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WSJ: Switch fails to turn on investors, surprises unannounced


God these threads are fucking frustrating.

Everytime people post and leave and don't bother to learn that this happens every time. People sell on news, buy on rumors.

But someone will still make the thread next time.

Originally posted for the suprises unannounced and the opinion on pricing, since there isn't much info I added the headline of the article. It was either that or hearing a person give her opinion Switch:

Sayaka Kaneko, 35 years old and a mother of a young son, said “I can’t see how it could provide a new entertainment experience as Nintendo claims.”

Next year? That preview is all we get until next year? Yikes. If this thing is DoA at launch Nintendo might be done.

There isn't much point giving more info on Switch in November/December when you have Pokémon including Pokémon themed 3DS HW, Super Mario Run, NES Mini Classic and Super Mario Maker 3DS to advertise and sell.


Shares fall after Apple conferences too, don't they? Buy on rumors, sell on news or something.

And yet stocks rose for Nintendo when Super Mario Run was announced, although I guess that doesn't count because there weren't any rumours it was going to be revealed.
this very much means little, but Nintendo is going to have a tough sell if they keep up the "This is a home console first" mantra while having much weaker hardware than other home consoles. Not sure if any of the stock drop is based around that interview though, as I doubt most of these investors even read it.
Not a whole lot to see here other than a bunch of analysts who must have been sleeping on the rumblings for the last six months. What we saw yesterday is what's been rumored, almost verbatim. Don't know why anything that was presented yesterday would impact anyone's model for valuing the company.

Alas, the market is irrational, so whatevs.

Next year? That preview is all we get until next year? Yikes. If this thing is DoA at launch Nintendo might be done.

Yeah, no. Nintendo's war chest of cash is legendary. they could prolly put out another couple generations of Wii Us and still be fine. Go on over to that site that I believe isn't supposed to be linked on here to look at sales numbers for games for the last 10-15 years. Over half of the best selling games of all time were Nintendo. They have plenty of money.

As they say, Nintendo ain't nuthin' to fuck wit.


Oh come on. $200 is like £130 (or at least was when sterling was stable), which is £30 cheaper than the current retail price of the New 3DS. They're not, ever, ever going to sell something like the Swtich for that price. That's insane.

Why would you convert a dollar price into pounds and then back into dollar?

A New 3DS XL is $200 in the US, so a Shift at would be the same price as New 3DS XL and not £30 cheaper. That's not likely either, but your way of converting was quite bizarre.

Anyway, I can't see Shift becoming a success at $350. If they launch at that price, I'd say it's DOA, actually. There's no market for premium handhelds, it would be horribly underpowered compared to its console competition at $350, it wouldn't be an easy pick up for casuals, etc. pp. That wouldn't fly.

Even at $300 it'd likely be a tough sell.


And yet stocks rose for Nintendo when Super Mario Run was announced, although I guess that doesn't count because there weren't any rumours it was going to be revealed.

That's a different kind of thing, too, because SMR is a software, for smartphones at that.

Hardware announcements are more likely to make stocks drops.
They picked the wrong industry.

Not entirely true. Nintendo, if they went third party, could put their IPs up for bid for exclusivity to Microsoft and Sony and the investors would be rolling in dough in no time.

Then again, some are probably still holding out hope of Microsoft just buying Nintendo out at some point, lock, stock, and barrel. Not far fetched, but harder to do since Nintendo as a lot of cash on hand to help control stock in the marketplace.
I'm not sure why anyone would expect otherwise after that trailer and the update that we won't hear anything else about price, specs or software in 2016. That's not something you'd want to hear as an investor.


The stock was overbought after they said an announcement was coming Thursday, so the drop is just people banking profits on idiots who jumped in at the last minute to ride the announcement. The share price prior to Wednesdays announcement of an announcement already factored in the upcoming console launch and much of the rumors we had were accurate.

yup pretty much.


Nintendos secrets will cost them investors. Who really cares besides Nintendo or the investors that are holding tough on the lack of NX info?


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
I like what they showed, but that commercial should have been followed up with a lot more info and some new gaming experiences. Nintendo continues to fail at marketing.


Here's what investors wanted to hear:

1. NX is an Android phone/tablet made in association with [insert non-Samsung company]
2. Nintendo IPs will all be available on all Android and Apple devices

Bad for Nintendo long term but great for investors short term.


Entitled investors. Imagine wanting to know more about the products of companies they're investing in. Crazy talk


Not really surprising considering we're ~5 months away from launch and Nintendo is still trying to keep secrets about the console, which is a very, very, very bad idea.
I don't really see a reason why this thing would be a success for Nintendo.

Most of the scenes in the hipster reveal trailer are just not realistic with a big handheld gaming device. People have their phones and tablets for those situations.

Then the people that game at home just buy a dedicated gameconsole, tailored to their one need: playing games on the tv.

Noone asked for this in between device.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Good luck getting extensive 3rd party support for a cartridge-based system in 2017. Its convenient for consumers maybe, but for everyone on the supply side its another set of publishing costs and hassles.


Not entirely true. Nintendo, if they went third party, could put their IPs up for bid for exclusivity to Microsoft and Sony and the investors would be rolling in dough in no time.

Then again, some are probably still holding out hope of Microsoft just buying Nintendo out at some point, lock, stock, and barrel. Not far fetched, but harder to do since Nintendo as a lot of cash on hand to help control stock in the marketplace.

