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Winter 2012 Anime Thread 2.22: You Can (Not) Outpost Cajunator

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Rinne no Lagrange 12

Well, they've left plenty of plot threads for season 2 this July, the biggest new ones being
why the hell Asteria has a Memoria mark and what that space-beach represented
. Will be interesting to see how the season premiere picks up from where this left off.

Also, Rasmeg Duo is awesome.

e: oh yeah, I should also mention that a few parts of this episode were super yuri, for what it's worth.
The Bodaciously Gnarly Pirates from Outer Space 12

A strange show where nothing seems to happen and yet I'm captivated. When they entered the
Golden Ghost Space Sausage
I thought we were going to have a series of exploration episodes. Nope, just gliding through corridors and doors opening. Then bish bash bosh it was over.

I will still watch it next week.

I thought what was shown was pretty nice and sci fy especially with the minor details of the air quality etc. I was only disappointed that there was
no treasure and ultimately no pirating :(


Tokyo Anime Fair 2012 total attendance figures:

Attendees - 98,241 (2012) vs 130,968 (2010) - 25% drop
Press - 682 (2012) vs 1,524 (2010) - 55% drop

Ishihara stabbed in the heart by Aniplex. Attendance figures for ACE next weekend will be really interesting.


Maturity, bitches.
I thought what was shown was pretty nice and sci fy especially with the minor details of the air quality etc. I was only disappointed that there was
no treasure and ultimately no pirating :(

I didn't mind the little details and that they actually talked about what they were doing. We had such a long lead up to this episode it felt a bit odd that it was over before you had time to blink.


NTHT Ep.09

I know exactly where this setup is going...
The show wouldn't introduce this happy-go-lucky village unless it was planning on destroying it.

NTHT Ep.10

Hah! Some Miyazaki shit going on up in this.


wtf is with these shows and a season break in the middle of it's dual season length.

At least I'm prepared for it this time, unlike Fate Zero, that was a drop kick in the nuts.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Tokyo Anime Fair 2012 total attendance figures:

Attendees - 98,241 (2012) vs 130,968 (2010) - 25% drop
Press - 682 (2012) vs 1,524 (2010) - 55% drop

Ishihara stabbed in the heart by Aniplex. Attendance figures for ACE next weekend will be really interesting.

Anime on life support.


NTHT Ep.11


Sara doesn't warn everyone, I'm going to go insane.
I thought what was shown was pretty nice and sci fy especially with the minor details of the air quality etc. I was only disappointed that there was
no treasure and ultimately no pirating :(

The little details do lead to weird scenes like how they can easily remove their helmets like they were paper bags or something.

It's like if you tripped, your helmets would flop off =/

And the camera does like Space Usagi's bottom.


The Light of El Cantare
I think the most important picture here is the shot of the Precure stage...

fucking unholy. but at least Toei is admitting how heavily they're pandering to otaku with Smile, hah.

edit: didn't notice that the entire crowd around that display was little girls. My point still stands!

I know Mad Pierrot is hidden in the audience cheering on March!

Right character, wrong dimension!

Bring the eels.


Now! and Then!, Here! and There! The end


No, No, no, NO, NO!, NO!! NO!!!

Why wait this fucking long? Fuck all the countless amounts of people suffering, being murdered, tortured, raped, fuck all of them. They don't count for shit as long as Shu isn't being hurt.

hate your existence so much, yet you keep on keeping on just so what? more people will kill over you?

I was already so
fucking sick and tired of the king surviving everything, but to have Abelia FINALLY, FUCKING FINALLY, let him die,
it makes me so mad!

Forget the fact that Lala Ru could have
stopped this at any point in time, they can fucking travel between dimensions and bring back anything they wanted! Food, water, cotton candy for all I care, Why not do that!? Why?!

This whole show was so pointless. I'm glad some people like it, but I really didn't care for it.

Ugh, fuck this.

I should have listened to Hito.


