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WWE SummerSlam 2013 |OT| The Spontaneous Combustion of Bryan Danielson & Cena Johnson

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One review says it's closed down now.

I live in brooklyn and I'm willing to go to the city for one.

Weird, must have been pretty recent because they've definitely done the PPVs this year (I haven't personally gone, but a coworker has). Although this guy seems to be stating it's closed due to the website not working, which could just mean that they fucked up on web payments or something. I might swing by on Saturday to check and see if they're still open.


Weird, must have been pretty recent because they've definitely done the PPVs this year (I haven't personally gone, but a coworker has). Although this guy seems to be stating it's closed due to the website not working, which could just mean that they fucked up on web payments or something. I might swing by on Saturday to check and see if they're still open.

Well there's a place I found called Legends on 33rd, if we wanna try that


Also seems like will be shown at

If any of these are legit that be cool. I would go for WMXXX for sure.


Yeah, we should go ahead and establish ground rules for spoiler tagging the betting odds from Reddit on the day of the PPV.
My opinion probably holds no weight but I think spoiler tags for text discussion with images behind urls and clearly marked as a spoiler should suffice.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I'm calling Orton cashing in BEFORE the match actually ends, like while Byan has Cena in the Whatever-Lock, right before Cena taps. Bryan releases the hold when Orton's music hits, Randy takes him out with the case or a chair or something, cashes in. Cena stands up, RKO, pinned.

Bryan keeps chasing the title without losing momentum, now against a pure heel. Cena's protective bubble is unburst and he can also stay in the title picture keeping Vin-Man happy. And Orton is turned instantly by daring to lay a finger on D-Bry. Everyone wins
until Randy strikes out during the Summerslam afterparty.

This would be much better than having bryan hold the title for 20 seconds. Much, much better.

One of the things that sucks about the MitB cash ins, especially since so many of them are done on newly-crowned champions, is that title reigns are sort of diminished, as it becomes a game of hot-potato.

You want the title win to be impactful, not to disappear in the blink of an eye. Having orton steal the title just as Bryan's about to win it makes bryan hungrier and makes the eventual payoff when he DOES win the title (probably at survivor series or maybe even wrestlemania if they want to drag it out that far) that much more impactful


So not worth it
Don't have time this weekend, so doing this a bit early this month. But it's time, IT'S TIME! PREDICTION TIME!


United States Championship: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Rob Van Dam (Kickoff Match)
So with the Wyatt family being the new hot trio in town The Shield has been on the backburner and here we go, Ambrose is on the pre-show and Rollins and Reigns aren’t even on the card, sad times indeed. Apparently there is some heat on them as they’ve hurt both Taker and Orton and WWE hates getting big names hurt, so there’s that. Bad news for Ambrose you’d say, but he’s facing RVD so I wouldn’t be too worried. RVD had a hot comeback last PPV and has been on every show since. He’s hot and is a lot better in the ring now that he’s giving a shit again. Best part of the past month has to be Orton countering his rolling by body slamming him, well done Orton. RVD doesn’t need this title, but with the heat on The Shield and the fact that WWE might want to get the crowd hot for SummerSlam by doing a title change I’m gonna go with Rob Van Dam becoming the new US Champion. It’s still a higher accolade than being TNA Heavyweight Champion, so good on him, I guess.


Natalya vs. Brie Bella
E! and WWE extended the first season of Total Divas with another six episode. Guess why they’re doing this match, guess, guess, guess… Natalya wins, whatever.


Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow
I am looking forward to this match. I love when wrestlers are so passionate about their characters they essentially become their character on air. Few wrestlers have this quality and Sandow is one of them. His push is coming later than I anticipated (I had expected him to be World Champ by WrestleMania this year), but I’m glad he has the briefcase. Also, he’s the first to get rid of that ugly thing and turn it into a nice brown leathery case. Cody is someone I’ve always enjoyed, he should shave the mustache and become Dashing again though. This match is hard to call, I’m happy they didn’t put the briefcase on the line and I hope they never do that. Sandow should become champ, as he’s the MVP. He should win this match as well, but I’m expecting this feud to continue another month or so, so I’m going with Cody Rhodes to win this one.


Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ Lee
Ziggler said in an interview a few days ago he’d much rather have wrestled AJ alone… Yeah Ziggles, you and everyone else, I’ll gladly tap out to the Black Widow Layla style. Seriously though, that would’ve been a fun match to watch, but in PG era it’s not allowed and as soon as one of the men tags we get another rehash of Kaitlyn vs. AJ. This has to be the final match between the two and same goes for Ziggler vs. Big E, the only logical outcome therefor has to be the faces winning, Kaitlyn & Ziggler win. They might have the heels go over though, as Ziggler just got a movie role and might need some time off soon. Kaitlyn is gonna drop off from the Divas Title scene after this, so why give her the win over the champ anyways? Honestly, it’s a hard one to call, but I’m still going with the faces to win.


