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Why DmC's Dante is a Bad Character (Video)


Ever think to yourself that that's the point? That it's meant to be stupid?

We have a winner!

Honestly, I don't think they understand how dialogue and context work together.

Considering how shitty those aspects of earlier DMC games were, I'm not surprised.


You're making assumptions about his character and to the story to a game that is not even released yet. Do you see how crazy that sounds? You're purely basing these assumptions on a very basic visual level.

I understand the hate, I don't particularly find his new "revised" look to be interesting, but releasing a video to, "deconstruct" his character, at this point and time, is ridiculous.


For me this won't be any different than the old DMC games. I've always found Dante to be an embarrassingly bad character(sorry Dante fans!). But long as the game play is still fun I'll be happy.
This is true, as I stated similarly above.

I do, however, think it is actually possible for them to make the character EVEN MORE embarrassing.


Gold Member
The biggest problem I have with DmC Dante is this: I wouldn't want him to become the new official Dante. And yet, in the context of this game, its world, the story that seem to be shaping up, I think this Dante works. There's nothing wrong with him, especially the changes they made after realizing the original chain smoking crack addict was a little.. too far.

And I don't think you can criticize this game's story or premise based on what we know so far. Look, the DMC series has stupid plots, cringeworthy writing and dialog, batshit insane characterization, you name it. We accepted those things because the games were supposed to be that way - they were over the top Japanese satires of stylish action. There's nothing in DmC that looks worse, and the premise of a hallucinatory city that this Dante may be struggling to escape looks intriguingly realized with the multiple levels of warping environment.

right. so, basically, the biggest problem you have with dmc dante is that he's dante :) . which is also the only real problem i have with the game: other than the fact that this lead character's dante, rather than, i don't know - dante's apprentice? dante's long-lost nephew? dante's love child? - other than that, the game looks acceptable enough to me...

but that's a very big (& stupid, & unnecessary) 'other than': a game starring a character who both is & isn't the character he's supposed to be? tremendously moronic idea that, for me, damages just about anything the game could potentially get right...


I get where they're going with it.

The evolution and attachment of this DmC Dante to Kat, the inevitable betrayal of Vergil, and the ultimate culmination into a dark anti-hero are really are nothing special considering that NT are allegedly great fiction writers. Sure, I'm taking what I've seen thus far and extrapolated (speculated) how things are going to turn out. Even so, I found the central focus of familial obligation to be more unique and engaging in DMC3, and a more substantive backdrop for a character. And storytelling is allegedly Ninja Theory's strength.

This could be due to the fact that you actually played DMC3


Santa May Claus
This could be due to the fact that you actually played DMC3

Point taken. But the premise is still unique. DmC Dante may surprise me, but I wouldn't bet on it. I'm certain that Kat will be the love interest that dies, leaving DmC Dante angry, but her death gives him a glimmer of hope because she was willing to sacrifice herself. Maybe through some weepy teen drama dialogue.


Point taken. But the premise is still unique. DmC Dante may surprise me, but I wouldn't bet on it. I'm certain that Kat will be the love interest that dies, leaving DmC Dante angry, but her death gives him a glimmer of hope because she was willing to sacrifice herself. Maybe through some weepy teen drama dialogue.

Extrapolation.....Ninja Theory games strengths are always visuals,character,and story....its why Capcom actually wanted them for the job....to create a more multi layered Dante instead of the cocky dick who occasionally gives a shit


Some of you guys need to tone down on the insults (speaking about the previous page).

I am really surprised that Dmc threads usually end with no bans despite hostility on both ends.

I think a more constructive point of discussion would be about what you expect they will or should reveal next?

I personally think they have shown enough story cutscenes. I know that was a previous complaint about the media but the last one I felt was enough to grasp the general basis of the story and the characters (Vergil was the big reveal and they needed to do it to generate hype which it did but going forward there should be no more character reveals).

I think they should show off the shotgun, 1 more firearm and 1 more angel weapon... then keep the remaining weapons secret. They should also show off a couple more enemies, 1 more boss and 1 more stage then.start going into full polish mode no side tracks into game events.

The biggest thing I expect now in terms of reveals aside from a demo is the feature set. They hinted at a Bloody Palace type mode so they should go ahead and reveal that while hinting at unlockables and dlc.
Sorry, had to stop it after "it's such an ignorant view of what being cool is"

Though I gree with the main idea that they should have stick to their ideas and avoid pandering to the fans. But I enjoy how unlikable he is, because he has so much room to grow.


