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WarioWare D.I.Y. thread of "Do you like to... 'Do-it-yourself?'"


Dragmire said:
I just put one up called 'Redwing'. You're a bird that has to fly and it has a parallax scrolling effect. I'm really proud of it.
The first time I played this game I was so wowed by the parallax that I forgot to do anything and lost :lol Great microgame

Also, I really liked Nuclear Muffin's Channel Pick game!


I have once again added everyone in the OP. I also made a minor improvement to my SMB level and have many more changes planned. It's cool how when working on a game I'm get ideas for other games.
I don't have anything of my own ready yet, but I put some stuff from the WiiWare game (WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase) up for those you haven't played it yet.

There are four groups of new microgames in the WiiWare game and I'll put my two favorites from each group in my warehouse over the next four days for people to check out. Today I'll start with the Wario-Man stage.

I put some records and comics from the game in my wearhouse too for those interested.


heh turns out i decided to give it a try and bought both games.

here's my FC: 2493 6603 4538

i'm still early into the game and my editing skills are pretty dull atm but i'd like to try people's microgames for now. i'm going to add all FCs on the OP. i hope people add me back to get their games.


Osuwari said:
i'm going to add all FCs on the OP. i hope people add me back to get their games.
I added you. I think I've got everyone in the thread. I'm listed in the OP as Dragmire, but my game name is Moldy, from the first Wario Ware game. I let it auto-choose my name and now I always use that for Wario Ware games.

I like your Easter one, BooJoh! :D WiiRevolution, your 'Shut up dog' one made me laugh.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Oh, in case anyone wants...

My Wii system code is

Wii Code: 2878 6587 9343 0860

I also threw together a new minigame - DS Lair. It should be fairly obvious what inspired me...

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Okay, I dunno what my university did to my wireless, but I finally got it back. Adding everyone in the OP, I'm 0947-4749-8143

Only game up so far is my Pokemon thing.


Unconfirmed Member
I finished my game for this round's theme, machine. It's up for those who have me added (I'm sure I have everyone here added).

Surprisingly, I didn't take that much time to toss it together, but doing test after test and revision after revision... had to cut some corners in order to fit the animation limit.:lol

So that means my matching Mario is down for the moment. I'll put it back up if anyone wants it again.


WiiRevolution1 - 2321-8540-1580
InfectedZero - 2150-0561-1850
ChairHome - 1505-8111-0474
JodyAnthony - 3825 0927 7665
BooJoh - 0732 7169 2387
Why would you do that? - 3009 0499 5051
Ironballs - 0475 0187 2356
Celebi21 - 0389-1195-7210
DavidDayton - 5457 1796 8441
StormWatch - 3137 8994 9977
RedBoot - 4512 2878 9684
Dookins - 1248-1135-9608
ghostmind - 0775 6676 0015
zigg - 1334-0122-1141
n8BitMan - 2193 0069 9461
Mikman - 1033-3642-2689
Gogojira - 5242-4344-1701
Andrex - 0475-0207-5312
darkressurection - 2364-8063-8025
dragmire - 5285 3824 2212
guerragames - 3739 1902 6618
mutagenic - 0260 2709 1079
Luigison - 0389 1212 6448
Len1978 - 4941-7850-0627
Karram - 2837 2524 4678
Lijik - 3910 9960 1678
Lord Helmet - 2193-0091-5453
Lennylightspeed - 0217 3210 4253
vagabondarts - 4168-6967-7172
gunloc - 1505-8113-0213
Nuclear Muffin - 2450 7099 9220
beelzebozo - 1591 7180 0513

have added or will be adding everyone in the OP,

please add me

0174 3801 9588


Bentendo said:
Can someone tell me how to unlock new albums? Thanks in advance.
Most of the achievements in "DIY Data" in the DIY Studio unlock records, I believe you also get one new one every day upon entering the DIY Shop.
zigg said:
Added FCs from OP and posted a new game!

This one is a bit more interesting than the last ones...
You're not showing up on my list zigg, did you connect to the warehouse after adding me?


