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Will MS go for Sony's throat at E3 and undercut their PS4 MSRP ?


You were saying? May not be an Xbox fanboy but they're pretty delusional about XBO's massive comeback as things are right now.

On a side note, I feel a little dirty for scrummaging through someone's post history to prove a point.



if microsoft was smart, they would announce a ps4 price drop to $100. sony would then be selling a lot of consoles, but they would be losing too much to support themselves and eventually have to sell the playstation division to microsoft. then microsoft could merge the two businesses into one. naughty dog would work on gears of war, david cage could make fable, and polyphony could make project gotham racing.

64,000 posts, and not a single one worth reading.

But yeah, that was pretty good. You had me typing out a sarcastic retort for a second there.
Meh this thread has taken a turn for the worst. If it bothers you (like it does me) just completely ignore posters who spew the same stuff over and over. If I'm reading a MS thread on GAF I know exactly who's showing up to the party and I know they're going to spew vitriol and they'll have an inherently negative opinion. It seems like rather than get in a tif just ignore those posters.

On topic MS...well I was going to say Sony is King currently and thus MS can't aim for the jugular. But then I saw its almost 9 and Game of Thrones is coming on. Anything can happen. I think MS will have more games and I'll probably be happier with their showing but games won't be enough for most so they'll have to do something big.
No... I don't care.... if Sony had made good decisions with their other products we wouldn't have to even worry about the Playstation brand being under a company that can't seem to do anything right outside of make games and sell insurance

Also I own both the Xbox One and the PS4... I want both companies to be competitive all the way through and I think both will be. People who think Sony is going to revitalize into the all consuming dominant brand need to go back into their stables.

One company is going to lose 1.1 billion dollars... the other company has more cash then the first company is worth... I'll let you figure it out. There will not be a 2:1 sale ration this generation no matter how many sony ponies get out of their stables. It's also not healthy for the industry.

Man, Mr. Pheonix I can't wait to see your new movie. I loved the last one where you went completely insane and everyone was like "Whatttt?"

What happened here in Canada is that the ps4 went up 50 bucks for 450 for ps4 and 499 for x1.. I am going to wait after this summer to make my mind up.

C'mon man, that is not the truth. They are losing money on each console and now can't push firmware out the way the X is because they're making money on the console. I don't interpret sales data cause I don't have to I am not affiliated with them in that way. I buy the games and play them enjoy the shit out of them. Come here and read how my system is doomed (wii U) Sure it's doomed whatever i don't care, I don't believe it cause a piece of paper with low numbers.. The GC was doomed but I had so much fun on the system.. Just because sales are low on something doesn't mean it's a bad product.

Canada got a price raise the ps4 is more money they actually raised the price of it. That's what I am talkin about.

I think they can undercut this price point http://www.ebgames.ca/consoles/playstation-4-super-bundle-web-only/318391 it's a link to ebgames canada website

that link is the bundle this link is the system with nothing

When talking about the price of ps4 in comparison to the x1 you have to mention that the compared price points can actually fluctuate depending on your geographic location.

Man, are you that daft to not know my point? our dollar goes up and down all the time the americans buy our shit untill it goes up to there level then they back off and watch it go down then start trading like nuts again.. My point is the xboxone is the same price and comes with titan fall for 499 or u can get a ps4 with no camera no game for 449? Tell me you see a difference in value.

I believe a more secure stable environment. Or shall we all forget the PSN outage that lasted 2-3 months..

Why did sony raise their price though? If it was due to our dollar then everything should've gone up. Oh but that's right it didn't.

Shia, you're on neogaf too!? I think you're doing good work too.

good lord almighty on heaven and earth, sweet baby jesus, mary and joseph has this thread been amazing for sheer insanity


MS should just focus on MS. You could say that 'going after Sony' was a legitimate strategy for the Xbox and 360 because the PS brand was the most dominant at that time. At this stage of the Xbox brand's life it seems silly to still be caught up in those 'go for the throat' tactics (which Sony are now using - go figure)

My personal opinion is that they should do 3 things to steer the ship away from the rocks:

1 - Say the word 'games' as many times as they can, and in as many variations /// "games, gaming, game on, gamity, gamify, game of thrones, game time" etcetera. Do it in a 3-minute ramble to start off e3 right.

2 - Keep investing in educating developers in the benefits of the Xbox Live compute platform, and selling them on the benefits of using their dedicated servers to improve the quality of gaming over the internet, and creating new ways for people to find like-minded gamers to game with i.e. develop communities (the new Titanfall #hashtag matchmaking system is a fresh approach)

3 - Show some genuinely fun, unique, interesting, thought-provoking, mind-blowing, fun, 900p games

Phil Spencer rightly said (paraphrased): "The Xbox brand has to win with gamers. Even though people really enjoy snapping TV whilst playing Titanfall... if they're not playing Titanfall to begin with, the other features just don't work".

edit: Hey, a price drop would be nice


The one thing i dont get its the whole "spencer will change things you will be amused at e3" well im pretty sure he can do some good things,,but in what time? you people expect games to get out of his ass or something like that?

