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Visa study finds that the avg teen's family spent nearly $1000 for prom in 2014/2015

What happened at your prom that made you regret it so much you seem to still have strong feelings about it?

No single thing, really. First, I hate pretty much everything involved: Dressing up, dancing, being in rooms full of people in a social situation, etc. Second, the prom was at a hotel and we had to wait to have our pictures made on the way in. They had placed the photo area and line in the indoor pool area. I waited in-line 20 min to have our picture taken in an 85 degree room with 100% humidity with that tux on. I sweat out of my head/hair and I was soaking wet by the time we got our pics made. Finally, I had asked this girl from another school to go with me which turned out to be a huge mistake because she didn't know anyone. At the after-party, my friends all left their dates to socialize at the party as they went out and had fun raising some hell. I couldn't do the same without abandoning my date with people she didn't know. It was pretty much miserable. I'm sure she does not look back on it fondly either.


What the shit?! How? Iirc, all I paid for was my tux rental which was under $100 and maybe those stupid flowers that you pin on each other.


My high school didn't have prom. But I was also gay in a highly homophobic small town so I don't feel like I missed out on much.
We had a dumb out-of-town marching band competition during prom time and some of the drumline and wood winds wanted to purposely throw it so we'd be back home in time lol


One of the coolest thing of the US, fucking Prom, wish we had something like this here, instead we have a carnaval type with costume and alcohol.


This is absolutely disgusting.

It's prom. It's supposed to be fun, it's not a wedding

Honestly this is just disturbing to me
I wore cargo shorts, hoodie, and sandles. I was extra glad we could request music during the dance like Creed and Nickleback. Photograph made some folks cry.
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