel was able to do something as I knew all the Vergil tricks that are possible and used his armor to beat his block strings/mix ups and even Helm breaker. Thank god for the machine but I lost here and was in losers.

First match in losers was against an anchor Morrigan player with Vergil on point, he usually switched around Doom and Magneto in there. The Vergil was good, the Morrigan was ass it was basically a 2 man team. I was able to get Vergil a couple of times mashing hyper/Helm Breaker on incoming with a meaty Bon Voyage. Magneto also wasn't that hot, I was able to catch him in a SJ combo with IM which got some buzz in the crowd (it was the easy mode combo but no one noticed). I played a super defensive and super simple game with IM, went for the KK combo only when the opponent was out of reach from the launcher otherwise I did the fraud cr.L, cr.M and S, I was too afraid of missing combos but it paid off. Everyone in the tournament was dropping mad combos and I knew this before getting in as the regulars here missed combos on the regular. I got super salty for missing an Iron Avenger for a loss but I won against that one.

My final match was against an optimized Hawkeye team (Doom/Strider backing him up), it was a wash out 0-3. Team didn't have a chance, everyone on the squad gets beat by him. I didn't run into the DP + Strider player, he made 2nd place and another Zero + Vergil player won the tournament.

All the team members on the team pulled their weight even Sentinel who got me some scrubby wins. People don't respect Sentinel anymore which allows you to squeeze out a few undeserved wins. People don't respect IM either and push buttons in the air, even though a lot of those hits from IM didn't lead into full combos like they should in theory land... the damage still added up and eventually they got frustrated by the zoning. Vergil and Hawkeye consistently beat this team bad, I tried all sorts of things and gimmicks but couldn't beat them. I promised I wouldn't use Vergil but in those match ups he would've been brought out for sure.


Captain America (Shield Slash)/Doctor Doom (Plasma Beam)/Magneto (Disruptor)


Captain America (Shield Slash)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Doctor Doom (Hidden Missiles)

Which one would be more effective or are they both pretty decent?


Captain America (Shield Slash)/Doctor Doom (Plasma Beam)/Magneto (Disruptor)


Captain America (Shield Slash)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Doctor Doom (Hidden Missiles)

Which one would be more effective or are they both pretty decent?

Cap+hidden missles is a beautiful combination. He has decent syngery with Dorm, I think Dorm's spells plus a charging star assist would be infuriating. Both sound effective though. The DormDoom team has more varied assist types which is a plus.


That's not what the change is. The change is that assists now follow the rules of HSD when before they ignored it.

The change was actually that assists are now impacted by HSD even if their on point version of the same move is not. Some assists were already effected by HSD in Vanilla, because the on point version of the move was effected as well.


The change was actually that assists are now impacted by HSD even if their on point version of the same move is not. Some assists were already effected by HSD in Vanilla, because the on point version of the move was effected as well.
Right because some moves cause soft knockdown in their point version (Rapid Slash) but don't as an assist version.


In about half an hour, I'd be up for starting a 360 lobby for whoever wants to play (gamertag is "FloralCat").

Edit: On now.


Right because some moves cause soft knockdown in their point version (Rapid Slash) but don't as an assist version.

Rapid Slash isn't soft knockdown even on point. I think the assist version causes the same amount of hitstun, except that the opponent floats more, making it taking longer for them to land and thus making them tech out earlier in combos than they would if it was the point version.

Good examples are beam assists, particularly disruptah. Also Jam Session, for example.


Haven't seen people tech out of Rapid Slash, this is news to me. It's listed as soft knockdown after last hit in the guide and it always acts like that. People rarely use it at the end of a long combo so I guess that's why no one has seen people tech out of it.
Jesus guys, just how many times is it going to be my birthday today? :p

Also, that's literally the first time that air throw reset EVER works and I'm not even sure what I did.

Azure J

Bleh. :/

GGs. Nothing coming out + walking into every attack possible from Hsien Ko & Modok - time to quit Marvel for the day. That's not accounting for SolarKnight having his way with me. /salt
If you're ready to play Karst I'm in the chatroom , sent an invite.
GGs! I'm not sure why we dropped twice, but I decided it's best to just cut it quits right now. I'm not sure if it's my connection, yours, or PSN, but it looks like it's going to stay a while.

I really enjoyed our matches. If I were to offer you one piece of advice, it would be to cover your assist calls more. I feel like it was my birthday every other match.

After playing more Vergil, I find that he's kind of boring to use, and now I'm looking for a third again. :p

I just love air dashing too much. Something about air dashing is just so fun, you feel like a predator attacking from the skies. I messed with a lot of characters, but wasn't really happy with any of them.

As you can see, my first-time-ever Nova is super top tier, because I can do the air dash into j.H.

