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Watch Dogs Legion runs at dynamic 1080p on Series S.


Lol, WD is a current gen game with some tacked on effects which the XSX can still run around the 4k mark..... The true drama hasn`t even started yet.

Yes, it's an unoptimized current gen game with next gen features tacked on. Things will get much better once games tap into the full potential of DX12 Ultimate API, such as mesh shaders, VRS, Sampler Feedback and DXR 1.1.
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Console made as a 1080-1440 machine has a launch game run at 1080. more at 8!

So much concern for a console that OP and most of the other posters in here will never buy.
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Gold Member
I've actually been defending the Series S as an upgrade over the base S, but man, I think I was wrong. This system kind of sucks and the hard drive is so small.


That's a blatant lie. Here's an actual capture from the official trailer:

They marketed it as a 1440p machine. Not only is it not achieving that here it isn't even achieving 1080p consistently.
They have always been clear about it being a console to play on 1080p to 1440p. Thats definitely not a lie.

And just because the picture says 1440p up to 120fps it doesn't mean its a lie either. Watchdogs is ONE SINGLE game, there are high chances you will see games running in 1440p on Series S, it might be some much less demanding games but you most certainly will eventually.

If you're going to worry about these posters then you shouldn't buy any console ever. Cause all of them use this kind of trick, including Playstation's marketing.
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How does it run on Xbox One X?
Without Ray tracing.
Maybe it would be a good idea to offer to disable ray tracing in exchange for better resolution / frame rate.

There is also a review on digital foundry youtube about how the game runs on current gen devices. OG Xbox One quite bad, OG PS4 quite OK-ish, Pro / OneX pretty good (30 fps target).
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The game doesn't look next gen to me, but nice free marketing it has gotten more impressive than 4k resolution.
It is cross gen: pretty much the same as current gen plus some bling bling, in this case better assets, better resolution and ray tracing.
There are some Series X videos on Youtube which look pretty impressive :messenger_grinning:
Yes, it's an unoptimized current gen game with next gen features tacked on. Things will get much better once games tap into the full potential of DX12 Ultimate API, such as mesh shaders, VRS, Sampler Feedback and DXR 1.1.
We're talking a few percent efficiency gain here vs the usual generational leap in game complexity........ Absolutely incomparable.
From here on this is going to get worse for the xss, not better....
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Series X doesn't run Watch Dogs at 4K so why would anyone expect series S to run it at 1440p?

The S is marketed as the budget option. Compromises are expected. And that's what it's doing.
People were hailing the XSS as a gaming miracle. A true "next gen" console for ultra cheap - what an incredible feat! 'Dat CPU' will unlock greater resolutions and frame rates, they said.

All coming home to roost now.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
People were hailing the XSS as a gaming miracle. A true "next gen" console for ultra cheap - what an incredible feat! 'Dat CPU' will unlock greater resolutions and frame rates, they said.

All coming home to roost now.

dunno if that’s true at all, Series S has always been for the casuals, only 1 brand of fans are trying to lift it above that to let it fail.


my point was also the hypocrisy of many on this forum once again.

Watch Dogs runs current gen resolution + current gen framerate + raytracing on Series S = OMG! THAT CONSOLE IS SO UNDERPOWERED!
DMC5 runs current gen resolution + current gen framerate + patched in raytracing on XSX= no negative reaction whatsoever...
There fixed that for you. I dont know why you are bringing up PS5 in a Xbox thread.
so are you also gonna call Sony out for marketing the PS5 as a 4K console when DMC5 only runs at 1080p when RT is on? Also Watch Dogs' dynamic resolution will most likely fall below 1440p on it as well...
As soon as you call out Microsoft for marketing Series X as 4K when DMC5 only runs at 1080p when RT is on.
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There fixed that for you. I dont know why you are bringing up PS5 in a Xbox thread.

you know exactly why, you can clearly see a double standard from many in this forum.

