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Uncharted (PS4) announced, developed by protozoans and Druckmann's evil karma

Very good, I was scared we will not get new uncharted on PS4.

Lol, there was no chance in hell the PS4 wouldn't be getting a Uncharted game. Really surprised to see some express disappointment over this announcement. I'm sure we'll get a new IP soon. Next Gen has barely started!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Here's hoping for the trailer at the VGAs. The teaser was about as weak as it could be, but I couldn't be happier that they are continuing this series on PS4. First ND series that I don't ever want to stop.

I think if they had a trailer it would have been shown now. I'm expecting the take out news from the VGAs will be Mass Effect related.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Really? We've got a bunch of information on possible characters and settings already.
True, but compared to reveal teasers of the previous three games, this was far weaker. Each of the previous three showed something of how the game will look like.

Lol, there was no chance in hell the PS4 wouldn't be getting a Uncharted game. Really surprised to see some express disappointment over this announcement. I'm sure we'll get a new IP soon. Next Gen has barely started!
They have a history of abandoning the series they've created, and in fact PS3 almost got a Jak game sequel instead of Uncharted. As for the new IP, they already released one some months ago, it's not like you can just churn that kind of stuff on a whim.

So Gamestop was right all along even the part were there's no "4"


Lol, there was no chance in hell the PS4 wouldn't be getting a Uncharted game. Really surprised to see some express disappointment over this announcement. I'm sure we'll get a new IP soon. Next Gen has barely started!

It's like some people don't realize that ND just released a new IP 5 months ago :( and Uncharted is Sony's 2nd best selling franchise. Let's not forget that ND has another team as well!!


I'm sorry, but all of you Justin Richmond/ Uncharted 3 haters can GTFO(nicest way I can think to put it.)

Don't piss on my parade. I am getting what I want from the team that I want to make it. Keep on dribbling that nonsensical hyperbole. I will buy what ever copies you guys don't.

Please follow UC3 as a template, ND, please. I want to do more than just shootbang.


[Uncharted 3] was just not as good, in ways which a discerning gamer could point out without much of a problem.

I disagree that Uncharted 3 was worse than the 2nd, and while I don't care that others don't share my opinion, but that statement makes it sounds like I'm not a discerning gamer just because I don't share your opinion.

I do find it odd that someone could love the 2nd Uncharted game but hate the third, they are pretty close experiences in my opinion.
Uncharted 2's strengths came from its pacing as well as characters.

No, also the fights. The fucking fun fights. Just the regular arena type fights were fun... but the crazy cool vertical/traversal-based monastery/train/helicopter/tank fights were just blockbuster awesomeness.

That, to me, is the main thing Uncharted 3 took away -- the level design, the verticality. Yes, the complaints about character development are also valid. But I will never accept Uncharted 2's genius as just a delivery system for character moments plus a nice smooth progression for locations. It was a damned fun, well designed shooter. Uncharted 3 was... a pretty good one.

I disagree that Uncharted 3 was worse than the 2nd, and while I don't care that others don't share my opinion, but that statement makes it sounds like I'm not a discerning gamer just because I don't share your opinion.

What I meant was that someone who preferred Uncharted 2 to 3 and was discerning could point out the problems they had with the latter pretty easily. Meaning, it wasn't just some intangible thing like "the magic was gone." It wasn't like, say, playing the 94th Halo game and just going "on paper it was as good, but it just wasn't."

I do find it odd that someone could love the 2nd Uncharted game but hate the third, they are pretty close experiences in my opinion.

I don't find them to be close, but I certainly agree that straight up hating 3 after loving 2 is odd. It was a fun game.
Lol, people calling UC3 shit.

They're basically the same game with different pacing. And UC3 had a better story.


