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Xbox One Exclusive D4 is selling like complete shit, please help me #SaveD4

So according to this tweet, MS approached Swery about making D4 for XB1. I'm so confused why they won't market a game they wanted to be made exclusively for XB1.

As was speculated before, Microsoft backed this game when the kinect was the focus of the system. Had that gamble worked and the Xbox one was the lead selling system, Microsoft would probably be shouting about this game everywhere. It doesn't make sense to bury it since you can use a controller so it gets a stealth release.


So while I was on my break at work I remembered we have this awesome technology called smartphones and I bought it. Now to get off work and play a little before I get on destiny!

And why is that? Should I go buy a Hyundai Elantra because it's selling like garbage? No. I'm going to buy the car that interests me. I'm not a charity. Good stuff sells. Period.

It's not about making a charitable donation, it's about supporting a developer and a type of game you want to see more of. If you personally don't care, then don't buy it. I know I've watched plenty of Deadly Premonition plays on youtube without buying it myself, I feel like Swery deserves support.
Welp. Should have gone with Sony. I'm not planning on buying an Xbox One. Had it come out for PS4 I would have surely bought it as it looks like my kinda game.
I didn't really have much interest in this game before but I've since watched the Quick Look on Giantbomb. For $15 may as well give it a shot.
Im hating the pointless stamina system. It's ruining it for me. Some actions rinse through stamina to the point where its just frustrating.
As stated earlier in the topic, I recommend equipping clothing that boosts stamina and buying a rabbit's foot from the store rather than wasting money on food.


How good/terrible of an idea would it be to buy this on my Japanese 360 account instead of a us one? I can buy the us version like that right? I had to make a jp account to get jp dlc on my 360 and I'm pretty confused as to where that leaves me for Xbox One. If possible I'd like to just keep using the Japanese account but have games/store in English.

I do not have an Xbox One but if I buy this I would like to be able to play it if I get one.


Junior Member
As stated earlier in the topic, I recommend equipping clothing that boosts stamina and buying a rabbit's foot from the store rather than wasting money on food.

What does a rabbit's foot do?

Also how do you actually equip clothing? I bought some but he doesn't seem to be wearing it.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Welp. Should have gone with Sony. I'm not planning on buying an Xbox One. Had it come out for PS4 I would have surely bought it as it looks like my kinda game.

Isn't that why you buy consoles? To play games you like?


Welp. Should have gone with Sony. I'm not planning on buying an Xbox One. Had it come out for PS4 I would have surely bought it as it looks like my kinda game.

From outward appearances, this was a case where Microsoft wanted to fund the creation of the game. It's not an "either or" situation most of the time with game development capital. There are different terms/circumstances/priorities between all the companies involved.


Isn't that why you buy consoles? To play games you like?

Maybe he doesn't want to buy a $500 console (assuming kinect) to play a single game.

It's a real sham that MS basically sent this game out to die. It's published by them, why is there no fanfare or advertisement?


Maybe Microsoft thought the game would be ready sooner and since it came out around the launch of Destiny, they figured advertising it would just get drowned out. If this came out in July or the beginning of August, I'd imagine we'd have heard a bit more from Microsoft since they had nothing out at the time.


Maybe he doesn't want to buy a $500 console (assuming kinect) to play a single game.

It's a real sham that MS basically sent this game out to die. It's published by them, why is there no fanfare or advertisement?

Because clearly that's the only good game that will ever be on the console.


I don't understand how Microsoft is not marketing this title as a platform exclusive especially when it's the one game where Kinect is used smartly and makes the game more enjoyable. It's a quality exclusive to boast about in their list. Not even in a Xbox Live email or anything. It should be added in their marketing list for exclusive titles and hopefully in a commercial medley of them at the least.
They at least tried to sell those games, though. With D4 it's like they are pretending it didn't exist in the first place.

I don't know, there was literally no marketing for PGR4 or Nuts and Bolts from what I can remember. Trouble in Paradise was also sent out with no marketing either.

And it's not like MS didn't do something similar only recently. Remember Alan Wake?

I still think Microsoft has something planned for marketing with this post he made.


maybe a Kinect standalone packin or the prologue soon to be free with GWG...

They need to hurry the hell up as it's sounding like he's getting ready to move on to a different project.
Downloaded this last night after seeing this thread. It's ok. Tell Tale + Quantum Leap + Bath Salts.

The mechanics (I'm looking at you stamina meter!) and controls are awful, but the insane story and characters make up for it. I'm playing with a controller.

It's awesome that Microsoft published something this weird. There's no way this game would ever set the world on fire. It's too inaccessible, but I like inaccessible sometimes.
if that were true Fifa and Destiny wouldnt have sold as well as they did

I know the trend right now is to talk crap about Destiny, but I like and enjoy Destiny (and a lot of people like FIFA).

If you're going to design a game that has no mass appeal, don't be upset when it doesn't sell well. It's simple. I'm not advocating not pursuing your dreams and making the game YOU want to make. Go for it. Again, though, I'm not here for charity for video games. There are plenty of games that will attract me and I will go out and buy them. It's simple supply and demand.


