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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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So not worth it












Needs more Triple H in the banner, otherwise its some top notch stuff.

My Predictions.

Crushing disappointment.

Will make actual predictions after I get some sleep because all I can muster now is "cenawinslol.jpeg"
If The Rock putting Cena over isn't the death of WWE, what little faith I have left in humanity will be washed away.

Not a spoiler, just very predictable.
That's actually Triple H wearing Sin Cara's mask, he's fighting this match as Hunter Hearst Hernandez.

Those dastardly WWE photoshoppers. I mean how dumb do they think we are?

Everyone knows Triple H cant jump or bend his knees.

But real talk. WWE sure have gotten some mileage out of those Sin Cara and Kofi mid air pics. They are in nearly every peace of WWE promotional material I have seen over the last few months.
To give you an idea how far WWE has fallen, they're doling out big bucks to wrestlers that view this as a side job. I'm not sure how much more I can tolerate the Undertaker shaking with constipated vigor while his eyes roll in the back of his head only to see him wrestle maybe three times a year. Or the Rock using the WWE as a platform to let everyone know that he has two movies coming out. Their talent pool is so boring that they feature wrestlers that either shouldn't be there period or are there for the promotion/money.


So not worth it
It's not so much their talent pool, but their creative team that is terribly lacking. They don't show any consistent storytelling, they constantly stop/start pushes after one or two weeks. They job out their best wrestlers, while pushing their lower midcard talent. It's stuff like that that's severly damaging their product and it's all on Creative (under the rule of Stephanie McMahon) and Vince McMahon.
This is going to be the worst Wrestlemania (quality-wise) in quite some time. And both fans and the roster have expressed displeasure that Rock has come back.

But Rock is also bringing in the cash and making sure that they're getting paid the big bucks in the first place, so what do those drug-addicted conmen know anyways?


So not worth it
I don't think it will be the worst WrestleMania as far as match quality goes, but it's definitely the worst build WrestleMania in at least 15 years, if not more.

Wade Barret Vs The Mix: Mix wins with the figure four
Funkadactyl thingies vs Bella thingies: Funkadactyls win after Bella interference backfires. Brodus pins Cody with a roll up.
Chris Jericho vs Fandingo: Fandingo wins with his new finisher that is a weak variation of a normal move. Lets go with a leg drop.
Team Anger Management vs AJ Lee's ring entrance: Lets just assume Kane choke slams Big E for the pin and win after some sort of clusterfuck.
Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback hits a perfect shell shock finisher to win the match.
Team something to do vs the shield: The shield win when Dean Ambrose pins the big show after the triple power bomb thingy. Orton makes this happen by turning heel mostly because anything else will be fucking boring.
Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Del Rio wins with his arm thingy that my cat could get out of. But Ziggler will cash in after for the win, because remember about that?
Triple shovel vs Brock Ledger: Picking a Brock win with the F5 and pin following interference from HBK. This will set up the HHH HBK match we have been waiting forever to see.
Undertaker vs CM Punk: Taker by submission via the Googleplotter. Heyman will interfere costing punk the match and setting up a Brock/Punk do a little later on.
Rock vs Cena: Cena wins clean with, oh I don't know, a shoulder block?. Other than that just a couple of AA's and we are done.

Think that should cover it. Sorry about the spoilers.


My prediction for this Sunday...

It's definitely the worst built WrestleMania in at least 15 years, if not more.
My Predictions.
Crushing disappointment.
Will make actual predictions after I get some sleep because all I can muster now is "cenawinslol.jpeg"
If The Rock putting Cena over isn't the death of WWE, what little faith I have left in humanity will be washed away.
I've never been less excited about Wrestlemania before.
This is going to be the worst Wrestlemania (quality-wise) in quite some time.
Minus the Taker-Punk stuff tonight, this must be the crappiest build to a WM ever.
Amazing opening post. :D

Rock, Brock, Taker and HHH in the big matches of WM. In 2013. What the hell are you doing WWE? Most of those people are like a decade out of their prime.


So not worth it
I'm actually more excited to see the Hall of Fame ceremony than to see WrestleMania. Shame they don't sell that on PPV.