we have 2 next gen systems, running games at the same res+fps as their current gen counterparts + added raytracing.

yet on one system that's totally fine and on the other it is a disaster.

it is pure hypocrisy and pure fanboy bullshit. and this site if full of it, as well as full of people with basically zero understanding of technology in general it seems.
which is hilarious given that this is supposed to be a gaming forum, that's like going on a HiFi forum and seeing people who don't know what a 7.1 sound system is
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you know exactly why, you can clearly see a double standard from many in this forum.

we have 2 next gen systems, running games at the same res+fps as their current gen counterparts + added raytracing.

yet on one system that's totally fine and on the other it is a disaster.

it is pure hypocrisy and pure fanboy bullshit. and this site if full of it, as well as full of people with basically zero understanding of technology in general it seems.
which is hilarious given that this is supposed to be a gaming forum, that's like going on a HiFi forum and seeing people who don't know what a 7.1 sound system is
Pure hypocrisy on your part that is. Why are you using PS5 in your example and not Xbox Series X when both have similar performance mode? You are one of the biggest fanboy on this forum mate.


It’s a budget console that tops out at 1440. It’s not going to perform miracles. That’s why it’s cheap and why the XsX exists.
Exactly. XSX/PS5 are for 4K gaming. Expecting 4K@30fps or even 1440p@120fps on a budget console is simply delusional.
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This console is a waste of $299, I feel bad for those who get sucked into buying it when they will have to upgrade in a few years.

When this console is struggling to run basic features for launch games you know it’s bad.


funny that lot of people said: "nothing to be suprised, it cheap console, this is expected, sub 1080p is expected considering the specs, it just mean top out at 1440p blah blah blah" despite before lot of them said otherwise.

"it gonna be 1440p machine" - even bring out the math of 1/3 power over XSX and yet here we got dynamic 1080p.
"just drop the resolution, the setting remain same" - i doubt that but we wait for DF analysis especially years to come. but here the resolution already dropped dynamic 1080p even before next gen started.
"cpu is same as XSX, faster than ps5, should be no problem" - and they said just adjust the resolution slider. its that simple! they said.
"it is not gonna held back next gen, game gonna developed scale down instead" - well we will see how it goes despite we already hear lot of insight from various developers.

personally even if they still want to release low specs budget console like this, better not do it at launch. wait for a year atleast and release with a new better hardware low specs console instead. that might have better performance and longetivity than what we have now. also gonna helped ms to properly gauge next gen's performance properly.
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funny that lot of people said: "nothing to be suprised, it cheap console, this is expected, sub 1080p is expected considering the specs, it just mean top out at 1440p blah blah blah" despite before lot of them said otherwise.

"it gonna be 1440p machine" - even bring out the math of 1/3 power over XSX and yet here we got dynamic 1080p.
"just drop the resolution, the setting remain same" - i doubt that but we wait for DF analysis especially years to come. but here the resolution already dropped dynamic 1080p even before next gen started.
"cpu is same as XSX, faster than ps5, should be no problem" - and they said just adjust the resolution slider. its that simple! they said.
"it is not gonna held back next gen, game gonna developed scale down instead" - well we will see how it goes despite we already hear lot of insight from various developers.

personally even if they still want to release low specs budget console like this, better not do it at launch. wait for a year atleast and release with a new better hardware low specs console instead. that might have better performance and longetivity than what we have now. also gonna helped ms to properly gauge next gen's performance properly.
I'm afraid when we start the "dynamic rez" trend, it would discourage developers to do proper optimizations if you can just simply crank down specs.



I wouldn't call them clowns, I know people from work who don't own 4k tvs and generally don't care. It'll have an audience despite these differences.
I would call them clowns because a One X could be had for cheaper if that's the case. The Series S is looking worse and worse.
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MS announced this console as a 1080p to 1440p machine. If Its doing RT (which I believe it is) theres NO surprise there, since Its running on dynamic 4k on a MUCH stronger console.

