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Wired editor Ryan Singel: Cyclists are the n*****s of the road

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Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
And I bet most of those hypocrites in this thread get just as annoyed when a cyclist causes a ten car piel-up in front of them when they're in their cozy cars. But on GAF, it's time to be all self-righteous.

You speak like all car accidents are a cyclists' fault day in day out. I would love for you to provide proof of this happening.


Oh, another one cool with death. Alright, then.

I'm not cool with death. I mean, they'd have my sympathy, and I'm sure the other dude was being hyperbolic in his post. I don't enjoy seeing anyone get hurt. But I definitely agree with his post in that cyclists are hella annoying. The only bigger nuisance on the the road is rubber-neckers.


You speak like all car accidents are a cyclists' fault day in day out. I would love for you to provide proof of this happening.

I would like to see proof of just one ten car pile up that was caused by a cyclist. It sounds incredibly unlikely in my experiences of what happens in car+bike accidents.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
You are the Golden Cyclist then, because I think a lot of people are treated awful when bicycling on the roads.

Bike Snob NYC wrote it best, in his book The Enlightened Cyclist, how drivers see cyclists (if they don't ride themselves):

  • Rolling inconveniences who use the roads without paying enough,
  • Irritatingly smug "wussy" liberal eco-warrioirs who may or may not be homosexuals,
  • Overgrown children who belong on the sidewalk,
  • Adrenaline junkie bike messangers with esoteric body piercings who sleep on bare mattresses and live in loft apartments without heat and with lots of roommates,
  • Some variation on the old "Spandex-clad Lance Armstrong wannabe" slur.

I generally find this to be true, especially on here when it comes to people who do not bike and are telling people they don't pay for the roads, get on the sidewalk, etc.

They left out the biggest % of bike riders in my 'hood.

Drunks who lost their license from 1 too many DUI's who ride bikes that aren't fit to them and are usually drunk and driving to the Plaid Pantry to get more malt liquor.

They never wear bike attire, nor a helmet.


It's legal to cycle in the road.

I get it.

I would never actually commute that way though. No matter what the legality is, I don't think it's practical whatsoever, and I do think it's rude to the cars.

I don't get why it's so shocking to cyclists that car drivers are annoyed by them.

And beyond that, MANY cyclists do things that are hugely aggravating. And do appear to not be commuting, but just enjoying a HOBBY or EXERCISE at the expense of people attempting to commute.

My biggest pet peave of all is when a cyclist gets into the lane beside me, when I have my blinker on.. indicating that I am TURNING. They sit right in my way, blocking my "free turn on red when clear".. they are either too stupid to realize what they are doing, or just a total dick.

Beyond the fact that it's just dangerous.. when I am sitting at a red light getting ready to turn, how is it in any way reasonable to expect me to have to watch for a bicyclists who might RUDELY weave through traffic to completely get in my way?

That's my biggest gripe overall.. cyclists take all of these shortcuts.. they are very often in the cars way, in a way that the cars are NEVER in there way.. it's not really a "sharing" situation overall.. cars aren't making cyclists commute longer in any way beyond how any car might make another cars commute long.

Yet cyclists OFTEN make people's commute longer because they are simply.. in the way.. going 20 miles under the speed limit.. getting in the way of turn lanes.. causing people to miss lights, etc.

These are just facts. And I'd never cycle on the road because of these facts, even if it's legal.

I also don't get irrationally angry about it.. but I'm not going to sit around and pretend cyclists aren't fairly rude.

If you're in California, we have this thing where cars are supposed to "merge" into the bike lane before a right turn, at which point any bicyclist that still attempts to weave through your right is by legal definition, an asshole.


They left out the biggest % of bike riders in my 'hood.

Drunks who lost their license from 1 too many DUI's who ride bikes that aren't fit to them and are usually drunk and driving to the Plaid Pantry to get more malt liquor.

They never wear bike attire, nor a helmet.

I almost got into an accident because a drunk bicyclist came onto a four lane road and started doing circles across all four lanes. It was raining too. Thankfully, there was no traffic, but it was still difficult to avoid him, as his patterns were unpredictable.

