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We need to talk about the online radicalisation of young, white men

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I'm not comfortable with the idea of forcing a certain subset of women to have sex with assholes to "fix" their issues so that the rest of society doesn't have to deal with them. Women aren't receptacles for men's frustrations.

This can't be said enough. Besides, being a virgin doesn't automatically make you a horrible person. In fact, being a virgin is nothing bad unless it bothers the person in question.

The theory often seems to be that these people become assholes because they can't 'get some' but why assume that? Isn't it more likely they can't get some because they're people no one wants to be around.
Pretty much. These guys take any slight of rejection very seriously. It starts with them getting gently rejected at the bus stop and ends with a full on violent assault that seems random and uninitiated, but in actually is a result of years and years of studying how to conquer the world through unreliable, uncaring sources and being told, "nah, not really but thanks for playing".

mediocre white men are lashing back and its gonna take the whole neighborhood to stop them. Unfortunately, it starts at home and their fellow white friends aren't doing shit to stop it despite the typical, obvious signs.

Hyper-sexualized, under-sexed, adolescent males have created a narrative to cope with their romantic failings. They blame everyone else for their failures, and turned to disgusting cultures like red pill, hook up artist, the donald, 4chan etc. for misery in company. They're frightening because they hold extreme viewpoints, and usually one of those involves weapons.

Perhaps the root of all these issues is that these kids can't get laid. They need to feel appreciated, and they haven't been taught how to accomplish that. So they grow with resentment against society.

Speaking of which (and acknowledging the sarcasm), the constant berating by the left with white privilege and such led to a vacuum on the right as a counter. That hole got filled with alt right activists.

So what was the excuse 100 years ago?
200 years ago?
70 years ago?
40 years ago?
20 years ago?

Somehow white people still are looking for ways to not blame themselves or white culture that has existed since they came here.

And the whole "well maybe if we stopped criticizing them", I'd better see your ass posting that in the inevitable "black on black" crime threads that love to pop up. I want to see you exonerate black and brown people from any responsibility for their actions.

Because at the end of the day, the problem is this:

Certain White males can't accept that they are not exceptional at the moment and refuse to improve themselves; instead they resort to racism and misogyny to belittle the others.

And white America does fuck all to stop them.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Would the legalization and regulation of prostitution be a viable response?

I recall studies showing that the numbers of those having sex have diverged towards the extremes - those having it are having more and those having little are having less. Between internet age, having to live longer at parents, the economy, school debt, rent prices, delayed marriage, and the opioid epidemic, I am not shocked that there is issue with young men in any culture. I'm sure these effects are felt by women, but are expressed in way other than violence.

Probably not since one of the issues here is venomous levels of misogyny that view female interactions as transactional. If they were literally that way, I don't know how much help that would do. It would probably be a good idea in places where there literally aren't enough women to pair off with young men. But America doesn't have a shortage of women, we just have men who have folded into themselves and latched onto hateful beliefs while searching for a sense of purpose.


4chan needs to be shuttered. I feel like teenage boys become school shooters and 20 year olds become white supremacists browsing those boards. Also, child pornography...
Would the legalization and regulation of prostitution be a viable response?

I recall studies showing that the numbers of those having sex have diverged towards the extremes - those having it are having more and those having little are having less. Between internet age, having to live longer at parents, the economy, school debt, rent prices, delayed marriage, and the opioid epidemic, I am not shocked that there is issue with young men in any culture. I'm sure these effects are felt by women, but are expressed in way other than violence.

You may be onto something. The only swing state that didn't vote for Dumbass Trump also has legal prostitution: Nevada.


I'm not comfortable with the idea of forcing a certain subset of women to have sex with assholes to "fix" their issues so that the rest of society doesn't have to deal with them. Women aren't receptacles for men's frustrations.
This. While I certainly think sex work has its benefits for well adjusted men seeking that, I have my doubts that young radical men that grow up watching all types of porn and dramatized romantic scenarios will engage in decent, non abusive, healthy sexual encounters. Sex workers certainly shouldnt be the test subjects for them, regardless.
The reason I posted that gif was to remind IIM that there are white Americans disgusted by and utterly opposed to the new surge of white nationalism. The fist that knocked the fuck out of Spencer was white, and the writer of the OP's article that this very thread is founded on is as well.

International Iron Man continues to make the same mistake conservatives do when they demonize all of Islam and every Muslim, and I'm a little disappointed that no one called him out for claiming white Americans wouldn't "lift a finger" to oppose bigotry as if this weekend hadn't proved such a statement completely false.


