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Watch Dogs Legion runs at dynamic 1080p on Series S.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
The segments this gen are so pointless... ps5 digital and xbox S S should absolutely not exist. It's a stupid market segregation

I like owning discs and I much rather watch an UHD Blu-Ray than 4K Netflix, so beside the loss of the drive... what is wrong with a $399 PS5?

BTW, I do think people would have been better served by a Digital only XSX at $399 than a digital only XSS at $299.
The 1440p/120 fps dream is over before it started.
you really expect Ubisoft games to run at 120fps? Even PC struggles to rum em at 120fps

Gears 5 is 120FPS on Series S and So Halo MCC, Rainbow 6 nd all.. Devs will have put effort and time to make it run at 120fps..it cant brute force 120fps


So the console runs the same game as Series X, but at lower resolution.

Damn, this is what was announced from the very beginning the console would do.


That's VERY weird, I'd still expect it to do better but I guess the memory bandwidth is just holding it back a LOT. An RX 480 can absolutely do high/med settings, even some ultra, and hold 30 fps at 1620p. No way should it only do sometimes 1080p on XSS! I guess if it includes RT then that makes sense ofc, but I can't see confirmation of it for XSS.


The game doesn't look next gen to me, but nice free marketing it has gotten more impressive than 4k resolution. It's about on par with Infamous Second Son or worse.
You are saying it's on par or better than infamous SS?

You need to get your eyes tested. There is a gigantic gal between the two, even if this does look a bit last gen.


Hm.. an RTX 2060 hovers in the mid 20s on 1080p/Ultra Ray Racing.
If the XSS runs medium ray tracing, the performance is fine.

Funny what some people use as munition to shit on the Xbox hardware.

The XSS is a solid entry point. Especially for kids without that much money. Parents are probably more willing to get them a 300$ console, instead of 500$.

As another infamous forum would say: yikes!
Preordering the series X and ps5 is the best decision I made. They should just have kept the one x as a stopgap for the next two years.


XSS is simultaneously good value and bad value. It's not a big enough upgrade over current gen to really be worth it.

But it's a cheapish entrance to the next generation library.


As another infamous forum would say: yikes!
Preordering the series X and ps5 is the best decision I made. They should just have kept the one x as a stopgap for the next two years.
Of course not. Supporting One X on the long run is not possible as the console does not have the SSD, a much weaker CPU and none of the GPU features. MS wanted to have a low cost offer, and Series S is exactly this, and is made to be easily supported all along the gen. One X would have become a nightmare soon enough, requiring specific developments.


This is not in that range, it's below 1080p. That's not what anyone was expecting from a 2020 console.
this is so trolly... 2020 console that costs fraction of the price of a "real" next gen console

if resolution is the only thing that is lowered and everything else matches the other consoles, thats pretty fuking good. ofcourse no enthusiast will care about it but its not for us


Didn't ps4 pro have 1440p? And XSS has more TFLOPs? (Ps4 pro 4 vs. Xss 5.3)? How is this possible?

Could all those friendly Xbox fans who told me TFLOPs mean everything have.. lied?
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I guess it's tribute to S series consoles this generation

XSS is simultaneously good value and bad value. It's not a big enough upgrade over current gen to really be worth it.

But it's a cheapish entrance to the next generation library.

That would be true if Microsoft had next generation library :D

At the moment it's just we gutted everything except cpu box because people who want to play cheaply usually also use second hand market and game rentals.


You are saying it's on par or better than infamous SS?

You need to get your eyes tested. There is a gigantic gal between the two, even if this does look a bit last gen.
why do you think one screenshot is middle day clear time and the other night with bad weather ?
because i know
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Dynamic 1080p@30fps, which means it could dip to 720p or even worse? Good this news is coming out now so more people don't get trapped into this subpar experience.
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Gold Member
Will this run at all on Xbox One X?? or launch Xbox one?

I don't blame MS... I blame Ubi

XBOX Series S(ub-FullHD)
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I love how concerned people are about this console. It's almost like they forget, that they aren't in the target demographic - for two reasons. 1) They aren't casual gamers 2) They are die-hard Sony fans.

For the average joe who just wants a cheap console to play his next-gen games, this is a fine choice. Out in the real world, noone gives a shit whether the game is running 1080p, 1440p, 4k or something in between.


