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VGleaks: Orbis Unveiled! [Updated]

I don't know how you could be so overly defensive over his post, because he asks a valid question. What if roles were reversed? Imagine Durango info was released first and everybody started to champion it for being more powerful, while we know very little about Orbis? Would you not call that premature? Seems unfair to throw that guy under the bus and basically dismiss his points.

It wasn't a valid question. He was making a fallacious argument. He's taking a conclusion as granted and trying to invent evidence to fit that conclusion. That is completely backwards and should always be challenged no matter who they are or what they're talking about.

I have no stake in the outcome, believe me! But people in the know suggested as such, and heavily may I add, to the point that dismissing the more probable end result would be a form of...neglect. I might be wrong, of course, but I doubt it...

We have a couple incredibly vague comments from a very few people who are actually in the know. As far as they're concerned the Orbis and Durango as rumored now are far more similar than any competing platforms have ever been. To a developer they are nearly identical to create games for. That doesn't mean their performance is equivalent, no matter how many people want to believe that's the case. Other than that, most of the "they're basically the same" crowd have been pumping up stats they don't understand and promoting the notion of magical hardware features to support their preconceived notions.


comment from B3D:

this 14 + 4 approach sounds better by the day

Was about to post that.

From data presented, we really can't compare directly to PC architecture in therms of flops at all. Difference between architecture, latencies, access, stucture is just to different to modular PC.

And that is even without code to metal part with some of developers will use.

Also hardware decompressor should fill hole that was when HDD instead of SSD will be used.


Going from 1.4 to 1.8 is around a 29% increase. Hence, they may interpret that as "minor". This is the problem when it comes to adding adjective in lieu of sticking to facts and figures.

Still I do wonder about it all given the impact of the PS3 being starved of RAM. Especially if its true regarding the amount of RAM the Xbox has (8GB). It certainly would seem to impact both multitasking and non game operations.

Of course still being limited to 1080p I guess limits the need for lots more video memory compared to the PC.


It wasn't a valid question. He was making a fallacious argument. He's taking a conclusion as granted and trying to invent evidence to fit that conclusion. That is completely backwards and should always be challenged no matter who they are or what they're talking about.
I think you’re treating his post as fact, which he didn’t imply but you insinuated. Nobody should be that defensive over what he said, we are all guessing here and nothing is concrete until we get official numbers. My friendly advice? Take a step back and read what he is asking.

Take for example Johnny, he had very good reply to his question:

Maybe. One would hope for Durango's sake. Everyone is just hoping at this point since the vgleaks article was less detailed. Orbis would still hold a slight GPU advantage, and a large bandwidth advantage, while Durango would hold a total memory advantage. Like most with technical know how have pointed out(T Lottes) bandwidth>more memory, but i could see some certain game if exclusive to 360, putting that extra memory to use(a few years down the line as the generation evolves.).

Now to me that all means they still have there advantages and disadvantages, with Orbis having a slight overall advantage. Almost parity as you put it. BUT I think the real differential will come down to how much OS overhead Durango really has. Memory(2 or 3GBs?), CPU cores(1 or 2 cores? will be at least 1), CU's(i know this never has been rumored but it could happen depending on what this system is gonna be doing, toaster, frying eggs, time machine ect ect) all could be affected.

To me it all harkens back to that outdated 2010 MS doc. System overall power was said to be 8x 360, but games would be 6x 360 with 2x being taken by other non releated gaming applications. Now obviously things have changed, and I think Durango specs have gone up since then, but the overall objective for Durango remains the same(as in now it may just be 10x 360, with 8x to games, u get the idea).
I think you’re treating his post as fact, which he didn’t imply but you insinuated. Nobody should be that defensive over what he said, we are all guessing here and nothing is concrete until we get official numbers. My friendly advice? Take a step back and read what he is asking.

