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webm |OT| Welcome to the world of superior gifs

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Is a page full of WebM more efficient than a page full of GIFs? My computer gets slow sometimes on GIF heavy pages.
Probably... not.


disabling auto-play would fix that though. Not an option for gif, but it is for webm


can we get an option in the webm neogaf add-on/script to auto set the volume for each file? I hate how the volume always resets to 100%, headphone users am cry.

*edit* sorry I see that it actually sets the volume to mute by default, which is fine, but how about more options than that? thanks!!
I wrote a modification to the Chrome extension.

- Disables autobplay.
- Enables the controls.
- Creates virtual resize "buttons". The top "button" is the top half of the video. The bottom "button" is the lower half of your video. Clicking the top half makes the video larger (no limit, have fun), clicking the bottom half makes the video smaller (reasonable minimum size)

The formatting is kind of terrible, I only have notepad on this computer. Got tired of fixing tabbing lol.

Ooh, can I add this to the Greasemonkey scripts?


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
I never thought 4chan adding webm would immediately skyrocket its popularity and catapult it into the mainstream... but hopefully it is! great format and gifs are horrible quality. let's get with the modern times!

Well it's not compatible with iOS, so its can't be mainstream by definition. HTML5 and WebM video has been around for years. But the problem is that HTML5 is like a decade off from being an official standard. That's why there's this fragmentation. No two browsers support the same shit.


Does anyone have any solutions for thumbnails?

Folders full of *ahem* webm files have no thumbnails and are difficult to go through without opening every single one.

Media Preview (official site) produces thumbnails for all my non-native formats, and has the option to add custom filetypes as well. Tried adding webm but it didn't work. Thinking it's a bug.


Btw why do some videos pre-load? Some do, some not. Wish they all stayed static, unless it's to find a thumbnail perhaps.


I wrote a modification to the Chrome extension.

- Disables autobplay.
- Enables the controls.
- Creates virtual resize "buttons". The top "button" is the top half of the video. The bottom "button" is the lower half of your video. Clicking the top half makes the video larger (no limit, have fun), clicking the bottom half makes the video smaller (reasonable minimum size)

If you want to install this, edit the file at this location:

C:\Users\$YourUserName$\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gcjkaaggachnbhepejjhfacpldjflffl\1.0_0\extensions.js

Completely replace the files contents with the following:

'use strict';

var videos = document.querySelectorAll('.post a'),
  link, video;

for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) {
  link = videos[i].href;
  if (link.indexOf('.webm') === link.length - 5) {
    video = document.createElement('video');
    video.src = link;
    video.autoplay = false
    video.loop = false;
    video.muted = true;
    video.height = 300;
    video.controls = true;
	var minHeight = 300;
	var currentH = this.height;
	var top = 0;
	var obj=this;
	var topOfControlsOffset = currentH - 35;
	var middleOfControlsOffset = (topOfControlsOffset / 2); 
		top += obj.offsetTop; 
	var mouseY = event.pageY;
	middleOfControlsOffset += top;
	topOfControlsOffset += top;

	if (mouseY < middleOfControlsOffset)
		this.height +=50;
	else if(mouseY < topOfControlsOffset && minHeight<this.height)
		this.height -=50;
    videos[i].parentNode.replaceChild(video, videos[i]);

The formatting is kind of terrible, I only have notepad on this computer. Got tired of fixing tabbing lol.
Thanks! but where would I find that file on a mac filesystem?


Thanks! but where would I find that file on a mac filesystem?

I believe everything after the ExtenIons folder part is the same. On a Mac you'd find that folder here:

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions

I'll try it on my MacBook later but my wife is playing League of Legends lol.


Can't get it to work, clicking on any part of the video pauses (or unpauses) the video, and nothing happens on the resizing front.

Is that in FireFox?

Not sure what the behavior would be. Maybe the video player forces the click event to be pause.


I believe everything after the ExtenIons folder part is the same. On a Mac you'd find that folder here:

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions

I'll try it on my MacBook later but my wife is playing League of Legends lol.
I don't have a Chrome folder under Google lol. Thanks anyway though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
example .webm (Open in new tab for full 720p size + audio)


at work this website is blocked by our scanning provider because it's detected as malicious code. Quite possibly due to the new format I guess, but might as well mention it.

this format rocks btw.


Are there any Chrome/Firefox extensions that allow webms to be viewed on ANY website that doesn't offer native support?


Took me all of 10 minutes to add webm support to a forum I run. IT'S ABOOT TIME

Is there a way to make these loop on Chrome without having to right click and select loop?

There's an option to make a video in a video tag auto-loop. Sites that embed them should probably put the tag in.


Are there any Chrome/Firefox extensions that allow webms to be viewed on ANY website that doesn't offer native support?

WebM itself is natively supported in those browsers, just not native embedding of random URL links (as we're doing here). See this post for how you could add such embedded support to other sites, using the existing userscript from the OP.


I can't get any of the offline converters to work. Spent two hours in every possible setting and it just won't work.


WebM itself is natively supported in those browsers, just not native embedding of random URL links (as we're doing here). See this post for how you could add such embedded support to other sites, using the existing userscript from the OP.

Hmmm...I'm not a programmer, but I'll try this.

I'm currently using the Chrome extension that was posted in the Gaming webmd thread. How would I go about finding and modifying the script?
WebM itself is natively supported in those browsers, just not native embedding of random URL links (as we're doing here). See this post for how you could add such embedded support to other sites, using the existing userscript from the OP.

So that means the same thing could be done with mp4/h264? Because almost every browsers (even those on iOS) natively support it as well, right?
What makes gifs funny is that they are so small and straight to the point. You can't replace gifs with full screen 1080p movie clips :|


What makes gifs funny is that they are so small and straight to the point. You can't replace gifs with full screen 1080p movie clips :|

fullscreen? they embed and play on the page. and i'm pretty sure at this point, the most memorable gaf gifs and magnitudes larger in file size.
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