games ( triple aaa ones specially) takes a lot of time to made,yeah you will get halos,gears,some forza and kinect games from rare..but i dont know if thats its enough

the problem is ,microsoft have done a horrendous work with his studios and first party on general (and i dont wanna talk about their pc dev studios) meanwhile sony have really take care of that subject (even with some rocky moments like closing some of them)

so now..we are mere months to e3 and people expect microsoft to unleash a mirad of games...where? new ips? i dont have any doubt they will have a good show,but microsoft fans really expect sony to not show anything? they havent really show any or their big guns and they are very bold on that regard...microsoft played safe the last two years..sony launched one of the biggest new ips ( last of us) on the last days of the ps3

The past few years Microsoft has been building there first party studios. Not only that, in the past they've had deals with third party studios to publish games. For instance, Mass Effect was suppose to be exclusive to 360 & PC, but EA bought out Bioware. Alan Wake was exclusive, etc.

Rumors are Forza Horizons 2, Halo 2 Anniversary, and Sunset Overdrive are launching this year. Quantum Break might as well.
No because they're offering such a different product, they don't need to. Remember the Xbox One is the all in one entertainment system. You can't watch live TV on your PS4, you have to buy it's voice control/camera solution separately (add in PS+ and all of a sudden that's more $$$ than an Xbox One), and there's no groundbreaking partnership with the NFL or Steven Spielberg. Sony may have won over the "hardcore gamers" with the PS4 but MS has their sights set on a much bigger prize: the frat guys, the soccer moms and the skyping Grandmas. They're in it to win it.


On topic MS...well I was going to say Sony is King currently and thus MS can't aim for the jugular. But then I saw its almost 9 and Game of Thrones is coming on. Anything can happen.


If a television series can air an episode on time, then I guess Microsoft can turn it around?


The Xbox One is nothing like the PS3 when it launched.

It's possible that it will start to move units and catch up, but if it will be taking an entirely different path to get there.

Both were over priced and were difficult to develop/less powerful then competition, I see a trend. All it really needs is a lower price point and better games and it will be fine. Sony will prolly still win HW sales though.


No because they're offering such a different product, they don't need to. Remember the Xbox One is the all in one entertainment system. You can't watch live TV on your PS4, you have to buy it's voice control/camera solution separately (add in PS+ and all of a sudden that's more $$$ than an Xbox One), and there's no groundbreaking partnership with the NFL or Steven Spielberg. Sony may have won over the "hardcore gamers" with the PS4 but MS has their sights set on a much bigger prize: the frat guys, the soccer moms and the skyping Grandmas. They're in it to win it.

MS isn't going to get the soccer moms and the skyping grandmas at the current pricepoint. I'm not even sure whether they're a viable market to target anymore either, they're too fickle.
No because they're offering such a different product, they don't need to. Remember the Xbox One is the all in one entertainment system. You can't watch live TV on your PS4, you have to buy it's voice control/camera solution separately (add in PS+ and all of a sudden that's more $$$ than an Xbox One), and there's no groundbreaking partnership with the NFL or Steven Spielberg. Sony may have won over the "hardcore gamers" with the PS4 but MS has their sights set on a much bigger prize: the frat guys, the soccer moms and the skyping Grandmas. They're in it to win it.

Not sure if serious... I don't think you are but I've been fooled before.


No because they're offering such a different product, they don't need to. Remember the Xbox One is the all in one entertainment system. You can't watch live TV on your PS4, you have to buy it's voice control/camera solution separately (add in PS+ and all of a sudden that's more $$$ than an Xbox One), and there's no groundbreaking partnership with the NFL or Steven Spielberg. Sony may have won over the "hardcore gamers" with the PS4 but MS has their sights set on a much bigger prize: the frat guys, the soccer moms and the skyping Grandmas. They're in it to win it.

I'm pretty sure smart TVs already do everything you just mentioned. The problem with the Xbox One is that they have no market they're appealing to. The "All-in-One" entertainment box idea was doomed from the start.

Why would you buy an Xbox One for multimedia purposes when there's a Smart TV, Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Chromecast, Laptop, or cable box that can do the exact same things for much cheaper? Hell, a Chromecast is only $30. I can watch the NFL on my TV, and stream those Spielberg episodes once someone inevitably uploads them to the internet. Just because someone has an idea for a product doesn't mean that competitors will automatically go along with it. I remember an interview that said Comcast would rather make their own games console than partner with Microsoft.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Skyping grandmas would be too interested in Halo and NFL.

If a television series can air an episode on time, then I guess Microsoft can turn it around?

Wut? No the point I was making is that crazy stuff happens on the show all the time. Also they are vying for the throne and this is the console war.

Also I won't spoil but that episode was exemplary of that.
MS isn't going to get the soccer moms and the skyping grandmas at the current pricepoint. I'm not even sure whether they're a viable market to target anymore either, they're too fickle.

Not sure if serious... I don't think you are but I've been fooled before.

