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WrestleMania 29 |OT| RematchaMania XXVIII-2: Out with the new and in with the old!

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So there is really no singles womens match?

lol, they didn't even give a shit enough this year for us to get a pillow fight or Bunny Brawl or some shit like that.

Also, reading about Tensai in the OP kind of made me laugh. Its like Vince heard CM Punk's promo about how Brodus is a beast, but has to shuck and jive to be relevant, and just decided to say "Fuck you, have another."


No One Remembers
Recently I started watching old WWF documentaries on Netflix and reliving my childhood. Then I read this entire op. The only people I recognize are:

Jericho, Kane, Henry, Big Show, Triple H, Rock


The funny thing is, of those 6: Kane, Mark Henry and Big Show are still fulltimers, the other 3 are part timers. Though Jericho works more than that sub-set still.

Also, why are they fucking Cesaro over so bad? Dude should be feuding with Mark Henry not fucking Rybotch. Cesaro is legit stronger than Ryback by a country mile. Yet Ryback has that awful, awful "Feed me more!" shit.


That the Bellas have a match after being back for about 3 weeks and still not knowing how to wrestle while AJ, their most popular Diva, and Kaitlyn, the Divas champion, do not, should say everything you need to know about how much effort they're putting into this WM.

For whatever reason, this one really irritates me. Probably because it's such an obviously fitting match they still couldn't notice.

Dead Man

lol, they didn't even give a shit enough this year for us to get a pillow fight or Bunny Brawl or some shit like that.

Also, reading about Tensai in the OP kind of made me laugh. Its like Vince heard CM Punk's promo about how Brodus is a beast, but has to shuck and jive to be relevant, and just decided to say "Fuck you, have another."
Clowns LOL
That the Bellas have a match after being back for about 3 weeks and still not knowing how to wrestle while AJ, their most popular Diva, and Kaitlyn, the Divas champion, do not, should say everything you need to know about how much effort they're putting into this WM.

For whatever reason, this one really irritates me. Probably because it's such an obviously fitting match they still couldn't notice.

Yeah, the lack of interest in a womens division is pretty emblematic of the problems with the product as a whole.


So not worth it
That the Bellas have a match after being back for about 3 weeks and still not knowing how to wrestle while AJ, their most popular Diva, and Kaitlyn, the Divas champion, do not, should say everything you need to know about how much effort they're putting into this WM.

For whatever reason, this one really irritates me. Probably because it's such an obviously fitting match they still couldn't notice.

Maybe because it's a match people would actually give a shit about. I know they're just divas and crowds been trained to tune out, but with the backstory I have a feeling people would actually like to see this match happen.

But as you all know, I'm biased in all things AJ, so I figured it pisses me off more than the regular viewer.

But yeah, very much agreed, the fact that The Bella's and Cameron "My favorite match ever is Alicia Fox vs. Melina" from Tough Enough are getting WrestleMania matches before AJ gets one is so retarded it literally hurts my brain.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
The funny thing is, of those 6: Kane, Mark Henry and Big Show are still fulltimers, the other 3 are part timers. Though Jericho works more than that sub-set still.

Yeah I watched some of the more recent documentaries and saw how some of those big names went away and came back for various reasons. I only just watched the Rock/Cena video last week. Didn't realize Rock had even come back and I sure didn't know who Cena was. Kinda glad Rock won though, the little I got about Cena is he had no choice but to fill the shoes after the Rock/Austin/DX golden age.


No One Remembers
Yeah I watched some of the more recent documentaries and saw how some of those big names went away and came back for various reasons. I only just watched the Rock/Cena video last week. Didn't realize Rock had even come back and I sure didn't know who Cena was. Kinda glad Rock won though, the little I got about Cena is he had no choice but to fill the shoes after the Rock/Austin/DX golden age.

The only reason I started watching again a couple years back was because the Rock was coming back, figured I'd check it out.


I'll move my WM predictions over to this thread

My WrestleMania Predictions:

Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston vs Team Hell No: Team Hell No. They're the only things keeping the tag division even remotely relevant, and the tag belts aren't going to be the belt that Ziggler leaves the night with.

Jericho vs Fandango: Fandango. Pretty classic "old guy puts over the young guy" setup here. Though I won't be surprised if this ends up being a HHH/Ultimate Warrior squash match in Jericho's favor either, though Jericho obviously gains nothing from a win.

The Miz vs Wade Barrett: Barrett. Don't really care, honestly. Miz has no momentum and Barrett needs the belt to stay relevant right now.