I'm not sure if I should pull a Rock/Triple H/Brock/Undertaker and return to watching wrestling for "one night only" just for this.

Given how the last time I watched wrestling was probably in the previous Wrestlemania and even I could predict the outcome of the Rock vs Cena match. I probably shouldn't.


WM 27 had a pretty terrible build, too. Miz was a complete non-factor in his own main event and WWE blew through the best Cena/Rock stuff for a match where Rock was an enforcer. There was nothing left for Once/Twice in a Lifetime, which is part of why the build for both of those have sucked so much. They completely blew their wad in 2011 for a match Rock wasn't even actually a part of. The main event itself was terrible and just used for hype for Once in a Lifetime.

The only match I remember having any kind of decent build was Cody vs Rey, which was also the best match on the card. HHH/Taker had a weak build and was certainly a spectacle, but that's it. I guess some of the matches had more than 3 weeks of build, but it all sucked and the show was pretty weak for something they expect you to pay $20 extra than a normal PPV. I think this one at least has a little potential for something interesting. Not much, but more than 27 had.


After what happened on the end of Raw, I'm looking forward to Punk v Under
Taker at Wrestlemania. Ryback v Henry is another match and hopefully we see The Shield stay a legitimate looking threat. They could become a great group if WWE allows it.

I heard Cesaro is selling hot dogs.

The misuse of Cesaro is horrid. He's my favourite guy.
Amazing opening post. :D

Rock, Brock, Taker and HHH in the big matches of WM. In 2013. What the hell are you doing WWE? Most of those people are like a decade out of their prime.

Even though Rock will always be my favorite wrestler, I have to agree with this. More fresh talent is required. Eventually there will be another diamond in the rough. Some may argue that that's Cena though. Personally I wouldn't, but to each their own.


Wade Barret Vs The Miz: Pre-show no fucks will be given with Wade retaining his title after hitting the souvenir, also they will make this bitch a lumberjack match just to give everybody on the roster a chance to show up for wrestlemania
Funkadactyl & Clay & Albert vs Bellas &Rhodes Scholars : I could give a fuck about this match, Clay and Albert win and they will have a big dance off after the match.
Chris Jericho vs Fandango: Going with Jericho on this one with him locking in the walls of Jericho, and yes they start Fandango's shitty career off with a loss
Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big E Langston: 18 seconds into the match they will mention that Daniel Bryan outlasted his last wrestlemania match, match ends with Bryan locking in the Yes lock on Big E Langston
Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback will struggle to perform the shell shock on Mark Henry for the win
Orton, Sheamus, Big Shoe vs The Shield: Orton will RKO Sheamus setting up for Seth Rollins to pick up the pin.
Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Del Rio wins with his arm submission, Swagger will beat Del Rio's shit in thus having Ziggler come in to cash his money in the bank contract
Triple H vs Brock Lesnar: Brock will win again with his arm submission
Undertaker vs CM Punk: CM Punk hits Taker with urn after ref gets distracted by Paul Heyman, Taker will kick out then a back and forth of finishers between the two, and Punk will end it with the vice lock
Rock vs Cena: Cena wins with his stfu, after the match. after Cena has gone to all 4 turnbuckles The Rock will meet him in the middle of the ring to shake hands
Only watch the Wrestlemanias and Royal Rumble. What a terrible card though, I probably had more fun reading the descriptions than the actual event next week.
My predictions...

Miz vs Barrett
Continuing his Flair imitations Miz attempts to emulate the Flair Flop but the natural guy just can't pull it off without fucking it up and faceplants painfully into the canvas knocking himself unconscious, the referee throws up the X sign and the match ends in a no contest while Barrett wonders why he ever bothered emerging from his chair based burial like two years ago, might as well have stayed under those chairs my man.

Lards of the Dance and Funkadactyls vs Rhode Scholars and Scat Twins
And people complain about part timers getting WM paydays, the Bellas have been back like 3 weeks and they've got a match on the card, Kaitlyn weeps into her butterfly belt.
Presumably the ring rust combined with the Bellas non existent ability to actually wrestle spirals into an all out disaster leaving us with multiple injuries and then everybody dances, I don't know, screw this match, all its good for is getting Rhodes and Sandow on the show.