Everyone knows Series S is a tuned One X, and never meant to be a 4k machine for next gen games.

But people will pretend to be shocked in every single thread about it.
It's not even a 1080p machine lol, in the case of WD Legion it's worse performance then the One X, do people know that?

Astral Dog

MS announced this console as a 1080p to 1440p machine. If Its doing RT (which I believe it is) theres NO surprise there, since Its running on dynamic 4k on a MUCH stronger console.

Everyone knows Series S is a tuned One X, and never meant to be a 4k machine for next gen games.

But people will pretend to be shocked in every single thread about it.
Series S is far from ONE X, it has a modern CPU and SSD comparing it to ONE X doesn't make sense.

It is a next gen capable system just not in resolution


Wondering if upscaling will have any positive effect on the 1080p target.......initially I thought this might play a role in final image quality for the s.


Is it with rt or without ? Devs said something that it will have some rt effects. Some. Doesnt look good for console rly.
Still if you have no other console or pc for $300 its at least something. Cheapest way to play. But then just 100 more and proper ps5 digital its in the house
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There’s something I must admit here. Ok series S will be a weak ass machine, but....if you consider how bad Ubisoft program their games you’ll understand why it caps at 1080p dynamic. Those are not big new guys. Most of their games run like shit, they don’t take time to polish and optimize.


Dont see any problems with ubi games on pc with mediocre gtx 1060 on 1080p when you not going for max , still my ac oddysey goes maxed on 1080p . No probs no bugs no crashes just enjoying game same was on all previous AC games other ubi games.

I wouldn't call them clowns, I know people from work who don't own 4k tvs and generally don't care. It'll have an audience despite these differences.
I don't own a 4k tv, but or monitor. Its a waste when hardware isn't there to push it and using lower resolutions look like crap. I have two perfectly fine tvs a 55' and a 45' and both are 1080p. I am not getting rid of working sets for a few extra pixels. I also just got a new monitor for my gaming pc. I got a 1080p 144hz instead of getting a 1440p or 4k set. Why, because I would rather max settings and high fps than having to buy an expensive monitor and shell out $800-1500 for a 3080+ just to run at those resolutions. I'll stick to mid tier cards and get a 3060 when it's available and stick to my 1650 super which maxes everything out at 1080p right now. Buying 4k is a waste when you don't really need it. It doesn't even look like that big of a jump. Going from SD to 720p was a huge leap that you could feel.

All that being said, i wouldn't buy a new console that is cut down by half, compared to the other brand and its own big brother. Xbox s is only going to force worse games as it will be least common denominator instead of the larger boxes.
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I'm not following Xbox related news closely but I was certain that the series S was for people not owning a 4K TV so... sounds alright?

Jon Neu

A lot of Sony gaffers incredibly concerned by the Series S and -somehow-, still haven't understood what it is.
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Forum is becoming unbearable with this concern trolling shit.

Regardless, it's a 1080p console and that's what we're getting here until proven otherwise.

I agree it could be a bit more powerful, but for the purpose it serves, and market it caters to, it's fine. One S was completely underpowered too, as was the One, but neither have held back the One X at all.

It's a cheapass, smallass Game Pass box for casuals and/or kids.

And why would casuals pay for expensive* gamepass, when by statistics average gamer buys like 5-9 games / console? (https://vgsales.fandom.com/wiki/Software_tie_ratio)

Makes no sense, gamepass is aimed for people whom play shit loads of games, but xss is aimed for casuals whom dont care.

It is 720p - 1080p box in the end, if this trend continues.

Xss is for people whom play 1-2 games/year and gamepass is better for xsex owners

*Subscription cost for 1 year or multiple Years is more than buying those 4-10 games from sales or even as new on launch
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Can’t Git Gud
The segments this gen are so pointless... ps5 digital and xbox S S should absolutely not exist. It's a stupid market segregation
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