The heaviest use is on base Xbox One, of course, where the max target resolution-wise is 1600x900, but it's dynamic and can drop to 1216x684 at its lowest on the busiest streets. Not only that, but the reconstruction causes image breakup in motion, the likes of which aren't as obvious on the enhanced machines. The Xbox One X version guns for close to 4K. it's ambitious, but in practise gets close; maxing at 3584x2016, with the lower bounds set at 1440p. Again we have some form of potential reconstruction here, but it's the clearest picture on console. As you might expect, 1080p is the upper limit for the PS4 Amateur, but it dynamically drops to 1536x864 - or 80 per cent of that top target. And as for the PS4 'Professional', it's peaking at 1620p, with drops to around 2304x1296.

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Gold Member
Honest question... is the Series S weaker than the One X? I thought it was as strong but aimed to perform at 1440p instead of 4k


I don’t think people who buy this console would mind the 1080p resolution. Like many posters have said before, they simply want a console to play games for cheap. This is exactly that, not my preference but I get why it would appeal to people.


The S was designed to be a 1080p machine. So, why is this thread worthy?

The 1080p box runs games at 1080p?

You dont say?

It was designed to be a 1440p machine, no matter how many times people (incorrectly) say it was designed to be a 1080p machine it doesn't make it true:

Xbox Series S delivers approximately 3x the GPU performance of Xbox One and was designed to play games at 1440p at 60 frames per second, with support for up to 120fps.


Through talking to our customers, we found that many of our fans prioritize framerate over resolution, so we wanted to build a console that didn’t require a 4K TV.

(This game runs at 30fps)

"Designed to play games at 1440p 60fps"

Reality: 1080p and below, 30fps.

When games start running at 720p later on in the generation as things get more demanding will you guys also say it was "designed" to be a 720p machine?


We're talking a few percent efficiency gain here vs the usual generational leap in game complexity........ Absolutely incomparable.
From here on this is going to get worse for the xss, not better....
Few percentage gains? No, mesh shaders especially are factors more efficient and allow for much richer geometry for the same performance price and SFS allows for a 2.5x effective increase in ram. With both of them you can achieve the next generation jump without needing to increase raw performance so much. That's the GPU side.

Obviously the biggest jump will be in AI and physics stuff and there zur Series S has the same capabilites as the other next gen consoles.

Series S will be just fine next gen.

Jon Neu

It was designed to be a 1440p machine, no matter how many times people (incorrectly) say it was designed to be a 1080p machine it doesn't make it true:

Good FUD there, sir.

The reality is that the Series S was designed to be UP to 1440p and UP to 120fps. And those are obviously best case scenarios.

Most games are going to be 1080p and hold the same framerate as the Series X and everybody knew that, acting like that somehow it's a surprise just to try and use it as ammo in the console wars puts you in a pretty dishonest stance, at the very least.


It was designed to be a 1440p machine, no matter how many times people (incorrectly) say it was designed to be a 1080p machine it doesn't make it true:


(This game runs at 30fps)

"Designed to play games at 1440p 60fps"

Reality: 1080p and below, 30fps.

When games start running at 720p later on in the generation as things get more demanding will you guys also say it was "designed" to be a 720p machine?

Okay, we expect a 300$ console to be better than a RTX2080 gaming pc? These performance numbers are the result of a power-hungry and flawed Ubisoft game. This is not the fault of the XSS. WD:L is a very bad game to judge hardware.

The resolution target of 1440p or 120fps (not combined) will definetly be met with their first party titles and games without RT.



The S was designed to be a 1080p machine. So, why is this thread worthy?

I see it as such as well, it's for people who still sit on FullHD TVs and aren't looking forward to upgrade to 4K HDR sets anytime soon, targeting 1440p is such a mistake IMO, it's neither FullHD not 4K, so it's either too much or too low depending on the display, unless someone plays in QHD PC monitor.


Good FUD there, sir.

The reality is that the Series S was designed to be UP to 1440p and UP to 120fps. And those are obviously best case scenarios.

Not what it says here:

Xbox Series S delivers approximately 3x the GPU performance of Xbox One and was designed to play games at 1440p at 60 frames per second, with support for up to 120fps.

Or does "at" now mean "up to"?

Or was that "and"?

It's a shame you didn't write the press release for them instead, would have cleared everything up right from the start and it would have saved us all those discussions we had around the time of it's reveal when many of us said it wasn't fit for purpose as a 1440p 60fps next gen box.

It can't be FUD if it's true.
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Guys, you can rip and tear as much as you like on XSS and I'm sure you know this but; casual gamers don't care about performance as much as hardcore gamers. It's nowhere near actually and if they did then...consoles wouldn't be as popular. Most would be on PC.

