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What's up with the 3DS?


TheNatural said:
$250 is too much for the mass market to put up ridiculous sales, no matter what's in it, I'm sorry. Our economy is in the fucking shitter, unemployment is high, and hell - thanks to politics everything period may come crashing down in a few weeks. Yet Sony and Nintendo want us to plop out, including tax or shipping, around $300 plus for a handheld game system and a game?

Not worth it. It's ridiculous, and I don't care what's in the damn system, Vita is no more of a deal because it looks better. It's still $300 to play A game. Both need a few well placed cold slaps in the face for this kind of pricing. Whatever happened to Nintendo's old mantra of value pricing?

That's why the DS line still exists.


My Member!
AceBandage said:
It died when the iPod Touch came out.

I don't think the Ipod has anything to do with it. If people want an MP3 player, they buy an iPod, it still hasn't replaced game systems. Look at what the good old original DS did last month, a cool 386,000 systems sold. This with no new releases and basically a "legacy" system now. And why? The price. That's the only reason. Ipod hasn't killed shit, but it's blatantly obvious unless it IS an iPod or smartphone, no one is going to be chucking out a shitload to buy a handheld device. Get it under $200 where the DS cleaned up at, and things will be fine. No one wants to spend $300 to play a fucking game.
TheNatural said:
I don't think the Ipod has anything to do with it. If people want an MP3 player, they buy an iPod, it still hasn't replaced game systems. Look at what the good old original DS did last month, a cool 386,000 systems sold. This with no new releases and basically a "legacy" system now. And why? The price. That's the only reason. Ipod hasn't killed shit, but it's blatantly obvious unless it IS an iPod or smartphone, no one is going to be chucking out a shitload to buy a handheld device. Get it under $200 where the DS cleaned up at, and things will be fine. No one wants to spend $300 to play a fucking game.

Post post was in reference to what happened to Nintendo's pricing for value.
It died when Apple sold billions of iPod Touches for $400.


My Member!
AceBandage said:
Post post was in reference to what happened to Nintendo's pricing for value.
It died when Apple sold billions of iPod Touches for $400.

True I guess, I don't know, I guess they thought they turned into Apple with the Wii and DS sales so they could put out whatever and still sell a shitload is what I think you're getting at. They're learning their lesson though, and I don't think Vita will do any better either.


TheNatural said:
I don't think the Ipod has anything to do with it. If people want an MP3 player, they buy an iPod, it still hasn't replaced game systems. Look at what the good old original DS did last month, a cool 386,000 systems sold. This with no new releases and basically a "legacy" system now. And why? The price. That's the only reason. Ipod hasn't killed shit, but it's blatantly obvious unless it IS an iPod or smartphone, no one is going to be chucking out a shitload to buy a handheld device. Get it under $200 where the DS cleaned up at, and things will be fine. No one wants to spend $300 to play a fucking game.

Like I pointed out if the DS line is priced right and everyone's happy there's no incentive to move the 3DS closer to it. The DS is the budget line and as long as it sells there's no point in Nintendo killing it or giving up the 3DS as a premium item.

AceBandage said:
Post post was in reference to what happened to Nintendo's pricing for value.
It died when Apple sold billions of iPod Touches for $400.

iPod Touches are now fairly cheap (starting at $230 and then getting raped by storage hikes) and I don't even think Apple sells that many of them, certainly nobody talks about those sales. The phones are a much bigger deal but are a completely different pricing system with contracts.


I think the 3DS's biggest problem is it's form factor, rather than its potential library. It just doesn't feel like £200's worth of hardware.

Don't get me wrong, it's okay. It feels nice in your hands, the buttons and controls feel fine (except for my slightly squeaky d-pad), it's a nice size etc. Brand new, these things are lovely.

Since launch though, there are marks on its shiny casing, it's a fingerprint magnet, it sort of rattles, and I have scratches/smudges on the edges of the top screen, which is a little too wobbly. I would contact Nintendo, but I think thet'd laugh at me cos it's been scratched up a bit

Why they didn't stick to the DSi(XL) design, I don't know. At least then I would be slightly happier than I am now with my slowly-dilapidating console. I actually bought an XL just so that I wouldn't have to put up with the "inferior" hardware when playing DS games.


Nice reasoning for the high price.