The Light of El Cantare
Another 09:

They find Matsunaga's "secret" only for it to be a cassette that breaks right before the solution to stopping the deaths?
Everyone's getting trolled so badly. You just know that
the student that they handed the tape off to for repair is going to die horribly

Also, remind me never to
drive on cliffside roads
if I'm ever in Japan because
guard rails apparently don't serve their purpose
Another 09:

They find Matsunaga's "secret" only for it to be a cassette that breaks right before the solution to stopping the deaths?
Everyone's getting trolled so badly. You just know that
the student that they handed the tape off to for repair is going to die horribly

Also, remind me never to
drive on cliffside roads
if I'm ever in Japan because
guard rails apparently don't serve their purpose

Mochizuki is also one of my favorites. I think that
cliff one and the computer one were the most shocking since the first few episodes


Subete no aware
Rinne 12

So, as expected, lots of yuri
. I'm glad it didn't disappoint in that respect.

Also, the end when Madoka becomes a
karuta reader
was cute since it was such a random reference to another anime.

As for the actual show itself... I suppose I'm happy that they did the anti-Fate/Zero thing and ended the first season in a way that just didn't scream
at you.

I expect with the second half of the split cour they'll get a chance to
reset everyone
anyway, which could take the show in an interesting direction.


Rinne no Lagrange - 12

Wow that's a looot of yuri.

And I lost it at that random Karuta match. See people it is a sport.

So glad they ended the first half of the split season in a way where I'm not on my tenderhooks for a whole season (F U Fate Zero... just F U *flips*).


Sailor Moon R 77

77 is a welcomed return to form after 76 which I assume is SM's version of Doan's Island minus the whole being cut out of the series thing.
I was actualy glad to see this episode's title. Fated lovers held apart is something that drives me crazy.
I thought Emeraude might be a little more well-rounded after her trolling of Rubeus but she's very much a caricature so far. I keep wondering when they started having the monster of the week pick up a verbal tic too. It first stood out to me with the female ninja that kept saying,"Ban." but I've no idea if it started sooner. I prefer when they're silent or overly verbose like this ep's Droid was.

Sailor Moon R 78

Oh. My. God. Minako was the best especially trying to use the cassette player. I think this is the sort of episode I'd been waiting for: one to highlight Minako. Definitely one of the funniest thus far too. I think this was more how i wanted the last Minako-centric episode to be handled. If Mamoru/Usagi were necessary, add them but sparingly while sharing the spotlight even if it's to highlight comedic clumsiness.

Sailor Moon R 79

Artemis-centric episode was such a great choice to follow up the Venus episode. Poor guy just wants to prove himself and he can't catch a break because Luna is so mean. It was a nice touch using their big dramatic musical cue when Luna & Artemis were surrounded though. I'm just so glad episodes like this and the previous exist because with this many episodes, there's plenty of time to share the spotlight. More great comedy even if it did come at Artemis' expense.


Sailor Moon R 80

Is it me or is Esmeraude's laugh actually increasing in volume with each use? Perfect how Usagi shatters that illusion too. Tuxedo Mask jobbed for that Droid pretty hard; I don't even see why he showed up beyond tradition.

Sailor Moon R 81

That schoolyard brawl was awesome. If there's one thing I enjoy about the Dark Moon stuff vs the Dark Kingdom or An/Eiru is just how corrupting Dark Power is when unleashed. This plan was the one Esmaraude should have used to begin with though. Chiral and Achiral brought a wonderfully oppressive atmosphere with them that's been missed.
Ending the ep with the intent to head to the future and presumably wrap things up in the next 8 episodes is a nice break point for me today. This looks to be handled far better than the episode 44 infodump to prepare for the end as was in the first series.



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Tomorrow's monday! Which means it'll be Ano Natsu day! :D

But it'll also be the last Ano Natsu day. ;_;

It's so weird anticipating the last episode of this show when I pretty much know how it's going to end. At least I'm pretty sure I do. But I still want to see it, in case there are any little surprises awaiting me. :D


Subete no aware
Tomorrow's monday! Which means it'll be Ano Natsu day! :D

But it'll also be the last Ano Natsu day. ;_;

It's so weird anticipating the last episode of this show when I pretty much know how it's going to end. At least I'm pretty sure I do. But I still want to see it, in case there are any little surprises awaiting me. :D

I think the best troll/wtf ending would be that the entire anime was the movie that they've been making all along. lol


Smile Precure 8

"Candy was trying her best." No she wasn't, she's a complete moron, but this is a kid's show so we can't actually say so.
Cure Candy was kind of funny in a ridiculous way though so I guess I should give them some credit for that.