Ring of Fire Match: Kane vs. Bray Wyatt
So a Ring of Fire match is an Inferno match where you don’t win by setting someone on fire. It’s just the effects. I’m still very excited though, they don’t set the ring on fire that often (only 4 times in history if I remember correctly) after all. I know I said Sandow was the best thing ever, but fuck it, Bray Wyatt is THE BEST THING EVER. Like Sandow, he lives his character and he’s frigging amazing at it. Kane is off to film See No Evil 2, so Bray Wyatt gets the win. Lets hope he doesn’t get heat on him over the next few months and he’ll be WWE Champion in no-time.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Christian
Doesn’t it feel like we’ve seen this match already? Oh yeah, that’s right… WE DID! It wasn’t even a short match or anything, but like 20 minutes long. Really weird booking. Then again, nobody is going to buy SummerSlam for this match so there we go. Christian won that match, so logic would dictate Del Rio retains. However, it was a surprise roll-up win so there’s not too much credit to that. Only Bryan can credibly do those. Christian is probably retiring very soon, so I’m going to go with Christian having one last run as champion that’ll lead up to a career vs. championship match where he loses and official retires on Survivor Series.


The Best vs. The Beast: CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar
I can’t express into words how excited I am for this match. As far as I’m concerned this is only the second match Lesnar has had since returning to WWE, first he battled Cena and now it’s Punk. We can forget about all the boring Triple H bullshit as far as I’m concerned. Triple H is gonna be a great exec, I just wish he would hurry up and stop wrestling to focus on that. Anyways, back to this match, I’m expecting a brawl like Lesnar had with Cena, but even more extreme… If someone isn’t bleeding after a minute into this match I’ll be very fucking disappointed. I’m gonna assume Lesnar comes out on top, so he can challenge Taker for WrestleMania 30. If he loses he’ll have lost to the guy that couldn’t beat Taker, so what sense does that make? I wouldn’t be bothered if Punk overcame, but that’s not how I would book it. Punk will end up giving an STF to Heyman either way during this match, that will be glorious.


WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan. Special guest referee: Triple H
The addition of Triple H has somewhat lowered my anticipation of this match, but I’m still really excited. Cena always steps his game up against super hot guys like Bryan, and Bryan himself is the best wrestler in the world right now so this match is gonna be insane. Cena is rumored to get surgery on his elbow soon and I think he will lose clean for once, just once, to the Yes-Lock and Daniel Bryan wins the championship. Trips will call the match down the middle and only after it is over, will Pedigree Bryan and Cena and turn heel. Out comes Orton to cash in. Triple H is the ref still. Match starts, Bryan fights back and somehow Triple H gets taken out. Vince comes out with Maddox, Bryan reverses the RKO OUTA NOWHERE into a Small Package and Bryan retains the title. I’ll be fine if they do the predictable cash-in and Orton winning too though, Bryan being a former champion and chasing the title for a few more months is fine by me. He’s great and he’ll be great wether he’s champion now or a few months down the line.


WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Daniel Bryan with special guest referee Triple H
Randy Orton cashes in just before Cena is about to tap to the Yes! Lock

The Best versus The Beast: CM Punk vs. Brock Lesnar

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Christian

Ring of Fire Match: Kane vs Bray Wyatt

Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow

Dolph Ziggler & Kaitlyn vs. Big E Langston & AJ

Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Pre-Show US Championship Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs. RVD

Although I wouldn't be surprised at all if they give RVD the win to get the crowd hot before the show...although I think the crowd should be hot all night.

Lesnar (they have booked him unstoppable and with losing so much to HHH I'd like to see the return of a beast Bork)

Christian (I guess this is one last push for the guy)

Bella (Total Divas season finale crap)

Wyatt (Kane puts young talent over)

Sandow (Sandow has been booked like shit which means he'll get a random win and Cody will chase him around for a while)

Dolph and Kaitlyn (poor Dolph and Kaitlyn, they deserve better than this)

Ambrose (RVD is the new Jericho until Jericho comes back, this should be a good match, since Shield is not involved I see something happening on the preshow to get the crowd going)


Having Orton cash in during the match would make the most sense.

Which is why WWE won't do it. I still see Bryan winning with the YES lock, Shield attacking and laying out Bryan, Orton cashing in and taking the strap.

And Ambrose and RVD on the pre-show!? That deserves to be on the main card.
Wait, what happens to Bryan if Orton cashes in during his match with Cena? Does Bryan have to leave the ring, or does that make it a three-way match?

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Unconfirmed Member
Wait, what happens to Bryan if Orton cashes in during his match with Cena? Does Bryan have to leave the ring, or does that make it a three-way match?

I dunno. I'd imagine they'd...do...I don't have a clue.


So not worth it
Don't think you can cash in while a match is ongoing, that would make no sense. A match is a match and if the person you're challenging is already in a match he can't have another one, now can he.


Wait, what happens to Bryan if Orton cashes in during his match with Cena? Does Bryan have to leave the ring, or does that make it a three-way match?

The way I envision it, Orton's music hits distracting Bryan, then Orton levels Bryan with the briefcase to cause a DQ before Orton cashes in.

That or Orton runs in through the crowd, hits Bryan with a chair or the briefcase while he's got the Yes! Lock on Cena, causing the DQ, then throws him out of the ring and cashes in on a vulnerable Cena.
Don't think you can cash in while a match is ongoing, that would make no sense. A match is a match and if the person you're challenging is already in a match he can't have another one, now can he.