Punching ONE Nazi doesn't fix institutional and systemic racism and white supremacy, stop looking for a goddamn cookie for a punch YOU yourself didn't even do (funny how you want all white people to get credit for the work of one guy, very alt-right of you), and try getting to work on the actual shit like the thousands of Nazis walking around with badges that the FBI has warned you about before it was cool.
The reason I posted that gif was to remind IIM that there are white Americans disgusted by and utterly opposed to the new surge of white nationalism. The fist that knocked the fuck out of Spencer was white, and the writer of the OP's article that this very thread is founded on is as well.

International Iron Man continues to make the same mistake conservatives do when they demonize all of Islam and every Muslim, and I'm a little disappointed that no one called him out for claiming white Americans wouldn't "lift a finger" to oppose bigotry as if this weekend hadn't proved such a statement completely false.

IIM seems to believe what they are saying strongly got to pick your battles.

That battle wont go well in this thread either so another time in another thread its not really the topic of this one.


Punching ONE Nazi doesn't fix institutional and systemic racism and white supremacy, stop looking for a goddamn cookie for a punch YOU yourself didn't even do (funny how you want all white people to get credit for the work of one guy, very alt-right of you), and try getting to work on the actual shit like the thousands of Nazis walking around with badges that the FBI has warned you about before it was cool.

See the white community cant get the credit for a white male giving it to a Neo Nazi, but the white community is credited for all the wrong doing of racist white individuals.

The systemic racism is a real issue and I can try as an individual to be aware and condemn it.

Again tho not the thread but I caved on this post.


Feel like there should be a law similar to RICO designed to shut these hate-hives down: people who commit hate crimes have their internet history checked, and the communities they visited are examined. If those communities are found to have actively encouraged illegal activity (not the specific crime that occurred, but shootings, arson, or harassment in general), then that internet community will be shut down.

Makes it a game of whack-a-mole, sure, but it disrupts them for a while and puts the onus on otherwise neutral websites like reddit or twitter to shut that shit down, lest they get shut down.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Something I didn't see discussed is maybe being socially isolated in general is partially causing this?

White families tend to be much smaller and less close knit than minority families...which can lead to self esteem issues because they're not getting a lot of positive reinforcement or later in life even just regular interactions with other individuals that aren't coworkers, fast food employees, or cashiers.

It can also be a real challenge to make friends past college especially once you get close to 30. I know I had a little trouble making friends in Houston but eventually was able to in the long run. I can't imagine the social outlets in small town America are very appealing.
Pretty scary how groups of people can radicalize because they feel estranged from society and think that society owes them something, be it a job, respect, sex, success, etc.

I don't even know how to talk to people like that. How do you get through to them? It really is another form of radicalization, with people set to explode when the right circumstances come by.

Punching ONE Nazi doesn't fix institutional and systemic racism and white supremacy, stop looking for a goddamn cookie for a punch YOU yourself didn't even do (funny how you want all white people to get credit for the work of one guy, very alt-right of you), and try getting to work on the actual shit like the thousands of Nazis walking around with badges that the FBI has warned you about before it was cool.

Dude lol

You have the idea who Aaron is do you

Something I didn't see discussed is maybe being socially isolated in general is partially causing this?

White families tend to be much smaller and less close knit than minority families...which can lead to self esteem issues because they're not getting a lot of positive reinforcement or later in life even just regular interactions with other individuals that aren't coworkers, fast food employees, or cashiers.

It can also be a real challenge to make friends past college especially once you get close to 30. I know I had a little trouble making friends in Houston but eventually was able to in the long run. I can't imagine the social outlets in small town America are very appealing.

Yeah, one thing that's definitely a factor is the lack of support structures many minority groups have (which were forged from being discriminated against...)


Do all you think its a simple as "they cant get laid"?
No, but I and many here think it is a major contributor.

It results in an obvious snow ball that just continues to cascade towards disaster. The best indicator of someone likely to have sex is that person already having had sex. These young men quickly learn that and as the resentment piles on it exacerbates the situation and further reduces the likelihood they will ever correct their course. I just think it is possible to provide a legal and regulated way to provide a potential early recourse.
Something I didn't see discussed is maybe being socially isolated in general is partially causing this?

White families tend to be much smaller and less close knit than minority families...which can lead to self esteem issues because they're not getting a lot of positive reinforcement or later in life even just regular interactions with other individuals that aren't coworkers, fast food employees, or cashiers.

