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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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erotic butter maelstrom

up my butter_ass


The mods have denied this (possible cover up?), but I've seen it happen when some of the recent juniors were banned. I've also seen some permabanned people who still have their avatars, though, so we'll probably never know the truth.

No, it is definitely unrelated to perm status. I have no idea why avatars sometimes don't show up after a ban (an administrator or another moderator might be able to explain it), but I have banned someone for, say, a week, refreshed the post, and seen their avatar disappear.
Do you accept sexual favors for thread-posting privileges? I only ever made one or two forgettable threads asking for travel advice or something, but occasionally I get a spark of inspiration for an awesome thread.
I'm surprised thread derailment is allowed.

A little too much, I fear. It's ridiculous to see how commonly threads will have at least two or three full pages of threadshitting and animated gifs if someone says the wrong thing. It's even worse in OTs and really long threads


A little too much, I fear. It's ridiculous to see how commonly threads will have at least two or three full pages of threadshitting and animated gifs if someone says the wrong thing. It's even worse in OTs and really long threads

Why can't we just have serious, focused conversations that may change the world?
If you have a different perspective than mainline GAF, keep it to yourself or at least be very careful. Be mindful of any new consensus made, and stay away from any topics concerning it for a while, at least until there are enough dead bodies to know the bounds. Stay out of gender, race, political threads or threads that involve sensitive or complex issues. If you see a thread with a bunch of people fucking up, don't go there because you may get blown up in the crossfire on suspicion alone. Don't be shitheads to other people. In specific circumstances you can, but it's best to just not do it ever. All the rest is common sense, universal to any forum, or explicitly stated in the rules.

Haha...ha. This post is incredibly informative. Seriously. I live by these rules (for the most part). I'll admit at times it can be hard to suppress the need to voice an opinion that is or could be seen as unpopular by the majority. To instantly be labeled or whatever, bleh, definitely discourages me from wanting to be part of a (particular) conversation regardless of how much effort I may put in to get my point across intelligently.

I've posted a stupid comment or two myself. Only been banned once in the 4 or so years here. Just know when, where and HOW to pick your battles and stand by your opinion if you feel the need to express it. Go out with dignity...


erotic butter maelstrom
Haha...ha. This post is incredibly informative. Seriously. I live by these rules (for the most part). I'll admit at times it can be hard to suppress the need to voice an opinion that is or could be seen as unpopular by the majority. To instantly be labeled or whatever, bleh, definitely discourages me from wanting to be part of a (particular) conversation regardless of how much effort I may put in to get my point across intelligently.

What kind of opinions do you have that could be seen as unpopular? Just curious.


Haha...ha. This post is incredibly informative. Seriously. I live by these rules (for the most part). I'll admit at times it can be hard to suppress the need to voice an opinion that is or could be seen as unpopular by the majority. To instantly be labeled or whatever, bleh, definitely discourages me from wanting to be part of a (particular) conversation regardless of how much effort I may put in to get my point across intelligently.

I've posted a stupid comment or two myself. Only been banned once in the 4 or so years here. Just know when, where and HOW to pick your battles and stand by your opinion if you feel the need to express it. Go out with dignity...

I hate Portal 1 and 2, worst game ever.

Circumsiction is mutilation and should be banned.

Tip? Hell no, its your work not me to give you cash.

Legal age of sex should be 15.

Have I missed something?


« generous god »
erotic butter maelstrom

up my butter_ass


No, it is definitely unrelated to perm status. I have no idea why avatars sometimes don't show up after a ban (an administrator or another moderator might be able to explain it), but I have banned someone for, say, a week, refreshed the post, and seen their avatar disappear.
Wonder who came up with those tag......
Didn't you already admit to running an anti-kickstarter campaign leading up to this? :3

It sounds more like a case of a mod saying "I'm tired of this" than "you broke a rule".

I started a NeoGAF thread. As far as campaigns go that's pretty minor. I didn't start a reich.

