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WAPO: North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead

I don't think anyone on this board knows what they could have planned to overcome such an obstacle but to dismiss it offhand is foolish. Look somewhere along the line it seems people started to take what I was saying as NK would win in a battle with the US over SK. I'm not saying anything other than they may think they have a chance. My one and only point was that they could now take such an action and have nothing to lose and will not be wiped off the face of the earth because the US will not invade NK with a few thousand ICBM nukes aimed at American cities.

They can't airlift them over the DMZ because they'd get shot down. They can't boat them round because they'd get missiled. They can't walk across the DMZ because they'd step on mines. They can't go through the Joint Security Area because it's 2km wide and covered with South Korean defences. The ONLY WAY for North Korea to be effective is if NATO comes to them.

"Nothing to lose"? Like elsewhere, the elites in the bureaucracy have a lot to lose - their comfortable lifestyles, their political power, their families. It's in none of their interest to just say "ehhh fuck it let's do something stupid".

"A few thousand ICBM nukes"? They've tested two missiles that have ICBM range. It's not like thousands have been manufactured in a matter of weeks. And THAAD is still in place. It's not a guaranteed interception, but it's certainly better than nothing.
It truly disgusts me how any and all internet conversations on North Korea inevitably result in perverse fantasizing about nuclear war.

I will freak out when our friends in South Korea start freaking out. Funny how they're always the most level-headed ones during Kim dickwaving sessions when they are by far at the most risk.

Maybe we should follow their example.

I'm not worried about NK – I'm worried about our fucking president.


And we'd have to know where each of those locations are, which I'm sure we don't.
The US knows exactly where the locations are. The north koreans make their nuclear material, like all nuclear powers, at large nuclear powerstations. Getting rid of those isn't a problem. The potential of a radioactive cloud of fallout is bad though.
The problem is the mobile launchers for missiles. They are always hard to pick out.
Also remember NK does not have a proven reentry system for their missile warheads. That is pretty tricky.


Looking for meaning in GAF
Yeah, NK dickwaving is all stuff people have seen before. They've been doing it for decades. It kind of stops bothering you after seeing it for the fourth or fifth time.

Seeing the incredibly petty and unstable US president do the same kind of dickwaving with a much more advanced military... That's very different.


There will be no war. It's not like Iraq, no one gave a fuck about Iraq. It was the middle of no where. The only risk was the oil supply being affected or some sort of fallout into Saudi but that was never a biggy. Halliburton can get the oil out of a radioactive wasteland. Harsh words but that is the economic reality of that conflict, it was an option the US could explore with relative impunity.

In this case....Japan and South Korea could be collateral damage, there is an outside risk of a threat to US territory and China absolutely doesn't want war on its door step. This conflict could collapse the world economy. There will never be a war unless China is the one that is taking NK.

There is literally no good things to come out of a war with NK, none. Hundreds of thousands dead (possibly millions) and millions of refugees flooding across the Yalu and DMZ. Economic collapse in South Korea if Seoul is significantly damaged along with worldwide stock market collapses. The Yen, Won, Dollar and Euro all plumetting in value, likely recession, while nuclear forces from the P5 go to maximum readiness. Oh, and potentially military chicanery by other countries attempting to exploit the crisis, maybe Israel bombing Iran, Saudi invading Qatar and so on.

But this is all predicated on the extremely unlikely scenario of the Korean War flairing up again. All of the above would be explained to the Idiot-In-Chief by his generals, would get bored after 2 minutes and tell them to do what they like as he goes back to watching Fox News while tweeting.
The US knows exactly where the locations are. The north koreans make their nuclear material, like all nuclear powers, at large nuclear powerstations. Getting rid of those isn't a problem. The potential of a radioactive cloud of fallout is bad though.
The problem is the mobile launchers for missiles. They are always hard to pick out.

Thought the most recent one was unidentifiable due to it being at night. It was "somewhere in the middle of the country".


This is scary shit. And there were people in the previous thread saying that NK don't have the tech for it and won't for years, if ever.

Is it time to start building a lead lined bunker?


Thought the most recent one was unidentifiable due to it being at night. It was "somewhere in the middle of the country".

As soon as it was launched any major power with satellites would have known exactly where it came from with just a couple of minutes, if that. If THAAD had been online then it would have detected it as well as it's Radar is designed for exactly that purpose.
Like I said though mobile launched missiles have an advantage in that you can launch them from the middle of nowhere and make a run for it before any retaliatory strike.
If they actually do have nukes then war is inevitable and probably necessary.
War should always be a last resort but if they have any kind of nukes then you can't just keep on waiting and waiting. They will get bigger and more powerful nukes in a short matter of time and then we're all fucked.

If there's ever been a justifiable war it's this. The entire nation are slaves and the lunatic leader now has nuclear capabilities...

well your username is fitting

its fucking off-putting how excited you seem about the prospect


You'd wonder how any of these folk would have survived the Cold War.
Were Americans way more chill about the Cold War or something? I've seen this sentiment a few times now, but in England, people lost their shit during the Cold War.