Anyway next episode is a Yayoi focused episode so it should easily make up for this week.


The Light of El Cantare
Another 10:


Mei was able to tell who the extra student was THE ENTIRE TIME and didn't bother to mention this until students are dropping like flies? That "didn't think it would change anything" excuse doesn't cut it, and "I don't like removing my eyepatch at school" was even worse. She knows full well how desperately Kouichi and the others have been searching for a way to stop the deaths and yet she somehow thinks that HAVING A POWER DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE CAUSE OF THE DEATHS ISN'T WORTH SHARING? FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

I mean, at this point I have no particular reason to believe that
Mei has any secret motivation NOT to stop the deaths--the revelation that her twin sister was actually the first victim is probably proof enough of this. But this show is really going overboard in making people clam up over important details that any sane person would share immediately. I really hope that Kouichi and the others just man up and kill the extra student while they're at the resort and let that be the end of it

Totally not getting that scene at the beginning of the episode, though.
Kouichi and Countermeasures-chan met at some previous point? Uhhh......


Another 10:


Mei was able to tell who the extra student was THE ENTIRE TIME and didn't bother to mention this until students are dropping like flies? That "didn't think it would change anything" excuse doesn't cut it, and "I don't like removing my eyepatch at school" was even worse. She knows full well how desperately Kouichi and the others have been searching for a way to stop the deaths and yet she somehow thinks that HAVING A POWER DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE CAUSE OF THE DEATHS ISN'T WORTH SHARING? FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

I mean, at this point I have no particular reason to believe that
Mei has any secret motivation NOT to stop the deaths--the revelation that her twin sister was actually the first victim is probably proof enough of this. But this show is really going overboard in making people clam up over important details that any sane person would share immediately. I really hope that Kouichi and the others just man up and kill the extra student while they're at the resort and let that be the end of it

Totally not getting that scene at the beginning of the episode, though.
Kouichi and Countermeasures-chan met at some previous point? Uhhh......

When you finish episode 11, you should look for my review of it.


Ano Natsu 11

Kaito, Ichika and the rest of the crew had failed. With the van toppled on its side and its inhabitants injured, the Federation had finally captured Ichika and returned her to her home planet.

And so it began. Kaito, so driven to embrace his alien love once more, studied for years and years. He traveled across the globe, trying to understand everything he could about what humanity had learned regarding flight. Finally able to settle in the United States with engineering degree in hand from Tokyo University, he joined the people of NASA, running countless tests, experiments and trials. Even with all the resources of the federal government at his disposal, it seemed all hope was lost. Mankind was truly behind and no one knew that more than Kaito. Each day, Ichika's warm touch grew cold. The memory of her red hair continued to fade from Kaito's mind. He reached into a box of his old belongings and withdrew the camera he had used to film. Those bright, summer days of his youth were still imprinted on that film. He stared at it longingly and knew Ichika was gone for good. He wept on his desk at this realization. He cried and wailed, knocking everything off his desk in single swipe... until... it had clicked inside of him. The idea he needed finally came to his mind. He ran back to the NASA offices, pajamas fluttering in the cool late night breeze, with a renewed sense of purpose. He drew up a blueprint and put every engineer to work. The tests checked out. The experiments went according to plan. The trials were successful. Kaito smiled to himself and removed his glasses as a single tear ran down his cheek and onto his notes. He alone had finally found a way to travel across the galaxy to get to his love. His one invention would change the human race as we knew it. His invention became known as... the
Mass Effect

*cue Faunts*

Chihayafuru 24

This is how it ends?
With the audience watching Chihaya and the club be the audience?
Not like this. Not like this.