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata explained the reasons behind the premium price point. He said one of the most important factors was the positive reaction to the handheld at "a public showing in June," presumably referring to its unveiling at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. When asked if the price was too high, he said the company felt that the handheld would still sell well despite its relatively high cost.

elrechazao said:
3ds is being marketed stupidly by nintendo as simply another, much more expensive, iteration of the DS. Get a new font nintendo.
Not gunna cut it. As long as it has DS in the name it will be forever linked to its predecessor.


AceBandage said:
Or the Xbox 720.
Of the GameBoy Advanced.
The name isn't the problem.
The problem is that it hasn't differentiated itself enough yet.

These examples are a bit off. You're not comparing the device name, you're comparing the model. Examples:

Gameboy and Gameboy Color
Gameboy DS and Gameboy DS Lite
Gameboy Advance and Gameboy Advance SP

All revisions maintaining the original name. Not surprising if some thought the 3DS was just another DS model.


madmaxx350 said:
Shinobi has been moved into once of the most crowded months in the history of gaming.



This seems to be a huge trend with Nintendo ever since the gamecube. There have been no variety of selection of games for the systems though they themselves have been good. The DS's first few months also looked bleak but it ended up getting more quality games than any Nintendo system to date.
Ken said:
Nope, but Mercenaries and SSFIV have given me close to 160 hours of playtime on my 3DS so I don't feel as troubled by the lack of games.

I doubt you've put that much time into those two games combined so quickly.
SmokyDave said:
Let's retitle this topic "List Famous Nintendo Franchises From The Past 20 Years" because that's pretty much all that's gonna happen in here.

Says the bloke who doesn't like those franchises.
BurntPork said:
Shinobi has been moved into once of the most crowded months in the history of gaming.


Seriously, U3 comes on the 1st, MW3 the 7th ot 8th?, Skyrim not so long after ... HOW am I going to get all those games+ Vita T_T


My Member!
TheNatural said:
Yup I remember that. They overestimated the positive response. Hopefully they learned their lesson for the Wii U launch. I think there was a components breakdown of the cost of the 3DS and it was around $100 or so in materials, so they're making bank on each one they sell. No "3 years until profitability" stuff like Vita.

Sony has confirmed that with the business model they have for Vita they would be profitable on day 1.


AceBandage said:
Technically, yes.
Not counting the initial holiday (when the DS launched) the 3DS is tracking ahead.

So... it's not. Can't take away units because it managed to make it in time for holidays.
Duxxy3 said:
So... it's not. Can't take away units because it managed to make it in time for holidays.

No, but the fact that the 3DS has no killer software and is $100 more expensive than the DS certainly means that it isn't selling horribly like many think.
The price and the name aren't a problem for it. It's simply a lack of software. Just like what was a problem with the DS when it came out.
You guys would have a much easier time doing a doom and gloom routine on ANY other system, but not a Nintendo handheld.

I personally am waiting for the VITA, but once these bad boys release:

New Mario / Mario Kart and/or tennis, soccer, water ski, model building....etc
Inevitable deal with Capcom about Monster Hunters (given that 3 was on the Wii)



To be honest, I think the 3DS' lineup for this year is very impressive, I'm thinking about taking the plunge. The new Mario game looks sensational and i really want to play OOT.

It's only the price of the 3DS as well as the games which is holding me back, I don't think Nintendo have realised that the nature of handheld competition has changed. Also, is the screen damage becoming a bit of a problem because I've heard a lot of complaints about the screens getting scratched through no fault of the user.


phosphor112 said:
I doubt you've put that much time into those two games combined so quickly.


Picked up a 3DS at launch (well, the day after launch because of Amazon shipping) so I couldn't consider the time from then to now "quick."

I also have most of the decent launch titles thanks to Amazon credit but most of those games have less than 3 hours played since I found SSFIV's online to be a lot more fun.


I also think that people are way to quick with the doom and gloom sayings. When christmas has come, the 3DS will have had a much better first "year" than the NDS had back in 2003/2004. There´s no doubt that Mario 3D will feature a lot of content and Mario Kart 3D will be a gameplay-evergreen that you won´t get tired of playing even in the next five years. Two very strong 3DS-exclusive titels, accompanied by a nice variation of other stuff like StarFox and Tales of the Abyss.

What I really want to know about is what the 3DS´ 2012 lineup is going to look like. So far, three games seem to be known: Kid Icarus, Lugis Mansion 2 and Resident Evil: Revelations. If we assume that both the Nintendo-titles are early year-releases, then I hope we´ll get more than just Animal Crossing 3D for the rest of the year. That is the time for Nintendo to prove that the 3DS is not some forgotten 2nd tier system, but a main event for the gamer.

