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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!


I can't say how pleased I am with the languages in the game. Characters speak in polish/german when it makes sense, so refreshing

As opposed to Ubisoft games that are developed by French Canadian people and take place in France and have French characters that speak English with American accents.

You can't even make this shit up.


I have lean on ctrl since I'll never want to do it while sprinting (and that's on toggle anyway) and I have crouch on Q.

I can't say how pleased I am with the languages in the game. Characters speak in polish/german when it makes sense, so refreshing

Yep, very appreciated.

leng jai

Game's sufficiently difficult even on normal. The Uber play through is going to be pain by the looks of it. Is there a New Game+ in this?


So I just started playing this game and any tips for a first time player?

Be stealthy. Your silenced pistol and knives are your best friends if you get stuck. But also, just have fun! This is not a game in which you need to play things safe. There are a ton of different ways to approch most situations, and the checkpoints are smartly paced. Get out there and figure out where your prime targets are likely to be; how you'd best like to approach them, etc. The game racks up kills even if you die, so you can progress towards a perk unlock even if you're constantly retrying a specific area. And get friendly with the lean/cover system.
Picked this up at the end of the Steam sale. I've noticed the game really quiet in general. I've got my volume turned all the way up to get the guns to sound halfway decent.

The opening was kind of dull (I really think it was the lack of a score) but after that section and especially after hitting the time skip its pretty great. I'm at
now with two autoshotguns messing shit up. The stealth in this game is surprisingly good also

leng jai

Picked this up at the end of the Steam sale. I've noticed the game really quiet in general. I've got my volume turned all the way up to get the guns to sound halfway decent.

The opening was kind of dull (I really think it was the lack of a score) but after that section and especially after hitting the time skip its pretty great. I'm at
now with two autoshotguns messing shit up. The stealth in this game is surprisingly good also

The audio mix is just strange in general. The guns in particular sound super soft and unsatisfying and everything else sounds extremely loud in comparison.


Holy fucking SHIT this game is good man!! Those of you on console who don't have a surround sound setup, please please PLEASE get a headset. I'm using the turtle beach X12s and this game just sounds amazing. I'm having a great time you guys!

Double D

Got past the prologue last night. I stopped playing right as you exit the
mental hospital
. Those drones were kicking my ass and I ran out of ammo.

Anyways, I have come across some areas where it obviously wants me to try to play stealthily. I'd get through a few guys but ultimately get spotted. Any tips for this?


Really dig this game so far. Two things that annoy me (playing on Death Incarnate):
- I run out of ammo constantly. Probably because dudes flank me and I fire wildly and go dual-wield.
- Weapon switching (on PS4) sucks. Holding down R1 and moving a wheel selector around is terrible in combat and hardly works the way I want it to. Quick swap is nice but usually I run out of ammo in one of the guns and have to manually R1 to another weapon while I'm getting shot at.

Other than that, I really like the game. I'm getting my ass kicked pretty constantly. But it's still fun.
- Weapon switching (on PS4) sucks. Holding down R1 and moving a wheel selector around is terrible in combat and hardly works the way I want it to. Quick swap is nice but usually I run out of ammo in one of the guns and have to manually R1 to another weapon while I'm getting shot at.
Might not help at all but you can also use voice to switch weapons and skip the wheel entirely. I use a headset a lot of the time and it was sometimes easier.
GAF finally accepted me! Yay, first post.

Is it just me or is the FOV on this game really narrow? Playing on PS4. Either that or the guns just take up a lot of screen space, especially when dual wielding. For some reason I always feel like I can't see enough.

Edit: oy I just noticed that the last letter of my username is on a new line in my posts. That sucks.
Good idea. How would I go about PMing a mod?

Forum Staff can be found here


Green lights by their name indicate they are online. If you click on their name it will bring you to their profile. Then you can click on the "Send a private message to _______" link and it will bring you to a PM form.

Just be polite and have a name change ready. I'm not certain that they would be able to accommodate your request but it's worth a try. Maybe "Parmadillo Marsh" or "ParmadilloMarshmallow" without a space?
Bought this game at Costco on PS4 yesterday for 33 bucks. Played through the first four chapters and I'm loving it. It's nice to be able to turn off my brain and enjoy the ride.


Did anybody else get completely creeped out when
you're trapped in that room where the wall is gonna squash you, and Deathshead is just staring at you with that evil fucking smile?

leng jai

This has to be one of the hardest "normal" difficulties I've ever played in a FPS. Getting my ass handed to me in what I assume are the latter stages of the game. I think I screwed myself over a bit by not taking that much notice of the perks.
Just finished the game. Damn, that was great. Easily my GOTY so far. The game just has so much charm, heart, and character to it that it feels so vibrant and engaging compared to the glut of bland military FPS's that flood the market every year.

It wasn't perfect; the audio mix, as many have said, is pretty weak, there isn't quite as much enemy variety as I would like
as most of the new enemy types just seem to be ever increasing bullet sponges, and neither the panzerhunds or the other dog enemies are used very frequently
. I would have prefered more unique enemy types, although the variety in their designs and the absolutely stellar gunplay makes up for it.

I really enjoyed the sheer variety of locations and gameplay styles, as you're never in one place or doing one thing for too long. The pacing can seem a little herky jerky and disconnected because of it, but it's a decent trade off for the amount things you do and see. It was also one long ass game. I played on Death Incarnate (for some reason it didn't give me the trophy for that though, I assume because I switched to that difficulty in the second chapter), and I have no way of telling the exact gameplay time as I haven't seen a timer, but my guess is that it took me at least 15 hours.