Chris Jericho vs Fandango

The ring announcer fails to pronounce Fandango's name correctly, Fandango refuses to wrestle, Jericho enters the ring anyway and cuts face promos like it's 2000 all over again, it might as well be looking at a fair chunk of the people in this event.

Team Hell No vs Ziggler and Big Green Langston
The Kane cycle has spent too long in the tag team phase and it's going out of control! as he stands on the apron Kane starts going thorugh multiple personality shifts, monster Kane, lovestruck Kane, comedy Kane, bald Kane, Good Guy Glenn!
Meanwhile the actual match has been over for quite some time seeing as Bryan and Ziggler simultaneously jobbed to each other in 30 seconds leading to a no contest, Bryan's crappy WM experience continues.

Rybotch vs Mark Henry
You people think he's going to botch the shellshock? Ryback doesn't even reach that stage, he goes for the Meathook clothesline on Mark man mountain Henry and shatters his arm into oblivion, Sin Cara makes his WM debut appearing on stage pointing and nodding at Ryback's botch showing us that at least a torch is passed to someone at this years WM event.

Team Hoss vs The Shield

Team Hoss have a finishing lineup of out of nowhere finishers, a terrified shield all stand back to back center of the ring trying to avoid the inevitable shadow like strikes that could hit them from anywhere.
Suddenly Big Show's fist emerges from below the ring right through the canvas knocking all 3 into the air like it's WWE All Stars, Sheamus springs up several feet into the air and fires off rapid aerial Brogue Kicks striking each shield member, as they fall out of the sky one by one Orton is coiled and ready to strike and catches each falling member with an RKO.
Cole is convulsing by the announcer tables, foaming at the mouth, the muffled words "out...of...nowhere" can be barely made out, he's also soiled himself, Lawler fake laughs.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger

ADR enters to a silent reaction, Ricardo is crying on the mic trying desperately to get the fans to cheer for ADR knowing that Vince will fire his ass for this failure.
Jack Swagger comes out in Del Rio's old car for his entrance as a way to get more heat but unfortunately he's driving under the influence again and crashes the car into the WM set crushing the car and himself, Zeb looks on in disgust.
I'M HERE TO SHOW THE WORLD! holy balls! it's Ziggler! he's cashing it in and the fans are going nuts! he runs straight into an armbar from ADR and taps in record time, the crowd are deflated and start booing ADR heavily while he tries to milk cheers from them.
Vince is stomping around backstage wondering why the fans aren't cheering him.

Trips vs Bork: the battle for this business
Triple H needs to do what's best for this business, he looks at Brock's contract, sees the ridiculous amount of money he's getting for doing jack shit and decides that right now he must take on his role as the COO to hold a WM contract review live in the ring.
Lesnar comes out, Heyman says something about Stephanie and then Trips is all like, IT'S PERSONAL! and is ready for fisticuffs once more then HBK comes out because the crowd aren't as pumped as they should be and Trips is all like AM I AS GOOD AS SHAWN?! INTERNAL CRISIS! while he's having this crisis Lesnar locks in the Bork Lock and OH MY GOD YOU BROKE HIS ARM!

Undertaker vs CM Punk
Hold the phone, a match with an interesting buildup and all it took was the death of a great manager, a pretty extreme trade off.
Punk comes out with an extravagant entrance but he's not wearing a suit so he gets squashed, the streak continues.

The Rock vs Cena
Cena enters first smirking all the way to a barrage of boos and being called an underdog on commentary, The Rock gets gassed walking down the ramp and gets counted out because by shenanigans the bell has already been rung while Rocky is struggling for air as Cena has the time keeper in his pocket as well as backstage powers that allow the belt to change hands by count out, HEEL CENA! JUST LIKE YOU ALWAYS WANTED! LEGIT SHOOK!

The build up is so shit it doesn't deserve serious predictions.

Jamie OD

This is the sort of storytelling we get when the WWE knew from the very beginning just how successful the show was going to be based solely off of the location and main event.