No. He made a claim, that there must be secret physics hardware providing an addition 500+ GFlops, based on a premature assumption, that Durango and Orbis must have equivalent performance, and I refuted the fallacy. The only one getting defensive here is you.


Still I do wonder about it all given the impact of the PS3 being starved of RAM. Especially if its true regarding the amount of RAM the Xbox has (8GB). It certainly would seem to impact both multitasking and non game operations.

Of course still being limited to 1080p I guess limits the need for lots more video memory compared to the PC.

PS3 ram problem is something different than this situation. Right now only the best gpus have 3,5 GB GDDR5 ram. 4 GB GDDR5 is a fucking lot of ram. MS DDR3 ram even with esram is almost twice slow because you can't really add bandwidths.
No. He made a claim, that there must be secret physics hardware providing an addition 500+ GFlops, based on a premature assumption, that Durango and Orbis must have equivalent performance, and I refuted the fallacy. The only one getting defensive here is you.

I dunno man, he just pointing something out which happens to be pretty reasonable, and your words coming off pretty defensive and like your pissed about it.


PS3 ram problem is something different than this situation. Right now only the best gpus have 3,5 GB GDDR5 ram. 4 GB GDDR5 is a fucking lot of ram. MS DDR3 ram even with esram is almost twice slow because you can't really add bandwidths.

Stack it.
I think Brad is making a good point. Why presume parity? Just to get a clearer image of things; what would be the price difference between 4GB DDR5 and 8GB DDR3 and 32mb esRAM?

Anyway parity is a nice thought but its been clear since the RAM leaks both systems are optimising around two seperate goals. Which makes the idea of parity kind of doubtful and odd.

Edit: Though he did word things poorly.


Stack it.

That's the possible solution but we don't know if it is stacked or not. Mind you Orbis also had planed stacked memory in line at some point. But from looks stacked memory is still to early in production for consoles which will be released this year.

Sadly not ready yet and a custom solution will be too expensive. I personally would have prefered PS4/720 in 2014 with HSA, Kaveri, etc. instead of launching right before a big gap.

Both MS and Sony can't wait to get better tech and leave other with a year of headstart. Also even without it Orbis still looks fantastic to me. Theoretical flop output is worse than that of high end PC but architecture latencies are just beyond PC and that alone would give terrific boost in achieving theoretical flop output. PC can have 3Tf but a lot of this power is just wasted. And if some developers will code to metal (like Sony studios) we can pretty sure expect amazing things. Closed efficient hardware does that.


No. He made a claim, that there must be secret physics hardware providing an addition 500+ GFlops, based on a premature assumption, that Durango and Orbis must have equivalent performance, and I refuted the fallacy. The only one getting defensive here is you.
I'm going to say one last thing about this all, I don't feel that his point or question was that controversial. Let's leave it at that.
I dunno man, he just pointing something out which happens to be pretty reasonable, and your words coming off pretty defensive and like your pissed about it.

Frankly, I was perfectly polite as I pointed out the flaw in his reasoning in my original reply, so I have to wonder what your and TheOddOne's motivations could possibly be at this point. It isn't useful or productive to have people who don't know what they're talking about polluting technical threads with fallacious arguments. But as we can see now, that pales in comparison to people who rush to defend them.


PS3 ram problem is something different than this situation. Right now only the best gpus have 3,5 GB GDDR5 ram. 4 GB GDDR5 is a fucking lot of ram. MS DDR3 ram even with esram is almost twice slow because you can't really add bandwidths.
yeah but PC memory isn't limited to their VRAM. And some high end AMD GPU come with 6GB GDDR5. So are some Tesla, but i'd gladly agree that this is hardly of any use in games right now.


yeah but PC memory isn't limited to their VRAM. And some high end AMD GPU come with 6GB GDDR5. So are some Tesla, but i'd gladly agree that this is hardly of any use in games right now.

