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Wii U Release Day Thread

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got the system 7:30 in the morning. it took an hour to complete the update.


1. why when i bring up mii plaza i'm in the middle, and every comments has Nintendo name on it, no other user.

2. nintendo land theme park is empty. shouldn't there be more user there?

I've been experiencing the same. I figured the Nintendo Admins were just going through mountains of posts today and couldn't upload them... but almost 24 hours in that seems fairly unlikely. Maybe an issue with Miiverse itself right now?


What's the maximum resolution your TV supports? And on the input that your Wii U is connected to have you chosen to display the native signal? Some TVs may label that as Just or Full.
TV supports up to 1080p

My TVs only picture options are normal, wide, cinema,and zoom. There is no option as far as I can see for native/just screen.

Maybe I'll just try out component and see if it helps at all...
Quite jealous as I still have to wait 3 weeks for the Japanese release.

To people having issues/not liking features I cannot recommend completing the CLUB NINTENDO survey on the Wii U hardware enough. Be specific about the problems you experienced and the features you want. Not all will be fixable and not all will be fixed that can be, but it will give an idea of what people who are buying the system want in the future.

I've worked in Market Research/Focus Testing and if Nintendo is a half-way decent company they will listen.
I've been experiencing the same. I figured the Nintendo Admins were just going through mountains of posts today and couldn't upload them... but almost 24 hours in that seems fairly unlikely. Maybe an issue with Miiverse itself right now?

Miiverse was down for a few hours today.


Does anyone here have a glitchy Mii on Miiverse? I see a blue error icon instead of my Mii at the top-left of the screen. Other than that, Miiverse is amazing.
So how do you go about doing this specifically? Make sure BG downloading is turned on in system, or does it just do all this by default after you skip the update pre-game?

There's a big button that says launch software or something as it's trying to update, if you press it the system will just tell you that the update will be applied the next time the software is launched if it's finished downloading. It should be on by default and will resume downloading as you play the game.
TV supports up to 1080p

My TVs only picture options are normal, wide, cinema,and zoom. There is no option as far as I can see for native/just screen.

Maybe I'll just try out component and see if it helps at all...

Normal is the same as Just and Full.


You can fix it in the eshop. I think it was menus --> settings. Why it's in there, i have no idea.

At least...i think that's how i fixed it. There's an option somewhere is what i'm saying
The option will only fix the app, not the whole system. There's an option for it in Miiverse too. I can't find such an option anywhere in the actual system settings.


OK, out of all the games I picked up today (NSMBU, ZombiU & NG3RE) I'm really only loving NSMBU which is surprising since it's essentially the same damn game I've been playing forever. It's fun and always puts a smile on my face, plus it's damn awesome to lay in bed in the other room and play on the gamepad. I'm shocked that it works from my bedroom, wasn't expecting that since the Wii U is in the living room. One thing that is killing me though is how bad the Pro Controller is. It's horrible! Who the hell designed this thing? The button placements are all wrong. The YXBA face buttons are too low, the analog sticks are too high and the X & A buttons are too damn close to the right analog stick. Seriously wtf! I'm actually the most disappointed in this controller and it's prolly the reason why I'm not enjoying Ninja Gaiden. It's a chore to play on it and I keep pressing the wrong damn buttons, also there is serious hand fatigue using it cause of how your thumbs need to angle lower to hit the face buttons & dpad. We've been conditioned from years of playing on dualshocks & xbox controllers to unconsciously press in a certain area for the face buttons and it seriously messes me up when they are now closer to the center of the controller. Maybe it's just me and everyone else loves it.


Got the Fisrt WiiU here in venezuela!!!!

Bien Pana......Good for you. waiting mine here in Mexico.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

Ein Bear

- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

Cheers for beta-testing for the rest of us, America! ;)
- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

Give Nintendo time... I'm sure they'll make a bigger mess for their next console launch ;)


The option will only fix the app, not the whole system. There's an option for it in Miiverse too. I can't find such an option anywhere in the actual system settings.

Weird, I'm having the same issue and was coming to post it here too. I find it so odd that you can adjust this setting in other places in the system, but not overall for the whole system. I'm going to double check my TV as well just to make sure I'm not zoomed in on the picture. What kind of TV do you have? I'm using a 1080p Panasonic plasma.


I wonder what's the deal with loading times on Wii U games, nearly every single one suffers from them. The disc reader on the machine is faster than the 360 and the PS3.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.
This last one really irritates me. Nintendo is constantly living in the past, do they assume everyone is still piping sound directly through their TV?

Anyone get Wii U videochat working yet? All I get is connection errors.
Just came back from cancelling both of my pre-orders. Well, technically I gave my deluxe from Walmart to a friend...

The best thing, though, was that this very tired-looking mom (who had been to several stores already) ended up getting my GS pre-order. You should have seen her face light up when she was on her way out and I called after her to wait. Definitely made my day ^_^

As for me, I'm just going to wait until Nintendo sorts this mess out and the system gets a decent library. NSMBU should be cheap by then.


- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

Don't forget:

-No option to change the screen size of the whole system, just for a few apps.

I can't
- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

The downside of being an early adopter. Except for the visually inferior ports. I think that's a first.


- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.
It's even worse when it's compiled in a list like that :( Goddamn it Nintendo.


Neo Member
So far with Madden NFL 13 I'm really impressed by the tablet controller functionality. It is far more useful than I had anticipated it would be and works really well. The biggest downside to the game though is the framerate. It's especially disappointing that the framerate would be so poor especially when the graphics during gameplay are scaled back and not as sharp as that found on the 360/PS3.
Entire city sold out, had to deal with screaming kids and angry parents all day.

Hightlights: People thinking the WiiU was an apple product, or that the TV from our Demo unit was included with the system.
- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

Glad the system is out so we can finally get facts.
- 1GB day one firmware update via slow servers.
- Individual updates for every single game so they can access Miiverse.
- Slow, laggy operating system menus.
- Almost if not every 360/PS3 port has inferior visuals and/or performance to their current gen counterparts.
- GamePad and pro controllers unusable for character control in NSMBU multiplayer.
- Crashes/freezes.
- User accidentally accesses debug version of main menu.
- Another user accidentally access admin control of Miiverse, reading messages from one of the Miiverse creators/programmers.
- Nintendo IDs tied to systems, no option to transfer yet.
- Audio/video tied to HDMI or component, no option for one on either.
- TV remote control does not work with receivers. Therefore if you wish to use surround sound via HDMI, you have no TV GamePad control.

Most unbelievably mangled console launch in history.

- Cant turn off the screen on the controller AND at the same time select for the Wii U to shut itself off when a download completes.

- The disc drive spins always if there's a disc in the drive. Always.

- A 1.6 gig game (Mario) took 2 hours to download, and then took 20 (!) minutes to install.


I read several pages of this thread but not the entire thing so apologies if this has already been brought up.

When I first hooked up the Wii U, the range was ridiculous - it would start dropping if I moved it more than 1 ft away from the console. I thought I had a defective unit, but I tried moving it just a little distance away from my TV and it worked fine. It's apparently really sensitive to interference.

Also, I got this message a few screens into the initial setup. Freaked me out but I restarted it and it didn't show up again, and it's working now. Might have something to do with the terrible connection I was getting at the time.


Miiverse is surprisingly delightful, but I doubt it will stay that way for long. Social networks are always awesome when they start up but once the masses start joining soon they're nothing but noise.


Okay, seriously, what is WITH this update?! At first I didn't really care, but it's getting on my nerves now. Longest update I've ever dealt with, and it's not even halfway done.
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