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WarioWare D.I.Y. thread of "Do you like to... 'Do-it-yourself?'"

celebi23 said:
Come on guys, it's really not that difficult. :lol Just add everyone from the OP & then log onto Nintendo WFC :lol I really would love to see what everyone else is working on. But, half the people from my friend's list (only added people from this topic) have red question marks next to their names & I can't access their Warehouses. The other half have green circles next to their names & I can access their Warehouses just fine :D

The Wifi/Friends List seems to be funky in this game. I haven't played too many DS or Wii games with friend codes, but it seems to take a while before 2 people can connect with one another. I have everyone in the OP on my friends list, but 50% have red question marks, including you.
Ooh, forgot who Moldy was.... but I really like the graphics in your "Stick" game. :D It was a little hard to see the sticks at first, though...

I like various other games here, too, including Andrex's Lady Gaga EBA, Luigison's Mario games, and Moldy's Teabagging Simulator.

Stormwatch said:
The Wifi/Friends List seems to be funky in this game. I haven't played too many DS or Wii games with friend codes, but it seems to take a while before 2 people can connect with one another. I have everyone in the OP on my friends list, but 50% have red question marks, including you.
That is kinda weird... It's been good to me. I have everyone accepted except the most recent addition.


Stormwatch said:
The Wifi/Friends List seems to be funky in this game. I haven't played too many DS or Wii games with friend codes, but it seems to take a while before 2 people can connect with one another. I have everyone in the OP on my friends list, but 50% have red question marks, including you.

Huh, that's kinda weird. I added everyone's FC, that's been listed in this topic, & I've logged onto Nintendo WFC numerous times. Ah, Nintendo & your shitty online setup :lol
Why would you do that? said:
Looking at some of the last achiev-*cough*medals, I am wondering if this game has
a new Pyoro
in it. Can't wait to unlock more stuff as the time passes.
If you are talking about the last medal, it's
for the staff credits game. It's in the Options Garage.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Whoah @ Stick game. :eek: You almost have your own "shelf" (row) in my library Moldy! :D People who already do include Cameo (WWYDT) and BooJoh. Choice stuff coming from all three of ya, keep it up!

Oh and thanks for the shout out WWYTD. :D Just from playing it over and over it "feels" like there should be a third tap on the right side, and that the counter/health meter should go up when you tap. I am kinda proud at how I got the music to be like the BR opening. :)


In the 9- vs. 18-Volt camp, I'm not so sure I necessarily prefer one over the other (now that I finally got into 9-Volt's games.) They're both good. Thought it was really cool to see some Wii stuff in 9-Volt's :)

With one exception—I'm not particularly happy with the apparently very picky pixel-tapping requirement a lot of games seem to have; I feel like they should have a zone around the objects that count—I'm actually quite the fan of the majority of these games. Unlike the Touched! and Smooth Moves games, it feels more like the included games are being made for the sake of the games rather than as a demo for new hardware... and they're better for it.

Anyway, it seems weird to be talking about all the included games. :) I'll get back into making some more soon.
Gunloc said:
If you are talking about the last medal, it's
for the staff credits game. It's in the Options Garage.
Aww. Thanks for the heads-up, though.

I couldn't get a perfect score on it... :( I thought I hit everything, but oh well.

TunaLover said:
Added guerragames to my Wii FC
And everyone with Showcase to this post
Is the Wii Friend Code the same as the D.I.Y. Showcase code? Or does the Showcase have separate friend codes?

I didn't get Showcase yet, but I might as well put my Wii friend code up if it's the same.

Luigison said:
Why would you do that?, you have some very good games. Did you enter the robot contest? I have some ideas, but don't think I'll have time to do them.
Actually, I'm thinking about it... Especially if I get a medal for doing it. :p

I'm not good with coming up with ideas, though... I'll try to think of something.

Andrex said:
The forum in general was kinda bewildering, to be honest. :lol So many tropes, if there were more than three posts per thread you could think it was real. :lol

The translators (Treehouse?) definitely did a good job of translating the feel of a messageboard to DIY. :D
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Treehouse. They often do a fine job translating and delivering humor and stuff.

Andrex said:
Whoah @ Stick game. :eek: You almost have your own "shelf" (row) in my library Moldy! :D People who already do include Cameo (WWYDT) and BooJoh. Choice stuff coming from all three of ya, keep it up!
Oh... Thanks. :D Yeah, I need to organize all of the games better. My shelves are so messy now...


Why would you do that? said:
Is the Wii Friend Code the same as the D.I.Y. Showcase code? Or does the Showcase have separate friend codes?

I didn't get Showcase yet, but I might as well put my Wii friend code up if it's the same.

