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Why is Adam Sessler tweeting about being afraid and having to leave the industry?

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I'm guessing it's about YouRube monitiseation.

Best guess

YouTube/Sony/MS are going to do a Nintendo like thing around revenue from Games Videos shown.

Or embargo on video / uploading to YouTube.

If that's the case then they're all much dumber then they appear.
Just because he probably slipped up and probably shouldn't have posted that doesn't give anyone any right to know what he was talking about. Besides, we've been told we'll know soon enough. We've also been told it has more to do with his work than us as consumers. Get over it.


Tragic victim of fan death
It's weird. You have these journalists saying that people base their purchasing decisions off their review, but if it's absolutely imperative they get out a review before anyone else, that can't be the case, right? If the consumer is happy to settle with just any review from anyone--as long as it's timely--then they probably don't give a shit about any individual journalist's take on things.

I think if a person is anticipating a certain product but is unsure of purchasing it or not, the first the they will want to know is what others think. Reviews and impressions are great resources for said buyer to look up and the publications who have these resources available first and earliest will always be looked at just because of the sheer virtue of timeliness. I think temporal context is a big part that sometimes people just gloss over. I'm sure if there are tons of reviews out there it won't matter. However, being first matters a lot.
It would be pretty typical of him to start shouting about the sky falling even if this is just a pre launch thing.

if its only for pre launch games then shit is overreacting big time, but if its for the entire gen, every game being reviewed like this, then its fucked up and I cant but agree with sesslers view.


See Adam, this is the type of passion we needed from you when a different console manufacturer was imposing Draconian DRM measures against consumers. Remember when you completely passed the buck the moment gamers needed you the most?

Self-interest rules the day once again.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You can care all you want but you don't get to be privvy to all information and you don't get a free pass to know just because you are a "consumer".

Who is saying this? What people are saying is--if you're going to pretend to be a journalist (you know, someone who informs people about things) don't publicly whine like a bitch in vague terms and not tell anyone anything meaningful. Either keep your mouth shut or do some informing.

You don't get to lead people on. That just pisses people off.


It's not ideal, you're right, but at this point I'd rather say "hey this isn't a big deal for you guys" than keep my mouth shut and watch everyone keep freaking out, especially after how many feathers have been ruffled over annoyingly vague tweets in the past couple of days.

Kudos at least for trying and being straightfoward about it. Much better than what some other journalists have been doing, both on GAF and on Twitter.

Yeesh. This is where I'd agree to disagree. Like you said, you are lucky enough to have a very large readership. You have the clout to not have to go to a tailored review event. If they don't want to play ball, report it and review stuff day one like the average consumer. You'd lose clicks and advertising money, but you'd make up for it with more respect. There is no reason why you guys should have to go to those tailored review events.

I don't think there's anything wrong with accepting such events, so as long as the conditions of the event are fully detailed. As long as everyone is being upfront and honest, it's not a big deal. It's when it turns to dishonesty and abrasiveness that it becomes a problem.


See Adam, this is the type of passion we needed from you when a different console manufacturer was imposing Draconian DRM measures against consumers. Remember when you took a complete pass when gamers needed you most?

Self-interest rules the day once again.

Even someone as respectable as Sessler won't bite the hand that feeds.


A review set in the home of the publisher is in my opinion not a review at all. you have to take the final review with a truck load of salt, cause they could have been specifically told not to include some issues etc.

seems gaming journalism is just another form of PR.

But that fault lies just as much with the gaming journalists IMO...NOTHING....AND I MEAN NOTHING...is stopping them from holding their review till after launch when they have legit retail units in their hands....

If the journalists really wanted to stand up for integrity they should refuse to attend such events and go about doing their reviews without the publisher there...

But instead they are too afraid to burn a bridge or they won't get the next swag package...or won't get some exclusive interview...you can't cry about the publishers holding these events and then not actually do anything to stand against it
It would be pretty typical of him to start shouting about the sky falling even if this is just a pre launch thing.

Does Sessler have a history of overreacting like this? (The GOW:A situation is different. That was an offhand comment that Sony took into their own hands. He's seems legitimately upset by this in comparison.)


Tragic victim of fan death
It's not ideal, you're right, but at this point I'd rather say "hey this isn't a big deal for you guys" than keep my mouth shut and watch everyone keep freaking out, especially after how many feathers have been ruffled over annoyingly vague tweets in the past couple of days.

While this is true, I think giving one answers will just force people to ask other questions and focus on other aspects of the issue.

I mean Sony can invite everyone* to this event, they can't send out PS4s to everyone.

