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What do you think of the people who use the pejorative "SJW?"


it's become the new "communist", "lefty", "socialist" catchall.

Ask people to define it and give you three solid examples. If they do that, ask them what makes their actions not a SJW.


"Empathy is terrible... how dare you give a damn about others?" Is usually what I hear when someone slings SJW or Liberal around. Are you an advocate for decency and rational ethics? You're a filthy liberal/SJW scum.

Because each of those terms is indicative of a distinctively anti-intellectual undercurrent that frequently characterises internet conversations.

Using the terms 'problematic' or 'toxic' bears just as much resemblance to drive-by shitposting as the term 'SJW' does. All of terms basically amount to 'I don't like/agree with this person but I can't be bothered to or lack the capacity to explain why'.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Because each of those terms is indicative of a distinctively anti-intellectual undercurrent that frequently characterises internet conversations.

Using the terms 'problematic' or 'toxic' bears just as much resemblance to drive-by shitposting as the term 'SJW' does. All of terms basically amount to 'I don't like/agree with this person but I can't be bothered to or lack the capacity to explain why'.
What? Plenty of times people have elaborated on why they find certain things problematic or toxic. What are you on about
Speaking of specific behaviors as if they're abstracts occurring in a vaccuum tends to kneecap useful discussion way more than the sort of thing Gun Haver is describing here:

Whenever I have talked to anybody openly about their use of the term SJW, or tried to get them to soften on it a bit, I've been successful and they start trying to explain themselves earnestly, and trying to mitigate the legitimate criticisms that have been thrown their way (not by me, but they assume simply because I'm questioning them I am condemning them). It generally hasn't really held up, because the vocabulary might be quite vivid, but it is as vivid as it is because there really isn't any deep thought behind it. It's like some kind of rhetorical flash grenade. They start out trying, then kind of get bored because y'know, discussion and self-reflection isn't the point. The point is gratification and feeling part of a group.

(Their posts have been really well thought out, scroll back if you've missed em).

However, the sort of branding/redefinition of concepts we already have names/words for often is coupled with the sort of abstract/context-free examples & analogies that tend to gravitate to the center of a conversation once it starts going, so they end up getting confused for each other.

But really, it's not the rush to re-name and brand a pre-existing phenomena that fucks up a discussion so much as it is people's need to proceed from the jump-off point of a conversation and obfuscate & fuzz all the details until the "what if" that replaces it is so vague and formless, divorced from any real-world relevance, that its only real worth is as some sort of drawn-out Scruples-esque parlor game.

(It happens very, very frequently when it comes to discussions on race here, for example)
its usually pretty cringey, though is a good descriptor of some people

I tend to not use it and if i have to ill use white knight or some other varient.


White knight might actually be worse

White Knight is great as like cuck it shows more about the person using than the person they were trying to insult.

They literally cannot understand that it is possible to see women as anything other than fucktoys so if you are defending a woman it is obviously because you want to have sex with her, there is no other reason. There can't be.
It's become the new 'pussy' in these hyper-political times. The unapologetic cis-white-male of the 80's evolved into something a bit more topical. It's all just as ugly as it ever was.
Honestly? I think they either work for Fox, or a Fox viewers/supporters. I think they are brain fucking washed. That's what I think.

Granted, buzzed AF ATM, but when someone is drinking, like myself, I tell the truth, and that's very much the truth from my perspective.

The term "What's the matter with Kansas?" also comes to mind, TBH. As in, voters who vote against their own best interest.


It's super cringy to me, I wince a little every time I hear someone say it. I'd say its as cringy as the word "mansplaining". But its purpose is usually bad instead of just cringy.


They're idiots who are not worth my time. On the other hand, if it's directed at me, I see it as a badge for pride because being for social justice is, you know, a good thing.


As a person in visual media who travels for months out of the year to conventions... Ive seen it.

People are only decent to promote themselves or if they're trying to get laid. That there if there wasn't anything to be gained people would'nt care about (insert concern here).

They really believe this.

i believe it - gotta figure the venn diagram between those people & folks who think currying favor in the afterlife is likewise the only reason to do good things has to have tremendous overlap

i'm not triggered by any phrase alone. context is a thing.

ugh, okay - what's the context where SJW as a pejorative isn't douchey

Because each of those terms is indicative of a distinctively anti-intellectual undercurrent that frequently characterises internet conversations.

