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what is the secret to not getting permanently banned from NeoGAF.com?

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Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
easy, stay out of politics and religion threads, stick to mostly one or two sub-communities in the forum (ie. football-gaf, movie-gaf etc..) and if you are going to troll in some threads don't overstay your welcome.

I've never been banned afaik, been a member since 2005.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Never, ever post anything ever. Don't do it. There is never a reason to post. Have you seen the OT outside this thread? Don't fucking do it. EVER. DON'T. DON'T. NEVER.

easy, stay out of politics and religion threads, stick to mostly one or two sub-communities in the forum (ie. football-gaf, movie-gaf etc..) and if you are going to troll in some threads don't overstay your welcome.

I've never been banned afaik, been a member since 2005.

Yeah, you can get away will some quick, one or two shot sniper trolling.


bullshit where do you live

We don't have CFA here in the Bay area (not even sure if that is where poster is from). THAT IS OF COURSE UNTIL AUGUST 16th. Yes, I am sadly counting down the days till Chick Fil A opens up here in san jose, I will be there in teh 17th..... HYPE++++

EDIT: damnit, this isn't a CFA thread is it........ URRRMMM you avoid getting perma bans by not posting at all. I swear half the time Ill write out a post and by the end of writing it up I'll think, This might get me banned, DELETE. I think the people that get banned the most are the poeple who post whatever is on their mind.
Googled chick fil a when the thread came up and it looks pretty nasty, not sure why users keeps going in their graves for their freedom to eat that.
yeah the best way to prove you don't know something is a thing is to talk about how you've seen commercials for other things you don't have access too.


yeah the best way to prove you don't know something is a thing is to talk about how you've seen commercials for other things you don't have access too.

I never heard of it except online, I found out it's a chicken restaurant.

Who cares, I just eat taco bell and KFC


Lesson on how to not get banned.

Lesson 1: Be like me. How can you get banned if no one ever notices you even post. It's a win win situation. Not only do you never have to argue your point but, you're also guaranteed to not get banned cause not even mods bother to read what you say.

Lesson 2: Don't be like Amirox, blame space, devo, time dog, manos, KOG, spindasher, Dr. eggman, Docpan etc. It will just get you noticed and they will find a way to ban you.

Lesson 3: Just don't post EVER. It's like abstinence, it works 99.99% of the time.
yeah i don't know why.. it bothers me sometimes when i don't drink. i guess evilore thinks i'm valuable enough to be protected. i just wish he would give me my ten-thousand dollars.


LOL, I fail at GAF. Honestly was just trying to bring up a few names that came straight to my head. My bad and no offense meant, BUT I can guarantee I will never be banned.
Don't ban me now to prove a point D:


Never succumb to the level of calling someone with names, or saying (s)he's full of it.

If the conversation gets heated, take a break, and/or abandon the conversation altogether.
EDIT.2: There's no point in arguing about opinions, especially when some people take criticism regarding a movie/game, like you had called their spouse with some unlawful name.

Never ever post when you're drunk. (EDIT: I'm breaking the rule right now)

Keep your wayward views & beliefs to yourself.


Gold Member
Lesson on how to not get banned.

Lesson 1: Be like me. How can you get banned if no one ever notices you even post. It's a win win situation. Not only do you never have to argue your point but, you're also guaranteed to not get banned cause not even mods bother to read what you say.

Lesson 2: Don't be like Amirox, blame space, devo, time dog, manos, KOG, spindasher, Dr. eggman, Docpan etc. It will just get you noticed and they will find a way to ban you.

Lesson 3: Just don't post EVER. It's like abstinence, it works 99.99% of the time.

Internet fame must be a terrible burden to bear.


One thing I've since learned: if the thread isn't about the way a particular woman looks, then the thread isn't about the way a particular woman looks.

Never been banned for something like that, but I've seen it happen.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
I have a legitimate question. Blame space, you were permabanned and then got unbanned. What was the secret?
One thing I've since learned: if the thread isn't about the way a particular woman looks, then the thread isn't about the way a particular woman looks.

Never been banned for something like that, but I've seen it happen.

It is bizarre how quickly people will white knight women here for the most minor things...unless they are celebrities. I still don't understand it.


It is bizarre how quickly people will white knight women here for the most minor things...unless they are celebrities. I still don't understand it.

As a fair warning, make sure you don't accuse people in a general debate, or the person you might be arguing with in particular, of white knighting. It is essentially an accusation that they are doing it, if not explicitly because of sex, then at least out of some misguided sense of worship or (over) protectiveness towards women.
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