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What do you think of the people who use the pejorative "SJW?"



So you think swj want to block stuff from being made ?

Dude ... anti-sjw were the ones that get angry and try to cancel stuff. The whole gamergate received a name because a woman released an indie game.

The worst thing sjw did was ... ignore that game about killing minorities AND remember devs that you can tell more stories than just white straight cis dudes stories. Anti-sjw don't want games with trans/homo/women to be made. They are the ones who don't want stuff from being made

or just read Kenji's post :

There are many layers of terrible to unpack, but one of my least favorite tactics of theirs is to act like feminists are angrier than they actually are in certain situations.


This is not a thing that happened. Anita was fairly calm while calling Sargon a garbage person. And I called it. Right when I heard that Anita had called him garbage, I knew that some disingenuous prick was going to paint her as being a rageaholic SJW when she's not at all. And she knows it and makes fun of it:


If you actually go back and look at the message that triggered (hur hur) the Tracer butt pose fiasco, it was a very friendly message from a concerned parent. Blizzard's response was likewise cordial. Oh, excuse me, what actually happened is that a terrorist SJW threatened the multi-billion company until the pose was changed.

Anti-SJWs love talking about hysterical SJWs while also listening to men who get in front of a camera and "rage" about things:


Somehow it's the SJWs who are against the games industry and not those who sign a petition telling Nintendo how garbage their latest Metroid is and that it should be cancelled. https://www.change.org/p/nintendo-petition-for-cancelation-of-metroid-prime-federation-force

I legitimately think that the worst of the Pepe 4channers are genuine sociopaths.


But sure, generally "SJW" is used to disregard the opinion of someone. In that regard, SJW is not all that different from terms like "Man-splaining" or "White-splaining" etc.

Because treating people with respect is equal to saying someone was racist/sexist to assume that someone was an idiot just because they are a woman/non white
SJW was always a dumbass term that was used by older liberals to make fun of 12-15 year olds on Tumblr and similar websites for their good, yet sometimes, misguided views. Now the rightn is making fun of all liberals with it now lmao, we really set ourselves up there
It always struck me as poorly thought out, used mostly by people who just follow the crowd.

I would think someone who fit the mold of the SJW would love being called a Social Justice Warrior.

I remember first hearing it out of context in an English class (someone used it as an example of a new term), and it didn't even seem like a perjorative out of context.
There is, as ever, as serious echo chamber in here.

A lot of my friends use SJW quite a bit, it's not a phrase I personally go near, however whenever I'm linked content from my friends as an example of their definition of a typical "SJW", I have to agree it's been used against someone I find utterly repelling. It's usually some idiot who has skewed a liberal agenda which they hide behind to try and shame/belittle someone who really didn't do anything wrong.

Maybe my more centrist/right leaning friends are way better than the people you see use the term, but I don't see them dishing it out to reasonable, liberal minded folk who care about progression and equal rights.

It's a shame these "SJW" types exist, but they do and the result of it is that a bunch of centrist people go "who the fuck are these people to sit and preach to us?" and then bam, nobody wants to engage in a civil discussion. The left needs to acknowledge some people on their own side do serious damage and counter a lot of the progression that could occur. Obviously people on the right are awful and much worse a lot of the time, but a lot of people on the left seem very scared to ever call out people out who are on "their side"...that's a problem and dilutes the message.


I've been self identifying as one unironically. You'd be surprised at how many people that pisses off. It's definitely an easy word to reclaim.

My stepson was complaining about SJWs, so I told him I was an SJW.

He went deathly silent.

One time I was explaining GamerGate to his mom, and he came into the room to make a point, but he was completely unable to speak.


My stepson was complaining about SJWs, so I told him I was an SJW.

He went deathly silent.

One time I was explaining GamerGate to his mom, and he came into the room to make a point, but he was completely unable to speak.

You should block 4chan at the router level and see his reaction.


There is, as ever, as serious echo chamber in here.

A lot of my friends use SJW quite a bit, it's not a phrase I personally go near, however whenever I'm linked content from my friends as an example of their definition of a typical "SJW", I have to agree it's been used against someone I find utterly repelling. It's usually some idiot who has skewed a liberal agenda which they hide behind to try and shame/belittle someone who really didn't do anything wrong.