PC is much different that console in that case. PC isn't efficient. For example GTA4 on same specs with comparable graphical effects at same resolution just couldn't fit into 500MB or Ram on PC which PS3/X360 use.
That's the possible solution but we don't know if it is stacked or not. Mind you Orbis also had planed stacked memory in line at some point. But from looks stacked memory is still to early in production for consoles which will be released this year.

Both MS and Sony can't wait to get better tech and leave other with a year of headstart. Also even without it Orbis still looks fantastic to me. Theoretical flop output is worse than that of high end PC but architecture latencies are just beyond PC and that alone would give terrific boost in achieving theoretical flop output. PC can have 3Tf but a lot of this power is just wasted. And if some developers will code to metal (like Sony studios) we can pretty sure expect amazing things. Closed efficient hardware does that.

The problem is that the brute force of PCs is already very high and with the release of DDR4, cheaper SSDs, HSA/Kaveri, Haswell, etc. this gap will get bigger right at the PS4 launch. Even though consoles are a known entity where a developer can work much closer to the hardware there is still overhead especially from the OS (network, chat, security, etc.).

I am sure we will see amazing gains but I would have sacrificed an earlier launch for a bigger leap. Of course Sony can't let Nintendo alone for 2 years and MS for 1 but if both would have gone the high power route I would understand a 2014 launch. It will still take a while until the Wii-U is ready to show off and until then 360 and PS3 would suffice.


The problem is that the brute force of PCs is already very high and with the release of DDR4, cheaper SSDs, HSA/Kaveri, Haswell, etc. this gap will get bigger right at the PS4 launch. Even though consoles are a known entity where a developer can work much closer to the hardware there is still overhead especially from the OS (network, chat, security, etc.).

I am sure we will see amazing gains but I would have sacrificed an earlier launch for a bigger leap. Of course Sony can't let Nintendo alone for 2 years and MS for 1 but if both would have gone the high power route I would understand a 2014 launch. It will still take a while until the Wii-U is ready to show off and until then 360 and PS3 would suffice.

I think it all boils down to a limited budget more than technology available. Even if they released a year later, given the same budget, the gap between them and PC would roughly be the same. Nothing guarantee they would have featured brand new technologies such as DDR4, even if it was available.

PC is much different that console in that case. PC isn't efficient. For example GTA4 on same specs with comparable graphical effects at same resolution just couldn't fit into 500MB or Ram on PC which PS3/X360 use.

Sure, was just pointing out that even fast 3.5GB of total ram isn't exactly a lot for 2013, let alone 4/5 years later. I'm happy with it though, i'm sure devs will adapt, and I wasn't expecting more than 4GB.


Gold Member
damn this sounds beastly.

So Orbis = Circle

Vita = Life

So circle of life, maybe something to do with orbis's streaming capablities? either way, i'm thinking this is going to be another key to their hardware solution, these code names seem a bit too connected imo


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
1.6 billion triangles/s, 1.6 billion vertices/s.......how is it possible?
So to some of you saying that MS might be able to catch up to Orbis by stacking etc, can't the Orbis use the same techs too?

Asking since I really have no clue here.

Sure, was just pointing out that even fast 3.5GB of total ram isn't exactly a lot for 2013, let alone 4/5 years later. I'm happy with it though, i'm sure devs will adapt, and I wasn't expecting more than 4GB.

From what I've read over and over, it is a lot for 2013.

Really, it doesn't make sense to me too, but then again I was bought up always thinking that more is better, but techwise, apparently it's a different story.
I think Brad is making a good point. Why presume parity? Just to get a clearer image of things; what would be the price difference between 4GB DDR5 and 8GB DDR3 and 32mb esRAM?

Anyway parity is a nice thought but its been clear since the RAM leaks both systems are optimising around two seperate goals. Which makes the idea of parity kind of doubtful and odd.

Edit: Though he did word things poorly.

I completely agree everything you said here. As well as the bolded lol.

