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Would you pay 800 Dollars for the PlayStation 5 at launch?

Well, would ya punk?

  • Yes

    Votes: 93 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 606 86.7%

  • Total voters


I imported a ps3 for about ÂŁ900 which was crazy.... But I sold it for the same price before it released here in UK after realising I was an idiot. I'd say ÂŁ500 is about my limit now for a console.


Suffers from extreme PDS
Absurd amount given the specs. $600 is the limit and even that’s pushing it a little. At $800 I’ll sit it out and wait for the slim version in a few years. You can’t put PC prices on a closed ecosystem and expect them to move units in the current market.
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We all need to accept that inflation is a thing... And is basically around an average of 2% per year or more. You can't easily compare the Neo Geo in 1992 at $700 to this, or even a $599 PS3. We have to accept the $500 today is less than $500 10 years ago. I own a restaurant, my lease is adjusted 3% every year to account for inflation. I raise prices every April to combat inflation and rising labor costs. $20 isn't a lot of money anymore. When I was a kid it seemed like a huge amount. Now it's basically pocket change. I'm genuinely surprised by the fact that $60 games have been a constant thing. We can thank a growing industry and sales for that. Alas, with many casualties of some great developers who couldn't quite manage those types of sales. Hardware too surprises me... But we can thank cheaper technology and services and larger expected install bases for these loss leading prices.

If we expect top tier tech, with large memory capacities, in sleek form factors of high build quality... More expensive consoles aren't a question of if, but when?

That being said, I do believe that the marketed versions will be either $499 or $599. Then cheaper digital versions $100 cheaper and larger capacity SSD versions $100 more.
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2.) Honestly, the amount of 'yes'-votes is a bit shocking.

I think there are a lot of people on this site that have gaming as their main - or possibly only - hobby, and would happily spend that much on a console. As hobbies go, it's not that expensive - I just spent about $3,500 on a bicycle, and I'm sure a lot of people would consider that completely insane (although some hardcore cyclists would consider it "cheap"). One of my friends just spent about $7000 on a replacement engine for his truck - despite the existing one working fine.

The big difference is that the utility of my bicycle is entirely independent of the number of other people that buy the same brand of bike. It's not like if it becomes unpopular it will slowly become incompatible with more and more of the available roads. Same thing appliea to my friends truck (although that doesn't really need roads at all!). The utility (or maybe funtility) of a game console, on the other hand IS critically reliant on how many other people buy it because the installed base directly affects both how many games are made for it and the budgets that the developers are willing to apply to them.

So in the end, what the hardcore are willing to spend is much less important than the price that you need to ensure mainstream adoption. I suspect a lot of the "I would pay $1000 for the PS5!" people are missing - maybe you would, but if would likely fail horribly at that price you would have ended up wasting your money.


This thread also comes from an idea by a sleep deprived OutrageousFacts OutrageousFacts lol. There's been some crazy rumor about the PS5 costing 800 dollars and while that's certainly bullshit, assume for a second that the tech inside it justifies that price tag and they roll with it. SEX costs 780 bucks because Phil is one clever devil. We go from $399 for the PS4 to double that for the PS5. Would you do it?

No matter how silly you find the question, please answer it truthfully and maybe post why yes/no. PC masturbators spend more than that anyway to play Katawa Shoujo, so are consoles destined for that price range? And if so, are you there?

800 bucks would be too much for me to buy at launch.

I was all in last week after the presentation but thinking on it I'm not so sure.

The truth is I have so many awesome games right now that the ones I'm keen to play again could last me a couple of years.
By that time I would probably upgrade to the newest console no matter how much it cost.

I don't fancy dropping 800 bucks for a console only to find myself back playing PS4 after 2 weeks because the games I've yet to play on the platform are more interesting that what's coming up on PS5.

New consoles are mostly about the hype, in my opinion.
You get it on launch day for the excitement factor.
Then you get a solid 2 weeks of playing your launch titles all the time then it's a wait until the generation defining games come along.


I would never spend $ 800 on any console.
(be it Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo)
And if I have to speculate on the price of PS5, it will be:

PS5 Standard 500/600 $
PS5 Digital 400/500 $

And in any case, I would still wait at least 1/2 years to buy it.
(taking advantage of a price reduction, offers, and the offer of at least the first 10 games of my interest)


800 is high but I am expecting 600 US dollars. Maybe 700 for the disc drive version. SSD’s are expensive and the gfx chips and cooling system as well as this custom IO are all going to be expensive. I expect Xbox series X to be 600 and Lockhart to be 400. Just guessing based on current prices.


lol no. Who's the idiot that would pay that much instead of making a proper PC with 800 dollars?

PS3's $600 was a big mistake and that won't get repeated
lol no. Who's the idiot that would pay that much instead of making a proper PC with 800 dollars?

PS3's $600 was a big mistake and that won't get repeated

If you want a 5000€ bicycle, why would you get 5000€ motorcycle instead? both are two wheel vehicles but still quite different.

Maybe you are the village idiot if you seriously claim that 800€ PS5 == 800€ PC ? :messenger_beaming:

What is the point to get 800€ PC instead of PS5, if gamer wants to play PS5 games? PS5 vs PC games are so different, that you just cant compare them like that.

Now if it would be 800€ xbox or 800€ PC? then I would get it, as both get the same games.