Using the terms 'problematic' or 'toxic' bears just as much resemblance to drive-by shitposting as the term 'SJW' does. All of terms basically amount to 'I don't like/agree with this person but I can't be bothered to or lack the capacity to explain why'.

what a load of projectionist horseshit - there's literally ten writeups on nearly every example of problematic or toxic shit going down on both sides of GAF, but it's much easier to just dismiss that i imagine

"Virtue signalling" I agree happens, but I think of it terms of a liberal criticism of "allies" who aren't actually helping anyone but themselves. For example: white feminisits who never lift a finger for women of color or trans women but make a big stink about their feminist beliefs to get internet points.

But I don't need the term the alt-right uses, because their point is to project their own lack of empathy onto everyone and cast a cynical eye on everything that is done in the name of social progress. So fuck the term "virtue signalling."

i agree with both paragraphs of this fine post
when someone uses it completely non-ironically it does sort of make you go "ohhhhhhh, so that's where you hang out on the internet"


It depends on the context where SJW is being used.

But sure, generally "SJW" is used to disregard the opinion of someone. In that regard, SJW is not all that different from terms like "Man-splaining" or "White-splaining" etc.

People enjoy putting others in boxes so that it's easy to dismiss their opinion.

I don't like when people call other people SJW because it is used as an insult. I also don't like when people use MRA as an insult either. Both words are just cheap labels. I say that as a feminist myself.

man, team #bothsides really can't help themselves in these threads
Instant identifier of a moron. Along with using "cuck".

Cuck is actually an even bigger tool phrase, since it literally means nothing. At least with SJW, it's directed at..... something? Cuck as an insult makes absolutely zero sense, and the logic applied to try to dissect the usage of it as an insult makes the sayer seem even crazier.


I'm no gator or MRA, but I do think there are certain people that the term can be applied to. Social justice is a cause worth championing, but when you go too far into the rabbit hole and start calling yoga cultural appropriation, or a dad joke sexual harassment like the Hugh Mungus situation, I feel like the term is apt. Doesn't fit many gaffers, but can be applied to a few Tumblr users for sure.

I make the same distinction between rational liberals vs SJWs, as fans vs fanboys, or religious people vs fanatics/extemists. It's a pretty good term that has unfortunately been beaten to death by right-wingers/gamergators by referring to any centrist or liberal as SJW.

I know this puts me at odds with most of this thread, and some of you think I'm garbage, but oh well. Can't win everything.
Yeah this is how I feel about it. I'd never use the term though just because it actually makes me cringe because of the people who usually use it. But when I see oh hear the term I do think of those extreme people.

I don't like when people call other people SJW because it is used as an insult. I also don't like when people use MRA as an insult either. Both words are just cheap labels. I say that as a feminist myself.
I didn't even know that MRAs were a real thing lol, what is even the point of it?
I don't like to admit it, but the internet of late has hardened me in such a way that the moment someone starts dropping these kind of phrases without a hint of irony, I'll just walk away.

Context is key, of course. Yet it's still damn-near 99% of the time being used by either some edgelord kid or a grown-ass adult who is too far gone. It feels impossible to reason with such people. It's not up to me to help them grow up and grow a sense of empathy.

The 1% is usually someone who doesn't understand the negative connotations or was struggling to find an accurate term to express themselves. Easier to talk with them and at least hope they course correct.
"Virtue signalling" I agree happens, but I think of it terms of a liberal criticism of "allies" who aren't actually helping anyone but themselves. For example: white feminisits who never lift a finger for women of color or trans women but make a big stink about their feminist beliefs to get internet points.

But I don't need the term the alt-right uses, because their point is to project their own lack of empathy onto everyone and cast a cynical eye on everything that is done in the name of social progress. So fuck the term "virtue signalling."
Aka Laci Green, the ultimate white feminist.


Junior Member
I think the only instance where the usage of the term like SJW is applicable is when people think it's ok to raise a baby without a gender, or forcing a kid to adopt the choices that the opposite gender would traditionally make. That my friends is a whole another level of fuckery.