Gunloc said:
You're not showing up on my list zigg, did you connect to the warehouse after adding me?

Yup, you're slot #29. I even reloaded the Friend Crates just in case those were necessary.

Well, try again I suppose!


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Added everyone so far and uploaded my latest game. Special thanks to WWYDT for the music. <3
Woah, I misplaced my game for about 3 days straight. Very tiny DS cartriges ftl. :(

Now I need to add everyone's friend code and connect online and try everyone's stuff! It'll be nice to connect and see tons of new content, though.

Edit: Added everyone.

Edit2: I'm loving all of your games. Some of the things that really stuck out to me were Roam's Ghostbusters game, BooJoh's great games, zigg's surgery simulator, n8BitMan's Vending Machine (I love how the dollar doesn't always accept for some reason), Luigison's Mario game, Andrex's Mario game (Mega Mushroom yay!), and Moldy's nice graphics.

I need to make another game... Probably one based on The Legend of Zelda, like I originally planned. Then I'd do an update of the 3D game thing I did. I have some ideas of how to optimize it.
Added all the new people.
Zigg - Love your surgery game and hey, you! ahahaha
8bitman - Soda machine one was awesome haha
Moldy - Redwing's art and music is fucking amazing. Awesome saucesome man!
Boojoh - Love the festive easter egg hunt!
Roam - Bustin does make me feel good.
Jody - Like your art and simple shooter.

Im in the process of porting "The Impossible Game" from Xbox Live Indies.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I really like the concept of scrolling and tapping the screen to jump. I'll probably be using this "engine" for a few more games. :p


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Uploaded a new version of Rogue Koopa. Bullet Bill is supposed to kill you. :p

For some reason even if you put that you're supposed to lose every way possible when contacting an object (on the object itself, on the contacting object) it still makes you win if the other win conditions are met.

So I moved things around so that BB came before the last enemy. :p Nothing like good old fashion hacking. :lol

If someone could find some ways to optimize my game, I would like you a lot. There's a lot I wanted to put in but couldn't (ran out of object room and only have two points left...)


That koopa one was is cool, Andrex. I like that idea. :)

Does anyone know a way to make objects travel slower than the slowest setting? There's probably a way to do it with 'target' but I haven't figured it out.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Dragmire said:
That koopa one was is cool, Andrex. I like that idea. :)

Does anyone know a way to make objects travel slower than the slowest setting? There's probably a way to do it with 'target' but I haven't figured it out.

Thanks. :)

To be extreme you could set it to move a couple pixels at every X-X time. That'd fill up the actions list pretty quick though. :lol


today i got into the Wii version and beat the games that came with it. then i transferred some stuff to the DS version.

here's my Wii FC for those who have the Wii Version too: 2210 6606 1724 4636


Jealous Bastard
the coolest thing is that no matter how janky you may feel your drawings are, or how senseless the game, within the WARIOWARE framework everything seems to work. i need to do more creating, because everything i've played by you guys is really really fun. i got a huge kick out of the comic about pudding :lol

still need a ton of you to add me!


really digging the composer, he can churn out some really nice music.

BTW, anyone have problems with hanging/communication error messages while trying to access the warehouse to download games?


Jealous Bastard
Deku said:
really digging the composer, he can churn out some really nice music.

BTW, anyone have problems with hanging/communication error messages while trying to access the warehouse to download games?

yes, sometimes it'll just boot me.


I'm trying to make my first simple game, but I'm stuck already. What I'm doing is very simple: tap an egg 3 times to break it open and win. I figured even I should be able to make that. I was wrong.

I have all my objects in pace, but I'm stuck at the AI bit. I can get the art to switch to another piece of art (egg with a crack), but I want to be able to tap a second time to make the crack bigger and no matter what I try it doesn't work. Can anyone help me out?


Unconfirmed Member
eXistor said:
I have all my objects in pace, but I'm stuck at the AI bit. I can get the art to switch to another piece of art (egg with a crack), but I want to be able to tap a second time to make the crack bigger and no matter what I try it doesn't work. Can anyone help me out?
You need to add another trigger by the sounds of it.