Holy shit your dumb.
Calm down. We've already had enough NT defensive explosions of aggression as of late. Not that the other side is exactly innocent...
This is the one thing Ninja Theory is really really good at....characters... story and characters are the last thing anyone needs to worry about
Even though what has been shown is embarrassing? It was brought up in the other thread that developers like Rocksteady can make huge turnarounds. It isn't impossible that NT will bomb the characters and story with this one. Just a counter-point.
That isn't half of the boss' health. The boss has like 5 different stages in the fight, and in each stage it gets a new life bar. So in reality - the totality of health the boss lost was marginal.
That boss is also terrible. Goes Zelda and looks so messy without hard lock.


The swearing is embarrassing. I swear a ton but it is natural dialogue. Dino's swearing appears forced, unnatural, and childish. Swearing back and forth with demons is also beyond stupid. Demons in all games, not just DMC, should always command some presence. This is usually a symbol of age and experience. Even bosses in DMC who goofed around never lost their mystique. NT craps this boss out by putting it on the level of a disgruntled teenager. It ruins the entire mysticism of the boss, who is already forgettable as is.

It's more bad context then dialogue and I usually don't focus on these things.

Some of you guys need to tone down on the insults (speaking about the previous page).
My sentiments exactly.


Santa May Claus
Some of you guys need to tone down on the insults (speaking about the previous page).

I am really surprised that Dmc threads usually end with no bans despite hostility on both ends.

I think a more constructive point of discussion would be about what you expect they will or should reveal next?

I personally think they have shown enough story cutscenes. I know that was a previous complaint about the media but the last one I felt was enough to grasp the general basis of the story and the characters (Vergil was the big reveal and they needed to do it to generate hype which it did but going forward there should be no more character reveals).

I think they should show off the shotgun, 1 more firearm and 1 more angel weapon... then keep the remaining weapons secret. They should also show off a couple more enemies, 1 more boss and 1 more stage then.start going into full polish mode no side tracks into game events.

The biggest thing I expect now in terms of reveals aside from a demo is the feature set. They hinted at a Bloody Palace type mode so they should go ahead and reveal that while hinting at unlockables and dlc.

I really think they need to show more melee weapons than that. Let's see both the angel and devil forms of the gauntlets, and one additional weapon. They've already claimed that they have a ton of weapons waiting, so showing a few more shouldn't be a big deal.


Are we sure that there is an angel version of the gauntlets?

I some how pictured angel trichuks as the next revealed weapon. That would be nice.
Have they said when the demo is coming out?

And Sn00ze, for every DMC4 cutscenes that you posted, there are equally number of ones where he's engaging and caring. Not to mention DMC3

Though I always found the dick homage after beating Berial to be pretty uninteresting

And "Ligggghhht" is indefensible lol


Santa May Claus
Are we sure that there is an angel version of the gauntlets?

I some how pictured angel trichuks as the next revealed weapon. That would be nice.

I thought they said that there would be an angel and devil form of every weapon. I'm not certain, but I thought that was confirmed.
I think they will nail the gameplay, but the character and story will fall flat on their faces.

I would love to be wrong, though.

i was planning to not write and just read but now i can't .

"nail the gameplay" ? After HS and enslaved ? i just don't know how can someone be this optimistic ..the thing is they nailed the presentation .. like it or not the presentation with the morphing is pretty much very well done .. but gameplay ?
i've watched 3 vids :
- the start with the camera that spot dante in the street ( the orange looking part finishing in the chapel )
- the night club
- Another one with the bridge and the chain that dante cut ..
^^ sorry about the descriptions but i don't plan to look for story in those vids since i don't have an overall context.
On the gameplay side i saw nothing .. in term of fluidity, combo and the like ..in term of platforming i've seen NOthing ... For a serie that is supposed to be action heavy ..the gameplay part is a total joke.
By nothing i mean it ...Some moves were similar to what was in the previous games in the franchise but that's it.

I wish i could try it to see if my fears are valid or not ..but no demo (yet).. this is a total shame ...
Point taken. But the premise is still unique. DmC Dante may surprise me, but I wouldn't bet on it. I'm certain that Kat will be the love interest that dies, leaving DmC Dante angry, but her death gives him a glimmer of hope because she was willing to sacrifice herself. Maybe through some weepy teen drama dialogue.

something fill your dark soul something something

I think the "don't critique unless you've played it" argument is fair if we're talking about a new IP. Devil May Cry has an existing fanbase and they should be allowed to criticize a game that is much different than the other games in the series. They are used to a certain Dante, certain aesthetics, certain whatever.