Frankly, I was perfectly polite as I pointed out the flaw in his reasoning in my original reply, so I have to wonder what your and TheOddOne's motivations could possibly be at this point. It isn't useful or productive to have people who don't know what they're talking about polluting technical threads with fallacious arguments. But as we can see now, that pales in comparison to people who rush to defend them.

Yes you were technically polite, but your words still came off a bit strong, and did make it seem like it was a bit more of a controversial statement then it really was. Then it seemed like you got overally defensive.

I want to say I do completely agree with you in that to assume parity in this situation is flawed and incorrect. In laymen terms I think you were just a bit to hard on the poor chap. Trust me lately people on gaf have doing much much worse things when there beloved future console is being speculated as inferior to the competition. Reference the recent FXAA Creator comments on Orbis, Durango thread for some great laughs.

in fact heres a link to one of the best ones, from a normally very level headed poster, that had a meltdown and went to the darkside(the question was who is Timothy Lottes). lol and wow he was banned for the post probably. perma banned I think?


anyways this the last thing i'll say on the subject, i dont want to derail the discussion any further. sorry if I have already.


The problem is that the brute force of PCs is already very high and with the release of DDR4, cheaper SSDs, HSA/Kaveri, Haswell, etc. this gap will get bigger right at the PS4 launch. Even though consoles are a known entity where a developer can work much closer to the hardware there is still overhead especially from the OS (network, chat, security, etc.).

I am sure we will see amazing gains but I would have sacrificed an earlier launch for a bigger leap. Of course Sony can't let Nintendo alone for 2 years and MS for 1 but if both would have gone the high power route I would understand a 2014 launch. It will still take a while until the Wii-U is ready to show off and until then 360 and PS3 would suffice.

Brute force was always PC advantage and always will be but problem is that PC has to deal with a lot of things and because of that practical power is much worse than theoretical. And brute force is essentially what most of developers do on PC instead of better coding. That limits a lot power.

We are talking here about playing Borderlands2 with almost same assets with better resolution on hardware that is xx times more powerfull. That is reality of PC gaming now. I expect only after next gen release their consoles to PC devs step up and show what hardware can achieve since they won't need to scale to consoles much.

Much like Agni was running 60 FPS on GTX680. There are no games that even comprable to that and their tech not even Crysis 3 right now. And there is Samaritan which with some optimization came down to one 680.

Samaritan and Agni is what current PC can do if used properly (still with modular PC problems)


Since this ps4 seems less complex than the ps3. Chances of a worldwide release more likely?

unlikely. The chips are rumored to have unbelievably low yields.

You are thinking about Durango and its hard to implement ESRAM causing bad yields. We had zero news that Orbis has any yield problems [and why would it, it doesent have any exotic tech in it and 28nm production is essentially "solved"].


PS3 ram problem is something different than this situation. Right now only the best gpus have 3,5 GB GDDR5 ram. 4 GB GDDR5 is a fucking lot of ram. MS DDR3 ram even with esram is almost twice slow because you can't really add bandwidths.

I spent $1400 for 2 gtx680s classifieds which have 4 gddr5 each (8 total)= 4GB gddr5 usable for videogames.

A $400 console with 4GB gddr5 available for game is cutting edge and great value.


I spent $1400 for 2 gtx680s classifieds which have 4 gddr5 each (8 total)= 4GB gddr5 usable for videogames.

A $400 console with 4GB gddr5 available for game is cutting edge and great value.

Yeah that is my point. I alone thought that they will go with 2GB GDDR5 4-6 GB DDR3 ram. 4GB GDDR5 is just mindblowing to me. People like big numbers like 8>4 but if i had to choose 2GB GDDR5 + 8GB DDR3 ram or 4GB GDDR5 shared with system ram (considering OS footprint is small) i would choose later any day.

This is much like HDD vs SSD discussion. SSD any day even if it will give me less space.

Next gen games will require fast Ram for those big textures. 68 to 178 is a vast difference.
Next gen games will require fast Ram for those big textures. 68 to 178 is a vast difference.