This card is so awful, but it could actually be redeemed with a few tweaks or if they, you know, built up the match? Here are some glaring obvious changes they could make.

IC title match: Wade Barrett vs. Chris Jericho: Uh, how obvious is this? Jericho was Barrett's mentor in NXT and is the most lauded IC champ of all time. Barrett is the current IC champ and thinks Jericho is past his prime and that he's better than Jericho ever was. THAT'S YOUR MATCH IT'S SO EASY.

Punk vs. Taker: I'll say it: this angle would probably be terrible if Paul Bearer didn't die. They are doing a good job of making you hate Punk, and everyone wants to see Taker win and do a final farewell gesture to Paul Bearer *single tear* What they could have done to make it more believable that Punk would win is something they mentioned earlier in the feud but dropped: disqualification. Punk did say that if Taker gets disqualified, the streak is really over. They should have pushed the idea that Punk is trying to get Taker to snap and thus get disqualified, which would give Punk the win. No one believes he could beat him 1-2-3, but the idea that Punk would piss off Taker so much that he would get himself disqualified by accident is more believable.

Ryback vs. Henry/The Shield: Ryback vs. The Shield kinda faded out. Did Shield really win? Seems odd that you'd just let the face your pushing hard lose his first real feuds. They could have done a tag-in handicap match with Ryback vs. Shield. Ryback would get the pin on one of them, look strong, while not weakening The Shield at all. Ryback vs. Henry is pretty good on paper, but there has been zero build up. They should have had them feuding from day one of Henry's return.

Antonio Cesaro vs. anyone: It's sad that Cesaro doesn't have a match at all. He is by far one of the most entertaining guys on the roster.

Fandango vs. Brodus Clay: I think Fandango's gimmick has been kind of interesting. I mean everyone wants to see him get crushed his first match. It would be the mandated joke match, but you could still have Fandango go over and get some more heat.

Team Hell No vs. Rhodes Scholars vs Zig/Big E vs. whoever else: When Hell No won the titles, it seemed like they were pushing the tag division hard. That lasted for about a month. I want the big tag clusterfucks we got years ago like the triple threats between EC, Dudleyz and Hardys. It would make it more exciting and less predictable. Is Rey Mysterio alive? Put him and Sin Cara in this match too for spots.

Del Rio vs. Swagger: I'm just not feeling this. Swagger deserves better than what he got, but this angle is doing nothing. Del Rio should go against, I don't know, anyone else? Could do Del Rio vs. Swagger vs. Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Show or whatever who cares.

Lesnar vs. HHH: THIS MATCH ALREADY HAPPENED THE ISSUE WAS RESOLVED. Hell I thought HHH already more or less retired last match. I mean he cut his hair! If the WWE was smart, they'd have Lesnar crush him, dominate for a year or two, and finally lose to an up and coming face to get a huge rub. However they have no idea how to properly build anyone, especially faces, so we won't see that.

Rock vs. Cena: The idea is alright. After years of failure Cena finally rises above and wins. Yay. I mean it's fairly typical so it's hard to get excited about it. Not sure why you need three years of build up to put Cena over but there you have it.


I've been entertained more by Nocturnowl's match predictions than I will be by anything that takes place in New Jersey this weekend.

Shame the weather on Sunday is looking halfway decent. I was really hoping for a snowstorm.


On paper it looks like the worst WrestleMania in 20 years. And I'm thinking there's a decent chance it ends up being even worse than that.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Recently I started watching old WWF documentaries on Netflix and reliving my childhood. Then I read this entire op. The only people I recognize are:

Jericho, Kane, Henry, Big Show, Triple H, Rock



The OP failed to mention the best part of the whole night. We get a Puff Daddy Puffy P Diddy live performance. Thats gonna be way better than seeing Cesaro or Kaitlyn defend their championships.

Unfortunately, I'm gonna watch and hate most of what happens and be part of the problem with everyone else, though.

Here's Sunflower's WM stream for people that don't visit the community OT.

The HOF ceremony will be broadcast on the Tuesday after WM, btw.
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