Edit: And thanks for playing with me. It was lonely out there today.

Alright I finished 3-2 in the tournament. Feeling pretty good here, I did much better than I expected for my first US Marvel tournament. My strategies generally worked out well. I think I finished somewhere in top 8.
Grats! Now you can play the rest of us. ;-)

I was playing the team of Firebrand/IM/Sentinel almost exclusively throughout the tournament. I had a simple plan: Fill screen with hitboxes using assists and then get in with Firebrand, make the opponent guess and initiate the FB vortex. After every hard knockdown I called Repulsar Blast and no matter where they rolled they had to block it after which they got hit by the instant overhead. The first 2 players that I played against didn't catch on to this too quick and just kept getting opened up. They were able to get past by my Firebrand but IM cleaned up, their remaining characters couldn't get in. First 2 players were using Wolverine/Doom/Wesker and Wolverine/Ryu/Nova. I caught them mashing Swiss Cheese a lot so that pretty much tells you the level of play here. The Wesker was really random during XF in terms of his choices but I just flew around until he made a mistake. Same for the Nova anchor. Most people here still believe Wesker is god tier so it was a shocker when IM closed out the match against Wesker... felt real good there.
On that note, I played Iron Man for the first time ever today and killed a character. I felt so special! His movement is so bad...

Every Sentinel is the best Sentinel.

Even mine.
What? This isn't Hawkeye or Nova. Sentinel takes a ton of skill to play right.

Haven't seen people tech out of Rapid Slash, this is news to me. It's listed as soft knockdown after last hit in the guide and it always acts like that. People rarely use it at the end of a long combo so I guess that's why no one has seen people tech out of it.
The guide sometimes lists "soft knockdown" because that's how the move performs at no HSD, but it later won't have that attribute. I'm not saying that's the case with Rapid Slash, but it's worth noting.

Darksim, did you get time to test the data on Deadpool's teleport?

Edit: Joker is streaming if anyone wants to see some top tier Iron Man:
Bleh. :/

GGs. Nothing coming out + walking into every attack possible from Hsien Ko & Modok - time to quit Marvel for the day. That's not accounting for SolarKnight having his way with me. /salt

Haha, I know that feel. And I'm sorry man, but I just couldn't help but get an inmense sense of satisfaction when your Viper went through my Nova's super and ended up whiffing allowing me to punish you; quite the opposite result from the last time that situation happened XD


GGs! I'm not sure why we dropped twice, but I decided it's best to just cut it quits right now. I'm not sure if it's my connection, yours, or PSN, but it looks like it's going to stay a while.

I really enjoyed our matches. If I were to offer you one piece of advice, it would be to cover your assist calls more. I feel like it was my birthday every other match.

After playing more Vergil, I find that he's kind of boring to use, and now I'm looking for a third again. :p

I just love air dashing too much. Something about air dashing is just so fun, you feel like a predator attacking from the skies. I messed with a lot of characters, but wasn't really happy with any of them.

As you can see, my first-time-ever Nova is super top tier, because I can do the air dash into j.H.

Edit: And thanks for playing with me. It was lonely out there today.

Ready to play anytime! And yah, assist calls are something I need to work on aside from other fundamentals. In our last session I had the same problem but you said I was ok! And yah I could tell since you were switching everywhere. Also that god damn Skrull, i've never played against someone who actually has Skrull setups so it was devastating me left and right. Thank goodness for Dark Vergil!

You don't have to hold back, I got bodied so if you have other tips don't be afraid to share. As you could tell my makeshift Spiderman team sucked =(


Actually I am thinking of retiring from Marvel and going back into the MOBA genre. Probably HoN or DOTA 2. Even then I will be playing casually until I finish licensing exams. Marvel is too heavy of a crack to be using at this point in my life.
Actually I am thinking of retiring from Marvel and going back into the MOBA genre. Probably HoN or DOTA 2. Even then I will be playing casually until I finish licensing exams. Marvel is too heavy of a crack to be using at this point in my life.



dah no

dah pls

Azure J

Although I know exactly what you're talking about, Dabby pls.

Haha, I know that feel. And I'm sorry man, but I just couldn't help but get an inmense sense of satisfaction when your Viper went through my Nova's super and ended up whiffing allowing me to punish you; quite the opposite result from the last time that situation happened XD

The funny part about that was that was the only thing I did where the wrong was totally on my end. I was there thinking "should I X-Factor into a combo attempt, x-Factor for safety, or just let her go and try playing with my power duo?" As things would go on, the last choice was the worst choice.

On a total tangent, I didn't know she had that much invincibility on that move. I thought the beginning of the first flash kick was vulnerable.

Also, I really love watching people trying to catch DT Dante when I'm flying. Kara dashing in the air is great.

Edit: Critiques pls
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