Now let's focus on that XSX vs PS5 DF comparison videos shall we? :messenger_beaming: Is the most powerful console next gen going to roll over its counterpart again like current gen? I can't wait to see them videos! :messenger_bicep:

EDIT: Another thing to note as well is cross-gen games don't seem to be making use of the Velocity architecture so hopefully with actual next gen games performance will be better anyway.
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do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
It was designed to be a 1440p machine, no matter how many times people (incorrectly) say it was designed to be a 1080p machine it doesn't make it true:


(This game runs at 30fps)

"Designed to play games at 1440p 60fps"

Reality: 1080p and below, 30fps.

When games start running at 720p later on in the generation as things get more demanding will you guys also say it was "designed" to be a 720p machine?

If a game is dynamic 4K on the 12TF machine.
Why would you think the same game would be 1440p on the 4TF machine?

I think some critical thinking might need to be applied here.

Yes the marketing says 1440p up to 120fps.
Will there be titles that meet that...sure, will there be titles the miss that....sure.

The PS5 has been said to have instant loading(cant remember the exact wording).......when people sit and say ohh man 3 seconds isnt an instant dont you think thats stupid?

Use the same critical thinking when the console is said to be 1440p up to 120fps to understand that is the upper bound MS is expecting.....not the baseline.

You are far too smart not to understand that, im not sure what your post was trying to achieve.

~Quarter the power for ~quarter the resolution.


It was designed to be a 1440p machine, no matter how many times people (incorrectly) say it was designed to be a 1080p machine it doesn't make it true:


(This game runs at 30fps)

"Designed to play games at 1440p 60fps"

Reality: 1080p and below, 30fps.

When games start running at 720p later on in the generation as things get more demanding will you guys also say it was "designed" to be a 720p machine?
i mean the game runs 30fps on the way more expensive SeriesX and PS5... so i dont get the point you are making with that

by your logic SeriesX and PS5 are also a fail of a console, since they were built to run 4k/60-120fps but run Watch dogs below 4k and at 30fps
Few percentage gains? No, mesh shaders especially are factors more efficient and allow for much richer geometry for the same performance price and SFS allows for a 2.5x effective increase in ram. With both of them you can achieve the next generation jump without needing to increase raw performance so much.
Sorry to burst your bubble here, but there is a thing called PC where those features are nothing new and have already proven to not do much. Barely 2digit percentage gains in optimal cases. Nvidia calls their form of VRS ARS f.e.

Obviously the biggest jump will be in AI and physics stuff and there zur Series S has the same capabilites as the other next gen consoles.
AI would be nice, but I´m not getting my hopes up here. Shiny visuals just sell better.
And physics is, contrary to common belief, a gpu task. The CPU is only good for "lower" object count physics. Everything with higher object counts and stuff like particle systems is usually done by the GPU because of the parallel nature of the necessary calculations.

Series S will be just fine next gen.
If by fine you mean being a major dragstone, then yes.
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Not what it says here:

Or does "at" now mean "up to"?

Or was that "and"?

It's a shame you didn't write the press release for them instead, would have cleared everything up right from the start and it would have saved us all those discussions we had around the time of it's reveal when many of us said it wasn't fit for purpose as a 1440p 60fps next gen box.

It can't be FUD if it's true.
Well, Gears 5 runs at 120fps on the Series S. Xbox has not much influence on third party games. They cant force their performance targets on Ubisoft.

Nobody expects all games to run in 4k/120fps on PS5 and XSX, because it is extremely unrealistic. But keep on fighting your good fight.


Good FUD there, sir.

The reality is that the Series S was designed to be UP to 1440p and UP to 120fps. And those are obviously best case scenarios.

Most games are going to be 1080p and hold the same framerate as the Series X and everybody knew that, acting like that somehow it's a surprise just to try and use it as ammo in the console wars puts you in a pretty dishonest stance, at the very least.
Man, Sony fanboys are loose in this thread.

official photo. reality is that you are spreading FUD. there is no UP to 1440p. it is 1440p. so they are lying and you are spinning.

yes, sony fanboys loosing against what exactly? delusional people? fud?
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Jon Neu

A lot of obtuse FUD

PS5 and the Series X are marketed as 8K consoles, are you going to make all this silly fuss when most games don't reach even native 4K?

We all knew the Series S it's a casual friendly console made to render the same games at lower resolutions, and that those resolutions were going to be normally in the 1080p. Acting like this is MS breaking some kind of promise so you can go jumping with your console wars fake ammo it's just you being obtuse, nothing else.
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