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Xbox One Exclusive D4 is selling like complete shit, please help me #SaveD4


What's the alternative? Bad-mouthing Microsoft and speaking out about how the episodic nature might mean the game will never have an ending? I don't know how true the OP's assumptions are, but it sure doesn't sound like Microsoft let him make the game he wanted-- maybe half of it, at best.

I'm sure Sony, or even Nintendo, would have been fine with D4 just the way it is. If Kinect was integral to the game (controller support proves otherwise, though it may be his envisioned control method, so it's worth considering) or there was some other proclamation besides these broad generalizations every dev says about their exclusivity partners, I could understand, but I find this whole idea kind of silly.

Well-put. I would be all over D4 if I owned an Xbox One, but that's not a possibility. I made a choice in not buying Microsoft's console, so I have to live with missing out on a few exclusives I would like to play. It's tough sometimes when I see games like Sunset Overdrive, but there's plenty of other things to play on PC, Wii U, PS4, Vita, and 3DS than I could ever possibly manage getting around to, let alone consider buying another platform for. So, I bid these games good luck, and will remember them should they be relieved of their exclusivity.

I´m not saying all games must release on the console of my choice, I´m just pointing out that had it come out on the console I own I would have bought it.
In regards to the choice of Sony vs Microsoft as a publisher, I also know that the choice is not always available, it´s just apparent they got a raw deal with MS, sadly.

What 'raw deal' is this? That is ridiculous. Do you realize Microsoft funded this game? You have no idea if Sony offered a deal equivalent to Microsoft's offering. You don't even have an idea if Sony approached Swery to publish the title let alone fund it. You're making this huge assumption he took a 'raw' deal without any knowledge of his proposals he had if any and if they were as close to what Microsoft provided, and as such, you're insulting Swery's efforts to realize his vision for the game assuming he didn't do what is best for his game. If you follow him on twitter, you'll know he has warm feelings towards Microsoft.. Where was Sony in providing a "raw deal"?

Port begging is not allowed. A lot of it in here.

Port begging is not allowed. A lot of it in here.

He said he pitched it to MS. Some people making out like MS had a gun to his head or something, lololol. They allowed him to create the game he wanted but clearly thats too much for others to understand.


I watch the NFL... is it okay that I bought this game or should I ask for my money back because you have a narrow, embarrassing world-view?

He's not wrong though. This type of game doesn't seem like it would appeal to the main demographic that is actually buying a Xbone. Just because you are an outlier doesn't change that. Possibly people could be waiting for the game to fully release all the episodes before jumping in. I know I did that for The Walking Dead S1 and plan on doing it again for S2.


He said he pitched it to MS. Some people making out like MS had a gun to his head or something, lololol. They allowed him to create the game he wanted but clearly thats too much for others to understand.

Yeah, hopefully the thread can be cleaned up. The port beggers are doing a good job derailing the thread (why it's not allowed).

Swery took the best deal offered to him. It's as simple as that. People should be applauding Microsoft for taking the initiative and making such a big deal showing confidence to a lesser known developer and giving him a chance. I just wished it had better marketing even an e3 spot on the big screen (don't remember but don't think it was at the MS presentation).
I just wished it had better marketing even an e3 spot on the big screen.

Well, I don't disagree, but it got one last year when it was announced and was originally due out in February. Not really episodic so much if they don't release them as episodes which was the plan. It got delayed 7 months, presumably because it wasn't done, and they decided to lump the episodes together for "Season 1".

I don't think it helps that there isn't a schedule or public plan for where they take the game after this, I don't think it would kill MS to have commissioned more and played a long game with it, but I'm just an armchair executive on this one.

Perhaps they should (or should have) released a demo of the prologue or something
If you have an Xbox One, another way to help D4 get some more exposure is to give it a 5 Star rating. It's already near the top, but if it manages to crack the top four it will be easily visible on the main Store page.


If you have an Xbox One, another way to help D4 get some more exposure is to give it a 5 Star rating. It's already near the top, but if it manages to crack the top four it will be easily visible on the main Store page.

How can I rate it? Can I do it from the SmartGlass app or do I have to be on my Xbox One?

I'll gladly 5-star it, deserves it.

Hibiki Rush

Neo Member
Yeah, hopefully the thread can be cleaned up. The port beggers are doing a good job derailing the thread (why it's not allowed).

Swery took the best deal offered to him. It's as simple as that. People should be applauding Microsoft for taking the initiative and making such a big deal showing confidence to a lesser known developer and giving him a chance. I just wished it had better marketing even an e3 spot on the big screen (don't remember but don't think it was at the MS presentation).

It was revealed during the Xbox conference at last year's E3.
So i saw Phil Spencer was active in twitter few hours ago, anyone tweeted them?