It can also be a real challenge to make friends past college especially once you get close to 30. I know I had a little trouble making friends in Houston but eventually was able to in the long run. I can't imagine the social outlets in small town America are very appealing.

I'm not sure where you're getting this information from, but it sounds like you need receipts.

Dude lol

You have the idea who Aaron is do you

Aaron has no idea who I am, so...

What's your point?

Has he done any of the things I mentioned or nah?

No, but I and many here think it is a major contributor.

It results in an obvious snow ball that just continues to cascade towards disaster. The best indicator of someone likely to have sex is that person already having had sex. These young men quickly learn that and as the resentment piles on it exacerbates the situation and further reduces the likelihood they will ever correct their course. I just think it is possible to provide a legal and regulated way to provide a potential early recourse.

So what was the excuse 50 years ago? 100 years ago?

It seems like the "sex" reason is just the newest in a long line of "its really not the fault of white men, its x".

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Something I didn't see discussed is maybe being socially isolated in general is partially causing this?

White families tend to be much smaller and less close knit than minority families...which can lead to self esteem issues because they're not getting a lot of positive reinforcement or later in life even just regular interactions with other individuals that aren't coworkers, fast food employees, or cashiers.

It can also be a real challenge to make friends past college especially once you get close to 30. I know I had a little trouble making friends in Houston but eventually was able to in the long run. I can't imagine the social outlets in small town America are very appealing.

I will echo this. There's also no wider (at least Western European) "white community" like there is perhaps say, an Indian cultural centre or a Chinatown-esque concentration. A lot of white people become socially isolated and without a support network.

You see this less in the Scandinavian countries because of their great social safety net; democratic socialism, if you will. But in other places people can sometimes live in poverty and perceive threats that aren't there. Rural poverty in particular almost entirely affects people of European and indigenous origin in Canada or the US, not immigrants.
It gives them purpose and direction. The building blocks to relevancy.
Pretty scary how groups of people can radicalize because they feel estranged from society and think that society owes them something, be it a job, respect, sex, success, etc.

I don't even know how to talk to people like that. How do you get through to them? It really is another form of radicalization, with people set to explode when the right circumstances come by.

I think at a certain age it's hard to be swayed. Youth can be so angry and headstrong and if they run into the wrong group giving them purpose then they grow up with that hatred ingrained. I really believe the stigma of mental health and how terrible this country is at treating it has a large part in this. An echochamber is heaven to the hopeless.


A lot of the anger pent up in younger males is indeed escalated by sexual frustration. Depending on your testosterone levels this can be a real crazy mix. Especially when going through puberty on top.

Some sort of team sports or team friend based events can help, with some sort of sexual activity also. Physical activities are better than playing MMOs with a group of friends, and therein lies one of the modern problems faced, many teens these days are shrugging off ANY sort of outdoor activities and spending 24/7 online/playing games. How hostile are MP games these days anyone? Yeah... The male mind/body can on average require different maintenance than the female. I'm not even talking sexually here, but interacting in say a 5 a-side football (soccer) game with friends and letting off some steam/aggression and competing does wonders for the psyche. If you can step outside an ideology and even just observe the animal kingdom and how the male animals interact, fight, tussle, etc, this is hormones/nature/evolution at play. It applies to humans too, and that is biology/fact. There's always a scale and there is always outliers, so surely I don't need to preface that with a dumb #notall.... It's science and it has massive validity in explaining human behaviour.

Couple this with some in modern day society mass-shaming men for being sexual (I'm sorry but some of the bashing that goes on in gaming is out of order for "lol anime avatar/u lyke Bayonetta?!"). Also, sex toys/masturbation and such can still be taboo and often guys are mocking other guys for not banging "10 real chicks a week". Before anyone jumps down my throat about gaming diversity in this industry, yes, I'm on board with that as well, but some cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel for closing their eyes. Many of these "lonely", sexually frustrated males end up getting a "rise" out of lewd dressed video game characters and anime/etc. Sure some can arguably take it too far, and genuinely be creepy, but again, blanket-bashing everyone who enjoys a bit of skin is only reinforcing a shame culture which in turn reinforces further "radicalisation" of these young men to group together anonymously and hate on others. Usually hating on those they perceive to be mocking them/making them feel insecure ("feminists" taking away boobs in games!).