OK, so the cash-in can happen only after the original match (D-Bry vs. Super Cena) is over. Makes sense.


The way I envision it, Orton's music hits distracting Bryan, then Orton levels Bryan with the briefcase to cause a DQ before Orton cashes in.

That or Orton runs in through the crowd, hits Bryan with a chair or the briefcase while he's got the Yes! Lock on Cena, causing the DQ, then throws him out of the ring and cashes in on a vulnerable Cena.

But isn't HHH supposed to be out there to stop this sort of thing happening?
RVD vs. Ambrose - Ambrose retains in a match that will be worth way more than free.

Natalya vs. Brie - Nattie wins quickly.

Ziggler & K8 vs. Big E and AJ - Decisive win for the heels here, Big E gets a lot of momentum from a win over his former boss and will , but the decision will come from AJ beating K8 yet again to finally put her away and move on to another challenger (Natalya, now the new big face after her win.

Bray Wyatt vs. Kane - Wyatt wins by fire, Kane vanishes to film See no Evil 2 and intimidate congressmen and senators into adopting more libertarian policies.

Christian vs. Del Rio - Christian wins, Sandow cashes in and becomes YOUR NEW WHC

Cody vs. Sandow - Cody lobbies that the match should now be for the title since Sandow is champ, and wins to become YOUR NEW WHC. Feud continues, now it's for the title!

Punk vs. Lesnar - I'm really torn here as both guys need the win. Lesnar's W/L ratio is 50/50 since his return and Punk hasn't had a win on PPV in months. But given Lesnar's limited role I'm calling CM Punk winning and extracting revenge on Heyman. They have plenty of time to build Lesnar back up before WM if he is indeed going to take on Taker. Sweeping a team at survivor series, eliminating 28 guys in the rumble, he'll be fine.

Bryan vs. Cena - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=76454227&postcount=231


Don't think you can cash in while a match is ongoing, that would make no sense. A match is a match and if the person you're challenging is already in a match he can't have another one, now can he.

I mean there is no rule against it... exactly

Could make it a triple threat match or whatever

Means don't need the champion to cash-in or whatever
Don't think you can cash in while a match is ongoing, that would make no sense. A match is a match and if the person you're challenging is already in a match he can't have another one, now can he.

You shouldn't be able to get counted out in a no-DQ match either but they do it anyways. WWE will use whatever logic is most convenient at the time, and if there's some kind of hole in it they'll have Cole handwave it with some contrived explanation later.


RVD via DQ
Natalya via pinfall
Cody Rhodes via countout
Dolph/Kaitlyn via pinfall
Wyatt via pinfall
Lesnar via stoppage
D-Bryne via pinfall
My predictions:

Ambrose over RVD via pinfall.
(they're starting the preshow early so I anticipate this being an amazing match)

Natalya over Brie via her new submission that we saw this week on Raw :(

Cody via pinfall (I think this rivalry is going to eventually lead to a match for the contract)

Dolph/Kaitlyn via pinfall (there will be zig zags and there will be spears)

Wyatt via pinfall [Bray can't feel heat...he's already dead ;)]

Lesnar via homicide (This match will be amazing)

Bryan via submission of Cena and submission of Orton and KO of HHH (one can dream)
RVD via DQ
Nattie via submission
Dolph/Kaitlyn via pinfall
Cody via pinfall
Wyatt via pinfall
Christian via pinfall
Punk via pinfall
Bryan via pinfall
Easy show to predict.

RVD wins the title by pinfall (loses it soon after)
Bella wins by roll up (show is still going after all)
Dolph Kaitlyn win with pin on AJ
Sandow via DQ
Wyatt via the kiss thingy. Undertaker appears after
ADR via submission
Punk via pinfall
Cena wins clean LOL. Orton appears after but doesn't cash in.

Do people really think the WWE is going to have Bryan state Cena is not a wrestler and then have him lose? No.
Do people really think the WWE is going to have Bryan state Cena is not a wrestler and then have him lose? No.

Cena got the last hit in. It's all about that reverse momentum!!! Lol.

I think he's going to win and then have an entire match with Orton when he cashes in. He's shown repeatedly that he has the endurance to multiple quality matches in one night. I'm not sure if he'll win and have Orton tap out. If he does, that crowd will go nuts as will I at home.

It's also probable that they'll have him lose to an Orton cash in. Orton will come out with Vince and cash in. HHH will refuse to take the "deposit." HHH gets knocked out and Vince replaces him as the ref. They have a full match and Orton wins because as Vince has said "the WWE Universe doesn't know what they want. I know what they want." Or something along those lines.

In the end, I'm extremely excited for this show. For the most part, this card is loaded from top to bottom and has a lot of potential.
In the end, I'm extremely excited for this show. For the most part, this card is loaded from top to bottom and has a lot of potential.

That is what is causing concern for me. Every time people start getting excited and thinking about all the possibilities? Cena wins and Orton doesn't cash in and Bryan goes on to feud with Brad Maddox.

Because WWE.
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