Dreamcast VS N64 it is.
Seriously though this is why I've generally ignored the 'their the same' arguments. It hasn't looked like that at any point. Durango's 'secret sauce' will have to be a second console for these to hold up to one another.
so with the "seperated" CUs there is more power to make things like the dynamic levels in GoW3(the titans) or uncharted 2/3(the train and the floating ships and platforms)?


In terms of CU and Texture Unit count overall, it is between 7850 and 7870. In terms of being able to render triangles per second (1.6B/sec) it is the same as 7950/6950 which surprisingly is less than 7850 (1.72B/sec). The core clock has been turned down by 50Mhz. So overall, it is nearly identical to 7850 (same number of ROPs).

And for the longest time, i asked for 7850/70 in PS4's APU. That came true.

Sadly, I also wanted dedicated GPU for another 1-2 TF. :(


Dreamcast VS N64 it is.
Seriously though this is why I've generally ignored the 'their the same' arguments. It hasn't looked like that at any point. Durango's 'secret sauce' will have to be a second console for these to hold up to one another.

I think MS gone WiiU way in what they are trying to achieve. They want kinect build in so not only does it require rumored 2 cores but also much ram. So they really couldn't use only 4 gig like Orbis. Orbis other hand is more conservative pure gaming console.

Interesting part is how developers will threat both consoles.

I think most of the games will look the same on both Orbis and Durango (scaling to lower dominator) but Orbis games will just work better (res, physic, IQ, FPS) and with difference in power we can possibly expect some games on Durango being 30 FPS where Orbis counterpart will be 60FPS.

On other hand developers which will be using hardware without scaling (like Sony devs) will show difference and it will be easily more noticeable than X360/PS3 much like PS2 to Gamecube difference was.

Most interesting part for us will be that both consoles will be probably at the same price range. PS4 will pack more power but Durango will have build in Kinect.


RAM total is only 2x WiiU ?

Yet people still say the difference between Wiiu and ps4 will be similar to Wii and ps3 when ps3 has like 6x the ram of Wii.



I think most of the games will look the same on both Orbis and Durango (scaling to lower dominator) but Orbis games will just work better (res, physic, IQ, FPS) and with difference in power we can possibly expect some games on Durango being 30 FPS where Orbis counterpart will be 60FPS.
I remember when back in middle 2006 a guy from Starbreeze said you wouldn't be able to tell if a screenshot comes from 360 or a PS3 game, people here said "yes but on PS3 it'll run with twice the framerate!". Nice throwback here.


I remember when back in middle 2006 a guy from Starbreeze said you wouldn't be able to tell if a screenshot comes from 360 or a PS3 game, people here said "yes but on PS3 it'll run with twice the framerate!". Nice throwback here.

Same company providing cpu/gpu/apu now though. Still, it's better to suspend judgment a tad.


Dreamcast VS N64 it is.
Seriously though this is why I've generally ignored the 'their the same' arguments. It hasn't looked like that at any point. Durango's 'secret sauce' will have to be a second console for these to hold up to one another.

I'm starting to believe MS's secret sauce will be a $1 billion dollar advertising blitz, money-hatted developers, and a $100 loss per console.


I think MS gone WiiU way in what they are trying to achieve. They want kinect build in so not only does it require rumored 2 cores but also much ram. So they really couldn't use only 4 gig like Orbis. Orbis other hand is more conservative pure gaming console.

Interesting part is how developers will threat both consoles.

I think most of the games will look the same on both Orbis and Durango (scaling to lower dominator) but Orbis games will just work better (res, physic, IQ, FPS) and with difference in power we can possibly expect some games on Durango being 30 FPS where Orbis counterpart will be 60FPS.

On other hand developers which will be using hardware without scaling (like Sony devs) will show difference and it will be easily more noticeable than X360/PS3 much like PS2 to Gamecube difference was.