Uncharted 3 is not a bad game. It just didn't live up to 2. How you can say UC3 had a better story is beyond me though. I'm not here to argue. I can respect your opinion. If you liked the story in it, more power to you. I just remember watching the behind the scenes stuff about how they created all these set pieces and the ship level and the chase in the market before there was an actual story. It was like they admitted that they created all these cool set pieces and then shoved it over to Amy to try to make it work. I'd just rather have them collaborate with Amy beforehand before they just create set pieces and ask her to make it work. It'd be like shooting all the special effects scenes in a movie first and then asking someone to write a script. Amy is a legend too. Anyone who has played the Soul Reaver franchise can attest to that. And yes, Uncharted 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.
Something to remember about this game is that it'll have the longest development period of any Uncharted since the original. That'll be hugely beneficial to this time since Uncharted 3 ended up being rushed due to them announcing the release date way too early.


Eh. Hopefully it's better than Uncharted 3.

What I really want to see is Neil Druckmann's next project (after the Last of Us DLC). Guessing that's a ways off from being revealed, though.


Expectations are a bit watered down because of the UC3 director. UC3 is a divisive game, and I fall into the group that thought the game was very weak. The number one thing that bothered me about the game was the patchwork plot:

- Marlowe is the ringleader but she barely gets screen time; her motives are obscure throughout the majority of the game
- Talbot gets the star treatment instead despite being Marlowe's henchman but events surrounding him make no sense; he gets shot, for example, only to appear later on without a scratch or explanation.
- Plot holes; in relation to the last point, I actually thought Talbot was supernatural due to Drake running into a body with the life literally drained from him (also unexplained).
- How Drake accomplished certain things under drug-induced hallucinations seem inexplicable; that whole drug/serum thing was just a plot device, in my opinion
- Some set pieces are done for no reason other than to be set pieces.

I thought it was a stark contrast to Uncharted 2, which was more focused in plot, had a villain with a clear motive and goal, and has a tight cast that was well developed.


Uncharted 2's strengths came from its pacing as well as characters. When UC3's pacing is all over the place, and its characters (aside from Drake and Sully) aren't as fleshed out or prominent in the game, it's definitely a disappointment, because what does that leave the rest of the game with? Just a handful of set pieces really.

UC3 had better characterization than UC2.

My biggest disappointment with UC3 was
what happened to Marlowe.
Very anti climactic.

UC2 may have better pacing. But UC3 had more interesting levels and the plot was more interesting. The train sequence in UC2 was great, but I like thought the entire boat sequence as a whole was better.


Something to remember about this game is that it'll have the longest development period of any Uncharted since the original. That'll be hugely beneficial to this time since Uncharted 3 ended up being rushed due to them announcing the release date way too early.

Yeah. I felt a lot of the problems with Uncharted 3 was because it was rushed. This has been in development since 3 ended probablly and will release after E3.
Not having as much fun with U3 doesn't make it a bad game. Which is what U3 defenders take issue with.

U3 defenders should be less sensitive to semantic arguments, since any statements of being a bad game should have an implied "This is my opinion based on my experience" along with it that does not really need to be said.


Gold Member
Are people seriously thinking this will be a reboot just because they presented it as simply "Uncharted"? That's reading waaaay too much into the fact that they don't have a subtitle for it yet, or just don't want to tell us. Why would they reboot a successful and beloved series like Uncharted? It seems pretty likely that it will be a prequel though, and in that case it will most likely not be a numbered entry. But I'm fairly certain a subtitle is gonna happen.


U3 defenders should be less sensitive to semantic arguments, since any statements of being a bad game should have an implied "This is my opinion based on my experience" along with it that does not really need to be said.

come on man you shouldn't be talking about being sensitive to arguments given how/what you are posting in this thread. Let it go.


I've noticed that the defense of Uncharted 3 is that my bar was set too high.

As if me not liking UC3 is totally my fault for just being unrealistic. Nothing the game did was wrong, it was all just me.

Come on, guys.

It's weird because to me 'the bar' was 'I was expecting a game as good as Uncharted 2, maybe a bit better', and yeah...


I've noticed that the defense of Uncharted 3 is that my bar was set too high.

As if me not liking UC3 is totally my fault for just being unrealistic. Nothing the game did was wrong, it was all just me.

Come on, guys.

Look, we get it. You don't like UC3. Now please move on and contribute to what this thread is about or stay out of it.


Anyway, I don't think this will be set in the past at all. It will be present day with Nate, Sully et al.