I tweeted both Spencer and Greenberg twice, as I'm sure many others did. The funniest thing is, when Greenberg became the head of marketing, I congratulated him, and asked him not to let the good games go unnoticed because of lack of marketing. He seemed to agree.

How can I rate it? Can I do it from the SmartGlass app or do I have to be on my Xbox One?

I'll gladly 5-star it, deserves it.

Go to the game's store page when you're signed in, the option should be there.

It was revealed during the Xbox conference at last year's E3.

It was also in the montage shown at this year's show.


I just picked up Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Ultimate Edition for my PS3 because I loved D4 so much. I've never played Deadly Premonition so I'm looking forward to it.


Supporting Swery for more of this.


I would rather wait for a physical release of the complete game before buying this... Too bad its selling like complete shit.

I've already told this poster to his face this, but this is a terrible attitude. Yeah, I get _some_ small downloadable games have gotten physical releases, like Minecraft, Walking Dead, and Killer Instinct. But imagine someone said something like this:

I would rather wait for a physical release of Max Curse Of Brotherhood before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Shadow Complex before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Dust An Elysian Tail before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Super Meat Boy before buying...

Besides, this poster doesn't need to buy it. I bought the game already and his Xbox is my home Xbox.
Just picked this up, solely because of this thread (Thank you). But due to the fact that I game on my monitor, I'm waiting for my headset adapter to arrive so I can actually listen to game audio / play my god damn XBO.

Meanwhile, my PS4 is plug and play with practically any headset, 3.5mm or USB.

Dog nose

Neo Member
I've been intrigued by this game and will probably grab it soon. I'm just so curious as to why MS just sort of "slipped" it out without any media support?


I just picked up Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Ultimate Edition for my PS3 because I loved D4 so much. I've never played Deadly Premonition so I'm looking forward to it.


Supporting Swery for more of this.

Amazing experience, enjoy
Ninja Gaiden 2 wasn't funded by MS, and Mass Effect took 5 years because MS still had the publishing rights (they either expired, or EA bought them).

Whatever the reasons they were published by MS and they still jumped ship so thats why Im asking how possible is to see D4 on any other platform other than X1? Even if it's 5 years from now.

Does Microsoft actually own the D4 IP? Because that'd be an entire different story.
I have an XB1 and this game just doesn't look interesting. YouTube hasn't done a good job of selling me on it either. Wouldn't say the poor sales are mainly due to poor advertising, because for me it's knowing wtf kind of game it is and why I should buy it
Because it doesn't appeal to the gamerbro, First person shooting, NFL watching lifestyle that is apart of the Xbox marketing (on the consoles themeselves or protrayed in the mainstream advertising campaigns).

I don't have Xbox one, (its the main reason why I don't plan on buying this game even though I really want to experience the SWERY magic) but if it's anything like how the 360 showcased the indies or smaller developer games, I'm not surprised it's not selling well. If you don't have a following in what's going on in video games (casual video gamers), it would take an high amount of effort to discover the game first hand unless they like navigating several menus into the store just to find it.

Microsoft don't care about Indies unless your minecraft or already a well established/known studio/dev.

A wild Terry Wogan alt appears.
I just picked up Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut Ultimate Edition for my PS3 because I loved D4 so much. I've never played Deadly Premonition so I'm looking forward to it.


Supporting Swery for more of this.

supporting swery's second rate effort? the ps3 (and pc port) is fucking garbage and didn't even have half of the new features mentioned in the previews.
What 'raw deal' is this? That is ridiculous. Do you realize Microsoft funded this game? You have no idea if Sony offered a deal equivalent to Microsoft's offering. You don't even have an idea if Sony approached Swery to publish the title let alone fund it. You're making this huge assumption he took a 'raw' deal without any knowledge of his proposals he had if any and if they were as close to what Microsoft provided, and as such, you're insulting Swery's efforts to realize his vision for the game assuming he didn't do what is best for his game. If you follow him on twitter, you'll know he has warm feelings towards Microsoft.. Where was Sony in providing a "raw deal"?

Port begging is not allowed. A lot of it in here.

Talk about assumptions. I already said that I in fact didn't know if any other offers were made or even if Swery was interested in other offers. But to say I'm insulting the developer is pushing it. I'm just skeptical of Microsoft's efforts to promote the game once Kinect wasn't a big deal for them.

The word begging in "port begging" implies a heavy interest, which I don't have. And as for the "raw deal", I base that on the fact that the game was released unceremoniously without even setting a release date prior to said release, if I am to believe the OP.