Another 11

-Hmmm, these people aren't taking
the fire
as seriously as they should be.
"Do you think we should call the police?", "No, there may be a dead guy in the dining hall that's also on fire and there may be a classmate of ours that you just tried to murder wandering the halls, but no, we cannot call the police until we know our teacher is okay."
Why is Sakakibara/Misaki's first inclination to run deeper into the hallways when everyone comes out to confront Misaki? (rhetorical question) The exit was right behind you guys!

Listen to me, Girls! 11

I'm sorry I ever said this show had potential. The past few episodes have been much better than the first half of the show though. The creeper hasn't shown his face and we're finally getting a closer look at the girl's perspective. I'll admit this much,
I don't have a problem with Sora having the hots for Yuuta who she never really knew in the first place and is only 5-years older than her.


sealed with a kiss
Another 10:


Mei was able to tell who the extra student was THE ENTIRE TIME and didn't bother to mention this until students are dropping like flies? That "didn't think it would change anything" excuse doesn't cut it, and "I don't like removing my eyepatch at school" was even worse. She knows full well how desperately Kouichi and the others have been searching for a way to stop the deaths and yet she somehow thinks that HAVING A POWER DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE CAUSE OF THE DEATHS ISN'T WORTH SHARING? FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU-

I mean, at this point I have no particular reason to believe that
Mei has any secret motivation NOT to stop the deaths--the revelation that her twin sister was actually the first victim is probably proof enough of this. But this show is really going overboard in making people clam up over important details that any sane person would share immediately. I really hope that Kouichi and the others just man up and kill the extra student while they're at the resort and let that be the end of it

Totally not getting that scene at the beginning of the episode, though.
Kouichi and Countermeasures-chan met at some previous point? Uhhh......

I am quite surprised by all these reactions to Another, since to me it was quite obvious from the first episode
that Another was going to be Plot Contrivances: The Anime.
Ano Natsu 11

Kaito, Ichika and the rest of the crew had failed. With the van toppled on its side and its inhabitants injured, the Federation had finally captured Ichika and returned her to her home planet.

And so it began. Kaito, so driven to embrace his alien love once more, studied for years and years. He traveled across the globe, trying to understand everything he could about what humanity had learned regarding flight. Finally able to settle in the United States with engineering degree in hand from Tokyo University, he joined the people of NASA, running countless tests, experiments and trials. Even with all the resources of the federal government at his disposal, it seemed all hope was lost. Mankind was truly behind and no one knew that more than Kaito. Each day, Ichika's warm touch grew cold. The memory of her red hair continued to fade from Kaito's mind. He reached into a box of his old belongings and withdrew the camera he had used to film. Those bright, summer days of his youth were still imprinted on that film. He stared at it longingly and knew Ichika was gone for good. He wept on his desk at this realization. He cried and wailed, knocking everything off his desk in single swipe... until... it had clicked inside of him. The idea he needed finally came to his mind. He ran back to the NASA offices, pajamas fluttering in the cool late night breeze, with a renewed sense of purpose. He drew up a blueprint and put every engineer to work. The tests checked out. The experiments went according to plan. The trials were successful. Kaito smiled to himself and removed his glasses as a single tear ran down his cheek and onto his notes. He alone had finally found a way to travel across the galaxy to get to his love. His one invention would change the human race as we knew it. His invention became known as... the
Mass Effect

*cue Faunts*

I hate you... so much right now.


Maturity, bitches.
Another 11

-Hmmm, these people aren't taking
the fire
as seriously as they should be.
"Do you think we should call the police?", "No, there may be a dead guy in the dining hall that's also on fire and there may be a classmate of ours that you just tried to murder wandering the halls, but no, we cannot call the police until we know our teacher is okay."
Why is Sakakibara/Misaki's first inclination to run deeper into the hallways when everyone comes out to confront Misaki? (rhetorical question) The exit was right behind you guys!

I thought the phonelines were dead. Though I am surprised more people didn't evacuate the building which is standard procedure when there is a fire.
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