*bloggers, youtubers, small reviewers.

I'm sure it's more cost effective to do this event. I understood your initial post. I'm just saying a reason why a reviewer might not enjoy or want to participate in the event is for the reason I stated previously. That's all.
I remember Yosp saying they were in discussion with Google regarding monetization issues on YouTube. Could be related to this, and why YouTube support wont be available on Day 1


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Might just have something to do with that embargoed event next week.

Makes no sense though. AC4 for the PS4 review will be ought by the 29th, written by Arthur Geis himself. The Sony review event is going to be for Sony first party titles. Why would that affect reviews on X1 titles?
But that fault lies just as much with the gaming journalists IMO...NOTHING....AND I MEAN NOTHING...is stopping them from holding their review till after launch when they have legit retail units in their hands....

If the journalists really wanted to stand up for integrity they should refuse to attend such events and go about doing their reviews without the publisher there...

But instead they are too afraid to burn a bridge or they won't get the next swag package...or won't get some exclusive interview...you can't cry about the publishers holding these events and then not actually do anything to stand against it

Waiting until after release is a death sentence for a game review. Less views, less ad views, less income. Simple as that. It's not profitable to have an integrity.
Generally these threads just get really ugly. I don't care either way but people can get mighty angry over seemingly nothing given the chance.
I'm not actually angry - I'm frustrated/flabbergasted at the 'We know best, don't trouble yourself about our public freak-out' attitude.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Yes, owe. Absolutely.

It's their job to inform. People follow them for information. If they stop providing that, why should anyone follow or listen to them? They shouldn't.

Information and opinion is their product. They owe it to their customers who pay by giving them attention and clicks.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
It's not ideal, you're right, but at this point I'd rather say "hey this isn't a big deal for you guys"

That's not gonna stop us/people from being curious. Don't create a bag with a cat in it, if you don't want us to get the cat out of said bag, you know?


I don't think there's anything wrong with accepting such events, so as long as the conditions of the event are fully detailed. As long as everyone is being upfront and honest, it's not a big deal. It's when it turns to dishonesty and abrasiveness that it becomes a problem.

I don't see the problem either. I visit a lot of food blogs and many of them often get invited to eat for free at a particular restaurant and if that's the case they'd always state "This blogger was invited to eat at [restaurant name] by [restaurant owner]". Then at least the readers are aware that certain bias may be applicable due to the gratitude nature taking place on the blogger who got invited.


Yeesh. This is where I'd agree to disagree. Like you said, you are lucky enough to have a very large readership. You have the clout to not have to go to a tailored review event. If they don't want to play ball, report it and review stuff day one like the average consumer. You'd lose clicks and advertising money, but you'd make up for it with more respect. There is no reason why you guys should have to go to those tailored review events.
Sure there is - to tell you what I saw there. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a review. If hypothetically I went to one of these events and only got to spend, say, two hours with a console, I'd rather be able to tell readers about my two hours with the console than not be able to share anything at all. A review could come later.
Same. And when it comes to gaining interest in other games that I may not be aware of, I turn to GiantBomb or Twitch to watch Quick Looks and people actually playing the game live, not sliced up edited videos that show only the good parts and that continually use the same terminology to describe each gameplay feature.

I have a very simple policy for reviews. I mostly pay attention to them AFTER I've played a game for myself. I find the review that agreed with me, and then I pay attention to what they have to say in the future. However, this isn't a perfect science. Some reviewers I know to avoid for jrpg reviews, and some others I avoid for different styles of games.

And the first moment I hear/see a reviewer complain about something I like in a fashion resembling, "more Halo" or , "old fashioned turn based combat" with seemingly no respect at all for the finer details, such as the story and characters, subtle but important twists on the combat system, the sense of adventure, and a multitude of other things I find more important than bitching about more of something people like solely based on a loose affiliation with something that's known or recognizable. There's few reviewers I can stomach that from, and I usually tend to tune them out afterwards. There are some that do it, but still showcase the required level of respect for the game or genre. They can seemingly throw away, however briefly, their own personal feelings on the matter and grant the project a clean slate.
Gaming journalists may be the most useless fucking type of journalist in the world. They are so fucking neutered in every single way. It's hugely embarrassing.

If these rumors about Sony trying to do a press-control event with the PS4 are true, and you oppose it, then DON'T GO.



Or just keep sucking the teet. Get paid. It's a job, I understand.

Just don't go on Twitter looking for sympathy.