It's not a surprise many of those who take it further than just 'shitposting', end up being loner single males with an apparent complete lack of a sex life. This shell fits many that make news headlines. Shitposters and trolls are nasty, but let's be honest and say there is a difference between words, and actual actions (violence/killing). Any time there is some shooting or violent attack it's some socially awkward loner who's lucky to have had one girlfriend. So if anyone actually cares about trying to prevent these sorts of people, a small part to try and play in that is around sex and encouraging social interaction/bonding with other males during education. Going around shouting "toxic masculinity" is the one thing I genuinely do think is incredibly dangerous when aimed at the wrong people. It takes men who are already insecure and doubles down on mocking them for their over-compensating. There are real dickhead guys in life who could do with getting knocked down a peg for acting like bullies, but these often tend to be the guys that strut about in nightclubs trying to fight everyone. Not the loners sitting at home behind a keyboard trolling behind an avatar.

2 cents from someone studying psychology who is keenly aware of the severity of sexual issues in teenagers, and even adults, in the modern world. Take it or leave it, I know this isn't a one shoe fits all (above only applies to people who have a chance of being "helped"), but I thought sharing these words would add more than just saying "fuck horrible people". I don't doubt many horrible people fit into the categories above, but very rarely does trying to combat a complex problem get solved by just shouting something at someone.
Disenchanted, cornered, young males with feelings of inadequacy on the fringes of society being told that The Other is the cause of everything wrong with the world and that they're doing themselves and the world a favor by ridding the world of that Other.

I've made this comparison before, but it didn't catch on.
I will echo this. There's also no wider (at least Western European) "white community" like there is perhaps say, an Indian cultural centre or a Chinatown-esque concentration. A lot of white people become socially isolated and without a support network.

You see this less in the Scandinavian countries because of their great social safety network; democratic socialism, if you will. But in other places people can sometimes live in poverty and perceive threats that aren't there.

Sorry but that's bullshit.


There's no need for that concentration because it already exists. It's called college, most technical fields, wall street, boardrooms, etc.


So what was the excuse 100 years ago?
200 years ago?
70 years ago?
40 years ago?
20 years ago?

Somehow white people still are looking for ways to not blame themselves or white culture that has existed since they came here.

And the whole "well maybe if we stopped criticizing them", I'd better see your ass posting that in the inevitable "black on black" crime threads that love to pop up. I want to see you exonerate black and brown people from any responsibility for their actions.
When have I ever been a cheerleader for white culture nesting? I'm not making excuses but I certainly don't think white culture alone is at fault here. There are multiple factors at play and certaintly white American exceptionalism is one of the major ones. In addition, I've never argued that black culture is to blame for black crime either.
No, but I and many here think it is a major contributor.

It results in an obvious snow ball that just continues to cascade towards disaster. The best indicator of someone likely to have sex is that person already having had sex. These young men quickly learn that and as the resentment piles on it exacerbates the situation and further reduces the likelihood they will ever correct their course. I just think it is possible to provide a legal and regulated way to provide a potential early recourse.

Wouldn't a better upbringing allow for them to be more sociable and not huge jerks and improve the odds of them finding a partner.

I believe there's a match for everyone just don't be a jackass.

I think that's a better solution than legalizing prostitution
So what was the excuse 100 years ago?
200 years ago?
70 years ago?
40 years ago?
20 years ago?

Somehow white people still are looking for ways to not blame themselves or white culture that has existed since they came here.

And the whole "well maybe if we stopped criticizing them", I'd better see your ass posting that in the inevitable "black on black" crime threads that love to pop up. I want to see you exonerate black and brown people from any responsibility for their actions.

Because at the end of the day, the problem is this:

And white America does fuck all to stop them.

This thread (and the article in the OP) is about the radicalization of white men by means of internet communication. People aren't bringing that up because the internet didn't exist 80 years ago lol, and going WOW TYPICAL WHITE DEFENSE MECHANISMS isn't even relevant to what they were talking about.

Sexual frustration is an extremely common talking point amongst these radicals. They feel that the world as is isn't what they were promised and they are lashing out and blaming the nebulous Other.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Sorry but that's bullshit.


There's no need for that concentration because it already exists. It's called college, most technical fields, wall street, boardrooms, etc.

Sorry, but it's not bullshit. That article does not negate my point.

And about one of the areas you mentioned, do not pretend that higher education is not a diverse (and majority female) place today. That just seems bizarre.
Would the legalization and regulation of prostitution be a viable response?

