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Waitress poured hot soup on me, restaurant did absolutely nothing

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I feel like the restaurant should have comp'd you something. Though like you, I won't be straightforward and ask for something... It's best just to move on. I've broken dishes and glasses at restaurants before, and they've never made me pay anything extra. So I just see it as karmic return when something happens and just roll with it.
Maybe already covered in this thread, but OP needs to learn the difference between "poured" and "spilled." The former implies an intentional act.


I mean, pouring hot soup on you is really a one person job, I don't know why you think the rest of the employees should have gotten involved. If you needed more soup poured on you she could have just made another trip.

Seriously tho OP she apologized, if your clothes got stains wich are hard to get out by washing i would ask for a refund and money for a steamery.

You could however talked to the manager if you wanted your money back or a discount etc they would probably not fire her if you was worried about that.


Today was my last day at my internship, and a lot of us interns and other employees went out for lunch. A different waitress accidentally spilled some hot soup on me. It wasn't skin-burning hot or anything, but a bit painful. Plus, getting soup poured on your clothes obviously sucks. The waitress emphatically apologized, and I didn't make a big deal about it. I was going to be leaving for home soon, so I guess that was a good day for it to happen.

The restaurant didn't really do anything though. They charged me for my food, and even had the tip already baked into the bill. Many employees saw it, so I'm sure the management knew about it. It was only a $15 meal, so I wasn't going to make a fuss about it. I'm just surprised that the restaurant didn't acknowledge it at all.

To those that have had similar experiences or work/have worked in restaurants, should I have expected something like the meal being free?

If you don't complain don't expect anything, you did good not complaining, but not good by then complaining about it :/


well i should be working

but ive got a cheese filled pretzel and photoshop, so instead im fucking around online

I have a four day weekend before I start my new job, so naturally I'm here discussing soup spilling etiquette. Priorities on point.

Two Words

Having worked in a restaurant, that's maybe the most cathartic first post on GAF in a while
You think I'm a whiney baby? If you spilled soup on me and I did what I did, which was nothing, you would feel I was being a whiney baby? All I did was expect management to feel compelled to respond to the incident in some manner.


I think entitlement as it's used nowdays is a vapid insult.

That being said, I'd say most people are entitled to not have soup spilled on them. The question is how to fix the situation when it happens.

No insult, just using the word for its meaning.

Anyway, it was an accident and she apologized for it. I feel that's quite enough considering the trivial event. I don't feel he deserves anything in return aside from that apology.

Could the restaurant be smart and complement him any way? Of course, I would encourage that. Should they do it because of that specific accident? I don't think so.
You think I'm a whiney baby? If you spilled soup on me and I did what I did, which was nothing, you would feel I was being a whiney baby? All I did was expect management to feel compelled to respond to the incident in some manner.

Yes, you're spineless and wait until your safe behind your touchscreen before whining about entitlement. Avoiding having to deal with real human face to face conflict resolution like a big boy.
Thread title shows you are overreacting. She spilled soup on you, she didn't pour it on you. Pour implies intent, it was an accident that you even said was no big deal.
You think I'm a whiney baby? If you spilled soup on me and I did what I did, which was nothing, you would feel I was being a whiney baby? All I did was expect management to feel compelled to respond to the incident in some manner.

Then why not bring it up with them? You seem to want validation for your position but you don't want to do the thing you should be doing: contact the restaurant.

People feel you're not sincere because you're not taking any steps to make your expectation come to fruition, instead you're just asking "what workers in the food industry would do". We all know the angle you're doing which is why they're calling you out.

Like, you already said in this thread people agree with you but you still keep looking for some kind of response so we can only assume it's validation for your inaction.

Two Words

Thread title shows you are overreacting. She spilled soup on you, she didn't pour it on you. Pour implies intent, it was an accident that you even said was no big deal.

I've said multiple times that the thread title was erroneous on my part. It doesn't "show" anything. It was a simple mistake.

Two Words

Lmao this is some soft ass shit

Grow some courage and say something.

I didn't want to make a big deal about it because I didn't want the employee to get shit for it. I'm not afraid to make a complaint if I want to do it. I don't know why some of you are so dead set on trying to make me out to be the bad guy.

Kind of like the waitress accidentally spilling soup on you?

I'm not the one trying to figure out some secret purpose behind her mistake.


You think I'm a whiney baby? If you spilled soup on me and I did what I did, which was nothing, you would feel I was being a whiney baby? All I did was expect management to feel compelled to respond to the incident in some manner.
I think everyone calling you a whiny baby are doing so because you're currently acting like one. In this thread. After the fact. Not at the restaurant when you decided to not make a big stink about it.

So, yeah, move on. Next time you get some souped spilled on you by accident feel free to act like an asshole and demand reparation or whatever so you won't feel the need to bitch about it online afterwards.


I'm all for treating service workers well. I've done so my whole life. But if a representative of the restaurant physically injures you and ruins your clothes, you're not being an entitled douchebag to expect something in compensation. My goodness, people. It's a restaurant, the management is supposed to care about your experience as a guest there. You go there to relax and you get your pants stained and your dick burned? They should care enough to do something.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
I'm all for treating service workers well. I've done so my whole life. But if a representative of the restaurant physically injures you and ruins your clothes, you're not being an entitled douchebag to expect something in compensation. My goodness, people.

But dont you see, its Two Words! That means we're allowed to shit on him!


Take your pick


I suggest the innocuous ones that somehow span several pages to start.
Is the fact that there are no links supposed to be the joke? Because I see nothing there.

OP, the restaurant absolutely should have comped you the meal. Spilling soup on a diner is a hell of a difference vs spilling water or something like that. On the other hand, pressing the issue might have made you look bad in front of the supervisor, so it depends on whether you had opportunity.
You didnt make a big deal at the restaurant where soup was actually spilled on and you expected them to compensate you? Oh boy are you just bad with face to face confrontations or something? You got to make it an issue otherwise they will look the other way.


I'm all for treating service workers well. I've done so my whole life. But if a representative of the restaurant physically injures you and ruins your clothes, you're not being an entitled douchebag to expect something in compensation. My goodness, people. It's a restaurant, the management is supposed to care about your experience as a guest there. You go there to relax and you get your pants stained and your dick burned? They should care enough to do something.
Are people so used to shitty service in America?
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