Maybe my more centrist/right leaning friends are way better than the people you see use the term, but I don't see them dishing it out to reasonable, liberal minded folk who care about progression and equal rights.

It's a shame these "SJW" types exist, but they do and the result of it is that a bunch of centrist people go "who the fuck are these people to sit and preach to us?" and then bam, nobody wants to engage in a civil discussion. The left needs to acknowledge some people on their own side do serious damage and counter a lot of the progression that could occur. Obviously people on the right are awful and much worse a lot of the time, but a lot of people on the left seem very scared to ever call out people out who are on "their side"...that's a problem and dilutes the message.

Can we come to some decision about the Left please

Because it is utterly paradoxical that the Left is either fractious and self devouring or it is a harmonious monolith marching in lockstep and unwilling to call each other on their shit.

Like, choose one please people.
There is, as ever, as serious echo chamber in here.

A lot of my friends use SJW quite a bit, it's not a phrase I personally go near, however whenever I'm linked content from my friends as an example of their definition of a typical "SJW", I have to agree it's been used against someone I find utterly repelling. It's usually some idiot who has skewed a liberal agenda which they hide behind to try and shame/belittle someone who really didn't do anything wrong.

Maybe my more centrist/right leaning friends are way better than the people you see use the term, but I don't see them dishing it out to reasonable, liberal minded folk who care about progression and equal rights.

It's a shame these "SJW" types exist, but they do and the result of it is that a bunch of centrist people go "who the fuck are these people to sit and preach to us?" and then bam, nobody wants to engage in a civil discussion. The left needs to acknowledge some people on their own side do serious damage and counter a lot of the progression that could occur. Obviously people on the right are awful and much worse a lot of the time, but a lot of people on the left seem very scared to ever call out people out who are on "their side"...that's a problem and dilutes the message.
As a SJW, I don't give a shit about the panties of right-leaning people curling in a bunch because I get slightly pissed at their ignorance and usual concern trolling.


Lots of people can't argue and just reduce their opposition to a one word response. if you're not trying, I'm not either.



Can we come to some decision about the Left please

Because it is utterly paradoxical that the Left is either fractious and self devouring or it is a harmonious monolith marching in lockstep and unwilling to call each other on their shit.

Like, choose one please people.

I would like a concrete definiton of the 'regressive left' as well.

Anyone who uses that term exposes themselves as a worthless, despicable human being.

I wouldnt go that far. Are a lot of the people who use it horrible people? Yes. But a lot of people may be informed still finding there opinions, some peole who are generally good people just misinformed and there are a few(very few) who I would argue use it correctly.


You should block 4chan at the router level and see his reaction.

Trust me when I say he always manages to find ways around me blocking things. It's not that he knows how, but there's plenty of young people out there who do and will tell him how.


Can we come to some decision about the Left please

Because it is utterly paradoxical that the Left is either fractious and self devouring or it is a harmonious monolith marching in lockstep and unwilling to call each other on their shit.

Like, choose one please people.

We all agree to eat our own in our safe space echo chambers. And after we eat our own, we will eat....AMERICA.


Stereotypes about the left are fucking stupid. No, my liberal campus does not coddle me in glittery safe space pillows and shield my eyes from the harsh realities of this world while keeping me at the right room temperature to prevent my snowflake self from melting.

I'm not necessarily fond of clicktivists and I do think virtue signalling is an issue among some liberals, but these are rather minute things to complain about in the bigger picture - the US is being run by a right wing government who wants to rob entire groups of their rights, I would happily be a virtue signalling SJW to combat that.


Silly to call somebody one, and silly to call yourself one.

It doesn't sound nice or read well coming from anyone.
Low. It's like being called a "liberal" or a "snowflake", they're non-insuots being used as insults.

Why is caring about social justice a bad thing?


So you think swj want to block stuff from being made ?

Dude ... anti-sjw were the ones that get angry and try to cancel stuff. The whole gamergate received a name because a woman released an indie game.

To TL:DR it that's what I did think, if it was wrong then that is good; I thought GG was because of ethics in video games moreso than a woman. I didn't really delve that much into it as by the time I became interested it was already blaming Anita and whoever for causing it when I didn't believe that was the case.