Anyone want to join my reich?


I hate Portal 1 and 2, worst game ever.

Circumsiction is mutilation and should be banned.

Tip? Hell no, its your work not me to give you cash.

Legal age of sex should be 15.

Have I missed something?

How do you feel about abortion issue? And Steve Job being the greatest innovator since Thomas Edison?


Just keep posting stupid shit until you become a forum celeb then you can get away with anything - then you won't be banned.


There's a very fine line between getting banned or not. I've been banned for calling purported criminal lady to be a... er, female dog.. and seen people not being banned for, let's say, calling Kirsten Stewart a.. er..a girl who sleeps around a lot. So just don't say a lot of negative things and be happy and avoid posts that you know you'll get riled up in.


Setec Astronomer
No, it is definitely unrelated to perm status. I have no idea why avatars sometimes don't show up after a ban (an administrator or another moderator might be able to explain it), but I have banned someone for, say, a week, refreshed the post, and seen their avatar disappear.
It's just a bug. Temp bans can do it. Permbans can do it.


erotic butter maelstrom

up my butter_ass


No, it is definitely unrelated to perm status. I have no idea why avatars sometimesp don't show up after a ban (an administrator or another moderator might be able to explain it), but I have banned someone for, say, a week, refreshed the post, and seen their avatar disappear.

Whats the difference between mod and admin


Whats the difference between mod and admin

Administrators have all the same abilities of moderators, plus some extra abilities to control the forum (e.g. making OT disappear during E3; turn off the forum to performance scheduled maintenance), change tags directly (e.g. a moderator could not do a tag fishing topic the way bishoptl did), change user names directly (i.e. if you ask me for a name change, I would then ask an admin for you; I would not do it myself), etc.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
To what extent are personal attacks allowed? I thought they weren't allowed at all, but I've seen more that a few.

I see them banned with some frequency but I think it really comes down to if a mod notices or cares, there doesn't seem to be a hard fast rule.
Regardless I stay away from them as much as possible


To what extent are personal attacks allowed? I thought they weren't allowed at all, but I've seen more that a few.

My first ban(I think it was a month?) was because I called someone a fucking idiot point blank without any evidence to substantiate the claim.

I now make sure to include citations.


the piano man
question in general to mods:

is it possible to arrange a ban prior to making an offense?

for example, I guy goes into a "serious" thread (religion, politics, etc) and there are all sorts of stupid things being posted and no matter how hard he tries to keep the discussion at a high level, it's not possible and he just needs to explode.

what would happen if he sends a PM to a mod saying " Dear mod, there is this discussion in this thread and I can't take it anymore and I MUST tell these users to go fuck themselves and that they are the worst, most despicable people I have ever engaged in discussion with. I understand this will get me banned but I will take it. I apologize in advance. Thanks "

what would mods do? permaban him to show that it doesn't work that way? proceed to ban for a couple of days as if no PM had been received or maybe not ban if said moderator agrees that a couple of people deserved some "fuck you" comments?


question in general to mods:

is it possible to arrange a ban prior to making an offense?

for example, I guy goes into a "serious" thread (religion, politics, etc) and there are all sorts of stupid things being posted and no matter how hard he tries to keep the discussion at a high level, it's not possible and he just needs to explode.

what would happen if he sends a PM to a mod saying " Dear mod, there is this discussion in this thread and I can't take it anymore and I MUST tell these users to go fuck themselves and that they are the worst, most despicable people I have ever engaged in discussion with. I understand this will get me banned but I will take it. I apologize in advance. Thanks "

what would mods do? permaban him to show that it doesn't work that way? proceed to ban for a couple of days as if no PM had been received or maybe not ban if said moderator agrees that a couple of people deserved some "fuck you" comments?

I was not sure what I would do, so I asked another mod. He said that if they had not yet posted, he would ban them preemptively for a few days. If they had already posted, he would be harsher than usual.
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