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Wii U Release Day Thread

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Why is it always Nintendo? I can't connect this thing to my wireless network no matter what I do. Just doesn't connect to it. Security was wpa2 aes changed it to none, still won't work. Everything else in my life connects with no changes but never nintendo


Yeah, so headphone jack+TV play seems to work with the retail titles I've played, but not working with the eshop titles I've played(Switch Force and Nano Assault). Wonder if that is something to with them being 3DS up ports, of something related to all eshop stuff.


Yikes, sounds like Nintendo has a lot of shit to sort out and fast. Hopefully it's a lot better in a week or the media is going to crucify them. I'm not sure I even give them that much time.
Tis makes me glad that we Europeans are only getting it on the 30th, you guys are kind of the beta testers. This just shows that they rushed it for the US release, wouldnt be surprised if other OS updates come in the next few days.



I like it, overall... perhaps mostly because it'll just be a way to play HD Nintendo games. The tablet is an interesting idea but hit or miss. Here's my main issue with the concept of the system:

Why would I want to use the tablet as the primary screen to play any game (unless there's a good reason for it)? I'd rather use my TV which has a much nicer picture. The Wii U gamepad is smaller, has worse color saturation and black levels and there are artifacts introduced to the stream that wouldn't be there in a real tablet or when playing on a TV.

In games like Scribblenauts Unlimited I'm basically forced to use the tablet as the main screen. Why would I want to do this? If I wanted a handheld version I'd go for the 3DS which has true portability over the WiiU (and 3D).

New Super Mario Bros U
Love it. May end up as my favorite 2D Mario game since Super Mario World. I've been playing co-op with my fiance and we're a great time! I like the little changes here and there throughout. The world map is nice too!

Nintendo Land
Enjoying it. It's a nice game to have at launch when quality exclusives are few. Should be a lot of fun when you get a decent group of people together.

Barely into it, but not liking it so far. The feel of looking/aiming stinks. There's a feeling of clunkiness to the whole thing, intentional or not. I'm hoping it clicks with me the more I play, but my hopes of having a good Dark Souls-esque survival horror game are mostly dashed.

As mentioned earlier, I don't want to use the tablet with it's merely serviceable screen to play a console game. Can I use a wiimote and avoid this? I haven't tried yet, but I'm hoping that's possible.
Turn of over scan on your TV.
I dunno nothing about what my tv is capable of. I went through all the menus and looked at all the buttons on the tv remote but there is no option for "over scan." All I can do is change the resolution of the tv to four different options. One of the, makes it 4:3 with huge black bars, the other two zooms it in more.

Sorry I just don't know much about how this stuff works besides the basics. I also changed the resolution setting for the WiiU from 720P to 1080i amd that zoomed it out a little but its still largely cut off.. (My tv doesn't support 1080P.)
I dunno nothing about what my tv is capable of. I went through all the menus and looked at all the buttons on the tv remote but there is no option for "over scan." All I can do is change the resolution of the tv to four different options. One of the, makes it 4:3 with huge black bars, the other two zooms it in more.

Sorry I just don't know much about how this stuff works besides the basics. I also changed the resolution setting for the WiiU from 720P to 1080i amd that zoomed it out a little but its still largely cut off.. (My tv doesn't support 1080P.)

If you don't have an overscan option, look for anything that says "native". My TV doesn't use the term overscan, it uses "normal" "zoomed" "4:3" "native"

In a related matter... can someone explain to me why the f*** TVs are on overscan by default anyways? Doesn't that just stretch an image so it's no longer native? Why should a 1080p TV take a 1080p picture, cut the edges, then stretch to fit the screen?

dorkimoe: I have a handheld (3DS) and I used to have a Vita (it got traded in to help pay for the Wii U) and they just don't compete graphically. Also a second TV doesn't fit snuggly in my lap ;)


My tv doesn't have an overscan option, and it doesn't have a native, full, or just picture option.

I NEED a system screen size option. Why the FUCK would they limit something like that to a few apps?!


I bought NSMBU on Newegg for 47...I'm tempted to buy the digital and then just sell the copy I get for 60. It would save the person the five bucks in taxes.


Ok this is incredibly stupid. So the only way to get surround sound is to use HDMI to a receiver, but the IR remote controls don't support receivers? WTF Nintendo? Good god is that incredibly stupid.

Yeah. Really lame.

I just need the TV section to control:

Receiver power, input and volume
TV power
Cable box power, channel up/down, channel numbers, enter, up/down/left/right, play/pause rewind/fast forward, record, stop.