As you said, no more derailing the thread which was made as a way to support the game. Judging by peoples feedback, it deserves it, irregardless of what console it's on.
I've already told this poster to his face this, but this is a terrible attitude. Yeah, I get _some_ small downloadable games have gotten physical releases, like Minecraft, Walking Dead, and Killer Instinct. But imagine someone said something like this:

I would rather wait for a physical release of Max Curse Of Brotherhood before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Shadow Complex before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Dust An Elysian Tail before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Super Meat Boy before buying...

Besides, this poster doesn't need to buy it. I bought the game already and his Xbox is my home Xbox.

People say that shit in every indie thread and it's goddamn annoying.


Rolling Girl
I've already told this poster to his face this, but this is a terrible attitude. Yeah, I get _some_ small downloadable games have gotten physical releases, like Minecraft, Walking Dead, and Killer Instinct. But imagine someone said something like this:

I would rather wait for a physical release of Max Curse Of Brotherhood before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Shadow Complex before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Dust An Elysian Tail before buying...

I would rather wait for a physical release of Super Meat Boy before buying...

Besides, this poster doesn't need to buy it. I bought the game already and his Xbox is my home Xbox.

Oh shit, he is like that in real life? I just thought he was just a horrible troll the whole time.
Didn't this come out only days after anyone had even heard of it at all? Kind of problem one right there. Deadly Premonition seemed to have a slow burn as word of its insanity slowly spread. Even if this had marketing in advance I can't imagine there is any situation in which this is a big seller right off the bat.
Didn't this come out only days after anyone had even heard of it at all? Kind of problem one right there. Deadly Premonition seemed to have a slow burn as word of its insanity slowly spread. Even if this had marketing in advance I can't imagine there is any situation in which this is a big seller right off the bat.

No, it was announced at E3 2013. The release was spontaneous.
Whatever the reasons they were published by MS and they still jumped ship so thats why Im asking how possible is to see D4 on any other platform other than X1? Even if it's 5 years from now.

Does Microsoft actually own the D4 IP? Because that'd be an entire different story.
They don't own the IP. There's a lot more factors that come into play, though. I'll respond from how I see it.

Starting with the 5 year thing, which comes from the original Mass Effect.

Mass Effect was such a rare case, and we still don't know all the details behind how that happened. We can make some guesses based these facts:
  • Mass Effect 1 was published by Microsoft in November 2007
  • EA Acquired BioWare/Pandemic in January 2008
  • First DLC is released in March 2008. The trailer has updated copyright info at the end
  • Mass Effect 1 was released on PC in May 2008 published by EA
  • Platinum Hits version of Mass Effect was released in February 2009 published by Microsoft.
  • Second DLC is released. Both Microsoft and EA are listed at the end of the trailer.
  • In 2012 (5 years after the initial release of ME1) EA releases Mass Effect Trilogy. Every version of ME1 in the boxset has EA as the publisher, even the 360 version (though Microsoft is still in the credits)
Going off this info, we can assume that Microsoft had the publishing rights on console for 5 years. We just don't know how EA got the full rights. I think it's likely that they expired, and EA used the opportunity to put together a collection for the holiday. After all, a lot of publishers were releasing compilations, and Mass Effect was a proven success.

Lets just use a worst case scenario for D4, and pretend that it continues to sell poorly and doesn't get anymore episodes/seasons. If Microsoft's publishing rights do expire after 5 years, Would there really be any reason to port it to other consoles? Would anyone be interested in publishing it? How many people would want to buy it after 5 years? Etc...

Obviously I'm making a lot of assumptions, especially since every deal is different. Swery has been pretty vocal about it being Xbox exclusive on twitter, and it is a game that is made with Kinect in mind (with controller support as an option). I suppose a PC port is possible, but I won't even begin to guess what Microsoft's plan for PC games is at the moment.

Anyway, I'm getting a bit off topic here. Let's get back to talking about how awesome D4 is.


Eeny Meenie Penis
Just beat it. Awesome game and I hope MS keeps funding new episodes to finish the story. I'm sure they will though. :p


Oh shit, he is like that in real life? I just thought he was just a horrible troll the whole time.

He's a great person - but he does troll Neogaf a bit. =) He just has an obsession with physical media over digital. But sometimes physical media just doesn't make sense. There are tons of great downloadable games that will never have physical releases.
#SaveD4 Update 10/1/2014

-The FREE Fable and Gears of War clothing DLC has been released

-Swery has just arrived in Boston for his lecture. Hopefully he gets some inspiration for future episodes while there.

-Alex Navarro posted his review for D4, 4/5 Stars. His colleague Patrick Klepek is digging the game too.

-D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die is the 4th top selling downloadable game for whatever time frame this chart covers, apparently?

-Swery has embraced the #SaveD4 movement!

-Don't forget, if you have an Xbox One give the game 5 stars so it cracks the "top rated" list and shows up on the main store page.
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