The worst thing sjw did was ... ignore that game about killing minorities AND remember devs that you can tell more stories than just white straight cis dudes stories. Anti-sjw don't want games with trans/homo/women to be made. They are the ones who don't want stuff from being made

Then that's good, I'm anti-those kind of people - the way I do think about it though is there shouldn't be pressure put on people to create these kinda things just to check boxes, video games are an artform and if they are expressed in such a way, as in they are a reflection of who made it, then let them be... And if they're garbage like Duke Nukem is then everyone will realise what garbage it actually is and disregard it.
Basically, using the term outs you as an idiot.

The term "social justice warrior" contains zero insulting connotations. Divorced from context, for a moment, wouldn't you want to be a social justice warrior? Wouldn't Martin Luther King and Susan B Anthony be social justice warriors? The name is even badass. Like, I am a fucking warrior for social justice.

So for somebody to have a frame of mind where the term is insulting, they have to believe one of two things:

1) There is no social injustice and the SJW is making a fool of themselves because the thing they are frEaJKiNG OUut about doesn't even exist.

2) Social injustice doesn't matter because those people don't matter and you're a stupid SJW for caring about people who don't matter.

There absolutely is a left bubble where surface-level identity politics derail and dominate conversations. This was (is? definitely not so much) a massive problem on early Tumblr. And yeah, it is kind of funny to make fun of people who have conversations like this:

These people are living caricatures of legitimate social justice champions. They are the people that "SJW" was originally meant to mock. Self-important, super-sensitive, and group-thinky.

But it is 2017 now and the term is absolutely and positively never used to describe these irrelevant people and if you call somebody an SJW you are an idiot.

That's very true, good post :)
As a SJW, I don't give a shit about the panties of right-leaning people curling in a bunch because I get slightly pissed at their ignorance and usual concern trolling.

Congratulations for proving my point.

You must be a lot of fun just preaching and getting angry at people who hold an "ignorant" opinion because of their upbringing. A lot of people genuinely need to be educated, acting like this helps nobody. It just makes them go "fuck this guys a dick, but it sure is funny seeing how upset he is getting". Just going in calling people ignorant isn't going to help anything. But whatever.


Congratulations for proving my point.

You must be a lot of fun just preaching and getting angry at people who hold an "ignorant" opinion because of their upbringing. A lot of people genuinely need to be educated, acting like this helps nobody. It just makes them go "fuck this guys a dick, but it sure is funny seeing how upset he is getting". Just going in calling people ignorant isn't going to help anything. But whatever.

Time and resources are limited. You can only educate so many individuals at a time and invest so much effort. As a brown man, do you think I feel comfortable sitting down and talking to racists about their ignorant opinions? Do you think I haven't tried already? I can do better things with my time to advance progress.
Congratulations for proving my point.

You must be a lot of fun just preaching and getting angry at people who hold an "ignorant" opinion because of their upbringing. A lot of people genuinely need to be educated, acting like this helps nobody. It just makes them go "fuck this guys a dick, but it sure is funny seeing how upset he is getting". Just going in calling people ignorant isn't going to help anything. But whatever.
It's not my responsibility to educate nobody unless they specifically ask for me to educate them. You trying to paint me as some continually angry member in society because I have no problems calling somebody out for their shitassery with a disregarding response does not equate to me "preaching" about social justice or whatever narrative you have bubbling in your head about me. If you want to be educated, then it's on you to seek that and not be a dumbass by trying to engage in a conversation you don't know nothing about
Immediately puts me in a more belligerent mode.

I get the feeling 'SJW' is used by some against performative liberalism, that which is nothing but a few memes and misunderstood theory boiled down into easy and pithy slogans of affectation.

Of course, those who use SJW are just as guilty of that shit, but from an illiberal (culturally) standpoint, and the term gives shitweasles the excuse not to care about anyone or anything they think irrelevant or beneath them.
I have a friend that uses it in real life conversations, but, hes just kinda really dumb but doesn't know that hes dumb so i don't really challenge him on very hard.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
I think those people have lived a very cosseted existence and have not even noticed, never mind contemplated, the inequality/prejudices of our society.
Time and resources are limited. You can only educate so many individuals at a time and invest so much effort. As a brown man, do you think I feel comfortable sitting down and talking to racists about their ignorant opinions? Do you think I haven't tried already?

That's definitely a valid point.

