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WWE No Mercy '17 |OT| No Way Out from this No Holds Barred event that gives No Sympy


Fire this camera man.


Slow pace so far. This is gonna be a long one, gang. They're gonna let it sizzle for a while before pulling out the big guns.


Cena's getting downed so much that this is really looking like that Corbin match. Cena is either fucking around or on the ground. This isn't one of those "Reigns beats Cena decisively through a great match."


Is this the real bathroom break match?

Is this match part of the new season of Swerve'd, coming exclusively to the WWE Network in 2018? Is the WWE Universe the one getting swerve'd?


Imagine your co-workers chanting "You suck" or "Leave" or "Bullshit" when you do something good.

"But guys, I just made a sale..."

"Bullllshiiiiit! Buuullllshiiiit!"

Or you buy a massive lunch no one thinks you can finish, but you get near the end and everyone starts chanting "This is awesome!"
Holy hell, this is trash. There's been one wrestling move and it was botched.

edit: Samoan drop. Two. Three if you count that side headlock.
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