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Why DmC's Dante is a Bad Character (Video)

I'll just echo my thoughts along with a few others.

I feel that this video is WAY too premature and you're making the the crux of your argument on pure speculation and assumptions. Which is unfair.

Regarding the profanity. It's easy to single out that line and compare it to DMC's previous best lines, but it's extremely unfair, and ignorant, to assume that's the best DmC can offer. Hell, during the ending sequence to that same boss fight, there was a great finishing line that was somber and it showed some character and humanity to Dante. That was great, but you didn't mention it at all. I think it's upsetting you put it in your video, and I think it's even more appalling that people are ok with it.

In any case, I'm sure you're set on your beliefs regarding this game.

I'm more or less in agreement with this statement.

I'm not gonna say the writing in the game is emmy winning, but it'd be hard to have a script worse than the original DMC series. Many scenes in DMC3 are plagued with bad VA, corny dialogue, bipolar characters, and nearly incomprehenhsible transitions between areas.
From what I remember of DMC and DMC4, they had these same problems too.


Look out everyone, Dante is rated R now.

I really don't like nuDante and nothing's changed my opinion on this so far.

I've never cared about the DMC storyline, but I liked Dante. If this one is going to act like some chav then it's uh...well.....oh well, that's Capcom for you.

The whole propaganda thing is terrible too but eh, they want to go that route.


Can't wait for the ending where the guy comes out in live action video telling Dante 'we have schools, you have swords'


This argument is far too speculative for my liking. Most of the points are unsubstantiated because they employ assumptions about Ninja Theory's development process and the use of abstract concepts (you can't define 'cool'. that's the point. one man's 'cool' is another man's 'lame').

But most of all, you're passing judgement on an unfinished product. Who knows if the game's marketing and promotion, which has been going on for nearly 2 years now, is at all consistent with the final product?


This argument is far too speculative for my liking. Most of the points are unsubstantiated because they employ assumptions about Ninja Theory's development process and the use of abstract concepts (you can't define 'cool'. that's the point. one man's 'cool' is another man's 'lame').

But most of all, you're passing judgement on an unfinished product. Who knows if the game's marketing and promotion, which has been going on for nearly 2 years now, is at all consistent with the final product?

There's hours and hours of footage of this game already. It's pretty safe to assume we have a good idea of what the character is like by now.


There's hours and hours of footage of this game already. It's pretty safe to assume we have a good idea of what the character is like by now.

Yeah it's not like theres going to be a huge twist or anything, footage kinda gave everything away about the game.
then you don't know what you're talking about either. Dante in the original is a lot more nuanced than people gave him credit for being, aside form the one liners, he wasn't a sadist, and felt "cool" was his duty being as bad-a as he is, they managed to build on this in later installments, almost everything about his design has a point, he is the "good guy" in red, the outsider with white hair with the blood of a devil (yokai), and invincible to the point where he can get lazy (blade of the immortal) common themes out east that obviously don't translate well over here.

Sounds like someone's Uber-Cool fanfiction self-insert who steals all the lines and gets all the women. There's no depth. The only thing keeping Dante from losing is the player's control in each battle since he's just too cool in the cutscenes to be making mistakes of judgement.

New Dante being an irritating little shit seems to be the point. He's a player avatar that doesn't even give a fuck to the player and is as much yellling "Fuck you!" petulantly to the player as the other NPC's. But during the game he goes through a redemptive arc, learns not to be a shit and that actions have consequences. And that's where Ninja Theory are hoping players would latch onto Dante as someone who grows than the super-dork (Who would totally beat Goku while wearing sunglasses and eating a pizza) of DMC's past.

Very reminiscent of 80's British Comics, with the ambiguity of the protagonist now that I think of it. Feels like Pat Mills more gothic works. I'll be totally convinced of that if there is a Thatcher analogue though!


This argument is far too speculative for my liking. Most of the points are unsubstantiated because they employ assumptions about Ninja Theory's development process and the use of abstract concepts (you can't define 'cool'. that's the point. one man's 'cool' is another man's 'lame').

But most of all, you're passing judgement on an unfinished product. Who knows if the game's marketing and promotion, which has been going on for nearly 2 years now, is at all consistent with the final product?

Hell, and here I thought that opinion was changing on it due to it looking better and better with each new slice of footage they release. But you of course cannot please everyone, especially the die-hard fans of the originals. Which I can understand to a degree, as they loved the series for what it was. Regardless, I know I am digging the fresh new take and think it looks quite fun. Guess we shall see.