I just don't think the holier than thou attitude has helped in the past few years. But hey I'm a monster who thinks comedians should be able to joke about whatever they want so maybe I'm part of the problem.
The other thing that's interesting about the shallow mindset that seeks to shame the very concept of empathy is that what's of most concern to those who can/do use SJW as an earnest insult is the appearance of rock solid insight that remains unchanged throughout time.

It's the casting of one's self as the stone against which all roiling seas of unimportant tantruming crash against.

If caring about other people makes you look weak (and it does, you're weak for giving a fuck about the less fortunate, just make yourself more fortunate and shut the fuck up already) then the only other sin that could possibly be greater is having to admit you were ever wrong.

Basically, hypocrisy might as well be manslaughter for all the weight placed upon the charge.

But even here, "hypocrisy" is mutated to include "having learned from your mistakes" because to admit you ever MADE a mistake is more weakness that hollows you out and makes you easy to tip over. The aim is dismissal, not understanding, and if "yeah, but you did it once" is all it takes to erase you, then that's all they're going to look for. You were weak enough to have been wrong in public - so now you're not worthy of the time.

So it's a bunch of people who don't read, being fed talking points that make them feel strong, judging others for daring to appear weak as per their understanding of the notion, and suggesting that one can't care for others until they've proven bonafides that show they've never erred in the same way.

The entire endeavor exists almost solely to ensure the self-image of strong, principled lone wolf whose superiority hinges on scouting out "the truth" about what people "really are" through the laziest, most cynical and reductive means available. It's cheat-code "gotcha" bullshit as a philosophical ethos.
The other thing that's interesting about the shallow mindset that seeks to shame the very concept of empathy is that what's of most concern to those who can/do use SJW as an earnest insult is the appearance of rock solid insight that remains unchanged throughout time.

It's the casting of one's self as the stone against which all roiling seas of unimportant tantruming crash against.

If caring about other people makes you look weak (and it does, you're weak for giving a fuck about the less fortunate, just make yourself more fortunate and shut the fuck up already) then the only other sin that could possibly be greater is having to admit you were ever wrong.

Basically, hypocrisy might as well be manslaughter for all the weight placed upon the charge.

So it's a bunch of people who don't read, being fed talking points that make them feel strong, judging others for daring to appear weak as per their understanding of the notion, and suggesting that one can't care for others until they've proven bonafides that show they've never erred in the same way.

The entire endeavor exists almost solely to ensure the self-image of strong, principled lone wolf whose superiority hinges on scouting out "the truth" about what people "really are" through the laziest, most cynical and reductive means available.

Boom boom boom yes. It is pure selfishness, and its fatuousness is evident by how impossible the standard is.

My only twitter spat ever was with a guy who legit implied nobody could care about refugees if they didn't take one in themselves. He wasn't arguing this from a 'we need to do more' perspective, like a radical student lefty, but from a 'they can get fucked, and the way i salve my conscience is to project hypocrisy onto my fellows who say otherwise.'


Congratulations for proving my point.

You must be a lot of fun just preaching and getting angry at people who hold an "ignorant" opinion because of their upbringing. A lot of people genuinely need to be educated, acting like this helps nobody. It just makes them go "fuck this guys a dick, but it sure is funny seeing how upset he is getting". Just going in calling people ignorant isn't going to help anything. But whatever.
While I agree that people need to be educated you have 5o understand that there is a limit.

You cannot have access to the internet and spout the amount of vitriol typical of many on the alternative right. At what point do they go from misguided to just being assholes who refuse to inform themselves using the vast network of information in front of them.

We can't constantly expect the average person to take their time and teach people with abhorrent views. It just isn't realistic

A lot of these people need to have some self awareness and critical thinking to examine their own actions.
All I feel is complete and total embarrassment for the person using it. Seriously, these people look so damn lame when they write this term. Even worse are the people who actually say it in person. Seriously, nothing makes me cringe harder than the people who actually vocally say it out loud and actually mean it. Ethan and Hila from H3H3productions are generally witty and entertaining people. However, anytime one of them says "Social Justice Warrior" seriously in a video, I can't help but zone out. I'm no longer processing what they're actually saying, instead, I'm thinking "Man, these people sound really fucking stupid right now, the fact that they are unaware of that is HIGHLY concerning."

This SJW term is thrown around so commonly, it hardly means anything at all. Everyone's a damn SJW these days. You write/vocalize something progressive, and you're a damn SJW! Think Trump is acting like a complete idiot, and you're a damn SJW! Browse/post on GAF, and you're a damn SJW! The fastest way for me to stop talking someone seriously is for them to use this "insult."

