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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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some people really take wikipedia seriously (which is vital i guess). how dare anyone even consider it though :[

The forums here: http://forums.somethingawful.com/index.php decided to invade and harass a wikipedia editor to suicide. Of course, the admins try to play it down as "he had mental problems and would've committed suicide anyways" but that's a horrible way to try and rationalize the wrongdoing of harassing a mentally ill person to death.

Some people really take the internet to heart.


You seem to be avoiding my rebuttals to your stance. That's not very respectful, so you're already coming across as a hypocrite--and, by your own argument, that's someone who proves they don't deserve respect.

You have every right to trash other people's beliefs. This is the basis of one of America's saving graces, the right to speak your mind. And this right comes with a responsibility -- if you choose to trash someone's beliefs, then by damn you better be read to accept the responsibility of looking like an asshole and the consequences that come with that. And if you go too far, you get banned. That's part of the consequence.

Along the same lines, if you're putting your beliefs out into the public, it is completely and totally immature and delusional to only expect positive responses and to throw tantrums at those who disagree. If you can't handle criticism (from a stranger, at that) then you weren't ready to accept the consequences of speaking your mind.

Have you EVER considered the possibility that YOU expressing your beliefs may actually be offensive to others?

See, what people REALLY mean when they complain about their "beliefs" being trashed is that they just don't like people criticizing and poking holes in their worldview. THAT'S where the anger comes from--no one wants to realize their beliefs may be wrong.

I read your previous post, I don't believe in forcing my opinions on others ....infact I am not religious (raised catholic).

I never stated anywhere that you can not debate a belief system, especially if it has a negative impact on others.

The crux of my post centres around the tone of conversation that is had sometimes in religious threads ....... overly insulting tones directed at posters solely based on their religious preference ..... you will find that most stable people can hold core religious beliefs but not subscribe to the parts that offend some demographics (homosexuals for example).

But you will find that people attack posters due to their beliefs because of some of the negatives aspects associated with it, without even determining whether or not the individual posters subscribes to those aspects of their particular faith.

So to boil it down and maybe I have not clearly explained myself previously ........ you can attack beliefs, opinions etc but it is the overly insulting, demeaning and sometimes outright offensive attacks on the poster themselves that angers me.

I will debate any point, and certainly if I offend someone in a blatant and hurtful manner then by all means attack and insult me but in a rational and adult debate can we not converse with each other with out having to hurt each others feelings?

Also I did not purposefully mean to be disrespectful, although your overly aggressive tone in what is a calm discussion can come across as you shouting me down ..... an example of my point.


wikipedia said:
The site is well-known for its strict codes of conduct and erratic moderation behavior.
wikipedia said:
Notable sub-communities

The so called PonyGAF sub-community has gathered together and sent fan mail through Equestria Daily, an unofficial My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fansite, that has been acknowledged by Lauren Faust.[8]



I will debate any point, and certainly if I offend someone in a blatant and hurtful manner then by all means attack and insult me but in a rational and adult debate can we not converse with each other with out having to hurt each others feelings?

Also I did not purposefully mean to be disrespectful, although your overly aggressive tone in what is a calm discussion can come across as you shouting me down ..... an example of my point.

Now you've moved the goalposts from "being insulting is bad" to "being aggressive is bad." That's a pretty dishonest tactic as well. Some could say offensive.

I don't know if you're deliberately being obtuse or simply don't grasp that you're doing the very thing you're accusing others of--not even trying to be rational or respectful.

Stop trying to appear lofty or above others. We're all here in the dirt, arguing away. Yes, there's no reason to be a complete asshole, but this whiny, self-important "Everyone who disagrees with me is INSULTING ME/ATTACKING MY BELIEFS" attitude is absolutely embarrassing and pathetic. And you know full well it's used all the time in debates about religion, even if it's perfectly rational debate. MY point has always been that people, REGARDLESS of the tone being polite or poisonous, will throw persecution tantrums if they can. I guarantee if you searched you could find 5 examples in the past 48 hours of people playing that same card.

How did they harass him? What tactics did they employ?