I'm pretty sure smart TVs already do everything you just mentioned. The problem with the Xbox One is that they have no market they're appealing to. The "All-in-One" entertainment box idea was doomed from the start.

Why would you buy an Xbox One for multimedia purposes when there's a Smart TV, Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Chromecast, Laptop, or cable box that can do the exact same things for much cheaper? Hell, a Chromecast is only $30. I can watch the NFL on my TV, and stream those Spielberg episodes once someone inevitably uploads them to the internet. Just because someone has an idea for a product doesn't mean that competitors will automatically go along with it. I remember an interview that said Comcast would rather make their own games console than partner with Microsoft.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Skyping grandmas would be too interested in Halo and NFL.

You best start believin' in troll threads guys...

You're in one.


One company is going to lose 1.1 billion dollars... the other company has more cash then the first company is worth... I'll let you figure it out. There will not be a 2:1 sale ration this generation no matter how many sony ponies get out of their stables. It's also not healthy for the industry.

This post reads like the misterX comment section...


I'm pretty sure smart TVs already do everything you just mentioned. The problem with the Xbox One is that they have no market they're appealing to. The "All-in-One" entertainment box idea was doomed from the start.

Why would you buy an Xbox One for multimedia purposes when there's a Smart TV, Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Chromecast, Laptop, or cable box that can do the exact same things for much cheaper? Hell, a Chromecast is only $30. I can watch the NFL on my TV, and stream those Spielberg episodes once someone inevitably uploads them to the internet. Just because someone has an idea for a product doesn't mean that competitors will automatically go along with it. I remember an interview that said Comcast would rather make their own games console than partner with Microsoft.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Skyping grandmas would be too interested in Halo and NFL.

LOL. This thread is hilarious.
No way. They haven't even offered a kinectless SKU for $399.99 after all that pressure to do since E3 and you think they'll undercut that price? They've lost enough money on the Xbox already.


Neo Member
At this point, I do wish that they'd drop the Kinect. I understood them not wanting to split the install base between Kinect owners and non-Kinect owners for developers, but they've yet to release or announce anything tantalizing that takes advantage of the tech. If they don't announce a price drop or a Kinect-free Xbone at E3, we'll probably see the opposite, i.e. Microsoft hyping up the Kinect and announcing a bunch of motion- and voice-controlled titles. Like we've seen, the Xbone sales have been solid, even if lower than the PS4's, so maybe they're confident that they can push this Kinect experiment a while longer to see if anything sticks. Considering it's only been five months, it does seem premature to pull the plug before even using E3 to really push new, Kinect-oriented software.


Sony's worth about 20 billion dollars right now... Microsoft has 30ish in the bank. Microsoft is a healthy company and their competitors are unhealthy... the likely hood of Sony being able to push into a 2:1 lead over the length of this generation is really really really unlikely

One thing that Microsoft has proved over the years is that they're generally very bad at competing on a level playing field. See: phones, tablets, music devices, search. Now that they don't have an insurmountable advantage over Sony (in price, power, first party studios or release date), where does this comeback come from, precisely? Don't say money. They can't justify pouring money down a sinkhole forever.
I'm pretty sure smart TVs already do everything you just mentioned. The problem with the Xbox One is that they have no market they're appealing to. The "All-in-One" entertainment box idea was doomed from the start.

Why would you buy an Xbox One for multimedia purposes when there's a Smart TV, Apple TV, Roku, Fire TV, Chromecast, Laptop, or cable box that can do the exact same things for much cheaper? Hell, a Chromecast is only $30. I can watch the NFL on my TV, and stream those Spielberg episodes once someone inevitably uploads them to the internet. Just because someone has an idea for a product doesn't mean that competitors will automatically go along with it. I remember an interview that said Comcast would rather make their own games console than partner with Microsoft.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think Skyping grandmas would be too interested in Halo and NFL.




For those who don't know, s/he was doing a parody of something Adam Sessler said.

Sessler actually left out the XBL Gold cost, which is mandatory for entertainment apps on the platform, and put a live TV as a selling point for a console? SMH


No because they're offering such a different product, they don't need to. Remember the Xbox One is the all in one entertainment system. You can't watch live TV on your PS4, you have to buy it's voice control/camera solution separately (add in PS+ and all of a sudden that's more $$$ than an Xbox One), and there's no groundbreaking partnership with the NFL or Steven Spielberg. Sony may have won over the "hardcore gamers" with the PS4 but MS has their sights set on a much bigger prize: the frat guys, the soccer moms and the skyping Grandmas. They're in it to win it.

This may be one of the greatest posts of all time!


No because they're offering such a different product, they don't need to. Remember the Xbox One is the all in one entertainment system. You can't watch live TV on your PS4, you have to buy it's voice control/camera solution separately (add in PS+ and all of a sudden that's more $$$ than an Xbox One), and there's no groundbreaking partnership with the NFL or Steven Spielberg. Sony may have won over the "hardcore gamers" with the PS4 but MS has their sights set on a much bigger prize: the frat guys, the soccer moms and the skyping Grandmas. They're in it to win it.

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