Were Americans way more chill about the Cold War or something? I've seen this sentiment a few times now, but in England, people lost their shit during the Cold War.

Everyone lost their shit, but the collective hysteria surrounding this would make it seem that we're back to that heightened state which is clearly not the case at all.
Until he gets out there and picks up the phone to NORAD and orders them to prepare to launch.

NORAD doesn't own nukes. It's also a bilateral command helmed by the US and Canada. It has an air defense mission; it has no offensive or counter-nuke mission.

You're thinking of US Strategic Command (STRATCOM).


We had calmer heads in place during the Cold War.

we had drugs and sex and culture wars during the Cold War. Now we got social media so we can focus on our navel gazing instead of distracting ourselves into oblivion

podcasts about having trouble adjusting to our new nuclear reality.

look book Goop-type sites for the survivalist and prepper set


The world waited too long to deal with North Korea now you can't deal with them because they are a full nuclear power. Southeast Asia's geopolitical situation just got real unstable.

Not really. They still are the same credible threat to SK and Japan. But they cannot do much to others. The question becomes getting the South Koreans on board for anything.

But I agree. That is always how it is. Too scared to deal with NK when they just had artillery. Then they had atomic bombs, then possibly hydrogen bomb, then ballistic missiles, then possible ICBM that can hit Alaska or Hawaii. Now full miniaturization of warheads.

This is why we need sound,stable leadership in office. Someone China fears and does not laugh at, and someone that SK,Japan, and other allies would look to to lead.
As soon as it was launched any major power with satellites would have known exactly where it came from with just a couple of minutes, if that. If THAAD had been online then it would have detected it as well as it's Radar is designed for exactly that purpose.
Like I said though mobile launched missiles have an advantage in that you can launch them from the middle of nowhere and make a run for it before any retaliatory strike.

The US requires blips from spy planes and drones in order to know, doesn't it? The military knew 70 minutes before on the 4th July because it was from Kusong, a military airfield. This last launch was from Chagang. Satellites aren't a live feed, they have delays provided they are lined up correctly and can accurately capture the launch.


It truly disgusts me how any and all internet conversations on North Korea inevitably result in perverse fantasizing about nuclear war.

I will freak out when our friends in South Korea start freaking out. Funny how they're always the most level-headed ones during Kim dickwaving sessions when they are by far at the most risk.

Maybe we should follow their example.

For real.

With a significant breakthrough they have been working decades to accomplish.

Lol nope. North Korea will soon be a country with a solid nuclear deterrent, they will get the instant upgrade that brings and will throw around that weight as much as it can.

Letting this country get slowly torture it's people and get nukes over the last 50 years will be remembered as a great shame of our time.

Blame China and the Soviet Union for keeping the Kims in power.


well your username is fitting

its fucking off-putting how excited you seem about the prospect

Excited? Where did you get that from my post? If NK continue to pursue this course of action then war is inevitable and by war I don't mean nuclear war. The whole point would be to destroy the threat before it gets to the stage of nuclear weapons being used...


I think we're still pretty far away from any kind of actual nuclear exchange. But stepped up military activity? I think we're pretty likely to see that. The navy is going to be bringing more ships in, and you're going to get those nauseating moments where the two forces test each other by buzzing planes to see who blinks first.


Dear Previous US Presidents,

This is why you don't kick the can down the road. Because the can may eventually get picked up by Donald Trump.


What a complete failure of US foreign policy and the entire UN. Allowing a despotic, barbaric rogue nation to develop deliverable nuclear weapons.

So now everyone just has to give in to their demands right? When every other option could lead to nuclear war what else do you do?


( ≖‿≖)
Way too much focus on trump here. NK being allowed to reach this point is the one of the most embarrassing failures of human history, which will only worsen if they attack someone.


Excited? Where did you get that from my post? If NK continue to pursue this course of action then war is inevitable and by war I don't mean nuclear war. The whole point would be to destroy the threat before it gets to the stage of nuclear weapons being used...

Dear Previous US Presidents,

This is why you don't kick the can down the road. Because the can may eventually get picked up by Donald Trump.


What a complete failure of US foreign policy and the entire UN. Allowing a despotic, barbaric rogue nation to develop deliverable nuclear weapons.

So now everyone just has to give in to their demands right? When every other option could lead to nuclear war what else do you do?

Way too much focus on trump here. NK being allowed to reach this point is the one of the most embarrassing failures of human history, which will only worsen if they attack someone.

Three new recruits to the Chickenhawk Brigade. Christ people, can you please sate your infantile urges for war and allow diplomacy to take its course? NK isn't going to attack anyone FFS!


Well, that sucks. Not sure what could have realistically been done to prevent it from happening - we've probably delayed this for years with subterfuge, sabotage, and diplomacy, but couldn't stop it forever so long as NK had people willing to trade with them.

While it's frightening to see such a batshit insane country have long range nukes, I still don't see war as the most likely outcome. As others have said, NK wants a seat at the table and means to guarantee we won't invade. A nuke ready to go does that. Assuming there's not war, I'll be very curious as to how the next few years play as a result of this.
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