The TV control overlay doesn't even take the full screen. An advanced mode with more devices and more buttons would be a welcome option. Maybe we'll get more options when Nintendo TVii comes out (doubt it).
I bought NSMBU on Newegg for 47...I'm tempted to buy the digital and then just sell the copy I get for 60. It would save the person the five bucks in taxes.
You probably won't be able to resell it for 60. You should be able to at least cover yourself easily though.
>starts Nintendo Land


I don't know if people know this, but you can just skip the game updates and have them download in the background. Once they're done you can apply the update by restarting the software... I'm sure there are some games out there that require you to update before you launch them (Blops probably) but this hasn't been the case with Nintendo Land nor NSMB U
My tv doesn't have an overscan option, and it doesn't have a native, full, or just picture option.

I NEED a system screen size option. Why the FUCK would they limit something like that to a few apps?!

What are you connecting to your TV with? Composite, component, or HDMI?

In System Settings there's a TV option where you can set TV type, resolution, connection method etc. I assume you get that option.


I don't know if people know this, but you can just skip the game updates and have them download in the background. Once they're done you can apply the update by restarting the software... I'm sure there are some games out there that require you to update before you launch them (Blops probably) but this hasn't been the case with Nintendo Land nor NSMB U

So how do you go about doing this specifically? Make sure BG downloading is turned on in system, or does it just do all this by default after you skip the update pre-game?


Really loving the system so far. Me and wife had a ball playing NintendoLand earlier. Anyway, please feel free to add me as a friend, currently only have NintendoLand NSMBU. Err... what do we need to add each other? I think my ID is Trevelyan.
If you don't have an overscan option, look for anything that says "native". My TV doesn't use the term overscan, it uses "normal" "zoomed" "4:3" "native"

In a related matter... can someone explain to me why the f*** TVs are on overscan by default anyways? Doesn't that just stretch an image so it's no longer native? Why should a 1080p TV take a 1080p picture, cut the edges, then stretch to fit the screen?

dorkimoe: I have a handheld (3DS) and I used to have a Vita (it got traded in to help pay for the Wii U) and they just don't compete graphically. Also a second TV doesn't fit snuggly in my lap ;)
I don't have anything that says native either. This is fustrating >_>

But like I said, I did have a button that made it 4:3, and two more options that zoomed in even further. Maybe thats it? Sounds like it. It was activated on a button on my tv remote called "Pix Shape" except like I said, it only zooms in further, or zooms out to 4:3 with huge bars.

I...I think I'm screwed.


On some TV "native" may be called something like "Just Scan."

people with specific TV issues should maybe make a thread that includes their TV model so you guys can help each other.


Anyone else's Miiverse not intergrating into the other games?

It keeps saying that I need to do the initial setup, but I've done that.

Also, does anyone else's nintendo network button work? I cant get anything on it.

Mine didn't seem to be doing anything after I poked my head in then played NSMB U a bit.
Dunno if it takes a while, if I have to get to come point in NSMB U (already got past the point where you first get the message about it), or what.

Audio forced down HDMI if you wish to use HDMI for video, yet no TV remote support for receivers?

Hahaha, jesus this company is clueless at times.

At times, sure. All times.
Nintendo needs to detect which controller you're using. Why the heck is Mario telling me to hit 1 and or 2? There's no such button the gamepad.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
My Nintendo Network ID: Gahiggidy

Not sure what can be done with that.


Got the Fisrt WiiU here in venezuela!!!!
Playing Mario on the Gamepad and then on the 3DS shows you how cheap Nintendo went with the 3DS hardware.

This. I lost TV privledges so I pulled out just the gamepad. Sadly, Nintendoland is almost entirely games that require a TV+gamepad so I couldn't do much there (and it's the only game I currently have) so I pulled out netflix. It's amazingly better both ergonomically and just the screen resolution. Sat for a couple hours watching anime and never once felt uncomfortable or had any hand cramps or eye strain (yes, even non-3D 3ds gives me eyestrain on occasion)


Nintendo Land is beautiful despite being simplistic

THe music is fun as are some of the games

I can't believe they are using Link to the Past music straight ripped from the SNES for the Link attraction, crazy
TV Connection is HDMI, 1080p resolution. Is that what you need to know?

There is no screen size option anywhere.

What's the maximum resolution your TV supports? And on the input that your Wii U is connected to have you chosen to display the native signal? Some TVs may label that as Just or Full.


got the system 7:30 in the morning. it took an hour to complete the update.


1. why when i bring up mii plaza i'm in the middle, and every comments has Nintendo name on it, no other user.

2. nintendo land theme park is empty. shouldn't there be more user there?
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