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WarioWare D.I.Y. thread of "Do you like to... 'Do-it-yourself?'"

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Deku said:
There's a composer function. You give him the general parameters, pace, mood and he'll compose a piece for you.

You can then go in and edit the instruments. You may have to cycle through a few compositions to find one that 'fits' what you want for it.

But, to clarify, you can make music completely from scratch if you want. The composer is just an option
Deku said:
But I've dl'ed gunloc and boojoh's games so far. you guys are great at pixel art.
Heh, I wish I could take the credit for it, but the stuff I have in my warehouse right now are from WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase. I just put them up as a preview for those that don't have the WiiWare game.

I'll have my own stuff up soon enough though, but I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I don't want to ship anything until it's exactly right.


Maybe I just haven't figured out where it is/how to program it yet, but I wish there was an "or" argument instead of everything just being "and" when adding to AI.
Kat & Ana games from Showcase are up now in my warehouse.

JesseZao said:
Maybe I just haven't figured out where it is/how to program it yet, but I wish there was an "or" argument instead of everything just being "and" when adding to AI.
Nope, you need to program separate AI and use various triggers & actions that can be programed to be "randomized'. Lessons 27, 28 & 29 in the Assembly Dojo explain this further.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Shipped my first record! It's a twenty-second demo but it's something. I was inspired by the Corneria theme in that 9 volt game, so I wanted it to be really fast paced. I'm not happy with the first track (that kicks in on the third step), so I'll be changing that around.

I think it'd make a nice chiptune piece for a castle/dungeon in an 8-bit game.
I originally wanted to do an uplifting song.


Gunloc said:
Nope, you need to program separate AI and use various triggers & actions that can be programed to be "randomized'. Lessons 27, 28 & 29 in the Assembly Dojo explain this further.
I think he was referring to "or" in the triggers, since most programming languages allow for OR so you could say "if player touches enemy1 OR player touches enemy2, kill player."

Unfortunately, the only way to accomplish this is to copy the AI, thus using another one of your 5 AI slots for each enemy.

If you look at Caf Caper, you'll see I had to find workarounds for this because the player's movement uses most of its AI routines. I had each enemy check for collision with the player sprite, then switch itself on to show a collision. Then the "extra life" icon at the bottom watched the enemy switches, and if one came on, the extra life switch came on. The player object watched the extra life object, and if it switched on, the player object plays a death animation.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yeah OR would help out a lot. Sometimes I wish I could peel back the front end and just look at the various scripts. :3
Just finished my first game, its a mario game. And I would love to add a bunch of you so I can check out all your games. Where can you find your friend code in warioware I feel like an idiot

EDIT: nevermind found it 2880-2134-4285
FYI: The new weekly & big name games are up at the NinSoft store. The BNGs are by the creator of Cave Story ("Pixel") and one of the co-creators of World of Goo.

BooJoh said:
I think he was referring to "or" in the triggers, since most programming languages allow for OR so you could say "if player touches enemy1 OR player touches enemy2, kill player."
Ah, I see. Yes, that would be most helpful.


TWINgaf is up in my warehouse

my friendcode is

0174 3801 9588




I love this game! I already have a single game, record, and comic in my warehouse.
Let me all know what you think of them!

My friend code is 1505 8030 5911

Add me, because I'm adding everyone else! :D

EDIT: Done! Just spent 10 minutes adding everyone from the OP and connected to WFC. Start adding me and connecting guys! :lol
The game by Pixel is really cool. I love the art style.

But the one by the World of Goo guy? Yikes. He could of added an element to make the game even the least bit challenging.


Jealous Bastard
added a couple more people.

can't figure out why some of you are still greyed out in the friend menu. add me!

1591 7180 0513


beelzebozo said:
am i showing up as green on yours?

Not as of yesterday, no.

Have you visited your crate? Maybe stuff some random included game in there for funs? Maybe that'll make it work. I can't remember if everyone that's green has a game to publish or not.


So far only Gunloc I've been able to access the warehouse of! (Hope you enjoy my stuff sir.)
Can't wait until more of you show up! :D

Also, I just uploaded a new game to the warehouse, I'll switch out the two games in there every Monday, just as Nintendo updates the NinSoft Store.

My Current Stock
Games: Molecules, Chest Dive
Records: Fade Factor
Comics: Weird Night

Total Products
Games: 3
Records: 1
Comics: 1


I think this product is subtly making me want to purchase the DSi XL :lol: which is crazy with the 3DS upcoming, but it would great to have the bigger screen for the creation process.

Looks like I need to change my wireless network password type :/ DS can't use WPA-2 I guess. Been awhile since I've used wifi on DS (probably MKDS is last I used it with old router). I'll add all of you guys once I get that ironed out.

Edit: Friend Code! 3223-8118-6360

I'm adding all the codes in this thread now.

Only made two games so far and they are more of the personal relevance variety, but I'm getting the hang of the coding format and should have some better "mainstream" games soon.


Trying to make a micro Zelda clone and take it from me, do not try to fake a 4-directional D-pad, the AI instructions for this is driving me nuts and I've spent hours getting it to work.

I've had to dumb down the controls a bit. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Alright, think I got everyone added up from here. still no confirmation on RedBoot, darkressurection, and Lord Helmet.

So, where does the WPD get it's sales numbers? How many times a game get's played? I don't think they made it quite clear.


Neo Member
This may have been mentioned, but I don't feel like searching through the thread.

Would I need to add as well as be added in order to see these games? Or could I just add these people and check out their games?


delleps said:
This may have been mentioned, but I don't feel like searching through the thread.

