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What do you think of the people who use the pejorative "SJW?"


It tells me they need to get their corn fed ass out of the dirt pile they live in and go see the world. White priveledge is very much real.
Because I hold a lot of the "SJW" beliefs, I actually self-describe using the term. It kinda dilutes the meaning and makes it much less effective as an insult. It tends to really deflate the assholes who use it too.
I find it hilarious, because they're basically saying "You fucking idiot, you person who fights for social justice!".

Like, I know not everyone who would be labelled as a SJW are paragons of virtue and generally good people, but the term itself is just so self-defeating.

Me and my friend are constantly joking about us being "SJEWS!" (not correlated with jews, check out Hbomberguy).


I have never met a person IRL who used the term it's just people on YouTube and outlets you can't take seriously.


Oh I don't give a fuck about you bro, you're just another Trump supporter here to spread as much disinformation as possible and shut down conversations critical of said shitbag by spreading false doubt. You also tend to have this anti-liberal slant with pretty much any post of yours in OT. You also have the tendency to post just enough that you can partially share your opinion, but not open yourself up to dogpiling without it making you look like the victim.

It's fucking tired.

Thank you for reminding us.

trump supporters can fuck right off. There's stupid (trump), then there's REALLY stupid (being dumb enough to support him). They are of no value whatsoever in political conversations.


I have never met a person IRL who used the term it's just people on YouTube and outlets you can't take seriously.

This is another thing, that's why you know they're not worth anybody's time, they're just internet shitheads, no one does that IRL.


Maybe .5% of its usage is used to describe someone who is a parody of being politically correct. 99.5% of the time it's used by shitbags.

This sounds about right.

There are some times when it can be applicable, but for the most part, it's just conservative idiots using the term to win arguments.
I think once someone's so far up their own ass where they can't develop common sense when it comes for being in activist in X-issue, that's when it becomes an annoyance and the "Snowflake SJW" label can be rightfully used as a term to mock.

For example: The Evergreen State College incident from a month ago. Zero common sense used, thus usage as an insult is appropriate.
That's a conservative news source that does not paint the full story.


From an alumni's perspective and the actual email on what caused the students to lash out against the professor:
I have a pretty trippy and psychedelic jean jacket, and on the front it's covered by pins, badges and patches. A co-worker who's an MRA jackass, saw it one day and say "Oh shit, you're like a social justice general".

It made me proud.

Also, I think it's about time we start dividing ourselves into groups, like social justice paladins, social justice mages, social justice rogues, social justice soldiers, etc etc.


Rare are the moments where I've seen it used unironically and be followed up with something that wasn't total bullshit.

I mean, I don't discount that it could have happened at some point. Just not in my experience. Usually, someone saying "SJW" is a clear indicator I can disregard whatever is about to follow it.
First time I heard about SJW was on south park.

Makes sense. Those guys have always prided themselves on that "both sides" self-congratulatory cynical bullshit. Sometimes it makes for really, really funny observational humor.

But as has been seen throughout the years, it also reads as exactly what it is: self-congratulatory cynical bullshit that puts way more importance and emphasis on the the appearance of wisdom at the expense of empathy.


they might as well be calling things alpha & beta for as dumb as it sounds - its like they're aspiring to be a south park character or something. nothing after hearing/reading that is worth my time

Virtue signalling

god imagine being so morality bankrupt as to actually respond to seeing something positive/helpful and instantly responding with this likewise dumb phrase


Wait, so now SJW is considered as a pejorative word?

I discovered that acronym here if I'm not mistaken.
What happened?

here's the general gist of what happened in the internet:

-People became invested on Social Justice issues
-The term Social Justice Warrior was coined in a tongue in cheek manner
-Far right, MRA and such assholes began using the SJW as an insult and building strawmans
-Left leaning people continued to use the SJW in an ironic manner to mock far right
-Far left missed the irony and embraced the strawman
-Nowadays it's mostly used as an insult by far right assholes or by people who don't understand irony.
here's the general gist of what happened in the internet:

-People became invested on Social Justice issues
-The term Social Justice Warrior was coined in a tongue in cheek manner
-Far right, MRA and such assholes began using the SJW as an insult and building strawmans
-Left leaning people continued to use the SJW in an ironic manner to mock far right
-Far left missed the irony and embraced the strawman
-Nowadays it's mostly used as an insult by far right assholes or by people who don't understand irony.

Oh, ok.

Thanks for the summary.


Neo Member
Anyone who uses that acronym is not worth my time or attention, problem is the Alt-Right will get in your face. They are the biggest pro-censorship movement in human history outside of governments and empires (At least in my opinion, most likely there's a factoid kicking my ass).

Social Justice is needed and it is necessary for the preservation of society, those against it are advocating it's very destruction.


I would like a concrete definiton of the 'regressive left' as well.

People on the left who defend Islamism or/and authoritarianism from countries like Russia because cultural relativism or their dislike of Western imperialism.

I actually know some people who could be considered regressive left. People who wanted Trump to win because: Killary would just intervene in foreign countries and bomb the shit out of them, while Trump would mind his own business and because Trump would have better relationships with Putin, who was given a bad name by Western propaganda.

However just like the term SJW and White Knight, it is starting to lose all its meaning...and now someone who simply respects a muslim is 'regressive left'.


I've never actually seen or heard it used offline so I don't actually feel anything about it, but online I feel similar to when people use "white knight" as a pejorative. Sometimes the label is spot on, sometimes it could not be missing the point more.
Conceptually I have no problem with the term as a pejorative. There are people who aggressively and unproductively take action ostensibly towards a goal of social justice that probably deserve the label. However, in reality it is more often than not misapplied and hung on anyone with a detectably progressive goal or opinion, to the point that its usage has become a red flag for idiocy and hatred.

