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Wii U Thread - Now in HD!

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The wait for Wii U is starting to drag. With the last three big consoles, my attitude was "meh, I'll get it". But with Wii U I'm definitely stoked. It really sucks that I have so many unanswered questions. System wide Achievements/Trophies/Accomplishments? Online infrastructure? User Interface?

You're killing me, Nintendo.


The wait for Wii U is starting to drag. With the last three big consoles, my attitude was "meh, I'll get it". But with Wii U I'm definitely stoked. It really sucks that I have so many unanswered questions. System wide Achievements/Trophies/Accomplishments? Online infrastructure? User Interface?

You're killing me, Nintendo.

Just assume there's no system-wide achievements, trophies, accomplishments. And figure the online infrastructure is the same as the Wii's. Otherwise you'll probably just be disappointed.


The wait for Wii U is starting to drag. With the last three big consoles, my attitude was "meh, I'll get it". But with Wii U I'm definitely stoked. It really sucks that I have so many unanswered questions. System wide Achievements/Trophies/Accomplishments? Online infrastructure? User Interface?

You're killing me, Nintendo.

I thought it was already confirmed that there would be no system wide achievements. But devs can implement their own thing on a game by game basis.
People have been using that as a negative a lot. "You don't get it instantly, like with Wii Sports." I think this is a huge plus. Wii Sports was easy to get right off the bat because there wasn't much to it. You play tennis, you bowl a few rounds, make your way through the 9 holes in Golf and that's it (seriously, who played boxing and baseball more than a few times when it was new?). NintendoLand offers far deeper gameplay with various modes and even totally different types of traditional game types. There's third person shooting, sword-fighting, a small action-RPG/brawler, a rhythm game, skill based puzzly games and crazy weird multiplayer that rely on coordination and communication with one of them even being a stealth game. How awesome is that? Very, I tells ya!

It's baffling how anyone could call the NL art style "shitty" ... I think the game looks pretty awesome. Especially Pikmin Adventure and Zelda Battle Quest are gorgeous!

from what i've heard, Nintendo Land is as quick to 'get' as Wii Sports if we're talking about putting the controller in peoples hands. it's just not as easy to 'get' as an observer, having it explained to you, or seeing an advert on TV.

sitting down to play, it sounds like you pick up the appeal really quickly, just like with Wii Sports.
Rösti;43315763 said:
We should get more information in about a week, Reluctant-Hero. Or even earlier, if there's a Nintendo Direct broadcast.

Just wish they'd open the floodgates already.

Just assume there's no system-wide achievements, trophies, accomplishments. And figure the online infrastructure is the same as the Wii's. Otherwise you'll probably just be disappointed.

Yup, pretty much.

I thought it was already confirmed that there would be no system wide achievements. But devs can implement their own thing on a game by game basis.

I don't remember seeing anything on that. You'd think that would definitely implement it after seeing the success both Sony and MS have had with it.

Imagine an "Accomplishment" system measured in golden coins per account.


Gold Member
I thought your post was clear, Dorfdad. I don't know what's with people and making your posts out to be something they aren't. You were just saying that, for a system that a lot of people are doubting the graphical prowess of, it's not good for them to put out screenshots that make the graphics look so poor. You think the system's graphics are much better than the screenshot, and the media should be showing screenshots that reflect that so people can understand that the Wii U is able to put out good graphics.

WOW someone actually understands me here :) LOL it's all good man. I will be back stronger than ever!
Wasn't there going to be a ND sometime this week, apparently for covering info taht would become obvious after the demo units are in stores? There is still too much to go over!


I was talking with my friends today and we were talking about RROD, YLOD, and if the Wii had one (which I knew it didn't have any hardware problems) and I was like...

Me: The Wii didn't have one

Friend: Yeah...expect it has horrible games.

I gave him the evil eye lol.

Glass Joe

I thought it was already confirmed that there would be no system wide achievements. But devs can implement their own thing on a game by game basis.

Eh but that can be done on Wii and any other historic console too. Not really worth the "but" unless it can be incorporated into the OS somehow. Just quick access (not having to boot the game up) to the in-game achievements you and your buddies have would be nice, and/or high scores, local leaderboards, last level completed, % beaten, or whichever chosen metric is appropriate for the game.