What I meant was that someone who preferred Uncharted 2 to 3 and was discerning could point out the problems they had with the latter pretty easily. Meaning, it wasn't just some intangible thing like "the magic was gone." It wasn't like, say, playing the 94th Halo game and just going "on paper it was as good, but it just wasn't."

Ah, yes, that makes since. Meaning explaining it while still avoiding the more of the same argument that you hear when people review Assassin's Creed or the recent Batman game.


This is amazing news I had to get up at 4am for a flight and this just made my week.

You lot are the only nutters on the planet moaning about a new uncharted. Sound like a bunch of fools. These games defined a generation.

I'm ecstatic and with each game the series got better for me, hey shoot me.

I'm with you bro. GAF is so jaded on this series but I fucking love it and can't wait to see what it looks like on PS4.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I'm sorry, but all of you Justin Richmond/ Uncharted 3 haters can GTFO(nicest way I can think to put it.)

Don't piss on my parade. I am getting what I want from the team that I want to make it. Keep on dribbling that nonsensical hyperbole. I will buy what ever copies you guys don't.

Please follow UC3 as a template, ND, please. I want to do more than just shootbang.
I've really grown to dislike how ridiculously little credit they got for finally making true on the promise, (not to mention numerous request from everyone) of adding nice exploration and puzzles to Uncharted. UC3 was great in this regard. So many nice puzzles, so many slow moments where you could explore and soak in the environment. Whole first half of UC3 almost was like that, while the puzzles in UC1 and 2 were so trivial in comparison. In that sense, I like to say that they've finally put some more adventure in their action adventure game. They've started doing that in UC2 as well, definitely more so in 3. I'm not sure if it's different voices coming out of woodworks after the UC3 was released, but It sure sounded like a lot of people just really wanted more shooting like in UC2.

Yes, UC3 was not as cohesive as 2, but it had other qualities for which it should be recognized for.


What do you guys think the super natural element of this game would be this time around? I'm going with evil spirits lol


While I am in the "UC2 is better almost across the board than UC3" camp, I still feel confident this group can make an excellent Uncharted game. Obviously you had a lot of things working against the people who made UC3. The first game after people starting splitting off to work on The Last of Us. The time table they put themselves under. Having to move some new people up to lead this and that. I imagine they learned a lot from that experience. They probably have all the time they need to make this game now. New hardware to try new ideas. I'm very optimistic this will be a great game.

Well for singleplayer. I'm not expecting them to right the multiplayer at least not for me. I loved the simplicity of early UC2 multiplayer. More or less just me, my skill and my knowledge of the maps vs. my opponents. Their continued tweaking of UC3 indicated to me that they are running far away from this. Adding more and more variables to unbalance the the field. Too focused on unlocking this and that. A bummer because I adored Uncharted multiplayer at its best.
I would have been fine with the desert walking in U3, if not for the invisible wall they put at the top of the sand dune that I didn't realise I was pushing up against. I thought my console had frozen because I just couldn't make Nate move. I ran into similar problems with almost every 'cinematic' moment in U3, whether it was restrictive scripting or just bad design (the game makes you run towards the screen like five times, and I always failed because I couldn't fucking see where I was going). That lack of polish is what spoiled it for me. I still think it's a pretty good game, but Uncharted 2 was almost perfection for me.

I can't wait to see what the B-team does with another go at Uncharted, now that they're hopefully aware of their mistakes. And if they can get the action-stealth mechanics from The Last of Us in there, I'll be in heaven. Being able to break line of sight with enemies in the middle of a gunfight and sneak around behind them was so utterly fantastic in TLOU, I want it in every shooter from now on.
Ah, yes, that makes since. Meaning explaining it while still avoiding the more of the same argument that you hear when people review Assassin's Creed or the recent Batman game.


...Though I will say that the 3rd time "this whole place is coming down" situation occurred, and the 19th time the floor unexpectedly broke through under Drake, I did start to get a bit of the dreaded deja-vu feeling that every series runs up against eventually.
I hope there's another weird non-sequitur chapter like the boatyard from UC3. Just have aliens come in and kidnap Sully for an hour or something
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