Rhodes Scholars vs Funkawhatevers: Bathroom break. Don't really care. This match has no business on the card.

Ryback vs Mark Henry: Ryback. He needs a jump start to get his push going again after it got squashed during his brief CM Punk main event push. This match is probably going to be a glorious train wreck, I expect a Rybotch or two.

The Shield vs Orton/Shaemus/Show: The Shield, with one of the opposing teammates turning heel and joining them. Most likely Orton, possibly Show. Shield needs the win and needs a little new blood into their group.

HHH vs Brock Lesnar: HHH, actually. This is one of those matches where I don't think either person really gains anything via winning it, and Lesnar eventually needs payback for all of the arms he's broken. HBK being in HHH's corner will be the deciding factor, and with all due respect to Lesnar - he isn't the Undertaker. HBK/HHH should be able to take him down.

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger: Alberto Del Rio. Pretty clear Del Rio win here. Do a little "meta-gaming" and you'll see that Swagger isn't walking out with the belt thanks to his recent DUI and the fact that he isn't getting the heat WWE wanted him to have. Del Rio's going to win the match, however Dolph Ziggler is going to cash in his Money in the Bank and win the World Heavyweight Championship now that there's no Ricardo to save the day.

Undertaker vs CM Punk: Undertaker. Before the last RAW I actually thought this might be the year The Streak gets snapped because there was simply too much in Undertaker's favor. However after how RAW ended tonight, the Pro Wrestling Rule of Reverse Momentum dictates that Taker is going to win this match. This will probably be a pretty solid match though.

The Rock vs John Cena: I'm really torn on this one, actually. My head says Cena but my heart says Rock. I'm leaning more's Cena walking away champion though. Regardless, I'm predicting a Cena heel turn at the end of this match though. He's either going to lose and snap or he's going to win via cheating in some fashion whether it be via a handful of tights, something illegal, or Shield interference.

I legitimately think Cena's turning heel or doing something pretty heel-ish though. Rock/Cena is going to be the closing match of the night and I don't think Vince wants his Superbowl to end with the crowd booing their baby face champion out of the building.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
The only reason I started watching again a couple years back was because the Rock was coming back, figured I'd check it out.

I don't think I could ever really get back into it. But watching all these old matches made me realize how I didn't appreciate the athleticism/choreography as a kid.


That the Bellas have a match after being back for about 3 weeks and still not knowing how to wrestle while AJ, their most popular Diva, and Kaitlyn, the Divas champion, do not, should say everything you need to know about how much effort they're putting into this WM.

For whatever reason, this one really irritates me. Probably because it's such an obviously fitting match they still couldn't notice.

And AJ , Kaitlyn are pretty damn eye pleasing to boot. I guess Vince just has a fetish for Twins.

or maybe


So not worth it
I'd argue both AJ/Kaitlyn are quite a lot more pleasing to the eye than the Bellas, but that's just me.

Not just you.

AJ alone is more over than The Bellas ever were if crowd reactions are anything to go by. Kaitlyn is not there yet, but she hasn't gotten a fair chance either. Hell, when the Bella's came back they just instadropped the Kaitlyn/Cody pairing right away.


Not just you.

AJ alone is more over than The Bellas ever were if crowd reactions are anything to go by. Kaitlyn is not there yet, but she hasn't gotten a fair chance either. Hell, when the Bella's came back they just instadropped the Kaitlyn/Cody pairing right away.

Not to mention, it would be basically a hometown WM match for AJ. Its a pretty shitty company to not even give her that.


Ah, I just looked it up, they are dating Bryan and Cena? LOL

While their "arrive back in March, instantly get a WM match" thing pisses me off, I do find imagining the dinner conversations funny.


So not worth it
Not to mention, it would be basically a hometown WM match for AJ. Its a pretty shitty company to not even give her that.

As I posted over in Community, AJ tweeted this earlier:


I'm gonna assume Kaitlyn and AJ got shut down even after requesting the match.

Could be totally unrelated though, but I'm gonna assume it anyway, because.


No wonder King tries to push that "Goat Face" shit so hard, hes jealous and wants to steal Daniels girlfriend.


As I posted over in Community, AJ tweeted this earlier:


I'm gonna assume Kaitlyn and her got shut down even after requesting the match.

Could be totally unrelated though, but I'm gonna assume it anyway, because.

If true, than I feel bad for both of them. That one match probably would have validated both their entire careers until now.

She's too old.


Paige from NXT is a granny by King's standards.


If true, than I feel bad for both of them. That one match probably would have validated both their entire careers until now.