This post brought to you by: conjecture regarding events that may be inaccurate, but are still wholly applicable to the industry
Am I in a minority in following certain reviewers or sites regardless of when the reviews post? First reviews aren't really indicative of quality - and depending on the reviewer or site, I may just not jive with the general preferences of the site. I tend to look for reviewers who have liked the games I've liked and then I tend to trust those reviewers more.

I generally only pre-order stuff I fairly well know I'm going to like.

Well, look at the review threads here on NeoGAF, Reddit, official forums, and other communities. They get posted and circulated, and everyone is excited to see what the verdict is on the game they're interested in and purchased.

Sure, some of us have our favorite sites, or take certain reviewers words over others, but instances like the Bioshock Infinite exclusive IGN netted are pretty huge as they get the initial and continued attention. Because not only are they getting the first and loudest word, but people often go back and compare what was said between reviews, or pick out bits like we do here on GAF to use as proving points for whatever controversy we're embroiled in.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just because he probably slipped up and probably shouldn't have posted that doesn't give anyone any right to know what he was talking about. Besides, we've been told we'll know soon enough. We've also been told it has more to do with his work than us as consumers. Get over it.

If that's the case, he fucked up. As someone whose trade is information, you'd expect a bit more care on Twitter. He can now deal with people being rightfully annoyed by him. He can "get over it."
See Adam, this is the type of passion we needed from you when a different console manufacturer was imposing Draconian DRM measures against consumers. Remember when you completely passed the buck the moment gamers needed you the most?

Self-interest rules the day once again.
Seriously. Half the journalist didnt care much for the DRM issue because they weren't affected by it. Now that they run into some review BS they get all up in arms. Don't they understand these big corporations will try to get away with anything if you sit back and let them.


You know what journalists? Have a fucking BALL.

1. Get your own copy instead of relying on publishers to give it to you. That way you won't be under their thumb over what you say.
2. If you have problem about a publisher then say it like it is. Don't sputter around throwing hints via Twitter. Again, this wouldn't be a problem if you don't rely on them for handouts!
3. So what if you have to wait a few days to review the games? If your article/opinion is good then people will come and read your article regardless of how late it is.



Well, look at the review threads here on NeoGAF, Reddit, official forums, and other communities. They get posted and circulated, and everyone is excited to see what the verdict is on the game they're interested in and purchased.

Sure, some of us have our favorite sites, or take certain reviewers words over others, but instances like the Bioshock Infinite exclusive IGN netted are pretty huge as they get the initial and continued attention. Because not only are they getting the first and loudest word, but people often go back and compare what was said between reviews, or pick out bits like we do here on GAF to use as proving points for whatever controversy we're embroiled in.
I'm just glad we had the exclusive review of IGN's BioShock Infinite review. http://kotaku.com/5991840/bioshock-infinite-the-ign-review-the-kotaku-review


review culture in videogames is awful anyway. it's just a first past the post situation with no regard for consumers and all regard for hits and fanboy politics or PR job hunting. i don't understand why anyone thinks its acceptable for reviews to announce every game to be the be all and end all while restraining criticism for a 1 month then it become suddenly acceptable to do so.

'this game is amazing! it's jesus in a video game! john goodman!!'

1 month later (after the game has been bought by consumers)

'actually this game is okay, here are faults x y and z. lets have a discussion about this'


See Adam, this is the type of passion we needed from you when a different console manufacturer was imposing Draconian DRM measures against consumers. Remember when you completely passed the buck the moment gamers needed you the most?

Self-interest rules the day once again.

Yeah this was the moment Sessler turned heel to me and lost me as a fan. Liked his stuff for much of the 2000s . But at least Marcus Beer and Jim Sterlings stance during that DRM fiasco was amazing and made me a fan of theirs. :)


Sure there is - to tell you what I saw there. Hell, it doesn't even have to be a review. If hypothetically I went to one of these events and only got to spend, say, two hours with a console, I'd rather be able to tell readers about my two hours with the console than not be able to share anything at all. A review could come later.

So many people here are chomping at the bit that even a 10-15m rundown of the way the whole UI worked would probably garner attention. Looking forward to info even if I'm not jumping day 1.


This thread is a great example of how not to use twitter.
If you don't expect a fuss, especially as a well known person, don't put cryptic shit up publically.


Yes, owe. Absolutely.

It's their job to inform. People follow them for information. If they stop providing that, why should anyone follow or listen to them? They shouldn't.

Information and opinion is their product. They owe it to their customers who pay by giving them attention and clicks.