Would I need to add as well as be added in order to see these games? Or could I just add these people and check out their games?
I believe you add someone and then they just need to connect to WFC after you add them.


Deku said:
yea lots still greyed out. added you beelzebozo, and tunalover.

What's your Wii FC?

Added everyone from OP, including
Neon Z

Showcase only owner (Wii version)


Just added the following people to my WW D.I.Y. friends list (should be the ones that I was missing)

Nuclear Muffin
Pizza Luigi

My FC:

I'll hopefully connect to Nintendo WFC tomorrow (Wi-Fi is acting up)

Will add people's Wii codes to Showcase tomorrow

Nuclear Muffin

My WiiCode:


Updated OP.

Don't forget that the new weekly games are up! I am a little disappointed in the World of Goo Creator's one, unless there's more to it than it seems.


Added the latest people.

Chairhome said:
I am a little disappointed in the World of Goo Creator's one, unless there's more to it than it seems.

I actually went to view it right after playing it to see if there was, and disappointingly there wasn't at all. I did learn the cloud moves in the background. Didn't notice that while playing it.
Still lots of people not confirmed on my friend list too and I've been connecting to the warehouse at least four of five times a day. I wonder if they are having some server problems.

delleps said:
Would I need to add as well as be added in order to see these games? Or could I just add these people and check out their games?
You both have to have each other's friend code registered and you both have to connect to the warehouse afterwards.


Gunloc said:
Still lots of people not confirmed on my friend list too and I've been connecting to the warehouse at least four of five times a day. I wonder if they are having some server problems.

weekend has been horrible. 80% of my attempts to access friend warehouse timed out. Today's been a bit better, but I only have you and about five others showing as registered.


Dunno what's going on with friendy stuff, guys. I have a sizable proportion of green but the last nine are all yellow yet. I don't have any trouble connecting, though.

Everyone but Ironballs has stuff in their crates. Do some of you who aren't my confirmed friend yet have stuff in your crates?


zigg said:
Dunno what's going on with friendy stuff, guys. I have a sizable proportion of green but the last nine are all yellow yet. I don't have any trouble connecting, though.

Everyone but Ironballs has stuff in their crates. Do some of you who aren't my confirmed friend yet have stuff in your crates?

i have you added
I have everyone added. Over half of your names are still greyed out as if one of us hasn't connected... looks like I'm not alone in this problem. hm...
zigg said:
Dunno what's going on with friendy stuff, guys. I have a sizable proportion of green but the last nine are all yellow yet. I don't have any trouble connecting, though.

Everyone but Ironballs has stuff in their crates. Do some of you who aren't my confirmed friend yet have stuff in your crates?
I do, but I don't think that's the issue. I have three or four confirmed people that have never had anything in their warehouse.
I'm adding everyone in the OP while watching Raw. My friend code is 4598 1980 6742 if anyone wants to add me back. I've got big plans for some microgames. We'll see if I'm actually good enough soon.
Put up two games from 18-Volt's D.I.Y. Showcase selection. These will be the final games I preview from Showcase and after that I'll (hopefully) have my own games to show off soon.

I do have my first game completed, but it's for the theme contest so I'm going to keep it under wraps until the deadline is past.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Are there any unlockable "bonus games" in this incarnation of Wario Ware? I ask as every other WW game had at least one "big" bonus game, and I'm curious as to whether this will be the exception due to the design...


Chairhome said:
I am a little disappointed in the World of Goo Creator's one, unless there's more to it than it seems.

I wonder what was the reaction when they received that 'game'... Was he forced to make it or something?


DavidDayton said:
Are there any unlockable "bonus games" in this incarnation of Wario Ware? I ask as every other WW game had at least one "big" bonus game, and I'm curious as to whether this will be the exception due to the design...

Doesn't seem to be (apart from the credits game), though there's a mirror mode, which is kinda neat. Even the command word is mirrored.

Maybe I'll try deleting and re-entering you guys who haven't gone green yet. *rage*


NeonZ said:
I wonder what was the reaction when they received that 'game'... Was he forced to make it or something?
On the video I posted above of him making the game, he said, "I did the tutorial yesterday, took about an hour, and this game took about an hour". I guess he just wasn't into it.


I've added everyone in DIY DS from the OP again. Still need to update Showcase on the Wii though.

I've been sick and haven't done much, but have plans to fill a page with SMB level based games. I put betas of SMB 1-2 and 1-4 in my cart. Feedback is welcome.

For now I'm just making proof of concept betas, but will let you guys know when I'm finished. BTW, can you send more than 2 games at a time to friends with the Wii Showcase?

I also updated 1-1, but since various versions of it have been up for a week decide to change levels in the cart. 1-2 needs the walking animation and a timer. For 1-4 I might shade the area around the coins if they are too hard to tap and I'll add a coin counter. I'd originally planned to have the coins hidden like in the real game, but that seemed to hard. What do you guys think?

I don't recall who made it, but the one where you help Mario with his kicked Koopa shell is awesome. At first I wasn't sure what was going on though.

Here's a run down of my plans:
1-1 survive and power up
1-2 slide under
1-3 collect coins & don't fall
1-4 find 6 coins
2-1 coin heaven
2-2 swim to pipe & avoid fish
2-3 avoid cheep cheeps
2-4 get past firebars
3-1 stomp koopa on stairs for 1-ups
3-2 kick koopa into enemies for points & 1-up
3-3 don't let the platform fall
3-4 duck & jump bowser's fire
4-1 dodge lakita's spiny drops
4-2 collect coins from mushroom platforms
4-3 don't let the platforms fall off their pulleys
4-4 find the correct path
... I think you get the picture.
8-8 defeat bowser & save princess
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