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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!

First thing, enter vt_useCudaTranscode "1" in the console. Just do it.

r_multisamples "X" for MSAA

Put Max PPF at 16. Screen Space Reflections takes up an insane amount of juice just to make reflections in the water look better (lol), so you should probably just turn that shit off.

Picked up the PC version (double dip) and I'm just curious as to what the Cuda Transcode and Max PPF do/are related to?


Picked up the PC version (double dip) and I'm just curious as to what the Cuda Transcode and Max PPF do/are related to?

CUDA transcode is a GPGPU feature. Enabling it will use your NVIDIA GPU to convert the textures from the format used for storage on your disk, to the format used when held in GPU VRAM. This is a process that a GPU is much better suited for than a CPU.

Maxppf sets the maximum number of pages per frame that the virtual texturing system tries to process. Too few or too many and you will see the textures loading as you move through the environment.

You should also have your virtual texture cache on the fastest storage available. Use the command fs_cachepath in the console or in wolfconfig.cfg. If your C: partition is on your fastest storage, then the game's default cache location is optimal. There's a lot of information in the PC performance thread.

CUDA transcode is a GPGPU feature. Enabling it will use your NVIDIA GPU to covert the textures from the format used for storage on your disk, to the format used when held in GPU VRAM. This is a process that a GPU is much better suited for than a CPU.

Maxppf sets the maximum number of pages per frame that the virtual texturing system tries to process. Too few or too many and you will see the textures loading as you move through the environment.

Ah cool, thanks for the info.


It's good ol Bubi

This scene is when I knew this game was special.
Well that and seeing Deathead smile at you through the glass and the following cutscene.

Was not expecting to care about the plot in this game, but the storytelling and characters are great.


We need a sequel

Man for someone who was developed much more by gameplay and one-liners than the cutscesnes, BJ was an awesome character. Would be nice if he somehow made it but any sequel should star Anya and her group


Would pay any price for any DLC. Loved the game but can't motivate myself to go back and try to find everything. Need more story!


CUDA transcode is a GPGPU feature. Enabling it will use your NVIDIA GPU to convert the textures from the format used for storage on your disk, to the format used when held in GPU VRAM. This is a process that a GPU is much better suited for than a CPU.

Maxppf sets the maximum number of pages per frame that the virtual texturing system tries to process. Too few or too many and you will see the textures loading as you move through the environment.

You should also have your virtual texture cache on the fastest storage available. Use the command fs_cachepath in the console or in wolfconfig.cfg. If your C: partition is on your fastest storage, then the game's default cache location is optimal. There's a lot of information in the PC performance thread.


What if I don't have an Nvidia card? I have a 7970M chipset in my laptop. Should I still go for that setting?


I just gave in and blew my steam wallet on this since I figured the Steam Summer Sale is doing Encores tomorrow. What am I in for? Didn't play the last Wolfenstein but I loved Return to Castle Wolf.


I just gave in and blew my steam wallet on this since I figured the Steam Summer Sale is doing Encores tomorrow. What am I in for? Didn't play the last Wolfenstein but I loved Return to Castle Wolf.

Prepare thyself for awesome!

Incredible feedback on a wonderful variety of weapons, an intensely crafted well-written narrative and one of the best FPS games in years!


I really wish there was a timer cos I always like to know how long I took to beat a game. Been playing off and on since launch and I'd say it felt like 15hrs or so


Having not played the game since I beat it, which was just about a week after it was released (which in itself is a minor miracle as my gaming time is extremely limited), I am absolutely convinced of the fact it is my GOTY thus far. In fact, there is no other game that even comes close to being able to replicate the true enjoyment I received from playing this game.

It is fun. Incredibly fun.
Screen Space Reflections takes up an insane amount of juice just to make reflections in the water look better (lol), so you should probably just turn that shit off.
Reflections in this game also affect concrete, metal, and skin.

Edit: Why I'm here:
I am on PC and I have been getting bad performance on level load lately. I have to pause the game for a minute or so and let it smooth out or else it is unplayable. I also managed to make the 4xMSAA command stick somehow and now I have to turn it off every time I die. It sucks because I actually enjoy the reflections and I can simply downsample.

Shouldn't be a spec issue:
3570k @ 4.2 Ghz
GTX 780
16 GB system RAM @ 1600Mhz


How is the ps3 version? Should I play it in that or wait until I have a ps4 next year?

Idk about the PS3 version, but my brother bought it on the Xbox 360 and thought it looked pretty rough from a graphical perspective. According to him, pretty much everything lacks proper textures. Haven't played it myself though, but if you're planning on getting a PS4 anyways, I would just wait and buy that version.


How is the ps3 version? Should I play it in that or wait until I have a ps4 next year?

I just beat it on 360 and graphically it was a bit rough but the core gameplay was really fun. I sped through it in about 7 hours though and didn't take much time to explore/cheevos.


Prepare thyself for awesome!

Incredible feedback on a wonderful variety of weapons, an intensely crafted well-written narrative and one of the best FPS games in years!

These responses got me hyped. Finally just got my weapons, and holy crap at the feedback. This is great! I can tell I'm gonna be in for one hell of a time already just from that intro god dayum


Just finished the game on PC.

I just got a new video card a couple days ago; a Radeon R9 280x to replace my Gigabyte GTS 450, and this game performed wonderfully on it.

The gunplay reminded me of RAGE, by which I mean very limited weapon selection but they all feel really meaty and good. The shotgun was incredibly satisfying to use.

I thought some of the 'boss' fights were tedious at times, but only when I wasn't exactly sure what I was supposed to do.

The textures also reminded me of RAGE, which is kind of a bad thing. Super muddy up close, but looks okay at a distance.