Haha what? It is their job to provide content. It is NOT their job to even inform. Sure they'll so better if they do inform and do so honestly, but unless you are paying for some sort of subscription fee they literally owe you nothing. Don't act like they owe you something because you simply gave them a pageview.
Man, even if every single rumor were true about how bad some journos are, it would still be one of the most moral industries I know. The ammount of bribery and deceit going on everywhere is astounding.

Publishers could pay a salary for reviewers, give them house and negotiate a set ammount of dollars per additional decimla point and not be half as bad as the things that happen every single day on the Academia-Research-Industry workplace.


Low Poly Gynecologist
3. So what if you have to wait a few days to review the games? If your article/opinion is good then people will come and read your article regardless of how late it is.

That's not necessarily true. There are tons of people who write things of worth that people never read.

Also, when your livelihood depends on people viewing your work, it's understandable to want to put your work out under the most desirable conditions to get those views.

I don't think people should be compromising themselves to get those views, but you should be able to understand why they might be okay with doing something a bit inconvenient if it ends up helping them out in the end.
See Adam, this is the type of passion we needed from you when a different console manufacturer was imposing Draconian DRM measures against consumers. Remember when you completely passed the buck the moment gamers needed you the most?

Self-interest rules the day once again.

Yeah, fuck that critic for having an opinion.


time to take my meds
maybe i'm over reacting... but, the gaming industry seems to be changing right in front of our eyes once again. im grateful to be apart of it, or ...at least be a witness.


That review event form IGN posted, aside from them, is it clear who has and hasn't been invited? Cause i remember Adam making a fuss (and rightfully so) about the IGN Bioshock Infinite exclusive timed review.

I mean is one thing to be selectively invited and not have the time to properly review all games and is another to be excluded from it and forced to present your reviews at a much later date.
You know what journalists? Have a fucking BALL.

1. Get your own copy instead of relying on publishers to give it to you. That way you won't be under their thumb over what you say.
2. If you have problem about a publisher then say it like it is. Don't sputter around throwing hints via Twitter. Again, this wouldn't be a problem if you don't rely on them for handouts!
3. So what if you have to wait a few days to review the games? If your article/opinion is good then people will come and read your article regardless of how late it is.

1000x this.
I have a very simple policy for reviews. I mostly pay attention to them AFTER I've played a game for myself. I find the review that agreed with me, and then I pay attention to what they have to say in the future. However, this isn't a perfect science. Some reviewers I know to avoid for jrpg reviews, and some others I avoid for different styles of games.

And now I find myself agreeing with SenjutsuSage. Up is down, black is white.


So all this fuss over certain journos not getting their PS4 + games in advance? And/or having to review them two days before at an event? How horrible lol
Gaming journalists may be the most useless fucking type of journalist in the world. They are so fucking neutered in every single way. It's hugely embarrassing.

If these rumors about Sony trying to do a press-control event with the PS4 are true, and you oppose it, then DON'T GO.



Or just keep sucking the teet. Get paid. It's a job, I understand.

Just don't go on Twitter looking for sympathy.

This post brought to you by: conjecture regarding events that may be inaccurate, but are still wholly applicable to the industry

I think you are assuming every journalist has a choice. But just about everyone answers to somebody.


Hard to judge on these few facts especially when the people that know the facts are unwilling to divulge. I think that has consistently been proven to be the wrong choice and shows that that person doesn't understand how and why people are reacting the way they are.


Gaming journalists may be the most useless fucking type of journalist in the world. They are so fucking neutered in every single way. It's hugely embarrassing.

If these rumors about Sony trying to do a press-control event with the PS4 are true, and you oppose it, then DON'T GO.



Or just keep sucking the teet. Get paid. It's a job, I understand.

Just don't go on Twitter looking for sympathy.

This post brought to you by: conjecture regarding events that may be inaccurate, but are still wholly applicable to the industry

Couldn't write it better. It's all their own fault, they allowed publishers to grab them by balls for "exclusive" previews and coverage. Now when the publishers make next step they still whine and cry, but afraid tell the truth. If they think it's bullshit, they must not cover whole event all together or boycott publisher games until publishers stop this bullshit, but no they go to twitter to speak about "nothing" and expect us to side with them because of reasons, and in the end they will still get "coverage" which would be just publishers PR under the gaming journalism guise, because "gonna get those clicks".
Makes no sense though. AC4 for the PS4 review will be ought by the 29th, written by Arthur Geis himself. The Sony review event is going to be for Sony first party titles. Why would that affect reviews on X1 titles?

Well I can only guess since next week's event is a Microsoft one, with an embargo that isn't up till like 12th that just might have something to do with it. who knows.
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