That, and the Japanese government has controls in place to prevent foreign companies from taking over their corporations in hostile takeovers.


It was extremely late announcement imo and all the third party games are old ports.
I mean, Who the fuck want to play skyrim anymore.

It's important to note that the Wii U originally was suppose to house the more interesting version of games, given the off-TV play and touch screen. We got Arkham City, Black Ops II and…uuhhhh

the problem there was that they were old games, past their hype. The majority of consumers didn't care at that stage. If Switch doesn't get third-party games within half a year of their release it's wasted, even with the portability of the system.
I just don't understand the rationale behind keeping information until next year...

Withholding further information for the remainder of 2016 is pointless and extremely frustrating.

They should lay out all the cards at this point.

Frustrating to us sure. It benefits them to hold that info and build hype after the holiday season where there is no distraction from the election, Pokémon, Christmas etc. Why blow their load now and have everyone forget about it? The world took notice yesterday at the announcement and they will be trending on twitter again when the blow the roof off this thing in 2017.


This is also a bad thing when answering to a board. Remember some guys care about short term gains, rather than long term. Even when Steve Jobs was running Apple, his investors wanted him to not invest in newer gadgets and keep investing in ipods and Macs. If he Kept listening to investors, they would've not released the Iphone or MacAir. Some of these don't know the industry and think they can bully the company because they own a small piexe
Now watch Nintendo fuck up on both accounts.
They really need to price this aggressively. They are the only console manufacturer who can take a bit of a loss on each unit if need be.

Not true. Both Sony and Microsoft have taken losses on hardware this generation. Microsoft seems to be doing it currently.


I am pretty sure Sony was breaking even or even making a tiny profit from the PS4 from day 1.

Sony was breaking even after selling a combination combination of games and/or PS Plus so they were taking a slight loss on the hardware at launch.

PS4 was sold without any loss at launch, It was making a little profit, less than 20$ per console.



thanks for the laugh
My mother texted me just a few hours after the news. Lady is over 60. This is the first time that's happened with any video game system.

I'm not saying the Switch is going to sell 200 million units. I'm just saying the trailer and the coverage around it was effective enough to saturate the market such that a 60 year old lady who doesn't play games other than her phone games knew about it after just 2 hours..

it might be that she's desperately lonely and can only relate to her 30 something son by talking about nintendo toys.


They didn't announce price or specs. And supposedly won't for the rest of the year. Which is really odd because March isn't that far off. Not announcing price could possibly mean its a lot more expensive than people think. Investors have the right to worry. Or at the very least not jump aboard the hype.

Watching the trailer I was expecting for them to announce a date for a live event or a direct in the end but they didn't even do that.
It's still astounding how investors can be so short-sighted and chase fads for only a short-term game.
Nintendo will be fine, but now I want to see those surprises.


4g would require a data plan. Nobody is going to release a cellular radio equipped gaming system after how poorly the 3g Vita did.

People already have smartphones. Why push for a cellular radio equipped console?
Nintendo could subsidize a lot or all the cost and it would allow for constant online gaming.

It would make a great surprise and lets not forget Sprint is owned by a Japanese company.


I was talking to my roommate, who never even owned a Wii. He thought Switch was cool, but wondered if it ran Android. He doesn't see himself carrying around another device. He also wondered if it was possible to make phone calls. We may not think about this, but it's something that general consumers consider.

I think Nintendo should find a way to have it run Android or make it an open platform for apps.


I was talking to my roommate, who never even owned a Wii. He thought Switch was cool, but wondered if it ran Android. He doesn't see himself carrying around another device. He also wondered if it was possible to make phone calls. We may not think about this, but it's something that general consumers consider.

I think Nintendo should find a way to have it run Android or make it an open platform for apps.

I believe your roommate had these reactions, because you're sharing that, but I can't imagine these being typical reactions, especially the latter. I personally don't think general consumers are going to be asking those questions.


Seriously if they want to make investors happy make a console pokemon game. ALWAYS bet on pokemon. Thing would sell faster than wii u lifetime in first year.


Having dug their first-party grave over two generations, Nintendo now jumps in and enthusiastically starts shoveling dirt onto itself.

It's ARM. Publishers are not going to port AAA games to another architecture, even if the Tegra could handle AAA games, which it can't. One would think that by now even Nintendo would have realized that their titles alone are not enough to sustain a hardware platform.

Who is this device for? Not hardcore gamers, who can't play the games they want on this console. Not kids, who already have a smartphone with a billion games. Not casuals, who value social connections, ad-supported business models, and quick hits of gaming while in line at the DMV.

I love the look of the Switch, I love the name, and I really REALLY hope it gets strong support from eg Atlus and Gust. I respect Nintendo for having the balls to stick to their vision of gaming, however out of sync with reality it might be. Nintendo will put out amazing Marios and Zeldas (hopefully plural) and rack up the GOTYs as they should.

But as a platform, the market for the Switch is just not there. If I were a Nintendo investor, I would be selling too.
You mean people don't want to throw money at a complicated 5 piece game oddly shaped console?

Investors will have to wait until more info is out before it's a safe bet.
I find Autodesk being one of the developers very interesting. Unless there is another Autodesk, they are the makers of CAD. Very very interesting
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