I have only played Devil May Cry 3 and a little bit of Devil May Cry 4. Dante always seemed to be like a character who wasn't to be taken seriously. He had a devil may care attitude (pun intended) and wasn't someone who tried to be badass.

For the life of me, I can't find a picture of Dante shrugging his shoulders, with his face being replaced by the Awesome Face, so you'll have to imagine it (also, my Photoshop trial expired and I can't be bothered to get Photoshop again). That's how I picture DMC 3 Dante. He acts like, "OH WELL, time to fight some demons! Man, this sure is wacky!" I never felt like he was a badass character, just sort of silly. Ninja Theory look like they are taking Dante way too seriously, trying to make him look all badass.

That's my problem with him. Capcom probably intended for DMC 1-4 Dante to be badass, but the crappy writing made him seem like a parody or something in that vein. Sort of like a movie that's so bad, it's good.


i was planning to not intervienne and just read but now i can't .

"nail the gameplay" ? After HS and enslaved ? i just don't know how can someone be optimistic ..the thing is the nailed the presentation .. like it or not the presentation the morphing is pretty much very well done .. but gameplay ?
i've watched 3 vids
- the start with the camera that spot dante in the street ( the orange looking part finishing in the chapel )
- the night club
- Another one with the bridge and the chain that dante cut ..
^^ sorry about the decriptions but i don't plan to look for story in those vids since i don't have an overall context.
On the gameplay side i saw nothing .. in term of fluidity, combo and the like ..in term of platforming i've seen NOthing ... For a seri that is supposed to be action heavy ..the gameplay part is a total joke.

I wish i could try it to see if my fear are valid or not ..but no demo (yet).. this is a total shame ...

The impressions so have been very posititive so far. Everyone who played it has enjoyed it.

from the other thread -

E3 was a while ago so I gotta reach into the back of my brain to remember, but I remember feeling these things:

-Music was over the top, but something that had my heart rate going. Made me remember immediately how much I loved DMC 3.
-Combat felt super responsive, I wasn't comboing super well, but I immediately saw a lot of potential. Being able to pull yourself to enemies or pull them close just felt really satisfying. I was thinking it would be cool to encounter enemies that could only be comboed way or another. Or maybe using flying enemies to combo one at a time until you reached that enemy you couldn't pull towards you and pulling yourself towards them.
-Voice acting was top notch. I was impressed with how arrogant and confident Dante sounded. He really did sound like a less experienced Dante. which got me stoked to see more.
-The comment he made to the fat guy holding a soda was well delivered. I had the feeling that Dante really was health conscious and was like, 'dude, don't be fat, what's your problem'

I dunno. I honestly fell in love with the game instantly. I mean, I love DMC games so I went into thinking it was gonna be like DMC 4. Like 'eh' I'm happy cause it's more DMC, but it won't be like DMC3 or DMC1, but after playing it I was like, fuu this one might be as good as 3. But yeah, it's hard to tell, but I dig that this Dante has serious depth rather than just being emblematic of the characteristic we think are cool.

This Dante has potential to be more than just bad-ass, they can tell a story where he really earns it. NT will hopefully take it where it needs to go, but I'm confident that even if they don't it'll be better than DMC4.

So yeah, NT seems to have delivered thus far. You can keep holding up Enslaved and HS, but they've far exceeded the combat and technical aspects of those games.
Holy shit your dumb. There is hours and hours of footage of repeated content. That doesn't mean they have shown you hours and hours of new content. They have shown maybe a total of 13 minutes of completely new cutscene footage. Shit, even if you add the time of each significantly new trailer you probably wouldn't get to 13 minutes. How the fuck do you have a basis of "hours and hours" of footage of Dante to know his character. There isn't even hours and hours of cutscenes in the entire game to be sure. People are taking piece meal aspects of particular cutscenes shown and are superimposing it on a character who is likely to develop from start to finish. Characters (are hopefully dynamic and fluid in development). It's like if I witness 10 minutes of your greatest stupidity in life in sequence and used that to judge you in entirety.

U mad as hell ain't cha?

Anyway, I agree with the OP's video for the most part and I can see why you would think they don't respect OG Dante as a character with Tameem's past quotes about OG Dante being 'uncool' and being laughed out of a bar at tokyo and other dumb shit that had been said. But realize that it was Tameem saying this shit and not NT as a whole. So we can't assume all of NT thinks this way.


Then it feels weird that we haven't seen a gauntletfor the angel form. I hope its a Greaves style weapon where it's a faster weapon base on delivering lightning fast kicks than slow punches like the Eryx.

