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Xbox E3 Conference 6/11 2pm PST

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Zeta Oni

I'm not suppose to be peeking but the hype is too much.

Don't you dare put the idea of that game into my head!!! I can't handle it!!!!

I'd even take a Lost Odyssey Anniversary at this point, its been an entire decade since it released!

Could you imagine this amazingness but in UE4:



Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
I'm so glad this is on a Sunday and is on tv, hype is off the charts.
Can you imagine guys...

End of show, screen goes black, lights fade. We see a circle appear on screen, filled with a beautiful grassy landscape... Up pops banjo's head, filling the circle. Circle expands as camera pulls back and we see Banjo in some massive mechanical contraption...

Nuts and Bolts 2 logo appears.


I loved Nuts and Bolts. Not as a Banjo game though. But just as a game seperated from the Banjo name, I loved it. Alongside Viva Pinata, I really quite enjoyed Rares output back then. Two of my favorite 360 exclusives.
I hope they keep the obligatory Minecraft segment to a minimum.

We get it, the game is big and you want to advertise Minecon...

Minecraft will have a pretty decent segment I'm sure. They're going to be updating the XB1 version to be equivalent to the W10 version as well as introducing Realms for console.

And in fairness those are both pretty good sized announcements.
I honestly wouldn't mind. The first game was a bit unrefined, and a sequel that irons out the kinks would be very welcome.

Joking aside, I actually did enjoy Nuts and Bolts and thought it was pretty unique at the time. It's just using the Banjo franchise was somewhat brutal to fans... I would've preferred it being a new IP entirely.


Minecraft will have a pretty decent segment I'm sure. They're going to be updating the XB1 version to be equivalent to the W10 version as well as introducing Realms for console.

And in fairness those are both pretty good sized announcements.

I would like to see Minecraft 2, with a completely different look.

But I realize my wish runs counter to the brand identity.
Sorry for the delay, as always, when I decide to devote time to be social life also decides to throw a wrench my way.

Anyhow, I filled the first train!


If you have asked me to include you and you don't see yourself on here it's because I am reserving you for the next train. Trying to make all these random avatars look slightly decent when thrown together is a tougher job than you think lol.

Anyway, I'm working on the next train now, I'll try to get it posted tonight. HYPE!!!

Also, God bless those who have clear background PNG avatars. I may or may not have grabbed some without asking lol.

Sign me up!

I am super hyped for the MS conference. I have a lot of crazy predictions that I am certain will be correct ;)
I can't figure out why the banner being flown above the hype train is pixilated. It's vector art. Anyone here that uses illustrator know what I'm doing wrong?
Lets hear them. Worst to happen is being wrong. No bigs.

My prediction for MS E3;

- Scorpio at $399.00

- Scorpio will be either the same size, or smaller than the XB1S (I am leaning towards smaller)

- Scorpio will come with a trial of game pass, maybe up to 3 months?

- OG Xbox BC

- There will be an onslaught of new IP / new studio teases. MS isn't spending as much on marketing deals and will funnel that money into game development.

The PS4 had a (somewhat) dry lineup in the early years and they relied on major third party games to push sales while all their new games developed. I believe MS will follow a similar path with the Scorpio and will ride the "most powerful console and best graphics" train for the holiday season while they ramp up new IP development.

This has been toned down over the past few months, but I also expect to see many fan favorites coming back like Perfect Dark (secondary project headed by 343 or Coalition), Battle Toads and Banjo.


They wouldn’t call it Xbox One 4K.

That leaves all the people with HDTVs out in the cold. You don’t want to limit the sales expectations to the proliferation of 4K.


They wouldn’t call it Xbox One 4K.

That leaves all the people with HDTVs out in the cold. You don’t want to limit the sales expectations to the proliferation of 4K.

Agreed, but you never know. Like I said, I've never heard of 'HexDecimal ' before. However, if 'WalkingCat' says something similar, it's all but guaranteed, so we'll see.
I haven't been this excited for a Microsoft conference for a long while. Scorpio is poised to be my new third party system as I hope to start moving into the 4K space.

As for first party stuff, I'm not sure if anything is really jumping out. Sea of Thieves could go either way, same with Crackdown 3 which has likely dropped all the cloud processing. Halo has fallen far and likely a ways off. Gears is in a better position, but for some reason I didn't stick with 4 in the way I did with 1-3.

I just hope to see some good things to come out of left field, rather than typical exclusive/marketing deals.


Sorry for the delay, as always, when I decide to devote time to be social life also decides to throw a wrench my way.

Anyhow, I filled the first train!


If you have asked me to include you and you don't see yourself on here it's because I am reserving you for the next train. Trying to make all these random avatars look slightly decent when thrown together is a tougher job than you think lol.

Anyway, I'm working on the next train now, I'll try to get it posted tonight. HYPE!!!

Also, God bless those who have clear background PNG avatars. I may or may not have grabbed some without asking lol.

Wow, great job man. Look at me, first class window seat smoking :D

Thnx bro :p


Sorry for the delay, as always, when I decide to devote time to be social life also decides to throw a wrench my way.

Anyhow, I filled the first train!


If you have asked me to include you and you don't see yourself on here it's because I am reserving you for the next train. Trying to make all these random avatars look slightly decent when thrown together is a tougher job than you think lol.

Anyway, I'm working on the next train now, I'll try to get it posted tonight. HYPE!!!

Also, God bless those who have clear background PNG avatars. I may or may not have grabbed some without asking lol.

Mine looks killer! KB knocking it out of the park just like MS is about to do. Thanks man!!!
Sorry for the delay, as always, when I decide to devote time to be social life also decides to throw a wrench my way.

Anyhow, I filled the first train!


If you have asked me to include you and you don't see yourself on here it's because I am reserving you for the next train. Trying to make all these random avatars look slightly decent when thrown together is a tougher job than you think lol.

Anyway, I'm working on the next train now, I'll try to get it posted tonight. HYPE!!!

Also, God bless those who have clear background PNG avatars. I may or may not have grabbed some without asking lol.

I love NeoGAF thank you very much dude!


Just got of work and read the Phil tweet that the show is going to be more than 90minutes. They must have a lot to talk about. I wonder if the Scorpio portion will be a bit longer. Not all people that watch these conferences are on Gaf of read DF and may not know the specs or what it can do.

Really getting excited but also keeping expectations in check.
Poking my head in here to ask . . .

Who is most excited to see Ashen again? Hope it makes an appearance and a release date is given. THAT shit will get me to pick up a Scorpio.
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