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Xbox One Exclusive D4 is selling like complete shit, please help me #SaveD4


i'm definitely going to buy an xbone for this, sunset overdrive and scalebound

but i can't afford one yet, well unless i decide to buy no new games this fall and i want a few, but it's still a system seller for me so i hope someone from ms reads that.


NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling. You people just don't want to deal with reality. This isn't a discussion forum anymore. It's a place where people come to reassure each other of their expensive purchases. Please, ban me and remove my temptation.

See also: the Destiny thread.

The reality is that you're wrong.


NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling. You people just don't want to deal with reality. This isn't a discussion forum anymore. It's a place where people come to reassure each other of their expensive purchases. Please, ban me and remove my temptation.

See also: the Destiny thread.

Dude you are blatantly insulting anyone who own's a X1.


I think people saying a PS4 release would do notably better are mistaken. Obviously the PS4 sells better, so there are more people, which helps, but I imagine most the people who bought this did so because of Swery, and while DP did come to PS3 eventually, I think it missed that time when it was something people cared about, so the 360 audience are probably more attuned to his new game, and I imagine most the XBO audience had 360s.



He wasn't fond of xbox one customers...

NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling.

Having a negative opinion of a console or a game is one thing. You'll find PLENTY of people hating on the Xbox One on NeoGAF with valid and sometimes not-so-valid reasons and they won't get banned or anything. Insulting people for their purchasing decisions and painting them all with broad strokes as if only an idiot would disagree with your opinion is a different matter entirely.

I think people saying a PS4 release would do notably better are mistaken. Obviously the PS4 sells better, so there are more people, which helps, but I imagine most the people who bought this did so because of Swery, and while DP did come to PS3 eventually, I think it missed that time when it was something people cared about, so the 360 audience are probably more attuned to his new game, and I imagine most the XBO audience had 360s.

I don't think Sony would have ever left D4 out to dry like this. They would've shown it a lot more support and attention, IMO.
NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling. You people just don't want to deal with reality. This isn't a discussion forum anymore. It's a place where people come to reassure each other of their expensive purchases. Please, ban me and remove my temptation.

See also: the Destiny thread.

Don't leave me now. How will I ever regain my honour for owning an BroBox if you're not here to guide me?

Please, stahp. Think of all the misguided people who need your help.


Oh my God.


NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling. You people just don't want to deal with reality. This isn't a discussion forum anymore. It's a place where people come to reassure each other of their expensive purchases. Please, ban me and remove my temptation.

See also: the Destiny thread.

You can call it negativity all you want but insulting people and blaming them for the predicted destruction of your, and our, hobby and passion isn't simply a "validly held opinion." It's garbage.

Ploid 3.0

Will do my part, wish I could help more. I'll convince gaf. The picture and tweet looks sad and hits me in the feels.

People with Xbox one on gaf please help this guy out. Get the game.


Buy a PS4 to regain maximum honour.

If you already own one, buy another and you'll ascend to become console god king. Worshipped and loved by all. You'll also get all the chicks.

Is there some sort of manual in how to do this, maybe a how to guide?

My "dudebro"ness has shrouded my vision, all I can see is Fifa and COD.


Gold Member
I don't get that either, it's MS's fault, they have handled this pretty poorly, but that doesn't mean MS's goal was to keep the game away from other platforms, that sounds pretty fanboyish to me

wasn't my intention to be a fanboy. the question is: why would ms (or anyone) buy the rights to a game that they then proceed to stealth release? i'm just seeing a pretty limited number of possible answers...


That was the first mental break I've ever witnessed on GAF. I'll celebrate by purchasing this game.

On a scale of 1-10, how charming is this game?


I bought the game but it keeps crashing after I select "New Game." I think it has something to do with the game being always online but my connection is fine. Bums me out big time.


Did Sony advertise Deadly Premonition, though? I certainly don't recall them making any significant push for that game, though I could be wrong.

Edit: Aaaaaand banned lol.


I'm going to choose to believe that this epic -- and apparently ongoing -- meltdown is just a clever way to popularize the thread and get D4 the exposure it deserves.

Way to take one for the team, Terry.


That was the first mental break I've ever witnessed. I'll celebrate by purchasing this game.

On a scale of 1-10, how charming is this game?

It's oozing with charm.

I bought the game but it keeps crashing after I select "New Game." I think it has something to do with the game being always online but my connection is fine. Bums me out big time.

Is it fully installed? The preload thing doesn't let you play it.


Gold Member
Did Sony advertise Deadly Premonition, though? I certainly don't recall them making any significant push for that game, though I could be wrong.

not really necessary: the game had already been released & reviewed years earlier. people knew what they were in for...


