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Xbox One Exclusive D4 is selling like complete shit, please help me #SaveD4


I bought this game yesterday, absolutely loving it and playing with kinect controls is great fun! Wish i could recommend it to my friends but they are all still rocking their 360's. I really hope this game will sell better in the next few weeks / months.


I was planning on picking this up during a sale or through GWG, but after reading the thread I bit the bullet. I've been hankering for something new and different so this should scratch that itch nicely. Always happy to support unique games like this, and it would be shame to see this tank and remain unfinished.


Junior Member
Swery deserves much better.



That's why Madden and FIFA sell better on PS4? Okay. I won't be surprised if AW will sell this year better on PS4. If anything, Microsoft went back to OG Xbox, early 360 day where they actually invest in niche games. Tables pretty much turned, PS4 is go-to console for "dudebros" (even though I see nothing wrong, if some people play mainstream games, not sure why some people use it as an insult). All my friends who were only playing CoD and Fifa last gen on 360, jumped to PS4. Those that carried about exclusives either bought both or only XB1.

I'm sorry, but sony doesn't? Why the heck is it called indiestation by so many fanboys? It's true part of the mainstream jumped ship and that is offcourse reflected in sales. But attach rate wise the cod, madden sales are probably be bigger on One still? Think you can more safely say Xbox lost some hardcore crowd too, which reflects in the sales.

Anyway, shame that d4 is doing bad. I plan to pick it up this week. Hadn't done it yet because of too much backlog between ps4 and one atm


they probably got some money out of the exclusive deal, and he probably knew better than us that a japanese game on a xbox console is not gonna sell big numbers. as usual, Vesperia is still the example to keep in mind.
Well I wasn't really talking about if Sony had actually published it.

I get what you're saying, but I feel like even if it were published by a third-party it'd still do better on PS4 (install base notwithstanding) for various reasons. This was always going to be a niche title though. Still...10k? Damn, son.

Although even then, Sony is not beyond dumping a game out with no push and leaving it to fend for itself.

Then again, Vita might be pretty happy with 10k...


The writing was on the wall here I'm afraid.

Ultra-niche Japanese title? Only available on an unpopular console with a small install base? Never had a chance.


why did microsoft even fund this game if they ultimately left it out to die

i always wonder that when this type of scenario happens


The writing was on the wall here I'm afraid.

Ultra-niche Japanese title? Only available on an unpopular console with a small install base? Never had a chance.

Add episodic to the mix. They shouldve released episode 1 for free to build a fanbase and charge for the next episodes.

Coin Return

Loose Slot
I grabbed this a few days ago and although I've only had time to complete the first "case", I can tell it's something special.

If this game gets Shenmue'd I'll be very upset.


How are the leaderboards now? Less than 10k worldwide is incredible bad, that's less than small indie games get on Steam that have a $0 marketing budget. Even considering the lack of publicity, there's definitely an ingrained issue with discoverability on the Xbox store if that's the case.
How are the leaderboards now? Less than 10k worldwide is incredible bad, that's less than small indie games get on Steam during their launch window. Even considering the lack of publicity, there's definitely an ingrained issue with discoverability on the Xbox store if that's the case.

10k as of an hour ago.


How are the leaderboards now? Less than 10k worldwide is incredible bad, that's less than small indie games get on Steam during their launch window. Even considering the lack of publicity, there's definitely an ingrained issue with discoverability on the Xbox store if that's the case.

I think that's a good point - the new marketplace is clean but I don't think it does a good job of helping you find things. Plus, as others have said, it's a niche game, no marketing, and even if people find it, I don't think it would be easy for them to know what the game is like from a description/short video. This should have had a free episode to help push it.


It's not like they aren't advertising it. It has a huge ad on the dashboard and has for a week or so, but it looks like a really hard game to advertise. The word of mouth has been pretty good for it but I personally can't see myself playing it.
GT: Spectral Entity

Don't know of there's still room, but I loved Deadly Premonition, and this game has my interest highly piqued!