I recall studies showing that the numbers of those having sex have diverged towards the extremes - those having it are having more and those having little are having less. Between internet age, having to live longer at parents, the economy, school debt, rent prices, delayed marriage, and the opioid epidemic, I am not shocked that there is issue with young men in any culture. I'm sure these effects are felt by women, but are expressed in way other than violence.
Woman are not sex machines. We're not here just so men can wank off have sex and feel better about themselves.
I know you're just trying to help, but this is idiotic.


This is outright false. If anything you could argue that men are shamed for not being sexual enough .

That's exactly what I mean. I've possibly typed that a bit grammatically incorrect.

You take young men getting 0 sex and mix that with a society that shames men for not having sex every night of the week with a different female. This can be down to society, advertising, friends and the internet.

Often though insanely poor sex education in school kicks this off. Young males turning to porn for "education" and hearsay between friends of how sex works. Sex education in America largely seems absolutely terrible. Europe has tended to lead America there for a while. I think in part the bible belt and stupidly "overprotective moms" makes nudity/sex in American society a bit of a messy situation.

Ah, I misunderstood you then, sorry about that.

No problem I often type a bit British-slang when I go off on rants lol.


The hard thing about dealing with this is you would never know what these people are like in real life. They could be the quite passive dude in your class that you never notice. Like they are not exactly open about there views. So dealing with a issue that you only see online is really hard.

This why it must be countered early on, in school. Why is the kid shy or passive? Is it because of some issue at home? Is it issue with other children? Are they focused on learning (if so, encourage is good but challenge must be given also or they get bored)? Etc.

If this happens elsewhere, later in life, it gets harder to detect and counter. Shaming people for being shy or passive or introverted is absolutely a no no, of course, though that happens too much, usually without thinking (it is not uncommon to see people claiming introversion doesn't exist or some such crap).

I know from personal experience that too much brooding is not good, and frankly i wish people had challenged me in some things more often (though carefully, too often challenges are demands to do something or so).

It gives them purpose and direction. The building blocks to relevancy.

This is extremely important. And again, life circumstances, environment affect this.
That's exactly what I mean. I've possibly typed that a bit grammatically incorrect.

You take young men getting 0 sex and mix that with a society that shames men for not having sex every night of the week with a different female. This can be down to society, advertising, friends and the internet.

Often though insanely poor sex education in school kicks this off. Young males turning to porn for "education" and hearsay between friends of how sex works.

Ah, I misunderstood you then, sorry about that.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
For people on here who are not understanding the social issue, take a look at this:


A large segment of white middle-aged Americans has suffered a startling rise in its death rate since 1999, according to a review of statistics published Monday that shows a sharp reversal in decades of progress toward longer lives.

The mortality rate for white men and women ages 45-54 with less than a college education increased markedly between 1999 and 2013, most likely because of problems with legal and illegal drugs, alcohol and suicide, the researchers concluded. Before then, death rates for that group dropped steadily, and at a faster pace.

An increase in the mortality rate for any large demographic group in an advanced nation has been virtually unheard of in recent decades, with the exception of Russian men after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The rising death rate was accompanied by an increase in the rate of illness, the authors wrote in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[Prestigious medical journals rejected stunning study on deaths among middle-aged whites]

”Drugs and alcohol, and suicide . . . are clearly the proximate cause," said Angus Deaton, the 2015 Nobel laureate in economics, who co-authored the paper with his wife, Anne Case. Both are economics professors at Princeton University.

”Half a million people are dead who should not be dead," he added. ”About 40 times the Ebola stats. You're getting up there with HIV-AIDS."


This thread (and the article in the OP) is about the radicalization of white men by means of internet communication. People aren't bringing that up because the internet didn't exist 80 years ago lol, and going WOW TYPICAL WHITE DEFENSE MECHANISMS isn't even relevant to what they were talking about.

Sexual frustration is an extremely common talking point amongst these radicals. They feel that the world as is isn't what they were promised and they are lashing out and blaming the nebulous Other.

That bolded is the same reason given 50 years ago. They were promised to be the top of the totem pole and they will be damned if anyone is considered equal to them.

They aren't being radicalized if the majority of white people voted for it 3 months ago. It's white America as minorities have known it since its inception, is the point. White guys lashing out at minorities due to their inferiority complex is the story of America. It's why Trump is president.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
A lot of the anger pent up in younger males is indeed escalated by sexual frustration. Depending on your testosterone levels this can be a real crazy mix. Especially when going through puberty on top.