Pretty sure it's the Wii code. I'm not spreading my Wii System Number around, but Showcase has a switch that advertises your ownership of Showcase to your friends and then uses the list there to let you send games directly to them.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
WiiConnect24 just uses the Wii number so if Showcase is using WC24 to share stuff, then it's just using the Wii number.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I'm working on a microgame based on the climax of Sailor Moon R: The Movie. :3
Finally opened up my copy of the game, and put a couple hours into it. If your a DS owner pick this game up, I have no real artistic talent but the tools and things they give you make it easy to make somthing. And everything is so easy to use once you do the tutorial, I love that you can play your game on the fly to check your progress and to see if you have your script set up correctly. Im suprised nintendo released somthing like this but games like this remind me why nintendo is awesome.


I only have Showcase so far... My Wii FC is 7173 3305 0836 0214. Even though it's just Showcase, the multiplayer has been worth it, although it was initially stupidly locked.

And I imagine when more games become available, this will just become better. It's the first console Warioware I've played and the multiplayer has been the most fun I've had with this series, even if some of the games in Showcase are rather weak.

I didn't plan to buy the DS version originally, but I might end up doing it just to add more games to this one.


Count Dookkake said:
Someone with great talent should do a series of Shadowgate games.

That would be awesome.
That's on my list to do list, but the list is a whole notebook page write now and I'm not sure what order to try them in.

Is there a way to make long boss battles? So far I only see two lengths and the longest one is too short. I'm currently working on a scrolling level that needs to be longer than the normal long micro game. Think of the old micro game battle where Wario was on a skateboard and had to duck or jump obstacles to get an idea how long I want.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I have a question, sorry if it's been answered already:

On the second game making tutorial (whack-a-mole), I can't hit the moles I've drawn at all... maybe one out of ten times I try to hit them.

Is this because I didn't fill the inside of them with a color (I just traced their outlines)? Does it detect the entire area of the sprite on it's own, or does it only detect "filled-in" areas when you tap the sprite during the game?


Lijik said:
^It only detects filled in areas.
Correct. I actually use this now and have plans for it in the future. If the object is visible (not transparent) it can be tapped, touched, etc. For example, in my SMB game when the mushroom falls it hits an object that looks like the ground and turns right, but then I have it change to a transparent cell so that when the mushroom comes back over that cell it won't turn again, but keeps moving as if the object wasn't there.


NeonZ said:
I only have Showcase so far... My Wii FC is 7173 3305 0836 0214. Even though it's just Showcase, the multiplayer has been worth it, although it was initially stupidly locked.

And I imagine when more games become available, this will just become better. It's the first console Warioware I've played and the multiplayer has been the most fun I've had with this series, even if some of the games in Showcase are rather weak.

I didn't plan to buy the DS version originally, but I might end up doing it just to add more games to this one.

How do you unlock multiplayer? I've been trying to figure that out :lol


The tutorials in this game are torturous, I still can't find out how to randomize an item between several locations.

The game I was working on is like "guess which hand I have the item in" and the player has to tap one of the hands - the correct hand = win, wrong hand = lose. And I want to randomize it, so that it could be either hand holding the item each new game.

Silly me, I thought this would be simple given there are only two locations! :lol


celebi23 said:
How do you unlock multiplayer? I've been trying to figure that out :lol

Go to "Game Blender" and play through all micro-games, making all 4 icons under "Wario-Man Software" appear in full color.

You'll unlock "Wario-Man software stage", which is a mix of the 4 previous paths. Score 25 or more there and you'll unlock high-speed. Score 10 or more there and you'll finally unlock "mix all", "mix all ultra hard" and "Mix all versus", the multiplayer.


Why would you do that? said:
Ooh, forgot who Moldy was.... but I really like the graphics in your "Stick" game. :D It was a little hard to see the sticks at first, though...
Thanks. I've done a lot of tweaking to it and uploaded the new version. I made the sticks stand out from the mud more and there are randomized elements. I just uploaded it.

I also have another new game called Blades up.
Why would you do that? said:
Aww. Thanks for the heads-up, though.

I couldn't get a perfect score on it... :( I thought I hit everything, but oh well.
I think you need to hit the little alien that keeps popping up in the top left corner. I got a perfect the first time I played it so I'm not sure, but I destroyed all the spaceships and hit the alien until it fell every time it appeared.

It'll say perfect if you get everything at the end.


So do you need friend codes to download other peoples games, or is all this stored on some database where you can download and play everyone of them. I'm thinking about buying it, I just don't know at this point. I like WarioWare.
Here is my Friend Code for the list in the OP: 1505-8113-0213

vocab said:
So do you need friend codes to download other peoples games, or is all this stored on some database where you can download and play everyone of them. I'm thinking about buying it, I just don't know at this point. I like WarioWare.
You need to input the friend codes, plus they have to input your code too before you can access each other's wearhouse. (Where your games for "sale" are kept.)