Of course not, then they might have been able to move out of the way before you ran them down.

I'm a killer now?


If you're in California, we have this thing where cars are supposed to "merge" into the bike lane before a right turn, at which point any bicyclist that still attempts to weave through your right is by legal definition, an asshole.

Yeah, but if they go to the left, then they are over in the lane, and are assholes. If they stop they are taking the lane, and are assholes.

Basically cyclists are assholes.

I'm a killer now?

I was joking, but you don't really seem all that concerned about their safety, more concerned about you being delayed a couple seconds.


I'm not cool with death. I mean, they'd have my sympathy, and I'm sure the other dude was being hyperbolic in his post. I don't enjoy seeing anyone get hurt. But I definitely agree with his post in that cyclists are hella annoying. The only bigger nuisance on the the road is rubber-neckers.
You know what's annoying (and dangerous) to bikes? Cars.


He should have went with assholes.

Bicyclists are pretty huge assholes. I say that as a pedestrian commuter of NYC.

Seriously. I've seen bikers get into the running lane at parks and throw a fit when they almost run someone over and are completely at fault. They come silently barreling from behind or from the side, barging through pedestrians who have the right of way and then get a huge attitude when anyone impedes them.
Seriously. I've seen bikers get into the running lane at parks and throw a fit when they almost run someone over and are completely at fault. They come silently barreling from behind or from the side, barging through pedestrians who have the right of way and then get a huge attitude when anyone impedes them.
This applies to anyone with any mode of transportation, really.


Wut? I don't think you understand what he is saying.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought he was trying to insinuate that bicyclists would be frowned upon even if they don't try to pass on the right of an automobile that has merged into a bike lane.

EDIT: Ah, I see what you mean, but why would a driver be upset about a bicyclist occupying a bike lane behind him?


I started to lose my patience with cyclists when they built these new bike lanes in some places in the area. Lanes roughly as large as car lanes specifically for cyclists, fresh tarmac and all, pothole free, but for months they refused to use them and just held up all the traffic (which was reduced to one lane because of the new bike only lane). That shit annoyed the fuck out of me.

They use the bike lane now, I dont know why they didn't for months after it was completed, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't pretty ticked off during that time.


Seriously. I've seen bikers get into the running lane at parks and throw a fit when they almost run someone over and are completely at fault. They come silently barreling from behind or from the side, barging through pedestrians who have the right of way and then get a huge attitude when anyone impedes them.

This is why I don't ride on MUPs, they are for slow speed riders.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought he was trying to insinuate that bicyclists would be frowned upon even if they don't try to pass on the right of an automobile that has merged into a bike lane.

One of the options was stopping?!

I started to lose my patience with cyclists when they built these new bike lanes in some places in the area. Lanes roughly as large as car lanes specifically for cyclists, fresh tarmac and all, pothole free, but for months they refused to use them and just held up all the traffic (which was reduced to one lane because of the new bike only lane). That shit annoyed the fuck out of me.

They use the bike lane now, I dont know why they didn't for months after it was completed, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't pretty ticked off during that time.

You probably have right to be, although you shouldn't use that experience to apply to all cyclists.


Yes, death to cyclists. Now we are getting somewhere.

Nope. I don't want to see anyone get hurt, and maybe my sympathy comment was a little harsh.

This happened in my city a couple of months ago:


57 year old man killed on his bike while riding down one of the busiest streets in the city right at one of the busiest times. This guy was a father and a grandfather and by all accounts was a good person.

I just cannot understand the mindset of someone who thinks its a good idea to travel down this road at this time on a bicycle unless you have no choice. That wasn't the case for this guy because he was ou riding for exercise, which he did every day. The road is right in front of the mall and every major restaurant is out there. It's a packed 4 lane street with no shoulders and small turning lanes.

The person that hit him was a 19 year old kid, and my guess is that the kid plowed into the back of him while texting. With crap like this that happens every day in some major city in the U.S., why would someone do this? Hell, I barely feel safe in my own vehicle out on the road because every other person that drives by you has their head down in the texting position.

