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Xbox One Exclusive D4 is selling like complete shit, please help me #SaveD4


You're either a bro OR someone who should know better with a short memory and no self-respect. That's what I said and I stand by it. The people who fell for MS' backtrack will contribute to the eventual downfall of this industry. Expect to pay more, get less.

I didn't "fall" for anything, maybe I just want to play good games?


The two are entirely linked. Your average Madden/FIFA/CoD bro isn't interested in this stuff. They are the people who bought Xbone, as evidenced by Microsoft's marketing campaigns, their ESPN/NFL apps, etc. It's a fact. Dudebros bought Xbone. They don't care about games like this. Simple as that.

I'm done now.

That's why Madden and FIFA sell better on PS4? Okay. I won't be surprised if AW will sell this year better on PS4. If anything, Microsoft went back to OG Xbox, early 360 day where they actually invest in niche games. Tables pretty much turned, PS4 is go-to console for "dudebros" (even though I see nothing wrong, if some people play mainstream games, not sure why some people use it as an insult). All my friends who were only playing CoD and Fifa last gen on 360, jumped to PS4. Those that carried about exclusives either bought both or only XB1.
Man, such a shame. Who would've envisaged the exclusive release of a niche Japanese title would be so under appreciated on the BroBox One?

I can't help you. I don't have an Xbox One and I have no intention of ever giving MS money again. Release it on PS4 and I'll buy it.

You mean the CoD/Titanfall/FIFA machine?

After what MS did before the backtrack, what sort of self-respecting person in the know would buy one? The majority of people who own the Xbone are bros who don't know any better and just want to play FIFA.

There, I said it!

I'm not trolling. Im not being a fanboy. That's my honest belief. Those are the people who bought the Xbone.

Talk about taking things too seriously.

Okay m8! You keep quoting me and trying to get me banned. I'm just expressing my opinion. It's a valid point. The game isn't selling because it's an XBone exclusive and there isn't enough interest from the install base. That's a fact. I'm not "port begging". I'm responding to the OP. Release it on another platform and it'll sell.

Your decision is your decision. I personally refuse to give MS my money after the thousands I gave last gen.

My point is perfectly valid. The majority of Xbone owners aren't interested in niche Japanese titles like this. Explain to me how I'm wrong. I challenge you.

That's perfectly fine. But I would wager that the PS4 install base would be more likely to appreciate a game like this. I'm talking in terms of pure numbers here though. I'm not suggesting that everyone who owns an Xbone is an idiot who wouldn't appreciate this game. So stop being offended.

Then explain to me why this niche Japanese game isn't selling! It's because the install base aren't interested. The evidence is the very reason this thread was started.

And frankly I stand by that. MS desired to completely shaft its loyal fanbase over. If you ignored that, you don't have any self respect. Get me banned if you want, but it's true.

I spent literally thousands on my 360. When I found out what they had in store for us this gen I decided I was out. And I think it's a damn shame that this is so easily forgotten. You will live to regret it as their evil ways begin to creep in again.

See you all around!

Insults are a bannable offence.

The two are entirely linked. Your average Madden/FIFA/CoD bro isn't interested in this stuff. They are the people who bought Xbone, as evidenced by Microsoft's marketing campaigns, their ESPN/NFL apps, etc. It's a fact. Dudebros bought Xbone. They don't care about games like this. Simple as that.

I'm done now.

Have to respond to this. I didn't call you all "bros". Don't pretend I said something I didn't please. Read it again.

I said the majority of owners are bros. Clearly, people posting on a nerd forum don't fall into that category.

That's correct. It would be far less difficult for you to understand if you weren't desperately trying to discredit everything I say. Read everything I said again. There's really no point arguing about what I did or didn't say. You just have to read it again.

You're either a bro OR someone who should know better with a short memory and no self-respect. That's what I said and I stand by it. The people who fell for MS' backtrack will contribute to the eventual downfall of this industry. Expect to pay more, get less.

Of course it doesn't because you're in a frantic defensive rage. Come back later when you've calmed down.



I can only hope that the future of his studio is not in danger and that it's financially secure enough to survive this bomba (MS funded the game anyway, right?).


I've wanted this game since its first teaser, I'm a HUGE DP fan, but I feel they made the right game for the wrong platform. Ideally it would be multiplatform obviously (I know it's an exclusive), but I just don't think the audience is there on Xbox One. When I do decide to get an Xbox One this is the first game I'll be getting though; I think it looks just lovely and it's exactly the type of game I love.
Had no idea D4 was japanese developed! Maybe releasing only on X11 wasn't the smartest of choices? Microsoft dropped the ball on marketing for sure too. If I had an X1 id support it.

What are the chances of it getting a later port to PC/PS4? And before you say it's impossible because MS is the publisher I'll remind you about Ninja Gaiden 2 and Mass Effect 1 being "impossible" to port due to same reasons and get it happened.