Great art design and locations. Varied color palates and settings was a nice surprise. It was a great sprawling adventure with plenty of big memorable moments throughout.

Story-wise the antagonists were all proper nuts and great villains, and the game somehow made BJ a sympathetic, even endearing character. I could definitely feel the influences from Inglourious Basterds, and knowing that actually made the premise of the game more fun.


The comparisons to prior Starbreeze projects are apt, however I do feel like Wolfenstein is the worst out of The Darkness and Butcher Bay. It's been a while since I completed both, but it didn't quite have the feels of Darkness, and it didn't quite have the top notch gameplay of Riddick.

Don't get me wrong, I loved going through Wolfenstein, but it's basically caught in the middle between the other two games. The story isn't quite as involved as The Darkness (the watching TV with Jenny scene is probably my favourite scene in all of gaming). And it doesn't quite hit the gameplay highs that Riddick does, imo.

It's still an amazing game, and I'm looking forward to playing it again, though. I will always be on the lookout for what ex/Starbreeze are doing. I always love their games.


The comparisons to prior Starbreeze projects are apt, however I do feel like Wolfenstein is the worst out of The Darkness and Butcher Bay.

The Darkness WW1 trenches automatically put it below Wolfenstein, for me. I even enjoyed Wolfenstein's low-point sewer level more than that.

The Darkness had decent gunplay, but it definitely wasn't strong enough to carry a level where everything looked the same, there was tons of fog, and maze-like trenches, with motherfuckin' lightning bolts that came out of nowhere and teleported you to some other place in the level.

Like, what the fuck were they thinking

If they were trying to show that World War 1 was hell, they sure did a great job, but it wasn't any fun to play through. And it goes on foreeeeeeeeeeeever


The Darkness WW1 trenches automatically put it below Wolfenstein, for me. I even enjoyed Wolfenstein's low-point sewer level more than that.

The Darkness had decent gunplay, but it definitely wasn't strong enough to carry a level where everything looked the same, there was tons of fog, and maze-like trenches, with motherfuckin' lightning bolts that came out of nowhere and teleported you to some other place in the level.

Like, what the fuck were they thinking

I'd agree with you about the actual traversal and design of the WWI hell levels. BUT, I actually thought some of the actual imagery in those levels was fucking incredible. I remember those anorexic horses standing in front of a basket of apples, the enemy soldiers with the messed up faces, Jackie's old relatives telling him how that place is where The Darkness started, etc. It all came together for me to create a pretty compelling level, even if traversing it was weird.


I'd agree with you about the actual traversal and design of the WWI hell levels. BUT, I actually thought some of the actual imagery in those levels was fucking incredible. I remember those anorexic horses standing in front of a basket of apples, the enemy soldiers with the messed up faces, Jackie's old relatives telling him how that place is where The Darkness started, etc. It all came together for me to create a pretty compelling level, even if traversing it was weird.

I do know exactly what you're saying and all of that stuff was very well done, but I was a bit too frustrated by that particular section of the game to give a shit about the origin of The Darkness. I did manage to play through the game twice, despite, and it's definitely one of my absolute favorite shooters.


Played about 4 hours on PC. I have a gtx 770 2gb OC'd and 4770, 16gb ram. For the most part i get 50-60 fps with everything maxed out. The in-game v-sync option seems broken, so i had to force it through nvidia settings. I do have some performance issues every now and then though. Usually when looking at god rays shine through fences or some shit. FPS also drops a lot whenever i stare at a fence or something. Super fucking weird.

But other than the weird perfomance hiccups the game is awesome.


Played about 4 hours on PC. I have a gtx 770 2gb OC'd and 4770, 16gb ram. For the most part i get 50-60 fps with everything maxed out. The in-game v-sync option seems broken, so i had to force it through nvidia settings. I do have some performance issues every now and then though. Usually when looking at god rays shine through fences or some shit. FPS also drops a lot whenever i stare at a fence or something. Super fucking weird.

But other than the weird perfomance hiccups the game is awesome.

Yeah, the PC version seems a little off somehow. I've got a beast rig with a 780 ti, but after I tried the PS4 version, I prefer it.


Neo Member
Played about 4 hours on PC. I have a gtx 770 2gb OC'd and 4770, 16gb ram. For the most part i get 50-60 fps with everything maxed out. The in-game v-sync option seems broken, so i had to force it through nvidia settings. I do have some performance issues every now and then though. Usually when looking at god rays shine through fences or some shit. FPS also drops a lot whenever i stare at a fence or something. Super fucking weird.

But other than the weird perfomance hiccups the game is awesome.

Any custom config settings that you've happened to add/tweak (like shadow resolution)?

Has there been any difference after the recent update?
the FPS right now is so unplayable. Updated my AMD driver to the latest one and still can't get it to at least a stable 30 fps. My GPU is HD 7850
The comparisons to prior Starbreeze projects are apt, however I do feel like Wolfenstein is the worst out of The Darkness and Butcher Bay. It's been a while since I completed both, but it didn't quite have the feels of Darkness, and it didn't quite have the top notch gameplay of Riddick.

Don't get me wrong, I loved going through Wolfenstein, but it's basically caught in the middle between the other two games. The story isn't quite as involved as The Darkness (the watching TV with Jenny scene is probably my favourite scene in all of gaming). And it doesn't quite hit the gameplay highs that Riddick does, imo.

It's still an amazing game, and I'm looking forward to playing it again, though. I will always be on the lookout for what ex/Starbreeze are doing. I always love their games.

To be fair, it's their best shooter by FAR. It's as great a shooter as Riddick is a punchy stealth game, except that Riddick also has shooting sections which don't hold up. I'll agree that the other games have higher highs, and Riddick still has some of the best atmosphere in gaming, but Wolfenstein feels like their most consistent campaign.
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