There's hours and hours of footage of this game already. It's pretty safe to assume we have a good idea of what the character is like by now.

So Dino isn't going to experience any - oh I don't know - character development then? Cloud was a dick at first too.


-Original Dante was not a well written character in the least
+"Fill your dark soul with LLLLIIIGGGHHHTTT"
+One of the main "babe" in the series is his mom
+Gives long unfunny poems about his dick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pWvKx1x1pk
+Dante is a dick....always
+Dante has always been fun to watch, but never to hear
-5:30 forward is just a bunch of strung out hyperbole
-We have no idea how the character change...and characters changing is a Ninja Theory staple
-Too many assumptions are being made on too little footage....we have like 4 or 5 cutscenes
-Most footage where Dane is talking is from early in the game
There's hours and hours of footage of this game already. It's pretty safe to assume we have a good idea of what the character is like by now.

Holy shit your dumb. There is hours and hours of footage of repeated content. That doesn't mean they have shown you hours and hours of new content. They have shown maybe a total of 13 minutes of completely new cutscene footage. Shit, even if you add the time of each significantly new trailer you probably wouldn't get to 13 minutes. How the fuck do you have a basis of "hours and hours" of footage of Dante to know his character. There isn't even hours and hours of cutscenes in the entire game to be sure. People are taking piece meal aspects of particular cutscenes shown and are superimposing it on a character who is likely to develop from start to finish. Characters (are hopefully dynamic and fluid in development). It's like if I witness 10 minutes of your greatest stupidity in life in sequence and used that to judge you in entirety.
Holy shit your dumb. There is hours and hours of footage of repeated content. That doesn't mean they have shown you hours and hours of new content. They have shown maybe a total of 13 minutes of completely new cutscene footage. Shit, even if you add the time of each significantly new trailer you probably wouldn't get to 13 minutes. How the fuck do you have a basis of "hours and hours" of footage of Dante to know his character. There isn't even hours and hours of cutscenes in the entire game to be sure. People are taking piece meal aspects of particular cutscenes shown and are superimposing it on a character who is likely to develop from start to finish. Characters (are hopefully dynamic and fluid in development). It's like if I witness 10 minutes of your greatest stupidity in life in sequence and used that to judge you in entirety.



Santa May Claus
Holy shit your dumb. There is hours and hours of footage of repeated content. That doesn't mean they have shown you hours and hours of new content. They have shown maybe a total of 13 minutes of completely new cutscene footage. Shit, even if you add the time of each significantly new trailer you probably wouldn't get to 13 minutes. How the fuck do you have a basis of "hours and hours" of footage of Dante to know his character. There isn't even hours and hours of cutscenes in the entire game to be sure. People are taking piece meal aspects of particular cutscenes shown and are superimposing it on a character who is likely to develop from start to finish. Characters (are hopefully dynamic and fluid in development). It's like if I witness 10 minutes of your greatest stupidity in life in sequence and used that to judge you in entirety.

Why would Ninja Theory and Capcom choose to showcase only tiny snippets of stupidity for their new character?
Why would Ninja Theory and Capcom choose to showcase only tiny snippets of stupidity for their new character?

Because in the natural course of character progression, the guy would most likely be you know, growing up, instead of getting worse. And in the natural course of video game promotion, they don't show you fucking cutscenes from the end of the game?


Could barely finish that video.

He starts off by stating facts about the character and the changes made to him, but then starts to make far reaching statements without backing them up?

Ya, I think it's okay if fans are disappointed in the new Dante because they like to hold on to the old one, but this video was a wash.

But hey, I'm sure he will get a ton of views.


Santa May Claus
Because in the natural course of character progression, the guy would most likely be you know, growing up, instead of getting worse. And in the natural course of video game promotion, they don't show you fucking cutscenes from the end of the game?

lol, you clearly don't know Capcom's marketing M.O.


So Dino isn't going to experience any - oh I don't know - character development then? Cloud was a dick at first too.
Contrast the character development in Spec Ops The Line from the beginning to the end.

I know I'm giving Ninja Theory waaaaayyy too much credit by implying that their Dante will even have anywhere near a character-arc such as that, but the possibility is there.


Cloud? I think you're referring to Squall... and nobody likes him either.