Things have been tight lately so I've not bought a major title since whenever Watch Dogs hit. Last game I bought was Contrast, it was on sale the other day. Short game, but another great experience!


oh swery :(

i really want to buy this game. once there's some more games on the xbone and perhaps a price cut or two, i'll definitely buy it.


Did my part by buying on day-one, but I've got too many games right now as it is and won't be spending time with it for a good while still. Supporting Swery because I fucking loved Deadly Premonition, but MS/Access really need to take this matter into their hands by promoting it themselves.


How are the leaderboards now? Less than 10k worldwide is incredible bad, that's less than small indie games get on Steam that have a $0 marketing budget. Even considering the lack of publicity, there's definitely an ingrained issue with discoverability on the Xbox store if that's the case.

It was right in the front page of the store though.

It had one of the large dashboard boxes.


I wonder if the extra sales on PlayStation that this game would have got would have generated more cash than what Microsoft gave him for his exclusivity deal?

I didn't buy his last game on Xbox, I bought it on PlayStation much later when Deadly Premonition Directors Cut came out.
I have zero interest in this game, thats why im not buying it.

He shouldnt of put his eggs in one basket. I think these type of games do much better on iOS than consoles. PC too.
I don't have an Xbox One, otherwise I would be all over this. I really dig Deadly Premonition.

I don't see you getting more than a few hundred sales out of this thread, OP, and even that is very optimistic. I absolutely wish this game the best, though.
Poor SWERY, I love that guy. I would have bought this in a second if I had a XBONE. I bought every version of DP that came out.


why did microsoft even fund this game if they ultimately left it out to die

Probably thought it would be a good title to help push the console in Japan. But after the flop of a launch felt it better to cut their losses and just release whatever was done so far.


Well it would help if they actually advertised the game, i had no idea it was even out until i saw a playthrough on Youtube.
Also is it digital only or does it have a physical release?


The writing was on the wall here I'm afraid.

Ultra-niche Japanese title? Only available on an unpopular console with a small install base? Never had a chance.

the install base shouldn't be a huge issue. it's selling to a tiny percentage of them. it can be a success on that, like in the early days of the 360 dead rising was a success on a small base.

the main issue is the lack of match between the audience of a system which was sold to fans of multiplayer shooters like titanfall/halo, like outrun 2 on original xbox which bombed as well, and the way microsoft positioned it (could easily have tried to present it as a more creative version of telltale walking dead, created a more structured online/media hype campaign over this year instead of going quiet and just dropping it suddenly, and been clearer about the kinect stuff). one of the more bungled releases recently.
I think this will have a long tail to it, just like Deadly Premonition did. If I ever get an XBox One, this is the first game I'm buying, thanks to the footage I've seen of it. Microsoft may have stealth released it because they saw how DP became a cult thing and wanted something similar.

Or they just wanted more diversity. Either way yaaaay
There really isn't much that is 'niche' about the gameplay, not in light of how well The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead have done. It certainly has a Japanese feel, with the food/energy mechanic, but i would think that with the right publicity D4 could do well on the One.

This isn't like when Microsoft got the exclusive rights to Lost Odyssey. I'm not a big fan of Japanese games, but had been following this for a while and bought it on its release. It was originally envisioned as a Kinect-only title, so that is something to keep in mind. Microsoft's voice/motion controls are way ahead of the Playstation.


Neo Member
was going to pick this up when my date limit gets reset next week.

Hope it sells enough so it gets more episodes. Lets tweet phil.


I bought a xbone just to play this essentially, and it was money well spent.
Also, Swery is pretty much the best.



Awesome thread, a Master Ninja. If I had a One, I'd definitely buy it at the full fifteen. Anyway, you're doing good work for a seemingly deserving game.


Party Pooper
Bought this the day it was up.

Also bought Deadly Premonition 3 times.

I should really get around to picking up Spy Fiction
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