Smashing Drive said:
Nintendoland seems more like Wii play. There are some fun games in there but lacks the novelty of playing Wii sports for the first time.

Yeah pretty much. Or at least I'm going to look at it like a tech demo instead of a $60 experience. Nice that it will show off the controllers and hopefully a couple of single player events will be worth some time, since I'll probably play more solo than multi. And if anything impresses, then great! If not, oh well. That's what NSMB and Zombi are for...

Wasn't there going to be a ND sometime this week, apparently for covering info taht would become obvious after the demo units are in stores? There is still too much to go over!

Just rumors out of thin air, from what I can tell. I wouldn't be surprised to see at least a mini-direct tonight, though, if only promoting that some 3DS retail games are hitting the eshop tomorrow.


I don't remember seeing anything on that. You'd think that would definitely implement it after seeing the success both Sony and MS have had with it.

Imagine an "Accomplishment" system measured in golden coins per account.

1UP: On the 3DS, when you use the StreetPass, there are those Accomplishments. Are they going to build those into Wii U games? Like Microsoft has Achievements and Sony has Trophies. Are they going to do that with Wii U games?

BT: Those are specific to StreetPass Mii Plaza. We've had stuff like that in the past, in terms of Smash Bros. Mr. Sakurai is somebody that's been really big into that. I love the way that he handles it in Kid Icarus and the Kirby games. Or Meteos, I love that game, Meteos I still carry around...

1UP: I always called it meh-TAY-ohs, I don't know why... [laughs] Is that how you're supposed to say it?

BT: You say it that way in Japanese, so that's good. I think actually, even... Wii Sports Resort, they did some similar stuff like that. We tend to do it more built into the game itself. What I think is going to be different about Wii U is that you then have the opportunity, through Miiverse, to then share that information.

1UP: Yeah. "Oh, you collected 1000 coins, you got an accomplishment." Something.

BT: Yeah. The beauty of Miiverse is that, because it's integrated into the Home button menu, if you're an outside developer, you don't necessarily have to program specifically for it. People can be playing your game, press the Home button, and be able to access Miiverse in a way that lets them post about what they're doing in your game at that point. But at the same time, if you're interested, you're able to try to build more Miiverse functionality directly into your software, into the game that you're developing. You'll see that in New Super Mario Bros. U. We've seen the world map that's got some of those Miiverse comments in there. Nintendo Land is also going to leverage Miiverse, and we'll go into more detail on how that's going to work as we get closer to launch. It's great because you can do a lot with it if you want to, or you can rely on how it's built into the system, but it's going to give you an opportunity to leverage the unique ways that developers are getting people to do those sort of accomplishment-type things in their games.


I suppose not a definite confirmation, but looks like what they are leaning towards.


1)Has anyone actually seen/played the Wii U at Best Buy demo station?

2)What ever happened to the Wii U commercials premiering tonight?


I was talking with my friends today and we were talking about RROD, YLOD, and if the Wii had one (which I knew it didn't have any hardware problems) and I was like...

Me: The Wii didn't have one

Friend: Yeah...expect it has horrible games.

I gave him the evil eye lol.

The Wii had pretty wide spread disc drive problems for us Wii-CoD players.


I was talking with my friends today and we were talking about RROD, YLOD, and if the Wii had one (which I knew it didn't have any hardware problems) and I was like...

Me: The Wii didn't have one

Friend: Yeah...expect it has horrible games.