Cloud spent the first half of his game acting out a delusion, there's somemerit to the comparison if Dante gets some more perspective during the events of this game and changes in some way - like not being a dick to everyone, just the demons, and in person, instead of giving the middle finger to TV screens, which is pretty juvenile.
Because in the natural course of character progression, the guy would most likely be you know, growing up, instead of getting worse. And in the natural course of video game promotion, they don't show you fucking cutscenes from the end of the game?

Warning: GuardienE won't be able to understand the logic of this post.

*looks at GuardienE's reponse to your post*



Santa May Claus
Really? Or are you clearly just saying a random thing that doesn't hold much meaning

Okaaaay. I like to base things off of past experiences rather than simple logic, because Capcom has shown itself to be anything but logical this generation. In every large gaming push, they have spoilers everywhere and showcase scenes/gameplay from the end game.

Cloud spent the first half of his game acting out a delusion, there's somemerit to the comparison if Dante gets some more perspective during the events of this game and changes in some way - like not being a dick to everyone, just the demons, and in person, instead of giving the middle finger to TV screens, which is pretty juvenile.

He was acting out of delusion, but it wasn't transparent and he wasn't acting like a dick. He was just more confident because he's grasped onto the persona of his late friend. He had actual psychological trauma that created another identity for him, and he eventually broke down because of it.

Squall's a better comparison because he was a dick in the beginning, and then you're supposed to like him by the end because he falls in love. Except nobody really did.

Warning: GuardienE won't be able to understand the logic of this post.

*looks at GuardienE's reponse to your post*


I understand the logic. Doesn't mean I agree with it.


My worst fear for this game is that it's going to be embarrassing to play as a 26 year old.

I hope the gameplay is up to snuff and I think it will be, but the Dante they're showing thusfar only appears edgy to a sophomore in high school.
My worst fear for this game is that it's going to be embarrassing to play as a 26 year old.

I hope the gameplay is up to snuff, but the Dante they're showing thusfar only appears edgy to a sophomore in high school.

You must not play many video games then, because most games out there are pretty damn embarrassing according to your standards


Enjoyed the video but there also seems to be problems in the gameplay too. In the video Dante racked up the style gauge just by using the same move.

Just wow.


This is the one thing Ninja Theory is really really good at....characters... story and characters are the last thing anyone needs to worry about
I think the premise behind the story is pretty unique. I also like the graphic style and level designs that they've shown. Sure the dialogue is pretty weird but Devil may cry had some weird shitty dialogue too (I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light!)

DMC fans are pretty weird.
I understand the logic. Doesn't mean I agree with it.

So what you are saying is that you believe the story segments shown of this game thus far are in fact from the later half of the game? Or you arguing a point about Capcom's promotions from the past that really have nothing to do with the intent of my comment?


Enjoyed the video but there also seems to be problems in the gameplay too. In the video Dante racked up the style gauge just by using the same move.

Just wow.

And he took off half the boss' health too. Hopefully it is taken out of context.

I have seen crazy maneuvers like that in old DMC games before but at least most took some effort to pull off.


Santa May Claus
So what you are saying is that you believe the story segments shown of this game thus far are in fact from the later half of the game? Or you arguing a point about Capcom's promotions from the past that really have nothing to do with the intent of my comment?

I'm saying that we've definitely seen a few pieces of dialogue from the end-game, namely where Dante and Vergil have a small argument. And I can also pretty safely discern exactly how predictably this character will evolve.


You must not play many video games then, because most games out there are pretty damn embarrassing according to your standards
Nah, I play plenty of games. Most games aren't nearly this juvenile.

Honestly, though, I don't really care about the story or characters in a Devil May Cry game, because I sure as hell didn't in 1, 3, and 4. So why would I now? The series has always been goofy and ridiculous, intentionally. Dante was never to be taken seriously, even from moment 1. It's just about looking good.
I'm saying that we've definitely seen a few pieces of dialogue from the end-game, namely where Dante and Vergil have a small argument. And I can also pretty safely discern exactly how predictably this character will evolve

Oh so we see a small argument that you personally think is from the end game, and of course naturally we should follow your safe assumptions of how the character will evolve. Good to know. We should just wrap this topic up folks, I mean there's nothing left to discuss.
The butthurt of Devil May Cry fans is pathetic.

I understand being sensitive and protective about some franchises. For example, SSX is a large part of my childhood because my friends and I played splitscreen all the time, and when we heard the new SSX was coming out, we went crazy. Unfortunately, it didn't have splitscreen so basically the reason we played the game isn't even there. I don't mean to sound biased, but I think the butthurt I got over that feature being senselessly removed is far more rational than what these DmC fans are acting like. Come on, people, the game isn't even out yet and all the core pieces of Devil May Cry seem to still be there.