To run a quick wishlist, I´d assume something like the following:

- Pokemon Gray for NDS and 3DS with exclusive 3DS-features (Pokedex, graphics, etc.)
- A brand new Zelda-titel for 3DS is announced, but not detailed.
- Majoras Mask 3D is announced at the same time to be released in 2012 to shorten the wait
- A Metroid Prime-title. This could be a gorgeous showpiece for the handheld and all the control options are there to make this NOT a gimped experience
- One new Nintendo-franchise that is made to be big on the 3DS
- If it will happen, then it will happen soon: Monster Hunter 3DS announcement
- As for the rest, I DEMAND a big announcement from Square Enix. KH3DS is not too shabby, but there has to be more if they want to seriously support the 3DS. If not FF15, then something like a new remake-series, starting with a complete visual remake of FF6.


Sennorin said:
- As for the rest, I DEMAND a big announcement from Square Enix.

Not sure if it's this year or next year, but I personally am looking forward to that THEATRHYTHM game.

Monster Hunter 3DS wasn't something I thought much about but I'd be there day 1 if it was real.


We went out to eat with our friends (married couple mid to late 20s) this past weekend. We started talking about video games and they didn't know what the 3DS was. They're casual gamers who have a Wii, 360, PS3, PSP, iPads, etc. So they're not clueless. They buy most of the latest consoles. I had to explain to them that it was Nintendo's next gen handheld with a glasses-free 3D screen. They were impressed with glasses free 3D. I explained the slider and some other details. I felt like I worked for Nintendo having to explain it.

I'm sure others here have similar stories trying to explain that 3DS is the successor to the DS to casual friends.

Nintendo really fucked up with the name 3DS imo. Yeah 3DS is clever but I think it's too clever for the average casual. They should've differentiated the name more. Currently it just sounds like one of the many DS iterations on the market, when in reality it's a much more powerful handheld with a ground breaking glasses-free 3D screen.


Played, but never owned a DS. Bought a 3DS when OoT3D released, and have logged over 100 hours on the system so far. Zelda, Mercs, Shantae, Layton, FF Tactics, NSMB... I'm in heaven right now. Hell, even Find Me is a neat little diversion.

Even without the DS stuff, I've more than got my moneys worth. Very pleased, and looking forward to the next year.
immortal-joe said:
You guys would have a much easier time doing a doom and gloom routine on ANY other system, but not a Nintendo handheld.

I personally am waiting for the VITA, but once these bad boys release:

New Mario / Mario Kart and/or tennis, soccer, water ski, model building....etc
Inevitable deal with Capcom about Monster Hunters (given that 3 was on the Wii)

MH3DS would require the fucking claw.

Please no
Reclaimer said:
Played, but never owned a DS. Bought a 3DS when OoT3D released, and have logged over 100 hours on the system so far. Zelda, Mercs, Shantae, Layton, FF Tactics, NSMB... I'm in heaven right now. Hell, even Find Me is a neat little diversion.

Even without the DS stuff, I've more than got my moneys worth. Very pleased, and looking forward to the next year.
Buy Elite Beat Agents.

CoffeeJanitor said:
MH3DS would require the fucking claw.

Please no.

No it wouldn't. All they would need to do is add touch screen buttons for the camera (Worked very well in Super Mario 64 DS)

So long as they would be touch screen buttons (like in SM64DS) and not a virtual stick, we'd be sorted! (remember, Monster Hunter uses digital controls for its camera anyway - analog stick or not)
IMO, it was released too early and with no AAA games.

It should have been released in holydays with a bunch of new Mario games like 3D and Mario Kart.

But, Zelda, Pilotwings, SSFIV and the VC made my way.Looking forward to play Xevious this week.
Nuclear Muffin said:
No it wouldn't. All they would need to do is add touch screen buttons for the camera (Worked very well in Super Mario 64 DS)

So long as they would be touch screen buttons (like in SM64DS) and not a virtual stick, we'd be sorted! (remember, Monster Hunter uses digital controls for its camera anyway - analog stick or not)
I guess. That would still be really uncomfortable, though.

Just put that series on Vita and call it a day.
CoffeeJanitor said:
I guess. That would still be really uncomfortable, though.

Just put that series on Vita and call it a day.