I would rather get 800€ PS5 than 800€ PC, as I dont care PC gaming + I already have 2000€ ultrabook for other stuff I do on PC world and it suits my needs perfectly. Someone could even ask "why 2000€ laptop when 2000€ RBG desktop can run games Lol!", well I need portable machine with lot of ram, great screen and long battery life.

Different needs, different machines.

And 800$ (maybe 700€) PC isnt even that good, when counting in display + other mandatory stuff
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If you want a 5000€ bicycle, why would you get 5000€ motorcycle instead? both are two wheel vehicles but still quite different.

Maybe you are the village idiot if you seriously claim that 800€ PS5 == 800€ PC ? :messenger_beaming:

What is the point to get 800€ PC instead of PS5, if gamer wants to play PS5 games? PS5 vs PC games are so different, that you just cant compare them like that.

Now if it would be 800€ xbox or 800€ PC? then I would get it, as both get the same games.

I would rather get 800€ PS5 than 800€ PC, as I dont care PC gaming + I already have 2000€ ultrabook for other stuff I do on PC world and it suits my needs perfectly. Someone could even ask "why 2000€ laptop when 2000€ RBG desktop can run games Lol!", well I need portable machine with lot of ram, great screen and long battery life.

Different needs, different machines.

And 800$ (maybe 700€) PC isnt even that good, when counting in display + other mandatory stuff
So you wanna tell me 800 is fine just because you want to play PS games? No console is worth 800

I'll be getting the PS5 day one but for that price? Lol. Yeah no. Only the idiots are going to justify that price

I don't mind paying up to 600 but 800? Yeah even the hardcore fanboys won't say its the right price

And 800$ (maybe 700€) PC isnt even that good, when counting in display + other mandatory stuff
More than good and better than any console we'll have. Don't talk about something you know nothing about
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Well thats not something new irmao. He's doing nothing but brag about how rich he is

That should tell you how naive he is
problem is if people start taking this kind of opinion seriously. and videogames are not a niche thing anymore to cost an arm and a leg.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
No. I would probabyl not even pay 800€ for an XSX with Banjo-Threeie.


Its about value, it would depend what the 800 bucks bought. If it had a 4 TB SSD inbuilt and came with new headphones and a remote and a game, hell yeah.

A base ps5 at those specs, no that would be poor value for a closed console that is supposed to be subsidised as the store gets 30 % cut on games i buy to fund the hardware. Thats the whole point of consoles.

If Ps5pro option that was 18 TF, then yes.

If Ps5 was open and I could buy games off any store, yes.
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Its about value, it would depend what the 800 bucks bought. If it had a 4 TB SSD inbuilt and came with new headphones and a remote and a game, hell yeah.

A base ps5 at those specs, no that would be poor value for a closed console that is supposed to be subsidised as the store gets 30 % cut on games i buy to fund the hardware. Thats the whole point of consoles.

If Ps5pro option that was 18 TF, then yes.

If Ps5 was open and I could buy games off any store, yes.
Hey, but if you wanna play PS games then the price is fine



Hey, but if you wanna play PS games then the price is fine


I am older and have kids who also game, the price tag is not an issue for me, I dont play PC witha mega rig as I am lazy. Yes I would pay 800 for a pro, but I understand not everuone would want that, so its fine.
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Definitely too much -- I doubt Sony would launch it at that, especially since we're on the edge of a big depression due to the pandemic. $600 would be my limit. The whole point of consoles is accessibility, especially now where digital sales make up a lot of profit. They want as many boxes out there as possible.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Isa


For the tech inside these consoles I'm willing to pay up to $600 and the box will still out perform that price.
Consoles have always given you descent performance per dollar.
I would pay 800 € for a PS5 day one if I am sure that the games that I want to play will be there. A Demon soul's special edition would be enough for me even with the real hardware presented in the Road to PS5, and having a more powerful console at that price would just be a bonus.

The question is what would be the point? The PS5 and the SX are already really good for their expected price(500 €/$?) and we probably are at the point where it's more about how much talent, time and ambition of the developers (which can all be more or less be translated as money ) than raw power . What would a better I/O system than the PS5 do? What would 20 TF do that 10 can't ? More is always better but that what PC are for.
$800 = DOA
Max I'll personally pay at launch = $600
Sweet spot to maximize sales = $400
Likely launch price = $500

If it launches for more than $600 it's going to tank. I'd venture a guess that anything over $500 will mean it will see severe sales challenges. But if Sony and MS experience supply constraints for the first few months the pricing may reflect this as they couldnt meet demand at ideal lower price points.


HELL NO!!! What I want to know is, when is the PS5-Pro out? It'll take more than a Horizon Zero Dawn 2 to make the console an instant buy for me.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
I'm planning on paying over $800 already

Console $500
Extra controller $60
Stand $25
Charging station $25
Headset $160
Game $60

$830 + tax = $900

But for just the console.... No absolutely not.
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I'm planning on paying over $800 already

Console $500
Extra controller $60
Stand $25
Charging station $25
Headset $160
Game $60

$830 + tax = $900

But for just the console.... No absolutely not.

This. After taxes and games that’s what it will ultimately cost!

This is the first gen in a long time that is some what relying on the previous gens games to drive sales. The improvements in titles like TLOU, GoT, and Cyberpunk are enough to warrant a purchase for me, never mind the PS5 titles, those will be delayed by covid anyways
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