Had no idea D4 was japanese developed! Maybe releasing only on X11 wasn't the smartest of choices? Microsoft dropped the ball on marketing for sure too. If I had an X1 id support it.

What are the chances of it getting a later port to PC/PS4? And before you say it's impossible because MS is the publisher I'll remind you about Ninja Gaiden 2 and Mass Effect 1 being "impossible" to port due to same reasons and get it happened.
Might well come to PC. Chances of it coming to the PS4 are pretty damn slim.
That's correct. It would be far less difficult for you to understand if you weren't desperately trying to discredit everything I say. Read everything I said again. There's really no point arguing about what I did or didn't say. You just have to read it again.

You're either a bro OR someone who should know better with a short memory and no self-respect. That's what I said and I stand by it. The people who fell for MS' backtrack will contribute to the eventual downfall of this industry. Expect to pay more, get less.

Maybe some people really like Halo? Maybe they prefer the online ecosystem of XB1 or the GUI or the sports/TV functionality? I think the PS4 is way better, but that's down to my taste in games and franchises. It doesn't mean Xbox One owners are ignorant, bros, or lack self-respect. There's a lot of things XB1 does that I wish PS4 did.

Neogaf is a nerd forum? o_O

You're in a 600+ post thread about a game that apparently sold only 10,000 copies.

I'm a HUGE DP fan

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm an idiot


It's even better if you imagine Terry Wogans voice when reading his posts lol

Anywho sorry OP if i still had my bone i would have purchased it but alas that ship sailed a few months ago. :(


TerryWogan parody account? Surely? I'm actually reading it in Wogans voice as well, which makes it even funnier!
InernationalGAF may need to youtube Terry Wogan ;)



Thanks for taking my posts out of context. You have to try harder.

If people wants to help Swery they have to buy the game now, not 1 year later after the game had already bombed. People asking for a port are not willing to help.
What are the chances of it getting a later port to PC/PS4? And before you say it's impossible because MS is the publisher I'll remind you about Ninja Gaiden 2 and Mass Effect 1 being "impossible" to port due to same reasons and get it happened.
Ninja Gaiden 2 wasn't funded by MS, and Mass Effect took 5 years because MS still had the publishing rights (they either expired, or EA bought them).


You're either a bro OR someone who should know better with a short memory and no self-respect. That's what I said and I stand by it. The people who fell for MS' backtrack will contribute to the eventual downfall of this industry. Expect to pay more, get less.
Holy fuck, really? That is not only insulting, but also has nothing to do with this topic. Go be salty somewhere else.


Man, such a shame. Who would've envisaged the exclusive release of a niche Japanese title would be so under appreciated on the BroBox One?

I can't help you. I don't have an Xbox One and I have no intention of ever giving MS money again. Release it on PS4 and I'll buy it.

You mean the CoD/Titanfall/FIFA machine?

After what MS did before the backtrack, what sort of self-respecting person in the know would buy one? The majority of people who own the Xbone are bros who don't know any better and just want to play FIFA.

There, I said it!

I'm not trolling. Im not being a fanboy. That's my honest belief. Those are the people who bought the Xbone.

Are you for fuckin real bruh?


I can't believe the 10,000 copies sold part, I mean I bought it and I can see at least 3-4 in my limited friends list who bought it too.

The numbers must be much higher.


Well I don't have much time but I'll try to buy it.

PS. I have self-respect but by definition I can't really know if I'm too naive or not so I guess that's a possibility.
NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling. You people just don't want to deal with reality. This isn't a discussion forum anymore. It's a place where people come to reassure each other of their expensive purchases. Please, ban me and remove my temptation.

See also: the Destiny thread.


I didn't know people still took consoles choices so seriously. Just buy the thing that has the games you like, such as D4. That's what I did.
But then I can't play Fifa or the upcoming COD, god damn it this is tough!

Buy a PS4 to regain maximum honour.

If you already own one, buy another and you'll ascend to become console god king. Worshipped and loved by all. You'll also get all the chicks.

Could your jimmies be more rustled? Quoting my entire posting history, continuing to post about it to anyone who mentions it. Just let it go mate.

But I'm only leading by example my enlightened friend. You've shown me the light, I've cast aside my BroBox and wish to regain my honour.

Please, show me the way. Guide me, oh enlightened one. I need you now more than ever. For if not for you, I would never have seen the light nor known the error of my ways.


NeoGAF: where any negativity, validly held or not is labelled as fanboyism or trolling. You people just don't want to deal with reality. This isn't a discussion forum anymore. It's a place where people come to reassure each other of their expensive purchases. Please, ban me and remove my temptation.

See also: the Destiny thread.


He wasn't fond of xbox one customers...
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