I gave him the evil eye lol.
Early Wii models had problems with overheating when WiiConnect24 was on. The GPU messes up and leaves you with artifacts all over the screen. I had to get my near launch Wii repaired 3-5 times before I said "fuck it" and bought a new console. I know a few friends who had overheating problems too, but they never cared because the Wii just ended up going on their closet. :(


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My WiiConnect24 would cause my system to freeze constantly.
Man. I should have went with a in-store Walmart preorder and ditched by online ship to house TRU one. Anyone have some sort of rough idea how when it would get to me? Prior experience with the Wii launch maybe? I got six days off for Thanksgiving break starting the 20th.
People have been using that as a negative a lot. "You don't get it instantly, like with Wii Sports." I think this is a huge plus. Wii Sports was easy to get right off the bat because there wasn't much to it. You play tennis, you bowl a few rounds, make your way through the 9 holes in Golf and that's it (seriously, who played boxing and baseball more than a few times when it was new?). NintendoLand offers far deeper gameplay with various modes and even totally different types of traditional game types. There's third person shooting, sword-fighting, a small action-RPG/brawler, a rhythm game, skill based puzzly games and crazy weird multiplayer that rely on coordination and communication with one of them even being a stealth game. How awesome is that? Very, I tells ya!

It's baffling how anyone could call the NL art style "shitty" ... I think the game looks pretty awesome. Especially Pikmin Adventure and Zelda Battle Quest are gorgeous!
Yup, I think Nintendoland looks like a lot of fun and think it could be a great concept, it's not going to have that same wow factor that Wii Sports had, but I don't know that Nintendo are banking on that specific attraction this time around.

The visuals make me excited for Nintendo in HD - obviously elements of it are very basic, and that's part of the aesthetic (I'm not super fond of Miis either) but I think overall it looks really nice and very charming. I think it bodes well for what Nintendo games will look like when they finally make their way onto WiiU.
Nintendoland seems more like Wii play. There are some fun games in there but lacks the novelty of playing Wii sports for the first time.

Having played it, it's more like Wii Sports. In fact, I'd say its part Wii Sports, part Pacman VS or Four Swords.

I think its reception will be positive, with lots of people having fun with it over Christmas. In that sense, it will be exactly like Wii Sports in 2006... but unlike the Wii Sports games - the gameplay is far more abstract, and maybe that does make it less immediately appealing. I certainly feel as though the word of mouth will probably be good. The asynchronous gameplay is a direct descendent of the Gamecube connectivity titles; it's sort of the same idea but fleshed out.

You can't look at it and think 'hey golf / bowling / tennis, I already know how to play that' -- but I think people have a slightly altered memory of how people first perceived the Wii... even at its unveiling, a lot of people didn't really understand the appeal of it until they actually PLAYED it, or PLAYED wii sports. I think we all understood that motion-control with proper gestures had arrived and was about to hit the big time... but I think most of us underestimated how popular certain Wii games would be.

NintendoLand isn't as immediately familiar - you look at people playing it, and you think 'okay - it sort of looks like a HD version of some of the party-game software we've gotten used to on the Wii'...

But when you play it? You definitely feel the love and craft that went into it.

Mario Chase does feel like a Mario Kart 64 battle mode, but on foot and without the weapons... if you're Mario, you can look at where other players are in the environment - in the same way that you would have while playing block fort, and avoid people accordingly. You find yourself and the other players getting jittery when you approach one another (like a Mushroom Kingdom Highlander Quickening!) and your reactions begin to alert everyone else as to where you might be... its a good old fashioned game of hide and seek or 'tick' made digital.

Luigi's Ghost Mansion and Animal Crossing Sweet Day are the same idea but in reverse: the players on Wii Remotes are the hunted, and you are the hunter. In Ghost Mansion you're invisible unless the other players can communicate, figure out where you are and shine a torch on you. If you take a player out as the ghost they just drop dead on the TV, and as one of the surviving players nearby its amazing how that puts you on edge. If he takes out another player or two, you're put on edge even more - because you have to weigh up whether to protect yourself or risk losing the game by staying stationery (to revive a fallen team-mate).

Sweet Day puts a twist on that idea by introducing greed. The gamepad user controls TWO guards who are armed with a knife and fork, while the other players collect sweets and try to avoid the guards. Sweets are positioned on trees, some of which require more than one player to shake loose (you have to stand near them, capture the flag style) -- so you find yourself working with other players and endangering yourselves by moving as a pack, but then going every-man-for-himself as soon as the goodies fall from the trees. The more sweets you take, the bigger your head becomes and the slower you're able to move... you want to go for broke, survive the clock and collect as many sweets as possible, but you don't want to be the fat-headed-sucker who gets his slow ass pounced on, ending the game with absolutely nothing. You find yourself collecting loads of sweets and then chucking them away in total panic whenever you see a guard - and the feeling of satisfaction from successfully engaging a pincer movement on a fat-headed animal makes for quite a sweet day indeed! It might sound complex to some, way more complex than anything in Wii Sports - but it's not. It's visually immediate and obvious as soon as you start playing it, and it's good simple fun.