Did Sony advertise Deadly Premonition, though? I certainly don't recall them making any significant push for that game, though I could be wrong.

Why would they? Not only did it come to 360 first, it was published by a third-party.

EDIT: Opps I goofed, I believe only the directors cut came to ps3?


Sorry a Master Ninja the topic went way off rail.

I brought the game and tweeted Phil and Arron. My friend is buying a X1, I'm trick him into getting it lol.

I'm double dip and buy it on second account within next couple weeks

Did Sony advertise Deadly Premonition, though? I certainly don't recall them making any significant push for that game, though I could be wrong.

Edit: Aaaaaand banned lol.

It got some space on the playstation blog at least in the EU though I think that was down to rising star games


I think the best thing to show the awesome style of D4 is the amazing TV-style intro credits. I've never seen a game nail it as well as D4. The rest of the soundtrack is just as great too, I think they're planning a release of it in the future.

Ploid 3.0

Did Sony advertise Deadly Premonition, though? I certainly don't recall them making any significant push for that game, though I could be wrong.

Wasn't that primarily a 360 game? If it came to PS3 much later why would it be up to Sony to market it? Do Sony, Microsoft, and Valve market all games? That would eat up their royalty fees if they did I'd have to imagine. I can see them wanting to market big games that people are anticipating which will make people want their platform/service.
Did Sony advertise Deadly Premonition, though? I certainly don't recall them making any significant push for that game, though I could be wrong.

Edit: Aaaaaand banned lol.

Didn't come out on PS3 internationally until 3 years after it released on Xbox 360. I think they would've supported D4 better just based on their track record with quirky, indie/budget games this generation. They would almost certainly get it on PS+ at some point. I have to figure that any game on PS+ with good critical reception is going to get a lot of exposure.
wasn't my intention to be a fanboy. the question is: why would ms (or anyone) buy the rights to a game that they then proceed to stealth release? i'm just seeing a pretty limited number of possible answers...
They didn't simply buy the rights. They provided the money to get the game made, and as the publisher, they distribute the game. As for why they decided to stealth release it? I have no idea. I think someone said that Sweet wanted to be like Steve Jobs and have it release during an event (TGS). It was supposed to come out in February, but got delayed.


It's oozing with charm.

Is it fully installed? The preload thing doesn't let you play it.

Yeah it is. It shows initial disclaimer about how the game doesn't reflect reality and what-not and then freezes and stutters when the narrator says the first line of dialogue. it then sends me to the Xbox One home menu. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times with no luck :(


I'd be up for a PC port, since I loved Deadly Premonition.

Wouldn't the Xbox One architecture make it relatively simple for the devs to port the game to PC?


I don't think Sony would have ever left D4 out to dry like this. They would've shown it a lot more support and attention, IMO.
Well I wasn't really talking about if Sony had actually published it. Although even then, Sony is not beyond dumping a game out with no push and leaving it to fend for itself.

This game was kind of damned by it's association with Kinect too, I think. You don't need to use it to play the game, but MS have already tied the game with the camera for people, and it's so wildly disliked, and it's been so blatantly abandoned by MS, that this might have just been caught in the cross-fire.


Yeah it is. It shows initial disclaimer about how the game doesn't reflect reality and what-not and then freezes and stutters when the narrator says the first line of dialogue. it then sends me to the Xbox One home menu. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times with no luck :(

Huh, I don't think I've heard anybody having that problem before. I've run into a glitch or two myself but nothing like that. Are there problems with any other games? If you have any save data try deleting that maybe?


Tweeted Swery asking if it was possible to get the prologue free on games with gold or something

Its really annoying the lack of exposure this has got, in a time where marketing either makes or breaks your release
Had no clue that it existed until a few days ago. I'm not surprised about the low sales numbers though. Not enough consoles shipped and the game released without any marketing. I'm actually surprised that it even sold 10k units.

Didn't really enjoy Deadly Premonition but D4 looks interesting. Will probably pick it up at some time.
wasn't my intention to be a fanboy. the question is: why would ms (or anyone) buy the rights to a game that they then proceed to stealth release? i'm just seeing a pretty limited number of possible answers...

MSJ have always been a mess, they did it ok in the early days of 360 advertising every japanese exclusive title, but I don't know what has happened, but this attitude isn't doing any good to MS in Japan
Tweeted Swery asking if it was possible to get the prologue free on games with gold or something

Its really annoying the lack of exposure this has got, in a time where marketing either makes or breaks your release

yeah MS really dropped the ball on this and it annoys the hell out of me :/
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