It also bothers me when people get mad if a movie/game director chooses a character of gender X to be the lead of said movie/game. Who gives a shit? This is the director's personal choice. Why people complain about the most inane of issues is beyond me. There are far bigger things to worry about in life than pointless, trivial aspects of entertainment.


Junior Member
Cuck is actually an even bigger tool phrase, since it literally means nothing. At least with SJW, it's directed at..... something? Cuck as an insult makes absolutely zero sense, and the logic applied to try to dissect the usage of it as an insult makes the sayer seem even crazier.

What is a cuck? Haven't really seen or heard anyone use that as a slur.

Cuck as in cuckold - a man who doesn't do anything when someone else pursues his wife?


What is a cuck? Haven't really seen or heard anyone use that as a slur.

Cuck as in cuckold - a man who doesn't do anything when someone else pursues his wife?

Yeah. It is - fascinatingly - quite common as an "insult" among alt-right/MRA/GG circles, though I have never seen it bear any semblance of meaning.

A term like "virtue signalling" I can somewhat get behind as it at least at some point described a specific behaviour that has been broadened to the point of being a catch-all term for "anyone speaking on behalf of a certain (left-wing) social movement", but "cuck" has zero meaning in that context - or is it the "alpha" community saying they're emasculating the "betas" by screwing their s.o.?

In short, the term means f*** all.


I've yet to encounter a single example of someone using the phrase intelligently.


Was wondering when I would start seeing these ads.

My gosh, I didn't realize how huge that image was originally. Put it in quote tags.


People love to labor under the misconception that shaming people for having empathy makes them look wise and learned.

Easy, lazy cynicism as a means to feel briefly special by demeaning the very act, no matter how minor it might be, of daring to give a fuck about other people

On point as always.
Yeah this is how I feel about it. I'd never use the term though just because it actually makes me cringe because of the people who usually use it. But when I see oh hear the term I do think of those extreme people.

I didn't even know that MRAs were a real thing lol, what is even the point of it?

MRA is a real thing. It started out as a subreddit, and it's not a pejorative. I wouldn't say it's the equivalent of SJW. There's no SJW subreddit and it was never a self identifying term.


One mans trash is another mans treasure

One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter

One mans social justice warrior is another mans fascist

One mans GOTY is another mans 7/10. 7/10 like The Last Of Us objectively is.


Personally, I find the usage of the term 'SJW' approximately as irritating as the terms 'problematic', 'toxic' or 'mansplaining'.
Problematic is a wonderful word that has use well beyond politics. Toxic is a pretty accurate description of attitudes on the net. Mansplaining, I see it on a daily basis on Twitter. Espcially in regards to women's issues.


White Knight is great as like cuck it shows more about the person using than the person they were trying to insult.

They literally cannot understand that it is possible to see women as anything other than fucktoys so if you are defending a woman it is obviously because you want to have sex with her, there is no other reason. There can't be.

White Knight is a tricky one. While yes, it implies that the person "white knighting" only views the woman as a sex object to be won over, quite often that is actually the case. The problem is it's applied widely without knowing the person's views or intentions.
Problematic is a wonderful word that has use well beyond politics. Toxic is a pretty accurate description of attitudes on the net. Mansplaining, I see it on a daily basis on Twitter. Espcially in regards to women's issues.


That Silicon Valley bit was hilarious XD Their expressions say it all.


People love to labor under the misconception that shaming people for having empathy makes them look wise and learned.

Easy, lazy cynicism as a means to feel briefly special by demeaning the very act, no matter how minor it might be, of daring to give a fuck about other people
This is spot on.
It was a once a catch all insult for a particular brand of vapid armchair social issue discussion you see a lot of on the internet that got taken over by alt right reddit fuckwits and now any shade of grey in social issues on the internet is gone and everyone just calls the other side hitler over and over.

I also think it would make a good wrestling federation name.


It was a once a catch all insult for a particular brand of vapid armchair social issue discussion you see a lot of on the internet that got taken over by alt right reddit fuckwits and now any shade of grey in social issues on the internet is gone and everyone just calls the other side hitler over and over.
Only one side is supporting a fascist president. So...

I don't say they're Nazis, but I have no problem calling out bigoted horseshit.
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