The Donkey Kong game is a whole selection of rollercoaster-type levels, made up of girders, elevators and switches. The game-clock and bananas add a bit of a collectathon element to it for high scores. The craft you have to manoeuvre has the elastic-bike-like physics of something like X-Moto/ElastoMania or Trials HD. It's infuriatingly easy to wreck yourself on the courses, but addictive too. The two game expos I have been to this year have had people competing for high scores and passers by actually stopping to watch people kill themselves just so they could react with laughter or sympathy.

For people who are maybe more capable of taking on a shooter - Metroid Blast is good fun too. I only played it once, so it's hard to say how much I'll like it in the final game - but the music alone electrifies the nostalgia synapses.

Takamaru's Ninja Castle is more like a Wii Play game, its a basic shooting gallery really - but it's alright. I wasn't too enthralled by the Zelda minigame, as it feels a lot like the swordplay showdown game in Wii Sports Resort, but with a bit of level progression thrown in (floor switches and bosses)... I haven't really played any of the other minigames.

I think it'll be a worthwhile piece of software to have on launch day, and certainly one to have around over the Christmas holiday, when you're probably more likely to have friends and family there to play it with. As I say, I think all of the games I've played have been fun, and that this will have good word of mouth with those who are able to gather a group of friends to play with...

the forever alone people (which I include myself in at any other time of year) are probably best served picking up another title instead of this or in addition to it.
Early Wii models had problems with overheating when WiiConnect24 was on. The GPU messes up and leaves you with artifacts all over the screen. I had to get my near launch Wii repaired 3-5 times before I said "fuck it" and bought a new console. I know a few friends who had overheating problems too, but they never cared because the Wii just ended up going on their closet. :(

That explains the artifacts. I've had to put up with them since I got my Wii. For this reason alone, I expect Wii games to look better on Wii U.


Think the Wii U is getting better third party support in it's launch window than the Wii ever did, and the exclusives and first party support, that could help your decision.

I'll be saving up some money, and hopefully by the 30th I'll have enough. Right now, there are 4 titles that seem fun to me.

New Super Mario Bros
Bayonetta 2
Monster Hunter

I think im also gonna play it pretty safe, and not pre-order it. Considering if I'm buying it it's gonna be the ZombiU edition, but I've already seen it in a price ranging from 360 to 400 euro's.

Kotaku review of Kid Icarus


Kotaku review of Rhythm Heaven Fever

I want to see the Wii U Menu.

We've seen it, the Miiverse. Nintendo has said it's what you see when you turn the system on, it shows all of your games and other popular games, and you can click on the games to play them. What I wonder is, can you choose a game with the Wii Remote...


We've seen it, the Miiverse. Nintendo has said it's what you see when you turn the system on, it shows all of your games and other popular games, and you can click on the games to play them. What I wonder is, can you choose a game with the Wii Remote...

That's the Miiverse menu, the other menu will have the Game section, eShop, etc on it, or at least that's what I think I heard on GAF, could be wrong.
We've seen it, the Miiverse. Nintendo has said it's what you see when you turn the system on, it shows all of your games and other popular games, and you can click on the games to play them. What I wonder is, can you choose a game with the Wii Remote...

When the Wii U starts, the television screen will show the Miiverse and the status of the Miis on Miiverse, whereas the GamePad will show the software launcher menu where games and applications can be launched from; the Miiverse view and the software launcher view can be changed between the television screen and the Wii U GamePad screen.


There's a screen on Go Nintendo with Rayman Legends

And want to play both of these games, but would think highlight launch titles.

It looks like the same demo setup they have at Nintendo World. They have scrollable game listings on the GamePad, but most only have screenshots or videos. Rayman was the only game with a demo when I visited Nintendo World. Don't be surprised if GameStop is similar.
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