If you tap this object &
the art is 3:
change art to 2

If you tap this object &
the art is 2:
change art to 1


Stormwatch said:
What do the little locks mean on some people's games?
It means that anyone other than the creator can open up the game in the gamemaker. I only did it to one of my games because I'd like to add more to it (and also for the sake of the contest :p). I'll make it open source later if anyone wants it.

And while on the topic of that game, thanks for all the comments.:D


Thanks for the compliments, guys! :D I was hoping that one would turn out well. Just making it taught me a few more things about D.I.Y.'s systems, actually... one thing in particular is reusing objects. Using RANDOM1 as both an organ randomizer and a "ceiling" for the scrolling doctor or lawyer... RANDOM2 is both the other randomizer and the target point for the removed organ.

eXistor said:
I'm trying to make my first simple game, but I'm stuck already. What I'm doing is very simple: tap an egg 3 times to break it open and win. I figured even I should be able to make that. I was wrong.

I have all my objects in pace, but I'm stuck at the AI bit. I can get the art to switch to another piece of art (egg with a crack), but I want to be able to tap a second time to make the crack bigger and no matter what I try it doesn't work. Can anyone help me out?

I think what you need to do (and maybe you're trying to do this already) is use your art as a state indicator.

For example, let's say you've got the whole egg as art A, a little cracked as B, very cracked as C, and hey it's a chick or a dinosaur or a daytime talk show host as D.

AI 1: if tapped and art is A, set art to B (I suspect the bold part might be what is tripping you up; if you don't include this second bit, it will fire on all taps, not just the first)
AI 2: if tapped and art is B, set to C
AI 3: if tapped and art is C, set to D and win

Stormwatch said:
What do the little locks mean on some people's games?

They've set their games as locked-down when they shipped them; you can't use them as any sort of basis for your own games.
Andrex said:
The locked down games seem kinda ego-centric to me. :3

Actually, that makes sense. Weren't there some problems with LittleBigPlanet where people were stealing each other's games and republishing them to try and steal some of the popularity.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Stormwatch said:
Actually, that makes sense. Weren't there some problems with LittleBigPlanet where people were stealing each other's games and republishing them to try and steal some of the popularity.

But there's no ranking system in DIY. Nobody knows about your game unless you have exchanged friend codes...
Andrex said:
But there's no ranking system in DIY. Nobody knows about your game unless you have exchanged friend codes...

True, but how much would it suck if someone won a trip to E3 with a game that you created and they submitted.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Stormwatch said:
True, but how much would it suck if someone won a trip to E3 with a game that you created and they submitted.

Would suck but I'm sure there's some kind of revision tracking in place.


Can someone who has this game please let me know how the music editing is? From what I gather it is like Mario Paint with more options? Does it have all the stupid instruments like dog bark, etc. from Mario Paint?

Basically, I am more interested in this game for being Mario Paint on the DS (with the Warioware stuff being a bonus) and want to make sure it lives up to that standard before I jump in.


Thanks so much n8BitMan and zigg, that did the trick! Man I must have spent 3 hours making that silly game :).

Sucks that I don't have wireless connection at home. I'm taking my DSi to work and I'll start adding people.


The_Technomancer said:
Okay, um, where do I create comics and music from scratch? Can't find it for the life of me.
Go to WarioWare, Inc. and do the music and comic lessons; once you do, the MakerMatic's second and third slots will get music and comic creation tools.


i keep getting communication error whilst trying to access the warehouse.

But I've dl'ed gunloc and boojoh's games so far. you guys are great at pixel art.

handofg0d said:
Can someone who has this game please let me know how the music editing is? From what I gather it is like Mario Paint with more options? Does it have all the stupid instruments like dog bark, etc. from Mario Paint?

Basically, I am more interested in this game for being Mario Paint on the DS (with the Warioware stuff being a bonus) and want to make sure it lives up to that standard before I jump in.

There's a composer function. You give him the general parameters, pace, mood and he'll compose a piece for you.

You can then go in and edit the instruments. You may have to cycle through a few compositions to find one that 'fits' what you want for it.
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