Just finished a new microgame that I'm thinking about entering into the design challenge. Its in my warehouse if you want to check it out.


Caf Caper is up. Will make Knytt available again sometime if anyone wants it.

Lijik said:
Just finished a new microgame that I'm thinking about entering into the design challenge. Its in my warehouse if you want to check it out.
It's really good, but I'd suggest making the Left and Right buttons clearer and maybe give them flashing borders to draw attention. It took me a few plays to figure out how to move left and right.


BitchTits said:
The tutorials in this game are torturous, I still can't find out how to randomize an item between several locations.

The game I was working on is like "guess which hand I have the item in" and the player has to tap one of the hands - the correct hand = win, wrong hand = lose. And I want to randomize it, so that it could be either hand holding the item each new game.

Silly me, I thought this would be simple given there are only two locations! :lol

You'll learn these in the assembly dojo eventually (if you have the patience), but the two key ways to get randomization are
  1. Set a trigger that fires at 1-1 and a random time between 1-1 and (say) 1-3. In this example, one time out of three, the random time will be 1-1, and the trigger will fire.
  2. Have an invisible object locate itself at a random position within an area, then set triggers on it to fire if it hits a portion of that area, dividing said area up.
You could easily use either one for your game as you seem to only be looking for a 50/50 split. There are additional tricks for stacking 50/50 splits to get 25/25/25/25 splits and things like that. I do recommend the dojo; I found most of it pretty easy (then again, I'm a programmer by trade), but it's good for getting your mind going.


Just purchased SHOWCASE on Wiiware! Can everyone add me please and put me on first page?? Thanks!

billysea - 0562 9042 3234 9263

Edit: from what I play, you can only download DS games locally and not through WFC? And you can't download people's games through their Wii, and only by receiving them if they decide to send you some?
That sucks...


BooJoh said:
It's really good, but I'd suggest making the Left and Right buttons clearer and maybe give them flashing borders to draw attention. It took me a few plays to figure out how to move left and right.

I quickly updated it so the buttons flash at the start for the time being, haven't change the art assets yet. Also fixed a small glitch where if you press Left or Right midair you couldnt use that button when you landed without first jumping or moving in the opposite direction.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Added vagabond and Gunloc and uploaded my newest game. I was kinda undecided on whether to upload it... but I know I'm always excited to see new games, even if they're an in-joke or referencing some series I don't know. So I uploaded it even though it's kind of a family in-joke, although you could probably get it by playing.
My DS copy of DIY is here! :D I've made 2 games and I've stuck them in my warehouse (the first one is a bit of an injoke, sort of a remake of an old Flipnote animation I did :lol) but anyone can get a good laugh out of them!

I've added everyone's Wii and DS FCs so far!

My DS FC is: 2450 7099 9220

BTW, Celebi23 and Luigison, you haven't added my Wii FC yet! Oh and I got Wii Revo's games, love the cute music :lol


OP updated.
Just put up a ghostbusters themed game. I couldn't do everything I wanted cause I ran out of points for the game and AI's for one object. And there's a weird unintentional buzzing noise when you win, don't know how to get rid of it... but it kind of works in the context of what's happening when it happens.

Quickly finding that my lack of artistic abilities is my biggest stumbling point. Probably going to stick with sprite sheets from now on, haha. Love this thing though.

Let me know what you think! And BooJoh and WhyWouldYouDoThat?, I love your stuff!


I added the new friend codes.

Tonight I'll be taking down Castlevania and putting up a new game, Egg Hunt.

JodyAnthony said:
is there any way to make art go to where you tap?
The only way I can think of atm would be to create some objects that look like part of the background, and have the object target them when you tap them, but you don't have a big enough object budget to do the whole playfield that way.
BooJoh said:
I added the new friend codes.

Tonight I'll be taking down Castlevania and putting up a new game, Egg Hunt.

The only way I can think of atm would be to create some objects that look like part of the background, and have the object target them when you tap them, but you don't have a big enough object budget to do the whole playfield that way.
Damn, that sucks. I'll have to make it static. thanks!

Hope to finally have an actual game up soon!
BooJoh said:
I added the new friend codes.

Tonight I'll be taking down Castlevania and putting up a new game, Egg Hunt.

The only way I can think of atm would be to create some objects that look like part of the background, and have the object target them when you tap them, but you don't have a big enough object budget to do the whole playfield that way.

Did you add me? I really wanna get Castlevania before you take it down!


JodyAnthony said:
hahaha zigg I did the same exact last panel for my comic class comic

:D I debated even putting that up, but I was like hey, why not.

Real games are forthcoming, though. I have a pretty fun new idea that will actually use... randomization!


I just put one up called 'Redwing'. You're a bird that has to fly and it has a parallax scrolling effect. I'm really proud of it.
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