Btw, I also ride a bike for exercise, but you'll never catch me on a major highway. I always go to designated bike trails or roads with designated bike lanes. I do it for my own safety and to not inconvenience everyone else out on the road.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
But if cyclist stops, he's stopping behind a car turning right that's already stopped. Therefore not assholes. Flaw in that guy's post.

He meant if the cyclists got to the light first and was waiting for the light to change when a car wanting to turn right comes up behind his after he is already at a stop.


The traffic laws are in place to accomodate both cars and bikes, it's just that few know or follow them. That includes both drivers and bikers.

Considering how much road rage I receive, I'm sure most drivers do not know that it's illegal for me to ride on the sidewalk. And rarely do they do a proper signalled full lane pass. Any accident or injury is almost always caused by failure to follow the traffic laws.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Drivers have their fair share of asshole behavior thats still strictly legal. You know whats terifying as a cyclist? Someone pulling up to a perpendicular intersection who only hits the brakes five feet from the crossing. Riding with traffic is a constant terrifying game of "did he see me? Oh shit, I don't know if he saw me" and its absolutely harrowing worrying that the person currently pulling up to the intersection at 20mph hasn't seen you and is going to plough into you. I already ranted about four way stops on the last page but that's another one I have to deal with seemingly every single day. And of course if as a cyclist you cut across traffic to get into the left turn lane because, you know, you have to make a left turn, then you're suddenly now an asshole for following the rules of the road.


yea...an editor of a big time blog is reduced to using racial epithets to describe is frustration about cyclists. So that's the apex of his vocabulary huh? Tells me a lot about him...

You should peruse the thread a little and then brush up on your reading comprehension. He wasn't describing his frustration with cyclists.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Btw, I also ride a bike for exercise, but you'll never catch me on a major highway. I always go to designated bike trails or roads with designated bike lanes. I do it for my own safety and to not inconvenience everyone else out on the road.

This whole discussion has not been just about riders on highways you know, it has been about any city streets. And the whole don't inconvenience me shit is so contrived.


But if cyclist stops, he's stopping behind a car turning right that's already stopped. Therefore not assholes. Flaw in that guy's post.

If I'm in the lane I'm not on the sidewalk, and therefore an asshole.

Why not get a scooter? And for riding joys, get a mountain bike and go ride through a trail?

Because then I wouldn't have my massive quads. Not as much of a sense of speed on a mountain bike, and I use my bike to commute.


I'm starting to think everyone who gets a driver's license should be forced to start with a motorcycle or a moped license.

First, it is way to easy too get a driver's license in this country, and secondly people seem to have no concept of how their behavior affects other people on the road. After people see first hand how vulnerable cyclists and motorcyclists are on the road, they should be a bit less angry about being slightly inconvenienced.
Why not get a scooter? And for riding joys, get a mountain bike and go ride through a trail?
Bikes are cheap, you get exercise, and you can get where you want just as fast as in a car.

It's interesting how many of your arguments come from positions of privilege and deal with class and social issues. It's making this Wired dude's Twitter thing strangely relevant, despite his terrible choice of words.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Why not get a scooter? And for riding joys, get a mountain bike and go ride through a trail?

Because I want to ride my bike to work and do not want to have to pay for insurance on a scooter or the gas? And I do not like riding on trails as much as riding around on the street.

I go places on my bike, I don't just do it for exercise.
OK, I get it he was saying cyclists are treated like the downtrodden, lowest caste of road users?

Still an incredibly stupid thing to say, how can you not realise this would be jumped on immediately. People in the public eye + Twitter is a real leveller, and he's editor for Wired too? Ha!


Bikes are cheap, you get exercise, and you can get where you want just as fast as in a car.

It's interesting how many of your arguments come from positions of privilege and deal with class and social issues. It's making this Wired dude's Twitter thing strangely relevant, despite his terrible choice of words.

If I was privileged, I'd get a chauffeur.


Btw, you can get a scooter for as low as $500, the cost of gas for them is negligible, and you'll get around much faster than on a bike and piss off way less motorists.
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