I'm definitely gonna give this campaign another play through on the
Wyatt timeline
, although I'm not sure if I want to drop down the difficulty or bump it up to Uber. There were a handful of really hard sections for me on Death Incarnate.

As an aside, I jumped back in to Killzone Shadowfall after beating this just for some comparison, and man Wolfenstein just runs circles around it. Killzone certainly has the audio/visual edge in terms of sheer technicality and polish, but Wolfenstein is just much more appealing and has so much more character and detail, from the soundtrack (maaan such a good soundtrack) to the fantastic art direction. Also, the gunplay in Killzone is just so dull, sluggish, and unsatisfying after coming from the snappy, wielding, leaning, and slide shooting that Wolfenstein boasts.

To anyone is on the fence about Wolfenstein: get it.

To those whose own recommendations got me to buy it:
"Nazis dead. Nazi robot dead. Broke all your shit. Helicopter secured."
Fuckin' BJ, man. Thanks y'all.
That line. That line is probably my favorite! :D

Although the Buoy one is pretty good too

Pretty much everything that came out of his mouth was pretty great. I loved his hard-boiled monologues. I love how they took the archetypal '90's Gung-Ho FPS protagonist' and essentially did a character study on him.


Having a bitch of a time with a firefight during the
return to London Nautica, after swinging down and smashing through the window
. Starts you with barely any ammo and really lays the enemies on you.


Pretty much everything that came out of his mouth was pretty great. I loved his hard-boiled monologues. I love how they took the archetypal '90's Gung-Ho FPS protagonist' and essentially did a character study on him.

There were so many well-written lines that I wish there was a published script so I could remember them all. Most of the stuff in the cutscenes puts other AAA game writing to absolute shame.


Having a bitch of a time with a firefight during the
return to London Nautica, after swinging down and smashing through the window
. Starts you with barely any ammo and really lays the enemies on you.

Definitely one of my sticking points on Uber. You pretty much have to pick everyone off with headshots with your pistol while in cover, then lay into the shotgun dude with everything you have.


This has to be one of the hardest "normal" difficulties I've ever played in a FPS. Getting my ass handed to me in what I assume are the latter stages of the game. I think I screwed myself over a bit by not taking that much notice of the perks.

Yup. It's really challenging at times

leng jai

Just finished it, fantastic game. The last boss was lame but I can't even recall one I've played in the last few years that I would actually call good. I'd give it a solid 8/10. While it's extremely nostalgic and fun there are still a lot of flaws. If it had more even pacing and just better production values in general (e.g half decent textures and better audio) it would have easily been GOTY contender.

Double D

Playing this game has me realizing how long it's been since I have played a FPS that didn't completely hold your hand. The bummer is I feel like I've gotten so used to certain things and this game just feels stressful to play at times. Maybe I shouldn't try to play so stealthy.


I know my computer is showing its age a bit, but only recommendations to improve performance on the game other than lowering graphics settings? I get little freezes that occur during gameplay, then it just plays fine for a while, then repeat.


not characteristic of ants at all
I'm so glad I picked this game up. Only on the 3rd or so level and it feels so great for an FPS. I love the laser cutter thing - just the detail that there is no predetermined cut feels really nice.


I know my computer is showing its age a bit, but only recommendations to improve performance on the game other than lowering graphics settings? I get little freezes that occur during gameplay, then it just plays fine for a while, then repeat.

Try the VT compression setting? The difference is tiny and I found it seemed to help against those sorts of little hiccups.
This game is crack. The gunplay is sooo freaking good, holy shit! It took me about 4 hours in to realize that I don't need to use ADS in this game. I completely forgot that was a thing

There were so many well-written lines that I wish there was a published script so I could remember them all. Most of the stuff in the cutscenes puts other AAA game writing to absolute shame.

The one about a
nazi space man
cracked me up


Definitely one of my sticking points on Uber. You pretty much have to pick everyone off with headshots with your pistol while in cover, then lay into the shotgun dude with everything you have.

Thanks for the tip, going to give it a shot. I've been trying to run out and grab an assault rifle that a dead enemy drops, but getting my ass handed to me still.
I love the story in this game. Just rescued
Set Roth

The characters are well done in my opinion. Especially
. Enjoying his lines and way of speaking. Is that yiddish he's using once in a while? Can't make it out.
The german voice acting is also pretty good. I expected it to be mediocre to pretty bad but the german in this game is fairly well done. Love it when characters are voiced by people who can natively speak the language.

I really dig the gameplay aswell. But I think I should have gone with a harder difficulty. The medium "Bring'em on!" doesn't quite challenge me.

And the AI in this game is pretty dumb. Most noticable in the stealth sections. Guards don't run after you when they spot you. Casually walk towards you. There is no real danger during stealth sections. No benefit to succesfully stealth it.

Despite that it's already shaping up to be my most favourite FPS.
What difficulty should I start this on? Is there any preferred one?

I liked the Death Incarnate Difficulty. I'd start there as you can always change difficulty at any time. To unlock the trophy/Achievement for the Uber difficulty you only have to play the last chapter on Uber.
I'm pretty sure I'm on the last boss. Not that I'm asking for a hint but am I supposed to get shot at a fuck ton during the encounter? Doesn't seem like there's any cover when I go for the
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