Also those are just a few impressions. There are other impressions I have seen which have been fairly negative too. It's premature to say that NT has "delivered" on anything yet.


Then it feels weird that we haven't seen one for the angel form. I hope its a Greaves style weapon where it's a faster weapon base on delivering lightning fast kicks than slow punches like the Eryx.

Also those are just a few impressions. There are other impressions I have seen which have been fairly negative too. It's premature to say that NT has "delivered" on anything yet.

Post them then. And I said thus far. They still got more work to do.


Alright give me a minute.

If anyone wants to me help me I am talking about the impressions from the CU mod (Raging Demon I think). He talked about the soft lock on, the camera and the various rolls/dashes plus the difficulty.


Unconfirmed Member
Cool video that I agreed with

Though the reason I subscribed was due to your Volgin and Solidus videos

edit: OH GOD the battle rages on in another thread
Dante was lame in DMC2 they made him cool again in 3. If this doesn't work their just go back.

This video also thinks that appeasing to fans is bad cause it's like one foot in, one foot out..yet they show footage of DMC4. In DMC4, Dante was an after thought to appease fan backlash from Nero. You could tell in Devil May cry 4 his levels were added last minute, they were just rehashes of Neros.

Dante has had 4 games. A reboot was needed to feel fresh. It may fail or it may be cool but all this hate is unfounded, game isn't even out yet give it a chance.
Extrapolation.....Ninja Theory games strengths are always visuals,character,and story....its why Capcom actually wanted them for the job....to create a more multi layered Dante instead of the cocky dick who occasionally gives a shit

are you from bizzaro land? You warped reality so thoroughly there, ninja theory ONLY got this gig because of Alex jones and who ever he's friends with at NT. Ninja theory are NOT story geniuses, they're strength has lay somewhat in characters and acting, and pretty mch stopped there, their art has always been oversaturated garish technicolor vomit..its their thing.
The impressions so have been very posititive so far. Everyone who played it has enjoyed it.

from the other thread -

So yeah, NT seems to have delivered thus far. You can keep holding up Enslaved and HS, but they've far exceeded the combat and technical aspects of those games.

So why does the demo takes so long to come out , then ... I will believe it when i could play it or from more reliable sources since most , if not all of them didn't write about the glaring problems HS & ES had.
Alright give me a minute.

If anyone wants to me help me I am talking about the impressions from the CU mod (Raging Demon I think). He talked about the soft lock on, the camera and the various rolls/dashes plus the difficulty.

Is this something you have posted before? What's the time frame, around/post-E3?


Santa May Claus
Alright give me a minute.

If anyone wants to me help me I am talking about the impressions from the CU mod (Raging Demon I think). He talked about the soft lock on, the camera and the various rolls/dashes plus the difficulty.

Sent a PM.


Think you're jumping the gun a bit just since we don't have the entire game to give us a complete look at the new Dante (not that I'm thrilled with DINO either), but it's still a well-made video and your other character insights make for a good listen.


When you have a couple hours worth of videos and previews to go off I don't think it's ridiculous to start criticizing major elements of a game, but I do feel the video is too open-and-shut along with some subjective opinions on Ninja Theory at this point in time.

Yeah. I don't think it's right to say they don't care about DMC just because of what they're doing. A lot of the video is opinionated. It's true that Ninja Theory changed their vision of their Dante because of fans bickering, but everything else, for the most part, is just an opinion. There is no true definition of cool or badass to me. There are many ways to pull these off.

This being said, I do want a DMC5 after this. Nero proved to be an awesome character, too.
Dante was lame in DMC2 they made him cool again in 3. If this doesn't work their just go back.

This video also thinks that appeasing to fans is bad cause it's like one foot in, one foot out..yet they show footage of DMC4. In DMC4, Dante was an after thought to appease fan backlash from Nero. You could tell in Devil May cry 4 his levels were added last minute, they were just rehashes of Neros.

Dante has had 4 games. A reboot was needed to feel fresh. It may fail or it may be cool but all this hate is unfounded, game isn't even out yet give it a chance.

They could go back if this fails (lord knows I want them to) but I really think they want this to succeed so they can continue their outsourcing strategy.

I can agree with that. I felt like enemies were designed around Nero as well. DMC4 was great, it just needed more time in the oven. I can't agree that the hate is unfounded. No one asked for this reboot. The initial reveal of nu-Dante was terrible (a viriginia slims smoking Dante, I mean really). Capcom flip flopping about if this is cannon, reimaging, rebooting, or whatever. The main offender is the 30 fps and unreal engine. All previous games were 60 frames (even DMC2). It's a step backwards. The series should have stayed dormant until a proper entry could have been made IMO.