I think the part that makes it really annoying/upsetting is that WWE pushes shit like B A * all year, but when they have legitimate chances to great female role models they'd rather just throw them in to romance angles and call them sluts. It makes a lot of the charity stuff they do feel less than genuine.


I think the part that makes it really annoying/upsetting is that WWE pushes shit like B A * all year, but when they have legitimate chances to great female role models they'd rather just throw them in to romance angles and call them sluts. It makes a lot of the charity stuff they do feel less than genuine.

Well, AJ got stuck in nonstop romance angles (or rather, flings, only one, with Bryan, was actually a romance), then they turned her heel and now get to call her a whore for the stuff she did as a face. What fine booking.

Dead Man

If true, than I feel bad for both of them. That one match probably would have validated both their entire careers until now.


Paige from NXT is a granny by King's standards.

I was reading a while ago a suggeston to save the womens division by having Paige run an anti diva storyline. Never happen, but it would be great.


So not worth it
The thing that bothers me most is how much potential they're wasting with AJ. She's got people bringing signs about her, girls dressing up as her, her action figure is supposedly selling gangbusters and they put her on the cover of two DVD's last year.

Yet she hardly ever gets to wrestle and when she does is booked as a non-wrestler (Because she's small lol, can't be small and a wrestler I suppose). Why she's not featured properly or given any other merchandise so she can speak to the female demographic more is a huge mistake on WWE's part. I bet if they sold t-shirts that were cut up like AJ wears all the time with some skulls on it they would sell out in an instance, she's constantly retweeting girls who cut-up t-shirts like hers. It would be good business to push a few women on that basis alone, yet none are pushed and Divas merchandise is restricted to a few items with the Divas logo on it.

So weird.


She's not on the list of "Vince approved to get over". So no merchandise, no push, no big matches. Same with 95% of the roster.

It's not about making money anymore, it's about making money as long as it comes from the guys Vince has decided will be his guys. Otherwise they don't want it.

Dead Man

She's not on the list of "Vince approved to get over". So no merchandise, no push, no big matches. Same with 95% of the roster.

It's not about making money anymore, it's about making money as long as it comes from the guys Vince has decided will be his guys. Otherwise they don't want it.

That's when you know they have too much money.


For anyone going to the event.

Guests are welcome to carry in to MetLife Stadium the following items:

Bags or purses that are 12-by-12-by-12 inches or less in size (all bags and other carried items will be subject to search)
Food contained in a clear plastic bag
Factory-sealed, plastic bottles of water or soft drinks that are 20 oz. or less in size (caps will be removed by Safety Services team members).
Still-photography cameras with a lens that is 6" or less in length
Jackets or blankets after being patted down or searched

Guests may NOT carry-in to MetLife Stadium the following items:

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Single-purpose video cameras or still-photography cameras with a lens longer than 6"
Any animal with the exception of a service animal
Any other item deemed inappropriate by MetLife Stadium management

sorry guys, no weapons!

Dead Man

Yet they have LESS money than they did during the Attitude Era when Vince was open minded and gave anyone who genuinely wanted it a shot.

Well.... shit. They are just irritatingly short sighted then. I wish there was some competition that got international coverage, hell even national coverage would be good. TNA never quite gets there, and as cool as the indy circuit is, I LIKE the super production values of WWE. I just hate everthing else.

You mean like what they were going to do with Kharma??

I missed that, I take years away from WWE for my own sanity :) But from reading around, yeah, like that. It'll never happen.


So not worth it
Actually, I think TNA is bigger deal overseas than it is domestic.

They've just got on the road, so if they're ever going to break out it's over the next year.


I don't remember the last time I was less hyped for a 'Mania.

Anyone know of any livestreams showing previous WM's?


Only thing that would make this at all interesting to me is if they actually let Punk get the win over Taker.


So not worth it
Where's the Raw after WM? I can imagine AJ winning the women's title there, hopefully it's in NJ so she gets a pop.

Remember last year when the crowd spend two hours chanting for Bryan?

He never came out (not counting the dark match, which he actually still lost).


I'll move my WM predictions over to this thread

I legitimately think Cena's turning heel or doing something pretty heel-ish though. Rock/Cena is going to be the closing match of the night and I don't think Vince wants his Superbowl to end with the crowd booing their baby face champion out of the building.

I don't know if the WWE still does it, but they have muted the audience when they chanted in the past when it went against their message. I figure if Cena wins clean that you're going to hear the crowd go quiet as you visually see them enraged.


Of the big matches, I think only Swagger might win. Then again he still has yet to be punished for his DUI.

Shield will probably win.
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