I don't understand how Microsoft is not marketing this title as a platform exclusive especially when it's the one game where Kinect is used smartly and makes the game more enjoyable. It's a quality exclusive to boast about in their list. Not even in a Xbox Live email or anything. It should be added in their marketing list for exclusive titles and hopefully in a commercial medley of them at the least.

Because it doesn't appeal to the gamerbro, First person shooting, NFL watching lifestyle that is apart of the Xbox marketing (on the consoles themeselves or protrayed in the mainstream advertising campaigns).

I don't have Xbox one, (its the main reason why I don't plan on buying this game even though I really want to experience the SWERY magic) but if it's anything like how the 360 showcased the indies or smaller developer games, I'm not surprised it's not selling well. If you don't have a following in what's going on in video games (casual video gamers), it would take an high amount of effort to discover the game first hand unless they like navigating several menus into the store just to find it.

Microsoft don't care about Indies unless your minecraft or already a well established/known studio/dev.


I know the trend right now is to talk crap about Destiny, but I like and enjoy Destiny (and a lot of people like FIFA).

If you're going to design a game that has no mass appeal, don't be upset when it doesn't sell well. It's simple. I'm not advocating not pursuing your dreams and making the game YOU want to make. Go for it. Again, though, I'm not here for charity for video games. There are plenty of games that will attract me and I will go out and buy them. It's simple supply and demand.

While that is true, Microsoft are the game's publisher and they have done nothing whatsoever to selling so it's their fault too.
While that is true, Microsoft are the game's publisher and they have done nothing whatsoever to selling so it's their fault too.

I can agree with that. There are three parts to this "selling like shit" equation:
1. Small target audience to begin with.
2. Little to no marketing.
3. Limited (XB1 only) and fumbled release.
I don't know, there was literally no marketing for PGR4 or Nuts and Bolts from what I can remember. Trouble in Paradise was also sent out with no marketing either.

And it's not like MS didn't do something similar only recently. Remember Alan Wake?

Alan Wake really doesn't belong in that company. It had a decent marketing campaign, although they tried something else with Bright Falls and advertising in cinemas, and it didn't quite work. And then there was the case of RDR release date being pushed forward...

By the way, what they've done with D4 is terrible, but it's not an excuse for singling them out for abandoning beloved and promising games and franchises. It's not at all something that is unique to Microsoft.


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
Maybe he doesn't want to buy a $500 console (assuming kinect) to play a single game.

Clearly, but that doesn't seem to be the point of his post, as well as many others in this thread. They read more like "stop putting games I want on consoles I don't own!". I'm sure there will be more games that are sorts of games that he enjoys that will be released exclusively for XB1, should we have to read the same comments in all of them? There is a reason port begging is not allowed here, it gets tiring.

It seems like some people are more concerned with the name on their console and not the content within it.


Because it doesn't appeal to the gamerbro, First person shooting, NFL watching lifestyle that is apart of the Xbox marketing (on the consoles themeselves or protrayed in the mainstream advertising campaigns).

I don't have Xbox one, (its the main reason why I don't plan on buying this game even though I really want to experience the SWERY magic) but if it's anything like how the 360 showcased the indies or smaller developer games, I'm not surprised it's not selling well. If you don't have a following in what's going on in video games (casual video gamers), it would take an high amount of effort to discover the game first hand unless they like navigating several menus into the store just to find it.

Microsoft don't care about Indies unless your minecraft or already a well established/known studio/dev.

I agree that is the reason. I just think MS is totally making the wrong move here. The bottom line is it's an exclusive. A damn good one being unique and creative. D4 has a quirky charm appeal that can appeal to a wide audience especially being episodic if marketed properly. Its much cheaper price compared to a retail game and the explosion of episodic games by Tell Tale, D4 can be the exclusive version of The Walking Dead while demonstrating Xbox One's Kinect. It can be a runaway success with these combinations, but Microsoft had made no attempt to replicate Tell Tale success when all the ingredients are there (low price point, great game, intriguing story solving a mystery, good use of Kinect, episodic success, etc). They had the right idea but poor execution. They can at least attempt to market it especially when people can easily be addicted with its episodic nature. I know it's a stretch but I would like to see some television spots as all it takes is a lot of people to try it and spread by word of mouth to discuss the season.


Picked this up last night. It will be my first Swery game. Have no real expectations for it, just wanted to support the game. Hopefully sales pick up from word of mouth. Wasn't that how Deadly Premonitions went?
Picked this up last night. It will be my first Swery game. Have no real expectations for it, just wanted to support the game. Hopefully sales pick up from word of mouth. Wasn't that how Deadly Premonitions went?

Pretty much. Maybe that's Microsoft's "vision."

Shitty vision.


Gold Member
Hopefully more people discover this wonderful title. I even enjoyed and preferred the kinect controls! I had only one part where the kinect didn't do what I wanted which was
grabbing the oxygen mask

I could easily see this title being in my top 5 when the 2014 goty thread rolls around.
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