Some sort of team sports or team friend based events can help, with some sort of sexual activity also.
Wh... what?

Like there's no toxic masculinity in team sports.... Are you for real?

The male mind/body can on average require different maintenance than the female.
I'm not even talking sexually here, but interacting in say a 5 a-side football (soccer) game with friends and letting off some steam/aggression and competing does wonders for the psyche.
It's science
Yeah, uh.... I don't think so.

Couple this with some in modern day society mass-shaming men for being sexual (I'm sorry but some of the bashing that goes on in gaming is out of order for "lol anime avatar/u lyke Bayonetta?!"). [....] Many of these "lonely", sexually frustrated males end up getting a "rise" out of lewd dressed video game characters and anime/etc. Sure some can arguably take it too far, and genuinely be creepy, but again, blanket-bashing everyone who enjoys a bit of skin is only reinforcing a shame culture which in turn reinforces further "radicalisation" of these young men to group together anonymously and hate on others. Usually hating on those they perceive to be mocking them/making them feel insecure ("feminists" taking away boobs in games!).
I can't believe you are writing this nonsense seriously. Some dude on the internet gets radicalized because he gets his lewd avatar made fun of?

No. This is really fucking ridiculous.

this is why toxic masculinity is a huge fucking issue very few people see as such.
Careful, apparently, even pointing this out will bruise some dudes' fragile egos and that will contribute to radicalizing them. Or something.
This thread (and the article in the OP) is about the radicalization of white men by means of internet communication. People aren't bringing that up because the internet didn't exist 80 years ago lol, and going WOW TYPICAL WHITE DEFENSE MECHANISMS isn't even relevant to what they were talking about.

Sexual frustration is an extremely common talking point amongst these radicals. They feel that the world as is isn't what they were promised and they are lashing out and blaming the nebulous Other.
Coincidentally that's one of the many things the Alt-Right share with the likes of ISIS.


Especially since there are no good solutions to counter this

There are things that can be done. Websites that breed white extremism need to be targetted and shut down. Big players such as Facebook and twitter need to start reporting radical profiles to the FBI. Hate rhetoric heard in real life must be taken seriously, and needs to carry serious charges, including rehabilitation and possible jail time

While I am doubtful these things will be implemented while Cheeto is in power, I hope that the next democratic President will act accordingly.
The older I get, the more I despise virgin-shaming, "neckbeard", "basement dweller" etc. I'll throw in insults based on low-skill labor, while I'm at it.

These people feel, and are treated, like human garbage for the terrible crime of being unsociable or being autistic or whatever causes them to end up in their situation. It's not surprising that some of them find the comforting, hopeful words of hateful scumbags who live to manipulate others.


Wh... what?

Like there's no toxic masculinity in team sports.... Are you for real?


Yeah, uh.... I don't think so.

I can't believe you are writing this nonsense seriously. Some dude on the internet gets radicalized because he gets his lewd avatar made fun of?

No. This is really fucking ridiculous.


Careful, apparently, even pointing this out will bruise some dudes' fragile egos and that will contribute to radicalizing them. Or something.

The aggression and male bonding in sports is often a good way to tend to male brain (especially if you have higher testosterone levels). Would society rather young men "fight it out" on a sports field, or sit in a room screaming down a microphone in Halo? There's a reason why in general physical activities are recommend via mental health support for everyone, let alone lonely males.

Also you're completely over-simplifying that second part of the quote. I'm not sure why you're getting that agitated. Whether you agree or not there is a 'bash anime culture' that's even seen someone banned on GAF who's input came down to call someone "anime boy" (turned into a meme lol). The point is these insecure, sexually frustrated males often latch onto things that give some crumb of sexual pleasure, and often that ends up being content that can be consumed alone (video games/anime).

The solution to "fixing" that explanation can be up in the air. I'm not giving a solution there, but making an observation on why many of the people this topic alludes to all fit into the category they do. For solutions I did touch a bit on high school education, notably sex education and male bonding.
The older I get, the more I despise virgin-shaming, "neckbeard", "basement dweller" etc.

These people feel, and are treated, like human garbage for the terrible crime of being unsociable or being autistic or whatever causes them to end up in their situation. It's not surprising that some of them find the comforting, hopeful words of hateful scumbags who live to manipulate others.
If the only way you can feel better about yourself is to join in with White Nationalists actions. Then you need to lake a long look in the mirror. I find it hard to give any sympathy.
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