Santa May Claus
Oh so we see a small argument that you personally think is from the end game, and of course naturally we should follow your safe assumptions of how the character will evolve. Good to know. We should just wrap this topic up folks, I mean there's nothing left to discuss.

Que? When did I say that there was nothing left to discuss? Not sure why you're putting words in my mouth. I made an inquiry and stated my opinion. Nothing more. You can agree or disagree.
I'm saying that we've definitely seen a few pieces of dialogue from the end-game, namely where Dante and Vergil have a small argument. And I can also pretty safely discern exactly how predictably this character will evolve.

...and notice how the swearing stops? And how determined he appears....righteous? Wait, you mean Dante develops from a brash overpowered teenager and turns into a life-goal / purpose finding adult with humility? Yes, I'm basing that judgement off of mere seconds of cutscenes, but isn't that what you guys are doing as well with the instances of Dante swearing? Or what the topic creator's video doing?

Who would of thunk it? Oh wait, everybody - because they labeled the game from the beginning as an origin story of how Dante evolves into who he is. He starts out a punk, (and news at a 11, punks probably curse. Just sayin'... and becomes a "hero archtype" at the end. Which is what Dante is in DMC1.


The amount of people defending Ninja Theory's DmC now is pretty encouraging. I've been on the hype train for however many months (years?) it's been in the works for, but up until now it's always seemed like pure hate to me. I like this direction!


Holy shit your dumb. There is hours and hours of footage of repeated content. That doesn't mean they have shown you hours and hours of new content. They have shown maybe a total of 13 minutes of completely new cutscene footage. Shit, even if you add the time of each significantly new trailer you probably wouldn't get to 13 minutes. How the fuck do you have a basis of "hours and hours" of footage of Dante to know his character. There isn't even hours and hours of cutscenes in the entire game to be sure. People are taking piece meal aspects of particular cutscenes shown and are superimposing it on a character who is likely to develop from start to finish. Characters (are hopefully dynamic and fluid in development). It's like if I witness 10 minutes of your greatest stupidity in life in sequence and used that to judge you in entirety.

it's you're, and you shouldn't insult people here.

The butthurt of Devil May Cry fans is pathetic.

You'll last long with that attitude.

It's not so much butthurt as it is fans not liking the direction it's taking.

Hell I"m all for reboots so long as it seems like it's promising. This is comparable to people being not so optimistic about the third x-men movie and they were right.


Well, to be fair, I'm playing the World Ends With You and honestly, if I saw only footage of the first few days of the game I would think Neku was one of the most frustrating characters of all time!
Allow the game to unravel, maybe his personality will change as he learns some important lessons. Of course he can be a one-sided character the whole game, but we still don't know that..


The amount of people defending Ninja Theory's DmC now is pretty encouraging. I've been on the hype train for however many months (years?) it's been in the works for, but up until now it's always seemed like pure hate to me. I like this direction!
I think they will nail the gameplay, but the character and story will fall flat on their faces.

I would love to be wrong, though.


Santa May Claus
...and notice how the swearing stops? And how determined he appears....righteous? Wait, you mean Dante develops from a brash overpowered teenager and turns into a life-goal / purpose finding adult with humility?

Who would of thunk it? Oh wait, everybody - because they labeled the game from the beginning as an origin story of how Dante evolves into who he is. He starts out a punk, (and news at a 11, punks probably curse. Just sayin'... and becomes a "hero archtype" at the end. Which is what Dante is in DMC1.

I get where they're going with it.

The evolution and attachment of this DmC Dante to Kat, the inevitable betrayal of Vergil, and the ultimate culmination into a dark anti-hero are really are nothing special considering that NT are allegedly great fiction writers. Sure, I'm taking what I've seen thus far and extrapolated (speculated) how things are going to turn out. Even so, I found the central focus of familial obligation to be more unique and engaging in DMC3, and a more substantive backdrop for a character. And storytelling is allegedly Ninja Theory's strength.


Unconfirmed Member
My worst fear for this game is that it's going to be embarrassing to play as a 26 year old..

For me this won't be any different than the old DMC games. I've always found Dante to be an embarrassingly bad character(sorry Dante fans!). But long as the game play is still fun I'll be happy.
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