Do you actually feel insulted or angered when someone uses the term "SJW?" I actually use to a couple years ago. However, these days, it just feels like a joke. It feels like a fad that should have died a couple years ago, but it's still here trucking along...likely forever at this rate.

It's not surprising coming from Ethan Klein who's just another Youtuber anti-feminist willing to defend racists (Jontron among others) using the old free speech defence. He just did it recently for the Reddit racist related to Trump CNN wrestling GIF.



Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Girls won't date them. They face the ultimate inequality/prejudice.


A lot of it boils down to that. If these people were having regular sex they wouldn't waste their time on internet hate speech.


That's definitely a valid point.

I just don't think the holier than thou attitude has helped in the past few years. But hey I'm a monster who thinks comedians should be able to joke about whatever they want so maybe I'm part of the problem.

Honestly, I don't care about what attitude or tone I assume. Yes, I feel like I have a superior opinion that people are deserving of rights and empowerment. I'm sorry if that makes me seem elitist to others, but it just seems like a very self evident position to take. I guess that might hurt people's feelings but whatever, personally I feel my very existence is under threat.

Everyone sounds angry on the internet anyway, I do communicate more calmly and politely in real life.

You seem pretty defensive already? In respect to comedians,people have been complaining about comedians' jokes for years, the internet has certainly amplified it. Certainly comedians have stumbled on topics (like transgender related jokes) but they learn, the goal is to punch up and not down anyway, all manner of jokes can be handled tastefully and with respect.
The very best video I think I saw on where the gamergate culture game from was this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VtjZHC5Qyk folding ideas really nailed where the "fuck the sjw" culture really stemmed from. Usually, when I hear people say SJW I know who they are talking about, and I get where they are coming from but I lose a good amount of respect for them. It's a lack of trying to hear an argument, we have become so far down the rabbit whole of "I'm right and you are wrong" that people are just so quick to lump people in a group called other and run away from anything being said.


Much like "Cuck" and "check your privilege", someone who uses "SJW" unironically whenever as an insult or self identifier, is not a person worth listening to.


A lot of it boils down to that. If these people were having regular sex they wouldn't waste their time on internet hate speech.

But they'd need to self reflect and figure out why girls won't date them first. Nope, they're nice guys, easier to blame the girls.


I thought the term originated among moderate liberals or class-conscious socialists who were annoyed at the idea of the progressive cause getting derailed by people who cared more about pro-forma issues of social justice (especially issues of labeling) rather than caring about the issues themselves, a sort of critique of salon socialism where some people get self-important on identifying things they think are cultural appropriation. Think White Knighting, but for minority groups you are not a part of instead of for women.

But then i found out that it was mostly shitbirds using the term as part of the crypto-fascist lexicon, and wondered if it was always that way?


Congratulations for proving my point.

You must be a lot of fun just preaching and getting angry at people who hold an "ignorant" opinion because of their upbringing. A lot of people genuinely need to be educated, acting like this helps nobody. It just makes them go "fuck this guys a dick, but it sure is funny seeing how upset he is getting". Just going in calling people ignorant isn't going to help anything. But whatever.

How much time do you use "educating" alt-righters? Do you happen to have examples? Also what kind of content do your good friends share pointing out extreme alt-righters and what terms do they use?


I've done it once but it was mainly about a certain lady who had an event happen at Vidcon, I disagreed with it happening.

Other than that I don't really care, everyone should be equal and we should help those around us become equal... But as I say not at the expense of other things being looked down upon.

I live in the UK so a lot of what you see on the internet, that "SJW's" argue against doesn't necessarily exist here so I suppose I find it harder to click with it.

I would rather have different types of media available than not have them available because it upsets somebody.

Of course I don't mean stuff like this, and this video is a great satire and expression that society is still out to get this minority and there are people that treat you like this...

... Because it's racist, however I think it can also be used as a decent way of educating people and removing it completely from history would go against that.


I think once someone's so far up their own ass where they can't develop common sense when it comes for being in activist in X-issue, that's when it becomes an annoyance and the "Snowflake SJW" label can be rightfully used as a term to mock.

For example: The Evergreen State College incident from a month ago. Zero common sense used, thus usage as an insult is appropriate.
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