An blind dancing ho
Amazing Video.

It's pretty weird that Tameemi Antoniades changed his vision on Dante just like that under the pressure from fans and Capcom, I wonder if the Story even got changed too, we migh end with an abomination of a story and characters.

I'd love to note that Heavenly sword writers (iirc) are Rhianna Pratchett, Andy Serkis and Tameem Antoniades, Rhianna don't work with them anymore, Andy is not on DmC, and the only one here is Tameem, so yeah we will get shitty written here.

Also Vergil, I feel he will be even worse than Dino, he is just nothing like the original.


Care to explain.

Interesting vid Hyperbit, from all the media out for this game it has not changed my stance on it.

At one point he says Ninja Theory has no respect for the original DMC games, that they think it was a stupid action franchise with a terrible story that's holding back the medium. They feel their Dante is better and that their game is better.


Unconfirmed Member
I have to admit, I don't really agree with the video's points, for the most part. He explains his points reasonably, it's not a whiny rant. But it does come across as a fan who cannot accept anything that is different from what they see as true canon.

One of the points I agree with him on is that he preferred the original reveal to what Dante is now.

I also think the new redesign was less offensive initially than the current one is now pretending to be the old character every now and then

I thought this about old Dante immediately (referring to Ushojax's take on it). I loved the game, but there was nothing about the character that was "cool" to me. I thought it was obviously for 12 year olds. And before the inevitable rebuttal of "you just don't get the satire!", the intent to satirize doesn't excuse something from being shitty in execution. Old Dante isn't a character at all. He's a collection of unbelievably bad one-liners. (For 12 year olds.)

I like the old Dante for the same reason I like Gene in God Hand. I always viewed them as just analogs for the player. They're simple one note characters that are just having fun in their absurd circumstances, which I think shows through not only in cutscenes but also their animations and movesets as well.

and to me that's always been the perfect kind of character for a game that's all about encouraging the player to experiment with fighting in flamboyant and flashy ways. Their personalities perfectly compliment the games they are in.

I didn't like new dante initially because he lacked that quality, then I liked him even less when they tried to shoehorn that personality into his redesign, but still remains absent in all other aspects of the game besides the cutscenes.
Interesting. I prefer him to the older dante.

Has OP ever taken a character design/development class? Understand anything about what goes into designing a character? Or is this just surface level petty hate for the reboot?


Santa May Claus
Interesting. I prefer him to the older dante.

Has OP ever taken a character design/development class? Understand anything about what goes into designing a character? Or is this just surface level petty hate for the reboot?

Have you? (not to say that attendance of a character design course is even an accurate barometer).

His opinion is as legitimate as yours except he did the work to create a video.


Have you?

His opinion is as legitimate as yours except he did the work to create a video.
Generally, it takes more of a broad and informed background to be able to critique something properly rather than just to appreciate it (or be indifferent to it).


Christ, the character is whatever, but that part where he gets an SSS combo from doing the same move 6 times in a row is a goddamn disgrace. What the hell is going on with that?
Have you? (not to say that attendance of a character design course is even an accurate barometer).

His opinion is as legitimate as yours except he did the work to create a video.

I haven't watch the video and I'm passing judgement.

That's what we do here right? Not actually trying something and judging it anyways?


Christ, the character is whatever, but that part where he gets an SSS combo from doing the same move 6 times in a row is a goddamn disgrace. What the hell is going on with that?
I don't understand why people bitch about something like this. I've read comments like this over and over again.

It comes off as the most naggy, nit-picking complaint ever. It's press footage, maybe they were playing a debug version, or Easy Automatic, or something like that.


Santa May Claus
Generally, it takes more of a broad and informed background to critique something than to appreciate it.

Hah. Games journalism tells me otherwise.

Either you dislike something or you like something. Often times, people don't understand the nuances of why. The OP felt he did, so he created a video. He doesn't need a background in game design to do that.

I haven't watch the video and I'm passing judgement.

That's what we do here right? Not actually trying something and judging it anyways?

If you watched a few seconds of the video and posted that you thought it was shitty, then sure. Who cares? But instead you wanted him to legitimize his opinion through game development courses, which is silly.

Not sure why you decided to throw that out there because it ultimately weakens your main point with snarkiness.
I haven't watch the video and I'm passing judgement.

That's what we do here right? Not actually trying something and judging it anyways?

Well, the equalivent would be you watching the video and give your feedback, since the OP has followed the media releases of the game

He never said he was absolutely right or he can't change his mind in the future.
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