Most interesting part for us will be that both consoles will be probably at the same price range. PS4 will pack more power but Durango will have build in Kinect.

if the rumors are true, they will not look the same. Thats a big IF.
But look at it like running PC game at different settings. Thats what could happen.

Now, will they use 100% of PS4 power like Sony 1st party studios? probably not. At least not right away but they can make it work as their engines are already scalable.


I remember when back in middle 2006 a guy from Starbreeze said you wouldn't be able to tell if a screenshot comes from 360 or a PS3 game, people here said "yes but on PS3 it'll run with twice the framerate!". Nice throwback here.

It is not PS3/X360 difference. If rumors are true Durango have 1.2 Tflop GPU + 100Gflop CPU with part of that reserved for build in Kinect. Orbis from rumors is 1,4 Tflop Gpu + 500Gflop CPU (4 CU). Overall it's 1,3 -Kinect to 1,9. And both systems are very much same design from one producer (AMD) and both of them will have easy access to that power (unlike PS3).

As of 30 vs 60 thing. I don't say for all games because that would be a lie. For "some" games. Most of them probably will pack just better effects, resolution, AA and other things.

Expect something like PS2 to GC if those rumors are correct
I think MS gone WiiU way in what they are trying to achieve. They want kinect build in so not only does it require rumored 2 cores but also much ram. So they really couldn't use only 4 gig like Orbis. Orbis other hand is more conservative pure gaming console.

Interesting part is how developers will threat both consoles.

I think most of the games will look the same on both Orbis and Durango (scaling to lower dominator) but Orbis games will just work better (res, physic, IQ, FPS) and with difference in power we can possibly expect some games on Durango being 30 FPS where Orbis counterpart will be 60FPS.

On other hand developers which will be using hardware without scaling (like Sony devs) will show difference and it will be easily more noticeable than X360/PS3 much like PS2 to Gamecube difference was.

Most interesting part for us will be that both consoles will be probably at the same price range. PS4 will pack more power but Durango will have build in Kinect.

I think thats a bit of a stretch. I think it takes A LOT more power than you think to double the framerate. I would predict we'll see overall higher framerates, definitely better AA and AF, and maybe slightly better shadows and resolution(those are related to bandwidth correct?). Like you said for the most part devs will code to the lowest common denominator with slight alterations here and there. I'm sure it will really come down to what the developers as willing to put time and money into. It always does.

Once again I predict we'll only see the real difference in exclusives...mainly FP exclusives...mainly Sony FP exclusives...mainly games developed by ND, GG, and SSM. lol

In all seriousness, if I had to make a bold prediction, I would say the difference this time around when it comes to FP exclusives, the gap we'll be wider than last time. Mainly because of a combination between Durango's rumored OS overhead and Orbis's rumored overall advantages widening the gap further than it really is. Just like SS fusion Gogeta, Gotrunks, or Vegito. lmao
I think most of the games will look the same on both Orbis and Durango (scaling to lower dominator) but Orbis games will just work better (res, physic, IQ, FPS) and with difference in power we can possibly expect some games on Durango being 30 FPS where Orbis counterpart will be 60FPS.

Until some developers confirm that the Orbis will actually be easy to develop for i dont think its safe to say that. MS has a track record of making its consoles easy to develop for, Sony not so much.


It is not PS3/X360 difference. If rumors are true Durango have 1.2 Tflop GPU + 100Gflop CPU with part of that reserved for build in Kinect. Orbis from rumors is 1,4 Tflop Gpu + 500Gflop CPU (4 CU). Overall it's 1,3 -Kinect to 1,9. And both systems are very much same design from one producer (AMD) and both of them will have easy access to that power (unlike PS3).

As of 30 vs 60 thing. I don't say for all games because that would be a lie. For "some" games. Most of them probably will pack just better effects, resolution, AA and other things.
It wouldn't be a lie, all of it sounds like your wishful thinking, starting with completely silly arithmetic additions of processing power.
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