Sony would be crazy not to moneyhat MH... Though knowing Capcom they'll find a way to release it on both so I guess we win?
CoffeeJanitor said:
I guess. That would still be really uncomfortable, though.

Just put that series on Vita and call it a day.

I don't see why it would be uncomfortable. Have you ever played SM64DS? The camera controls perfectly fine in that game and it's no different from moving your thumb off the action buttons on a CCPro to the second stick really.


Capcom could also simply add a soft-lock on for MH3DS. Touch anywhere on the touchscreen and the camera keeps the monster on-screen. But not a firm-lock on like in Zelda, where you character is totally focused on the monster. I think there´d be many working control options.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Welp, I've finally got to try 3DS. I have to say that the 3D aspect of the handheld was a lot, lot more finicky than I ever thought it would be. First thing I noticed was how I felt like I was watching one of those cross-eyed stereograms when the depth slider was pushed all the way up, like i literally had to cross my eyes a bit to see picture clearly. This was remedied by moving the slider half way down, but the depth effect lessened thanks to that, of course.

Worse was how perfectly straight I had to hold the screen towards my eyes to get the best possible image. I really thought this was not an issue with 3DS, but it sure as hell is. Even the tiniest tilt left or right was enough to cause the image to lose brightness at first, and just slightly more was enough to make the image go completely haywire and screw with my brain, literally. I thought this was something that in the heat of the moment could get you killed in the game as if you push the buttons quickly the handheld can pivot a bit in your hands. Of course, putting it back to original straight position brings image back, but the thing is, people tend to overcompensate when something freaky like this happens so I shifted it too much to the other side at first, which made the brain confusion even worse... Funnily enough I remembered Amirox saying his brother died in the game precisely for this reason. I thought he was exaggerating back then, but now I can honestly see something like that happening very easily. I felt like I had to be like some perfectly still robot to play this, but people are usually not like that when they play games.

Bottomline is, I have to wonder how many people tried the 3DS and after the initial seconds of enthusiasm, experienced everything I did, and left feeling a bit bummed about it.


I love my 3DS but i play it with the 3D turned off from the reasons stated above.

Which kind of stinks because that was the selling point of the system.
Lord Error said:
Bottomline is, I have to wonder how many people tried the 3DS and after the initial seconds of enthusiasm, experienced everything I did, and left feeling a bit bummed about it.

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people think the 3D is more trouble than its worth. There's possible headaches, the annoying cross-talk, having to find the perfect spot for the relation between your eyes and the handheld, then having to find the perfect slider adjustment, etc.

So a bunch of drawbacks are there, and then people get the feeling, "Well, if that's the big feature, why should I get the 3DS if I don't like the 3D?"

I understand that question as a consumer because you feel like you're paying for something you don't want. Personally, although I would've rather paid $200 for a 2DS, I still think Mario 3DS and Mario Kart and Kid Icarus and whatever are worth playing in 2D. But I see where people are coming from.
Whilst it is true that the early line-up of games has not been great, and that has been a factor, I think economic reasons are the main reason for the slightly sub-par launch sales.

The current weakness of the US Dollar and the Euro against the Yen has had an impact on prices - the launch price was too high in both of these regions, and that has limited sales. Japanese manufacturers in a number of industries are saying the strong Yen is hurting their export performance by making their products more expensive - why should Nintendo be any different?

In Japan I think the earthquake really de-railed the launch. Nintendo pulled advertising for a while, games were delayed, and the initial hype an momentum was lost. Now things have settled down over there a bit, the sales numbers are slowly starting to pick up.

Yes, the 3DS has started slowly, but all the doom and gloom is a bit exaggerated. Honestly, a year from now people will be laughing at all the "Nintendo am Doomed" talk.


I'm sure it's gonna sell boatloads when the software hits later this year. It's been selling very well in our store already and I don't see any reason for the 3DS to not become a huge success. There's too much great stuff on the horizon for both the hardcore and casual player. They sure botched the launch though, I think if they had OoT or a real Mario ready for launch this thread wouldn't exist.
JosephManderley said:
In Japan I think the earthquake really de-railed the launch. Nintendo pulled advertising for a while, games were delayed, and the initial hype an momentum was lost. Now things have settled down over there a bit, the sales numbers are slowly starting to pick up.

The slight uptick in sales is due to the fact that software is coming out, the same reason any video game hardware sells.

Nintendo's not "doomed," but they blew what should've been a sure thing - the launch of the follow-up to the DS.
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