So I don't know, depending on who uses it they might get the benefit of the doubt, but most won't. I don't use it myself and neither does anybody I know, so that simplifies things.


Junior Member
Wait, so now SJW is considered as a pejorative word?

I discovered that acronym here if I'm not mistaken.
What happened?
It was always a pejorative. It just shifted context and popularity.

It was once a left wing word for crazy far left-wing people. Now it's a term for anyone not left-wing to shut down dissent.


Yeah SJW is not a great term, and I think one can feel free to dismiss it.

Virtue signalling is trickier for me , because that shit definitely happens, all over the place. I would still rephrase it now though, to avoid being auto-dismissed.


I see it as a sarcastic term akin to keyboard warrior that's used to highlight slacktivism.

I think it's (supposed to be) used more for types like the "Hugh Mungus" woman.

Not that we needed another term to replace obnoxious as fuck (OAFs?), 'cause that works pretty well as-is.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
If you use it unironically then I think you're likely to be a person who live your life on the internet, and not living well.
Like a lot of terms co-opted by the alt-right it's lost its original meaning and is instead just another example of a word that better illustrates how much the person saying it really hate themselves.

There's no enigma behind alt-right people. They feel deep resentment and guilt towards themselves for harboring such hateful and unjust ideologies, so they invent ways to project those feelings.


I believe any use of a pejorative term greatly diminishes the validity of one's opinion. I don't care if you're on the right or on the left, anything you say after using a pejorative word will be of very small significance to me.

Edit: I stand on the left in case this matters to anyone. My main point is that if you want to be informative and believable, use the correct descriptive words and not passive-aggressive insults.
I find it hilarious, because they're basically saying "You fucking idiot, you person who fights for social justice!".

Like, I know not everyone who would be labelled as a SJW are paragons of virtue and generally good people, but the term itself is just so self-defeating.

Me and my friend are constantly joking about us being "SJEWS!" (not correlated with jews, check out Hbomberguy).

I think Hbomberguy pronounces it as "swidge" now :p



Gold Member
However, anytime one of them says "Social Justice Warrior" seriously in a video, I can't help but zone out. I'm no longer processing what they're actually saying, instead, I'm thinking "Man, these people sound really fucking stupid right now, the fact that they are unaware of that is HIGHLY concerning.".
Typical sjw


I've never actually seen or heard it used offline so I don't actually feel anything about it, but online I feel similar to when people use "white knight" as a pejorative. Sometimes the label is spot on, sometimes it could not be missing the point more.

This. It depends entirely on the actual context of the discussion
But hey I'm a monster who thinks comedians should be able to joke about whatever they want so maybe I'm part of the problem.

Who says they can't? Or do you mean they should be able to exercise their free speech without criticism?

That's what gets me with the anti-PC crowd. You don't want free speech. You want the right to say stupid or offensive shit and not get called out for it. Fuck outta here with that.
The perversion of the term sucks so much, because there used to be completely valid use cases for it. The person who takes the most minuscule stupid thing that doesn't really matter and pretends like it's the most horrible thing that ever happened is a real type of person and SJW was a pretty good way to describe those people.

But then the Internet got it's shit covered hands on it and the term now means "Person who isn't an evil dickhead"
Well I'm pretty sure I know the kind of person you're talking about, who arguably overreacts to lesser-offense social transgressions. But, it doesn't "suck so much" that the world lost a snappy way to dismissively label them. And the thing is, if you want to dismiss them, that's usually coming from a place of privilege that should be examined. At the worst of times, I can internally modulate their language for severity, and still absolutely see the point they're making. So really, it was never a good term.

The lady screaming about sexual harassment to the "Hugh Mungus" guy, that was an ugly video, but to coin a phrase for "that type" invites it to be used broadly against anyone who claims sexual assault. And then, it's all over.
The kid / teenager use of it is eye rolling. I heard a 10-year-old try to stumble through it a few weeks ago. They will either grow out if it or continue on to be shitty adults.

But for adults, at best the person using it us a disingenuous both-sider who believes the mark of a true intellectual is never taking a stand on anything if it's possible there could be an opposing viewpoint, unless selfishness is relevant, at which point that will take priority.

Most adults who use it in that way are worse and the benefit of the doubt should not be applied here.


During the gamergate days I'd also dismiss anyone using that term.

Today I'm more careful and try to discern where they are coming from before making any judgment.

There's a fringe of the left that does fit into the caricature such as the evergreen college protesters.
If someone needs to label them and uses SJW then I think that's reasonable. Even though its a terrible term (as many have said, by definition there should be nothing wrong with being a social justice warrior) language is a fluid thing and most people understand what you're saying when the term is brought up. And provided there's some context you can find out if the person who used SJW is an Alt-Righter or someone on the left referring to extremists.
Yeah SJW is not a great term, and I think one can feel free to dismiss it.

Virtue signalling is trickier for me , because that shit definitely happens, all over the place. I would still rephrase it now though, to avoid being auto-dismissed.
"Virtue signalling" I agree happens, but I think of it terms of a liberal criticism of "allies" who aren't actually helping anyone but themselves. For example: white feminisits who never lift a finger for women of color or trans women but make a big stink about their feminist beliefs to get internet points.

But I don't need the term the alt-right uses, because their point is to project their own lack of empathy onto everyone and cast a cynical eye on everything that is done in the name of social progress. So fuck the term "virtue signalling."
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