Well, I'm not an S.A. forums member, but I followed the saga on wikipedia and its edits page and it's all documented there. Though it's mostly sealed now, it was this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Cumulus_Clouds

1. The S.A. forum admins held a "vandalize wikipedia" contest. Beats me what the prize was. I guess there's a subforum on it called "Fuck You All to Death" that's all about trolling. They went through as many sites as they could to add fake info and trolls.
2. Turns out a wikipedia editor was also a member of that subforum and complained when they invaded and kept on trying to revert them.
3. As everyone knows, when it comes to bullying and trolling, the harder you try to stop them the more they'll do it for LOLs. Soon the FuckYou forum just flat out started stalking him and his real life details.
4. The wikipedia editor, who I guess was already unstable to some degree, completely melted down trying to obsessively stop all the vandalism to the point when the wiki admins simply told him "Sorry, you're too emotionally invested in this" and removed him from the staff.
5. Wikipedia editor finally loses it and kills himself. I think they tried to crash his funeral, too.

Pretty sad story, the guy was clearly unstable so the online harassment was just the final straw that made the wiki editor snap.
the only time I've traveled by train, a girl was laying on the tracks and killed herself. I have never really been OK with that. I guess 300 to 500 people do it every year. the man that wanted the NeoGAF article to be deleted also rallied support for the speedy deletion of the Suicide methods article.

I'm not sure what this means. I wonder what the most common method of account suicide is.


Now you've moved the goalposts from "being insulting is bad" to "being aggressive is bad." That's a pretty dishonest tactic as well. Some could say offensive.

I don't know if you're deliberately being obtuse or simply don't grasp that you're doing the very thing you're accusing others of--not even trying to be rational or respectful.

Stop trying to appear lofty or above others. We're all here in the dirt, arguing away. Yes, there's no reason to be a complete asshole, but this whiny, self-important "Everyone who disagrees with me is INSULTING ME/ATTACKING MY BELIEFS" attitude is absolutely embarrassing and pathetic. And you know full well it's used all the time in debates about religion. I guarantee if you searched you could find 5 examples in the past 48 hours of people playing that same card.


Did you read my post?

I stated I have no issue about debating beliefs / opinions etc, rather the manner in which it is sometimes done.

I am not trying to appear to be anything, just stating my point.
yeah it's true. it was really late at night and everyone was sleeping. the lights came on all of a sudden and a worker came through to my car and told us what happened. everyone just seemed kind of annoyed because we had to stop for a while.

EDIT: lol. at least it wasn't, like, this.


yeah it's true. it was really late at night and everyone was sleeping. the lights came on all of a sudden and a worker came through to my car and told everyone what happened. everyone just seemed kind of annoyed because we had to stop for a while.

EDIT: lol

I thought you actually saw it happening.


Does my rap sheet say anything about me being I think permabanned in 2000-2001 for telling a mod (Vennt maybe? Someone with a rainbow in their avatar.) that his banning someone else was a misunderstanding of context (I think it was some word that had 2 meanings)? The poster involved that was banned had Ninja in their name. A year or two and several emails later somehow my account was just erased weirdly (not a server crash that I know of) and I just re-signed up using the same email and username "Briefcasemanx". If it was all a mistake and I need to still be perm'd, that's okay.

Also, are mods allowed to change people's usernames still without letting them know?

What were you called before?
We should get some amnesty trials going for permed posters. Not that I am one of them. Just sayin' it would make the place more interesting, time heals all wounds, etc.


We should get some amnesty trials going for permed posters. Not that I am one of them. Just sayin' it would make the place more interesting, time heals all wounds, etc.

agreed. i'm sure they've all gotten over it, i think it's time we get over it too.


Now you've moved the goalposts from "being insulting is bad" to "being aggressive is bad." That's a pretty dishonest tactic as well. Some could say offensive.

I don't know if you're deliberately being obtuse or simply don't grasp that you're doing the very thing you're accusing others of--not even trying to be rational or respectful.

Holy, what in the hell dude? His post was well thought out and made his point very clearly. And no goalposts were moved at all. You are grasping at straws here.

Stop trying to appear lofty or above others.

Ironically it appears from both the tone of your posts towards him, and especially this post that its you thats doing this and not him. Maybe you should drop it, its very clear to see that you are really really looking for a fight here.


I'm still weirdly proud of this.


Probably because I imagine the Lethal weapon police chief yelling "Your're out of line Kinyou! You can't break those masturbation rules!!"
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